整理1 AWWA 网站中的标准文件 集结

AWWA C671-21 在线浊度计操作和维护
AWWA C670-20在线氯分析仪操作和维护
5AWWA B201-18 Soda Ash AWWA B201-18 苏打粉
6AWWA B703-19 Fluorosilicic Acid AWWA B703-19 氟硅酸
7AWWA A100-20 WATER Wells AWWA A100-20 水井
8AWWA B406-20 Ferric Sulfate AWWA B406-20 硫酸铁
9AWWA B202-19 Quicklime and Hydrated lime AWWA B202-19 生石灰和熟石灰10AWWA C751-19 Magnetic Inductive Flowmeters AWWA C751-19 磁感应流量计11AWWA B452-20 EPI-DMA Polyamines AWWA B452-20 EPI-DMA 多胺12AWWA C950-20 Fiberglass Pressure Pipe AWWA C950-20 玻璃纤维压力管
13AWWA C515-20 Reduced-Wall, Resilient-Seated Gate valves for
water supply service
AWWA C515-20 用于供水服务的减壁式弹性阀座闸阀
AWWA B304-21 用于水、废水和再生水系统产生臭氧的
15AWWA B112-19 Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration Membrane
AWWA B112-19 微滤和超滤膜系统
16AWWA C153-19 Ductile-iron Compact Fittings AWWA C153-19 球墨铸铁紧凑型管件17AWWA B501-19 Sodium Hydroxide(Caustic Soda)AWWA B501-19 氢氧化钠(烧碱)18AWWA C652-19 Disinfection of Water Storage Facilities AWWA C652-19 蓄水设施消毒
19AWWA B102-15(R20) Manganese Greensand for Filters AWWA B102-15(R20) 过滤器用锰绿砂20AWWA C653-20 Disinfection of Water Treatment Plants AWWA C653-20 水处理厂的消毒
21AWWA C516-21 Large-Diameter Rubber-seated butterfly valves,
Sizes 78in.(2000MM) and larger
AWWA C516-21 大口径橡胶密封蝶阀,尺寸
78in.(2000MM) 及更大
22AWWA B116-19 Electrodialysis and ion-Exchange Membrane
AWWA B116-19 电渗析和离子交换膜系统
23AWWA D120-19 Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic
AWWA D120-19 热固性玻璃纤维增强塑料罐
24AWWA C702-19 Cold Water Meters-Compound Type AWWA C702-19 冷水表-复合型
25AWWA C704-19 Properller-Type Meters for Waterworks
AWWA C704-19 用于水厂应用的螺旋桨式仪表
26AWWA C708-19 Cold-Water Meters-Multijet Type AWWA C708-19 冷水表-Multijet 型27AWWA C712-19 Cold-Water Meters-Singlejet Type AWWA C712-19 冷水表-单喷式
28AWWA D115-20 Tendon-Prestressed Concrete Water Tanks AWWA D115-20 预应力混凝土水箱
29AWWA G430-14(R20) Security Practices for Operation and
AWWA G430-14(R20) 运营管理安全实践
30AWWA G485-20 Potable Reuse Program Operation and
AWWA G485-20 饮用水再利用计划运营和管理
31AWWA C223-19 Fabricated Steel and Stainless Steel Tapping
AWWA C223-19 加工钢和不锈钢攻丝套筒
32AWWA D108-19 Aluminum Dome Roofs for water storage
AWWA D108-19 储水设施用铝制圆顶
33AWWA C209-19 Tape Coating for steel water Pipe and Fittings AWWA C209-19 钢制水管及管件的胶带涂层
34AWWA C750-19 Transit-Time Flowmeters in Full Closed
AWWA C750-19全封闭管道中的时差流量计
35AWWA C304-14(R19) Design of Prestressed Concrete Cylinder
AWWA C304-14(R19)预应力混凝土圆筒管的设计
36AWWA D130-11(R19) Geomembrane Materials for Potable
Water Applications
AWWA D130-11(R19)用于饮用水应用的土工膜材料
37AWWA C703-19 Cold-Water Meters-Fire-Service Type AWWA C703-19冷水表-消防型
38AWWA C713-19 Cold-Water Meters-Fluidic Oscillator Type AWWA C713-19冷水表-流体振荡器型
39AWWA C225-20 Fused Polyolefin Coatings for Steel Water Pipe AWWA C225-20 钢制水管用熔融聚烯烃涂层40AWWA 702-19 Cold-Water Meters-Compound Type AWWA 702-19 冷水表-复合型
41AWWA G480-20 Water Conservation and Efficiency Program
Operation and Management
AWWA G480-20 节水增效项目运行管理
