
Text A                Working Women --— East and West 
Work,for most American and Chinese women aged 55 and under, involves responsibility n.责任,责任心;职责 for a householda child or children,and a job outside the home as well也)对于大多数55岁或55岁以下的美国妇女和中国妇女来说,工作包括家务、照顾一个或几个孩子以及一份家庭以外的工作,It all adds up to a busy life.所有这些加起来就是忙碌的生活。How is it going for them   for us 她们现在的情况怎么样我们中国的情况又怎么样呢
Experts have observed 为我唱首歌吧 阅读答案[      ] vt.&vi.观察 that life forms a different sort of adv.有几分地a.有几分地 pyramid for women in China than in the United States.专家学者已经注意到,对中美两国妇女来说,生活形成的“金字塔”形状各不相同。In China,nearly all young mothers are employed被雇佣 outside the home,在中国,几乎所有年轻的母亲都有职业,
with their numbers decreasing [                  ] vt./vi./n.减小,减少 as they approach middle age.但随着年龄步人中年,人数越来越少。The reasons are clear:原因很清楚:the second income of the woman is an absolute绝对的 necessity必要性 for a young family with a child or two对于有一两个孩子的夫妇来说,妻子的这第二笔收入绝对是必要的。Later on,以后,when the children grow up,孩子长大了宝马案,the older couple [    ] n.夫妇;(一)对;几个can more easily live on the husband’s earnings plus the wife’s pension [      ] n. 养老金 老两口靠丈夫的收入加上妻子的养老金,生活就不太困难了。and fewer middle-aged women continue in employment.中年妇女继续工作者为数不多。
  The pyramid for American women is the opposite [' p zit]美国妇女的“金字塔”形状恰好相反with fewer young women employed , 年轻妇女工作的人数较少,and the number increasing 增加at older ages.而岁数较大时,人数却增加了。Many young mothers have found it more efficient有效的 to stay home,care for children themselves,许多年轻的母亲觉得呆在家里自己照顾孩子效果更好,and then find employment n.就业later when the children are older and more independent. 等孩子
长大些后,能比较独立地生活了,再去工作。But rising costs of living are requiring要求 more young American women 赌码to help support [      ] vt.支撑;支持;维持their families,但是,生活费用的增加需要更多的美国年轻妇女帮助养家,and it is increasingly 逐渐地true that young American women want to have jobs.而且美国年轻妇女想出去工作也日益成为事实。
But the American working mother often feels troubled by the complexity [            ] n.复杂(性) of her life.但是,有工作的美国母亲往往对生活的复杂性感到苦恼。Childcare is unreliable and expensive. 让人看小孩既不可靠费用又高。Childcare workers have low status and are not well educated and are poorly paid保育员社会地位低下,没受过良好的教育,收入很低—they are often women who are unable to get better jobs.——这些人往往是不到更好工作的妇女。Thus the American working mother always has the worry that her child is not being as well cared for as she hopes,因此,美国有工作的母亲总是担心孩子不能像她希望的那样受到很好的照顾,and the Cost of babysitters or private enterprise [          ] n.事业;企业daycare centers can cost half or more of her salary而且保姆费或私营幼儿园的收费要花掉她
工资的一半或者更多。Other worries distract分心 her from good performance工作n. at her job:还有其他的烦心事让她不能好好地工作:What if the babysitter gets sick 保姆病了怎么办What will her employer think if she has to stay at home with a sick child 要是必须留在家里照顾生病的小孩,老板会怎么想呢What if the car ,necessary to get the child to the daycare center and herself to and from 笛卡儿坐标her job,breaks down 要是送孩子上幼儿园和自己上下班的汽车坏了怎么办2014世界女排锦标赛Few people live close enough to their work or the childcare center to accomplish this on foot or by bicycle,as in China.很少有人能像在中国那样,住的离单位和幼儿园都很近,只要步行或骑车就行了。
