现代材料分析方法11 扫描探针显微技术

11 扫描探针显微分析
Scanning Probe Microscopy
19世纪80年代初期,扫描探针显微镜(SPM)因 首次在实空间展现了硅表面的原子图像而震 动了世界。从此,SPM在基础表面科学、表面 粗糙度分析和从硅原子结构到活体细胞表面 微米尺度的突出物的三维成像等学科中发挥 着重要的作用。
(1)成像宽广、观察范围宽广,可延伸至光学和电子 显微镜的领域。 (2) 3D分辨率高:以从原子到微米级别的分辨率研究 材料的表面特性。 (3) 可实现一些特定物理量的测量,如表面电导率、 静电电荷分布、区域摩擦力、磁场和弹性模量等。 扫描探针显微镜(SPM)是一类仪器的总称,包括描隧道 显微镜(STM) 、原子力显微镜(AFM)等。
6.1 扫描隧道显微镜(STM)
Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) :
STM (Scanning Tunneling Microscopy), AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy), LFM (Lateral Force Microscopy), 侧向力显微 镜:第二種Contact mode AFM,主要用
1981年,国际商业机器公司苏黎世实验室的G..Binnig(宾尼) 和Heinrich Rohrer(罗雷尔)及其同事研制成功了世界上第 一台能够在实空间获得表面原子结构图像的新型表面分析 仪器—扫描隧道显微镜(Scanning Tunneling Microscope,简称 STM)扫描隧道显微镜(STM)。 1986年宾尼和罗雷尔因此获得 诺贝尔物理学奖。 STM使人类第一次能够实时地观察单个原子在物质表面的 排列状态,研究与表面电子行为有关的物理和化学性质, 在表面科学、材料科学等领域的研究中具有重大的意义和 广阔的应用前景。
來偵測針尖和樣品表面的相對摩擦力而 同時成像
MFM (Magnetic Force Microscopy)
Basic components of a STM microscope
the sample you want to study a sharp tip to be placed in very close proximity to the sample a mechanism to control the location of the tip in the x-y plane parallel to the sample surface (XY scan c
ontrol) a feedback loop to control the height of the tip above the sample (the z-axis)
Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM)
STM分辨率在水平方向可达0.1nm,垂直方向可达0.01 nm,在原子和纳米尺度具有很强的分析和加工能力。
在物理学和化学领域, STM可用于研究原子之间的微小结合 能,制造人造分子; 在生物学领域, STM可用于研究生物细胞和染体内的单个 蛋白质和DNA分子的结构,进行分子切割和组装手术; 在材料学领域, STM可以用于分析材料的晶格和原子结构, 考察晶体中原子尺度上的缺陷; 在微电子领域, STM可以用于加工小至原子尺度的新型量子 器件。
STM使用一种非常锐化的导电 针尖,而且在针尖和样品之间 施加偏置电压,当针尖和样品 接近至大约1 nm的间隙(取决 于偏置的电压的极性)时,样 品或针尖中的电子可以“隧穿” 过间隙到达对方(量子隧道效应)。 由此产生的隧道电流随着针 尖—样品间隙的变化而变化, 故可用作STM图像的成像信号。
隧道电流是间距(d)的负指数函数: I ∝ Vexp( −kΦ1 2 d ) 式中,V—偏置电压;k—常数,约等于1;Φ1/2—平均功函数; d—针尖与样品间的距离。
如果针尖与样品间隙(0.1 nm级尺度)变化 10%,隧道电流则变化一个数量级。这 种指数关系赋予 STM很高的灵敏度,所 得样品表面图像具有高于0.1nm的垂直精 度和原子级的横向分辨率。 当针尖在被测样品表面做平面扫描 时,即使表面仅有原子尺度的起伏, 也会导致隧道电流的非常显著的、甚 至接近数量级的变化,因此可以通过 测量电流的变化来反应表面上原子尺 度的起伏。这种运行模式就是STM的 恒高模式(保持针尖高度恒定)。
如左图,针尖扫描过程中,通过电 子反馈回路保持隧道电流不变。为 维持恒定的电流,针尖随样品表面 的起伏上下移动,从而记录下针尖 上下运动的轨迹,即可给出样品表 面的形貌。 恒流模式是STM常用的工作模式, 而恒高模式仅适于对表面起伏不大 的样品进行成像。当样品表面起伏 较大时,由于针尖离样品表面非常 近,采用恒高模式扫描容易造成针 尖与样品表面相撞,导致针尖与样 品表面的破坏。
Scanning tunneling topography and spectroscopy (STM/STS)
Real Image with Atomic Resolution
STM image:量子森林
该图是由托斯藤-兹欧姆巴在德国实验室中捕获的图像,它展示了锗硅 量子点仅高15纳米,直径为70纳米。
具有自 清洁功 能的纳 米丝
STM image:蓝宝石
伊利诺大学的斯科特-麦克莱伦与弗米雅-瓦他纳比以及大卫-卡希尔共同合作,制作 了蓝宝石衬底上精密巧妙制作的陷坑图像。通过使用千万亿分之一秒的激光脉冲撞 击其表面,这块蓝宝石被加热了,表面留下了一道浅细的陷坑。之后,这块蓝宝石 再次被撞击加热,就产生了图中可见的内部梯级结构。
许多植物的叶片,包括荷花叶片,展示出了自我清洁的属性。所谓的荷花效应指的是, 每一滴落在植物叶片上的雨滴都冲洗掉了其上的灰尘粒子,然而,这就减少了植物进行 光合作用的能力,从而导致植物显得杂乱且低沉。这个长宽均为2微米的原子力显微镜图 像显示,科学家打算人为模拟荷花破坏
灰尘的属性通过化学蒸镀法,将纳米丝进行地毯 状组装。当水滴碰上这种超级不易被水沾湿的纳米丝,水滴迅速滑落,将讨厌的灰尘粒 子带走。
这些面包圈状的血细胞在SPMage07排名中位居第二,科学家们利用它们研究 细胞膜上抗生素缩氨酸的作用。图中展示了人类在接受phyllomelittin后的 红血球表面,phyllomelittin是一种从猴树蛙皮肤中分离出来的新型抗生素缩氨 酸。
这个长宽都是13纳米的图像展示了,使用分子束在一个单金晶体上进行二茚 并二萘嵌苯和铜钛菁的分层结果。这些平面有机分子显示出了半导体属性。 图中展示了分子是如何在某种状况下进行自我排列,这对计划制造未来半导 体的科学家而言意义重大。
6.2 Atomic Force Microscope 原子力显微镜
The atomic force microscope (AFM) is a very powerful microscope invented by Binnig, Quate and Gerber in 1986. Besides imaging it is also one of the foremost tools for the manipulation of matter at the nanoscale. The Atomic Force Microscope was developed to overcome a basic drawback with STM —— that it can only image conducting or semiconducting surfaces. The AFM, however, has the advantage of imaging almost any type of surface, including polymers, ceramics, composites, glass, and biological samples. Today, most AFMs use a laser beam deflection system, introduced by Meyer and Amer, where a laser is reflected from the back of the reflective AFM lever and onto a position-sensitive detector. AFM tips and cantilevers are microfabricated from Si or Si3N4. Typical tip radius is from a few to 10s of nm.