42AWWA G481-14(R20) Reclaimed Water Program Operation and
AWWA G481-14(R20) 再生水项目运营与管理
43AWWA C605-21 Underground Installation of Polyvinyl
北虫草菌种Chloride(PVC) and Molecularly Oriented Polyvinyl
Chloride(PVCO) Pressure Pipe and Fittings
AWWA C605-21 聚氯乙烯(PVC)和分子取向聚氯乙烯
44AWWA C500-19 Metal-Seated Gate valves for water supply
AWWA C500-19 金属密封闸阀,用于供水服务
45AWWA C701-19 Cold-Water Meters-Turbine Type, for Customer
AWWA C701-19 冷水表-涡轮型,用于客户服务
46M72 Knife Gate valves M72刀闸阀
47AWWA D103-19 Factory-Coated Bolted Carbon Steel Tanks for
Water Storage
AWWA D103-19 工厂涂层螺栓碳钢储水罐
48AWWA C301-14(R19) Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipes,
Steel-Cylinder Type
AWWA C301-14(R19) 预应力混凝土压力管,钢筒型
49AWWA C229-20 Fusion-Bonded Polyethylene Coatings for Steel
Water Pipe and Fittings
AWWA C229-20 用于钢制水管和配件的熔结聚乙烯涂层
50AWWA C710-20 Cold-Water Meters-Displacement Type, Plastic
Main Case
AWWA C710-20 冷水表 - 排量型,塑料主壳
51AWWA C203-20 Coal-Tar Protective Coatings and Linings for
Steel Water Pipes
AWWA C203-20 用于钢制水管的煤焦油保护涂层和内衬
52AWWA C214-20 Machine-Applied Polyolefin Tape Coatings for
Steel Water Pipe
AWWA C214-20 用于钢制水管的机器应用聚烯烃胶带涂
53AWWA B300-18 Hypochlorites AWWA B300-18 次氯酸盐
54AWWA F101-19 Contact-Molded, Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic
Wash-Water Troughs and Launders
AWWA F101-19 接触成型、玻璃纤维增强塑料洗涤水
55AWWA C700-20 Cold-Water Meters-Displacement Type, Metal
Alloy Main Case
AWWA C700-20 冷水表 - 排量型,金属合金主壳
56AWWA C520-19 Knife Gate Valves, Sizes 2in.(50mm) Through
AWWA C520-19 刀闸阀,尺寸 2 英寸(50 毫米)到 96
英寸(2400 毫米)。
57AWWA C115-20 Flanged Ductile-Iron Pipe With Ductile-Iron or
Gray-Iron Threaded Flanges
AWWA C115-20 带球墨铸铁或灰铁螺纹法兰的球墨铸铁
58AWWA B511-17 Potassium Hydroxide AWWA B511-17 氢氧化钾59AWWA B550-17 Calcium Chloride AWWA B550-17 氯化钙
60AWWA B602-17 Copper Sulfate AWWA B602-17 硫酸铜
61AWWA B503-17 Sodium Tripolyphosphate AWWA B503-17 三聚磷酸钠62AWWA B601-17 Sodium Metabisulfite AWWA B601-17 焦亚硫酸钠63AWWA B301-18 Liquid Chlorine AWWA B301-18
64AWWA C655-18 Field Dechlorination AWWA C655-18 现场脱氯65AWWA B303-18 Sodium Chlorite AWWA B303-18 亚氯酸钠66AWWA B701-18 Sodium Fluoride AWWA B701-18 氟化钠
67AWWA B702-18 Sodium Fluorosilicate AWWA B702-18 氟硅酸钠68AWWA B402-18 Ferrous Sulfate AWWA B402-18 硫酸亚铁69AWWA B506-18 Zinc Orthophosphate AWWA B506-18 正磷酸锌70AWWA B510-18 Carbon Dioxide AWWA B510-18 二氧化碳
71AWWA C620-19 Spray-in-Place Polymeric Lining for Potable
Water Pipelines, 4In.(100mm) And Larger
AWWA C620-19 用于 4 英寸(100 毫米)及更大尺寸饮
72AWWA C622-19 Pipe Bursting of Potable Water Mains
4In.(100mm) to 36In.(900mm)
AWWA C622-19 4 英寸(100 毫米)至 36 英寸(900
73AWWA G440-17 Emergency Preparedness Practices AWWA G440-17 应急准备实践
74AWWA B200-17 Sodium Chloride AWWA B200-17 氯化钠
75AWWA G420-17 Communication and Customer Relations AWWA G420-17 沟通与客户关系76AWWA B604-18 Granular Activated Carbon AWWA B604-18 粒状活性炭
77AWWA B408-18 Liquid Polyalumium Chloride AWWA B408-18液态聚氯化铝
