
食品与药品Food and Drug 2008年第10卷第07期13
t800碳纤维葛花水提取液浓度为1.0g ﹒mL -1时,由自然诱导或环磷酰胺诱导的蚕豆根尖细胞微核率最低,分别为4.40‰和11.11‰;对蚕豆根尖细胞微核的抑制率达到最高,分别为79.07%和53.90%。结论葛花水提取液可有效地抑制蚕豆根尖细胞微核的产生,且抑制作用随着葛花水提取液浓度的增大而增强,表明葛花水提取液具有抑制遗传毒性的作用。
中图分类号:S529文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-979X (2008)07-0013-03
E f fect of W at er E xt ract of Fl os Puerari ae onM i cronucl eus Form at i on i n V i ci a faba R oot T i pC el l s
楚辞 招魂
X I A L i ng,C H E N Ji ng,D I N G X i ao-w en
(C oll ege of Foo d Sci ence,S outhw est U n i ver si ty,C hon gqi n g 400716,C hina)
A bst r act :O bj ect i ve T o ap pr o ach t he ef f ect o f w at er ext ract of F l os Pu er ari ae on m i cr o nucl eus f orm at ion in V i ci a faba r o ot ti pcell s.M et hods T h e r o ot ti p s of V i ci a f ab a w i t hcy cl o ph osph am ide or w i tho ut cycl op ho sp ham i d e w ere t reat ed w i th dif ferent con cent rati o ns o f w ater extr act of Fl o s Pu erari ae andt he m i cr o scope w as used f o r t h e exam i n at ion of m icr o nucl eu s for m at ion.R esul t s W h en t he concentr ati on of w at er ext ract o f F l os P uerar iae w as 1.0g ﹒m L -1,t h e m i cronucleus f o r m at ion(M C N ‰)i n r oot t ip cel ls w hi ch w as cr eat ed nat ur all y or i n duced w i t h cycl oph osp ham i de w as low est ,4.40‰and 11.11‰r esp ecti vel y;t h e i n hi b i t ion r ate o n m i cr o nucl eu s for m at i o n w as t al lest,79.07%an d 53.90%,resp ecti vel y .C oncl usi on T h e w ater ex t r act of F l os Pu er ar i ae can ef f ecti vel y i n hibit t h e creat io n o f r o ot ti pcell s m i cr o n ucl eu s o f V icia f aba an d the inh ibit o ry actiono f the w ater extract of F l o s Pu erari ae canbe str eng t h en edal o ngw it ht h e i
ncr easi n g con centr at ion s of i tsel f,w hichi n dicat es t h e w ater ex t ract of Flos P uer ar iae has ani n hib i tory ef fect onher ed i tary tox i cit y .
K ey w or ds :Fl o s Pu er ari ae;w at er extr act;V ici a f aba;m i cronucleus r at e
*通讯作者:丁晓雯,教授,博士,研究方向为食品安全与保健食品T 353x @y 葛花(F l o s P u e r a r i a e )为豆科植物野葛
[Pue r a r i a l oba t a (W i l l d.)
O hw i ]、甘葛藤(Puer ar i a t hom soni i Bent h.)的花,异名葛条花[1],具有解酒醒脾的功能,能有效抑制伤酒发热烦渴、不思饮食、呕逆吐酸、吐血、肠风下血等症状[2]。现青岛信报
目前对葛花的研究多为其解酒功能及其黄酮、葛花苷等化学成分,对其水提取液遗传毒性的研究很少。我们通过蚕豆根尖微核实验,研究了葛花水提取液对环磷酰胺诱导及自然诱导的蚕豆根尖微核率的影响,揭示了葛花水提取液抑制遗传毒性方面的功能,此研究结果将使此传统药物在防病治病中起更大的作用。1材料和方法1.1材料与试剂葛花(重庆市北碚中医院药房);蚕豆(重庆198-e l :10949747E-m a i l :i ao w e nd 2001a m

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标签:提取液   蚕豆   细胞   研究   抑制   核率   材料
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