
高考英语外刊时文精读精练 (12)
Travel after covid-19  疫情下的出行模式
【外刊原文】(斜体单词为超纲词汇,认识即可;下划线单词为课标词汇,需熟记。)In Auckland, the largest city in New Zealand, public-transport fares have been cut in half. In London politicians leave notes on civil se rvants’ desks telling them to turn up for work and beg people to start going back to the office. Eric Adams, the mayor(市长)of New York, has asked bank bosses to set an exampleby riding the subway.
None of it seems to be working. The subway is only two-thirds as busy as it was before covid-19. A uckland’s bus system was half as busy in April as it was three years earlier. Despite fears of “carmageddon”, people have not swapped public transport for the private kind. They are simply moving around less.
Although travel is likely to recover a little further, a return to the pre-pandemic pattern seems impossible. One reason is that not all journeys have declined. Parisians made more shopping trips last
summer than they did before covid appeared. In New York Sunday travel has held up better than weekday travel. What has collapsed is rush-hour commuting(通勤), particularly among well-paid workers in the knowledge economy. That suggests the change in behaviour is caused not by fear of infection—which might be expected to reduce over time—but by a fundamental change of work habits. Rich countries should accept this new reality, and start building transport systems to match.Infrastructure(基础设施)projects that just add capacity to conventional suburb-to-city-centre routes now
seem pointless, especially in the biggest cities. They are rooted in the idea that urban travel is like an asterisk(星号), with people squeezing onto radial roads and railway lines. Travel is now more like a spiderweb. People take fewer, often shorter journeys along thinner routes; they move to the side, as well as in and out. That explains why buses, which are often used for short journeys, have emptied out less than commuter trains.
Now that people travel less predictably, there is    a stronger case for innovations such as on-demand buses and “mobility as a service”, which
weaves together public transport and personal modes such as taxis and hired bikes. These make be
tter use of the existing infrastructure, and come closer to the convenience of cars. Antwerp, Genoa and Helsinki lead in this area. British cities need to do something more basic, by integrating their public-transport networks. Outside London, they tend to have some bus companies, some railway lines and perhaps a tram system, all doing their own thing. The result is confusion and often greater cost for the public.
Countries should not give up tools on public-transport projects. Their populations are growing, and they will need to cut congestion and carbon emissions. But instead of building more radii(半径交通线), along the lines of London’s new Elizabeth line or the tunnel being dug at huge expense under the East river in New York, they should make it easier to travel around cities, or from one satellite town to another.
The transition from asterisks to spiderwebs will be difficult. Everybody from motorists to transport unions will complain. But at least a couple of things have become easier. Because so many people have learned to work from home, engineers should not fear to work on roads or railways between Monday and Friday, rather than disturbing    a string of weekends. And any transport union that threatens to strike is welcome to try. The days when unions could paralyse(使瘫痪) cities by shutting down public transport are over. Along with much else.
1.turn up出现,到来,露面
Richard had turned up on Christmas Eve 理查德和托尼在圣诞夜一道露面了。
Half the guests failed to turn up.有一半的客人没到。
The cream works immediately to relieve sore skin.这种乳霜可以立即缓解皮肤疼痛。
My plan worked, and I got them to agree. 我的计划奏效了,我让他们同意了。3.swap交换,交易
We swapped addresses with the people we met on holiday.我们与度假时认识的人交换了地址。
芮成钢专访领导者We spent the evening in the pub, swapping (= telling each other) stories/jokes.我们整个晚上都泡在酒吧,轮流讲故事/笑话。
4.private 私人的,私有的;独用的
All bedrooms have private facilities.所有卧室都有独用卫生设备。
I caught him looking through my private papers.我撞见他在翻阅我的私人文件。
Some students lose marks simply because they don't read the question properly.有些学生丢分只是因为没有看清楚题目。
It's not simply a question of money.这不仅仅是钱的问题。
Do remind me because I'm likely to forget.一定要提醒我,因为我可能会忘记。
It's quite likely that we'll be in Spain this time next year.明年的这个时候我们很可能会在西班牙。
7.decline变小,减少;下降; 减弱
The birth rate continued to decline.出生率继续下降。
Her health began to decline.她的健康状况开始恶化。
The chair collapsed under her weight.椅子承受不了她的重量散架了。
He thought his whole world had collapsed when his wife died.妻子去世后他觉得自己的整个世界都坍塌了。
Bandage the wound to reduce the risk of infection.包扎伤口以减少感染的危险。
彩影2010Ear infections are common in 耳部感染在学前儿童中很常见。
10.fundamental 基础的;基本的
We need to make fundamental changes to the way in which we treat our environment.我们需要从根本上改变对待环境的态度。
It's one of the fundamental differences between men and women.这是男女之间的基本差别之一。
Do you think these two colours match?你认为这两种颜相配吗?