78AWWA G400-18 Utility Management System AWWA G400-18 公用事业管理系统79AWWA B130-18 Membrane Bioreactor Systems AWWA B130-18 膜生物反应器系统80AWWA F120-18 Ozone Systems for Water AWWA F120-18 臭氧水系统
81AWWA B407-18 Liquid Ferric Chloride AWWA B407-18 液态氯化铁
82AWWA B505-18 Disodium Phosphate, Anhydrous AWWA B505-18 磷酸二钠,无水83AWWA C521-18 Plastic Ball Valves AWWA C521-18 塑料球阀
84AWWA F102-19 Matched-Die Molded, Fiberglass-Reinforced
Plastic Weir Plates, Scum Baffles, And Mounting Brackets
AWWA F102-19 匹配模具成型、玻璃纤维增强塑料堰板
85AWWA D106-20 Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection Systems
for the Interior Submerged Surfaces of Steel Water Storage
AWWA D106-20 钢制储水罐内浸没面牺牲阳极阴极保护
86AWWA C514-20 Air Valve and Vent Inflow Preventer Assemblies
for Potable Water Distribution System And Storage Facilities
AWWA C514-20 用于饮用水分配系统和储存设施的空气
87PFAS Technical Report Set PFAS 技术报告集
88M71 Climate Action Plans-Adaptive Management Strategies for
M71 气候行动计划——公用事业的适应性管理策略
89AWWA C714-19 Cold-Water Meters for Residential Fire
Sprinkler Systems in One- And Two-Family Dwellings And
Manufactured Homes
AWWA C714-19 用于一户和两户住宅和预制房屋的住宅
sdo10090AWWA C226-19 Stainless-Steel Fittings for Waterworks Service,
Sizes 1/2In. Through 72 In. (13mm Through 1800mm)
AWWA C226-19 用于自来水厂的不锈钢配件,尺寸 1/2
英寸。通过 72 英寸。(13 毫米至 1800 毫米)
91AWWA E102-17 Submersible Vertical Turbine Pumps AWWA E102-17 潜水立式涡轮泵
手机转轴92AWWA C530-17 Pilot-Operated Control Valves AWWA C530-17 先导式控制阀
93AWWA C227-17 Bolted, Split-Sleeve Couplings AWWA C227-17 螺栓、开口套筒联轴器94AWWA B605-18 Reactivation of Granular Activated Carbon AWWA B605-18 颗粒活性炭的再活化95AWWA C502-18 Dry-Barrel Fire Hydrants干式消火栓
96AWWA G410-18 Business Practices for Operation and
AWWA G410-18 运营和管理的商业实践
97AWWA B504-18 Monosodium Phosphate Anhydrous and Liquid AWWA B504-18 磷酸一钠无水和液体
98AWWA C228-19 Stainless-Steel Pipe Flange Joints for Water
Service-Size 2 In. Through 72 In.(50mm Through 1800mm)
AWWA C228-19 不锈钢管法兰接头,用于供水,尺寸 2
英寸。通过 72 英寸(50 毫米至 1800 毫米)
99AWWA C901-20 Polyethylene(PE) Pressure Pipe and Tubing,
3/4 In. (19mm) Through 3In.(76mm), For Water Service
AWWA C901-20 聚乙烯 (PE) 压力管道和管道,3/4 英
寸。 (19mm) 至 3In.(76mm),用于供水
100AWWA C206-17 Field Welding of Steel Water Pipe AWWA C206-17 钢制水管现场焊接
101AWWA G100-17 Water Treatment Plant Operation and
AWWA G100-17 水处理厂运营管理
102AWWA C600-17 Installation of Ductile-Iron Mains and Their
AWWA C600-17 球墨铸铁干线及其附件的安装
103AWWA G520-17 Wastewater Collection System Operation and
AWWA G520-17 污水收集系统运行管理
104AWWA C550-17 Protective Interior Coatings for Valves and
AWWA C550-17 用于阀门和消火栓的保护性内部涂料
105AWWA B502-17 Sodium Polyphosphate Glassy(Sodium
AWWA B502-17 玻璃状聚磷酸钠(六偏磷酸钠)
106AWWA C810-17 Replacement and Flushing of Lead Service
AWWA C810-17 更换和冲洗铅管
107AWWA E200-18 Progressive Cavity Chemical Metering Pumps AWWA E200-18 螺杆式化学计量泵
108AWWA C503-18 Wet-Barrel Fire Hydrants AWWA C503-18 湿桶式消火栓
109AWWA D115-17 Tendon-Prestressed Concrete Water Tanks AWWA D115-17 预应力混凝土水箱