An artist's depiction shows an atomic force microscope probe (not to scale) 'fishing' for molecular sites recognized by an antibody tethered to the probe by a fine polymer thread. The new technique promises to vastly improve the capabilities of atomic force microscopy.
AFM setup
AFM Dimension 3000
In AFM mode the tip is put on the end of a cantilever, which bends in response to the force between t
he tip and the sample. The tip is a few microns long and with a diameter of 100Å. The cantilever is long, some hundreds of microns. The deflections due to tip-sample force are detected by a 4-segment photodiode. In this case, is not necessary the tip or the sample be conductive so we can study a lot of sample.
Measuring forces
Because the atomic force microscope relies on the forces between the tip and sample, knowing these forces is important for proper imaging. The force is not measured directly, but calculated by measuring the deflection of the lever, and knowing the stiffness of the cantilever. Hook’s law gives F = -kz, where F is the force, k is the stiffness of the lever, and z is the distance the lever is bent.
范德瓦尔斯力。 毛细力。由于通常环境下,在样品表面 存在一层水膜,水膜延伸并包裹住针尖, 就会产生毛细力,它具有很强的吸引(大 约为10-8N)。 范德瓦尔斯力和毛细力的合力构成接触 力。
Modes of Operation for Atomic Force Microscopy
Contact Mode: As the tip is raster-scanned across the surface, it is deflected as it moves over the surface corrugation. In constant force mode, the tip is constantly adjusted to maintain a constant deflection, and therefore constant height above the surface. It is this adjustment that is displayed as data. However, the ability to track the surface in this manner is limited by the feedback circuit. Sometimes the tip is allowed to scan without this adjustment, and one measures only the deflection. This is useful for small, highspeed atomic resolution scans, and is known as variable-deflection mode. Because the tip is in hard contact with the surface, the stiffness of the lever needs to be less that the effective spring constant holding atoms together, which is on the order of 1 10 nN/nm. Most contact mode levers have a spring constant of < 1N/m. In this case we can work in: 1. Height-constant mode, 2. Force-constant mode.
Modes of Operation for Atomic Force Microscopy
Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM): LFM measures frictional forces on a surface. By measuring the “twist” of the cantilever, rather than merely its deflection, one can qualitatively determine areas of hig
her and lower friction. Non-Contact Mode: Noncontact mode belongs to a family of AC modes, which refers to the use of an oscillating cantilever. A stiff cantilever is oscillated in the attractive regime, meaning that the tip is quite close to the sample, but not touching it (hence, “noncontact”). The forces between the tip and sample are quite low, on the order of pN (10
N). The
detection scheme is based on measuring changes to the resonant frequency or amplitude of the cantilever.
AFM针尖与样品有轻微的物理接触。在这种工作模式 下,针尖和与之相连的悬臂受范德瓦尔斯力和毛细力 两种力的作用,二者的合力构成接触力。 当扫描器驱动针尖在样品表面(或样品在针尖下方) 移动时,接触力会使悬臂弯曲,产生适应形貌的变形。 检测这些变形,便可以得到表面形貌像。
非接触AFM(NC-AFM)应用一种振动悬臂技术,针 尖与样品间距处于数十至数百埃的范围。此范围在图 范德瓦尔斯曲线中标注为非接触区间。 刚硬的悬臂在系统的驱动下以接近于共振点的频率振 动。 共振频率随随着悬臂所受的力的梯度变化,也反映 针—样间隙或样品形貌的变化。 检测共振频率或振幅的变化,可以获得样品表面形貌 信息。

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