Does this shirt match these trousers?这件衬衫和这条裤子相配吗?
He is conventional in his approach to life. 他的生活态度是守旧的。
It is simpler and quicker to use than conventional methods.这比通常的做法更简单、更快捷。
It's pointless to plan too far ahead.太早作计划是没用的。
It 's pointless arguing with him.和他争辩是白费口舌。
The conflict in the area was rooted in history and religion. 这个地区冲突的根源在于历史和宗教。
This feeling of rejection is often deeply rooted in childhood.这种被人排斥的感觉往往深深根源于童年。
He squeezed with all his strength.他用尽全力挤压。
As she waited to go into the exam, he squeezed her hand and wished her good luck.在她等待应考时,他捏了捏她的手,祝她好运。
We need to encourage innovation in industry.我们需要鼓励工业创新。
Many people feel bewildered by the speed of technological innovation .很多人对技术革新的速度感到不知所措。
New laws will soon replace existing legislation.  新法律即将取代现行法规。The existing system needs to be changed. 现行的制度需要改变。
I like the convenience of living so near work.我喜欢住在工作地点附近,这样很方便。
Please return the completed form at your earliest convenience.请将填好的表格尽快交回。
He seems to find it difficult to integrate socially.他似乎觉得很难与别人打成一片。
It's very difficult to integrate your self into a society whose culture is so different from your own.让自己融入一个文化上完全不同的社会是非常困难的。
She looked about her in confusion.她迷茫地环视四周。
There seems to be some confusion over who is actually giving the talk.好像不是很清楚到底是谁在作报告。
The new bridge should ease congestion in the area.新建大桥应能缓解该地区的交通拥堵。
Energy consumption, congestion and pollution have increased.能源消耗、交通堵塞以及污染状况愈
We need to ensure a smooth transition between the old system and the new one. 我们得确保新旧制度间的平稳过渡。
This course is useful for students who are in transition from one training programme to another. 对转换培训项目的学生来说,这一课程是有帮助的。
She forced a scene and Toby threatened to leave.她大闹了一场,托比扬言要离开。
Postal workers are threatening a strike if they don't receive a pay increase. 邮政工人威胁如果不给他们加薪,他们就要罢工。
24.shut down关闭,歇业,停业
The computer system will be shut down over the weekend. 计算机系统周末关闭。
1.She has a small office which is used for  discussions.她有一间小办公室,做密谈之用。
2.I don't like my job - I  do it for the money.我不喜欢自己的工作——我纯粹是为了钱才做的。
3.Children who live in the country's rural areas are very  to be poor. 住在这个国家农村地区的孩子大多是贫穷的。
4.Car sales  by a quarter. 汽车销量下滑了四分之一。
5.All the missing documents had .所有曾丢失的文件都到了。
6.The tablets will start to  in a few minutes.几分钟后药片就会开始起作用。
7.I'll  you my chocolate bar for your peanuts.我拿我的巧克力跟你换花生。8.Thousands of buildings  in the earthquake.数以千计的建筑物在地震中倒塌了。9.She's very  in her views.  她的观点很守旧。

本文发布于:2024-09-23 10:25:34,感谢您对本站的认可!



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