110AWWA C151/A21.51-17 Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast AWWA C151/A21.51-17 球墨铸铁管,离心铸造111AWWA C231-17 Field Welding of Stainless steel Water Pipe AWWA C231-17 不锈钢水管现场焊接
112AWWA D102-17 Coating Steel Water-Storage Tanks AWWA D102-17 涂层钢储水罐
113AWWA C208-17 Dimensions of Fabricated Steel Water Pipe
AWWA C208-17 装配式钢制水管配件尺寸
114AWWA C510-17 Double Check Valve Backflow Prevention
AWWA C510-17 双止回阀防回流组件
115AWWA C511-17 Reduced-Pressure Principle Backflow
Prevention Assembly
AWWA C511-17 减压原理防回流组件
116AWWA C200-17 Steel Water Pipe, 6In.(150mm) and Larger AWWA C200-17 钢制水管,6 英寸(150 毫米)及更大117AWWA C219-17 Bolted Sleeve-Type Coupling for Plain-End Pipe AWWA C219-17 平端管用螺栓套筒式接头
118Operational Guide to AWWA Standard G300 Source Water
Protection, Second Edition
AWWA 标准 G300 水源保护操作指南,第二版
119AWWA C222-18 Polyurethane Coating and Linings for Steel
Water Pipe and Fittings
AWWA C222-18 用于钢制水管和配件的聚氨酯涂层和内
120AWWA C221-18 Fabricated Steel Mechanical Slip-Type
Expansion Joints
AWWA C221-18 装配式钢制机械滑动式膨胀节
121AWWA G485-18 Direct Potable Operation and Management AWWA G485-18 直接饮用操作和管理
122AWWA C621-18 Internal Pipe Joint Seal Assemblies for Water
AWWA C621-18 用于供水服务的内部管道接头密封组件
123AWWA C150/A21.5-18 Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile-Iron
Pipe Systems
AWWA C150/A21.5-18 用于球墨铸铁管系统的聚乙烯外
124M77 Condition Assessment of Water Mains M77 水管状况评估
125Drinking Water Treatment for PFAS Selection Guide PFAS 选择指南的饮用水处理
126AWWA C303-17 Concrete Pressure Pipe, Bar-Wrapped, Steel-
Cylinder Type
AWWA C303-17 混凝土压力管,钢筋缠绕,钢瓶型
127AWWA C220-17 Stainless-Steel Pipe, 1/2in.(13mm) and Larger AWWA C220-17 不锈钢管,1/2 英寸(13 毫米)及更大
128AWWA C507-18 Ball Valves, 6In. Through 60 In.(150mm
Through 1500mm)
AWWA C507-18 球阀,6 英寸。通过 60 英寸(150 毫
米通过 1500 毫米)
129AWWA C715-18 Cold-Water Meters-Electromagnetic and
Ultrasonic Type for Revenue Applications
AWWA C715-18 冷水表 - 用于收入应用的电磁和超声波
130AWWA C305-18 CFRP Renewal and Strengthening of
Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe(PCCP)
AWWA C305-18 预应力混凝土圆筒管(PCCP)的
131AWWA C105/A21.5-18 Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile-Iron
Pipe Systems
AWWA C105/A21.5-18 用于球墨铸铁管系统的聚乙烯外
132AWWA C111/A21.11-17 Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron
Pressure pipe and Fittings
AWWA C111/A21.11-17 球墨铸铁压力管和配件的橡胶
133AWWA C604-17 Installation of Buried Steel Water Pipe-
4In.(100mm) and Larger
AWWA C604-17 埋地钢水管安装 4 英寸(100 毫米)及
134AWWA D110-13(R18)Wire and Strand-Wound, Circular,
Prestressed Concrete Water Tanks
AWWA D110-13(R18)钢丝和钢绞线、圆形、预应力混
135AWWA B453-13 Polyacrylamide AWWA B453-13 聚丙烯酰胺
136AWWA B603-16 Permanganates AWWA B603-16 高锰酸盐
137M11 Steel Pipe: A Guide for Design and Installation, Fisth Edition M11钢管:设计和安装指南,第一版
138M24 Planing for the Distribution of Reclaimed Water, Fourth
M24 再生水分配规划,第四版
139M60 Drought Preparedness and Response, Second Edition M60 干旱准备和响应,第二版
