
船长! Captain!
你是谁? Who are you?
-那是什么? -阁下... - What does it mean? - Majesty ...
-我在渔网里到的 -吹吧,就吹吧... - I found in fishing nets. - He said the stories, which ...
我们相信是真的... We believe it is ...
庞塞德 莱昂... Ponce de Leon ...
他说他到了庞赛德莱昂的船 He said he found ship Ponce de Leon.
-在他航行中到的 -不,我不是告诉你了吗? - As he sailed into it. - No, I tell you?
-庞德莱昂两百年前就死了 -没错,但他是为了某样东西而死的,不是吗? - Ponce de Leon died 200 years ago. - Yes, but he died looking for something, right?
不老之泉... Fountain of youth ...
你啥时候能准备好? When you can be ready to go?
随着洋流 Once the tide.
加勒比海盗之惊涛怪浪 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
编译:John Sir >>>> HORA_DA_PIPOCA <<<<
今天轮到海盗了 Today will be executed pirates!
快点,老爸,我们快赶不上了! And hurry up, Dad, otherwise miss hanging!
不是的,甜心,这只是仪式 下午才轮到刽子手 There is a hanging, baby it's a process. Carrasco will be in the afternoon.
快点!小心脚下 Come on! On your feet.
快走,海盗! Moves that piratule!
或者最好叫你“肮脏的海盗”! Or, better yet, dirty pirate!
快点!快走 Come on! Move it.
安静! Quiet!
现在你们这些恶名昭著的海盗小贼和恶棍们将被审判 Now you will be judged notorious pirate thief and a bad
江西中医学院学报杰克-斯派罗船长! Captain Jack Sparrow!
我都说了,我是吉布斯 吉布斯,只要你... I said, I called Gibbs Joshamee Gibbs, how many times you ...
站起来接受审判 -本次的审判者是, Take your request to receive it Who will judge this process,
尊敬的史密斯法官! Mr Justice Smith!
安静! Quiet!
现在... Now ...
-我们这儿都有什么? -杰克? - What have we here? - Jack?
没那个必要啊! There was no need for that!
你说什么? What were you saying?
我不叫杰克,我是吉布斯! Do not call me Jack Sparrow but Gibbs Joshamee!
真的吗? 这里写的可是杰克 Just right? Here writes Jack Sparrow.
那就是杰克-斯派罗,我若清楚的话肯定一眼就认出来了 There's Jack Sparrow, but he identified and without hesitation if it would help my case.
除非你想被揍,那才会有点作用 This only helps if you like thi again to be beaten like a dirty rug.
囚犯声称作为杰克来说他是无罪的 -如何判决? Prisoner support is not guilty Jack Sparrow. His verdict?
-我们不是该虫验证据吗? -请您裁决 有罪吗? - There must examine the evidence? - Please verdict. Guilty?
罪名若成立,他将被处以绞刑 If he is guilty, will be hanged.
吊死她!用绳子勒死她! Spanzurati it! Place the neck and lathe!
-有罪吗...? -太不公平了! - Guilty ...? - It's not fair!
闭嘴! Shut up!
吉布斯... 你承认谋杀吗 Gibbs Joshamee ... You blame Murder
你承认杰克-斯派罗无罪吗 do not blame you Jack Sparrow.
你的供词前后不一, Your Sentinta is changed,
你的余生将会在监狱中悲惨的度过 will be for the rest intemnitat your life miserable.
-什么? -吊死他! - What? - Spanzurati it!
准备好了! Pronto!
把这个囚犯运到伦敦塔去! Arrange transportation of prisoners Tower of London!
非常感谢你 Thank you very much.
合作愉快! Climb on!
毛蛋,现在咱两人都进去了 Damn, now we both temnita.
别担心,我已经卖通了车夫 Do not worry, I bribed the coachman.
十分钟之内我们就能离开伦敦,今晚咱就能到海岸 In ten minutes, we will leave London and tonight we'll reach the shore.
之后唯一的问题就是如何艘船了 Then it will remain just a question of finding a boat.
-所以说,一切都是计划好了的? -没错 - So, everything is part of a plan? - Exactly.
我们到伦敦只是为了救他 Arrived in London tanc just to save him
吉布斯在绞刑架那接应 Gibbs invited Joshamee by hanging.心跳设计师
既然你还活着,那就是说我的计划很给力 Once you're still alive, I plan perfectly.
你怎么了,吉布斯? 我以为你在其它哪里被 What happened to you, Gibbs? I thought you are employed elsewhere.
是的,但我总是注意关于黑珍珠的传言 Yes, but I always listen carefully Rumors of the Black Pearl.
没人知道它停在了港口 Nobody knew was to anchor in the harbor.
之后我听到了另一个传言 Then I heard another rumor.
杰克-斯派罗已经到了伦敦,他在一个船员 Jack Sparrow has arrived in London a ship in search of a crew.
-扯蛋 -我听到的就是这样 - Not really. - I am what I heard.
事实上,你今晚就是小酒馆里船长的女儿 Actually, you're recruiting night Captain's Daughter in the tavern.
-不对! -这似乎有点奇怪, - Not true! - It seemed a little strange
但预言从不会容易 but you were never easy to predict.
所以说在某个地方还有另一个杰克在毁我名声? So it's another Jack Sparrow somewhere and ruin my reputation?
-一派胡言! -没错 - A quack! - It's true.
-但是...那骗子有艘船 -而且还缺船员 - But ... Deceiver has a boat. - And he needs a crew.
顺便说下,这正是我需要的 Moreover, exactly what I and I need.
但你,杰克?我最后听到你是在不老之泉 But you, Jack? The last time I heard you, look for the fountain of youth decided.
你这进行的怎么样了? How do you get to go?
特殊情况强迫我来思考更好的 Special Circumstances forced me Better think
必要的自主裁决权来实现目标 discretia the necessary achieving the goal.
-我是说,你放弃了 -不对! - I mean, you give up. - Not true!
我只是决定开始而已!再果断点 I just decided to get started! Even more decisive.
我喜欢这水,因此,吉布斯先生,记住你说的话 I like the water, so Mr. Gibbs remembers to tell you.
看来这是个很短的旅行 Seems like it was a short trip.
是计划的一部分? Part of the plan, is not it?

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