In China,grandmothers play an invaluable role in taking care of children and households while the young parents are at work在中国,年轻的父母工作,祖母在照看孩子和料理家务上起了不可估量的作用。It seems like an ideal arrangement -- the grannies become important members of the family,这好像是一种理想的安排:奶奶成了家庭中的重要成员and they are housed and fed吃 in return—although in crowded homes that most American would not enjoy.供吃管住是对她们的报答——
虽然住的地方很拥挤,大部分美国人不喜欢这样。In America,an older woman who had to fill 填空;补缺this role would be likely to feel she was being made a kind of servant.在美国,必须这样做的老年妇女可能有被当作佣人使用的感觉。She may feel lonely sometimes,尽管有时候觉得孤独but generally is proud骄傲 of being self—sufficient.但总的来说,美国老年妇女以自立而感到骄傲。Both she and her family tend to feel she deserves值得 to be free of childcare now,having reared the large family of the 1950s baby boom经历了50年代的生育高峰,把很多子女都抚养大了,她和家人都感到她现在不应再看小孩了。
  On the job,Chinese women seem more confident,despite their traditional pretty manners,than do American women in their work p1ace.在工作单位,尽管中国妇女有传统的温文尔雅的举止,她们在工作中表现出的自信心似乎比美国妇女更强。American women seem  less inclined倾向于……的to speak up easily to the boss.美国妇女似乎不愿向上司大胆表述自己的意见。Young Chinese women at work seem more bold清晰的and less self-conscious.中国的年轻妇女在工作中似乎更大胆、更自然。The work unit is more like a large family,可利霉素工作单位更像一个大家庭where the y
oungest workers feel at ease[i:z] with the“mom”and“dad”of the group.最年轻的工作人员和这个大家庭的“妈妈”、“爸爸”在一起工作毫不感到拘束。American women act either as if they doubt [da  t]怀疑that they really belong at work among the men,美国妇女表现的要么好像怀疑自己竟然能同男子一样地工作,or they are constantly经常地,不断地looking for evidence[evids]特征 of discrimination辨别 against反对 them.  要么好像不停地寻歧视妇女的证据。
    At home,while Chinese men seem to be performing表演的 more household duties such as cleaning,cooking,shopping and caring for children than they used to,在家里,中国男子在诸如打扫卫生、洗衣、煮菜烧饭、买东西、照顾孩子等家务活方面似乎比过去做得多了,and American men are also becoming much more willing to“help”,而美国男子也比过去变得更加乐意去“帮助”做这些家务,it seems only realistic to say that people the world over still regard these as basically women’s tasks and therefore因此 women’s responsibility,但好像惟一现实的说法是:全世界的人仍然把这些工作看做本来就是妇女的事,是妇女的责任,no matter who may do them on any given day.而不管是谁哪一天干了这些活。They are a heavy[hevi] burden on
both Chinese and American women这对中美妇女都是一个沉重的负担,but Chinese women seem to shoulder them more firmly 坚定and more cheerfully高高兴兴地但是,中国妇女似乎更坚决、更乐意地挑起这副担子。
  American women do have varied and complex concerns:美国妇女确实有各种各样的复杂事情需要关心:in addition to work at home and on the job,a woman feels that she must make an attractive home that reflects her family’s status,除了家务和工作之外,她还觉得必须整理收拾出一个能反映家庭社会地位的、吸引人的家;she must present an attractive吸引人的 appearance外表at work,and above all,she must be a good companion to her husband.
Chinese women are freer of the competition for status,中国妇女没有那么多社会地位上的竞争,especially as represented by their homes特别是没有家庭代表的社会地位的竞争,and both men and women have a great deal of companionship in their work unit.而且,不论男女,在各自的工作单位上都有许多朋友交往。Chinese women
also look attractive at work,中国妇女在工作时也很漂亮,but they achieve 完成it more casually 偶然地and simply,但只是比较随意、简单地梳妆打扮一下,and do not seem to feel that their career progress发展进步n. depends on the way they look.好像没有感到她们的事业取决于她们的外表。

本文发布于:2024-09-21 14:50:29,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:妇女   工作   美国   孩子   中国   照顾   社会
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