140M55 PE Pipe-Design and Installation, Second Edition M55 PE 管道设计与安装,第二版
141M64 Gas Transfer Applications in Water: Addition and Removal M64 气体转移在水中的应用:添加和去除
142AWWA C224-17 Nylon-11-Based Polyamide Coating and Linings
for Steel Water Pipe
AWWA C224-17 用于钢制水管的尼龙 11 基聚酰胺涂层
143AWWA C602-17 Cement-Mortar Lining of Water Pipelines in
Place-4In.(100mm) and Larger
AWWA C602-17 4 英寸(100 毫米)及更大尺寸输水管
144AWWA B304-18 Liquid Oxygen for Ozone Generation for water,
wastewater, and Reclaimed Water Systems
AWWA B304-18 用于水、废水和再生水系统的臭氧生成
145AWWA B402-12 Ferrous Sulfate AWWA B402-12 硫酸亚铁146AWWA B510-12 Carbon Dioxide AWWA B510-12 二氧化碳147AWWA B506-13 Zinc Orthophosphate AWWA B506-13 正磷酸锌148AWWA B406-14 Ferric Sulfate AWWA B406-14 硫酸铁149AWWA B305-15 Anhydrous Ammonia AWWA B305-15 无水氨150AWWA B512-15 Sulfur Dioxide AWWA B512-15 二氧化硫151AWWA B507-16 Phosphoric Acid AWWA B507-16 磷酸152AWWA B405-16 Sodium Aluminate AWWA B405-16 铝酸钠153AWWA B302-16 Ammonium Sulfate AWWA B302-16 硫酸铵
154AWWA C519-18 High Performance Waterworks Butterfly Valves-
AWWA C519-18 高性能水厂蝶阀-3In.(75mm)
155M69 Inland Desalination and Concentrate Management M69 内陆海水淡化和浓缩物管理
156M75 Elastomers for Waterworks: Pipes, Valves, and Fittings用于自来水厂的 M75 弹性体:管道、阀门和配件
157AWWA C508-17 Swing-Check Valves for Waterworks Service,
2In. Through 48In.(50mm Through 1200mm) NPS
AWWA C508-17 用于水厂服务的旋启式止回阀,2 英寸
。通过 48In.(50mm 通过 1200mm)NPS
158AWWA C620-07(R17) Spray-in-Place Epoxy Lining of Water
Pipelines, 3In.(75mm) and Larger
AWWA C620-07(R17) 3In.(75mm) 及更大尺寸的水管现
159AWWA C207-18 Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service-
Sizes 4In. Through 144In.(100mm Through 3600mm)
AWWA C207-18 用于自来水厂服务的钢管法兰,尺寸 4
英寸。通过 144 英寸(100 毫米通过 3600 毫米)
160AWWA B604-12 Granular Activated Carbon AWWA B604-12 颗粒活性炭
161AWWA B200-12 Sodium Chloride AWWA B200-12 氯化钠
162AWWA B505-12 Disodium Phosphate, Anhydrous AWWA B505-12 磷酸二钠,无水163AWWA B101-12 Precoat Filter Media AWWA B101-12 预涂层过滤介质164AWWA B130-13 Membrane Bioreactor Systems AWWA B130-13 膜生物反应器系统165AWWA C654-13 Disinfection of Wells AWWA C654-13 水井消毒
166AWWA B202-13 Quicklime and Hydrated Lime AWWA B202-13 生石灰和熟石灰167AWWA B201-13 Soda Ash AWWA B201-13 纯碱
168AWWA G300-14 Source Water Protection AWWA G300-14 水源保护
169AWWA B452-14 EPI-DMA Polyamines AWWA B452-14 EPI-DMA 多胺170AWWA B404-14 Liquid Sodium Silicate AWWA B404-14 液体硅酸钠
171AWWA C651-14 Disinfecting Water Mains AWWA C651-14 消毒水管
172AWWA C606-15 Grooved and Shouldered Joints AWWA C606-15 带槽和带肩接头173AWWA A100-15 Water Wells AWWA A100-15 水井
174AWWA B600-16 Powdered Activated Carbon AWWA B600-16 粉状活性炭175AWWA B100-16 Granular Filter Material AWWA B100-16 颗粒过滤材料176AWWA B101-16 Precoat Filter Media AWWA B101-16 预涂层过滤介质
177AWWA D104-17 Automatically Controlled, Impressed-Current
Cathodic Protection for The Interior Submerged Surfaces of Steel
Water Storage Tanks
AWWA D104-17 钢制储水罐内部浸没表面的自动控制外
178M23 PVC Pipe-Design and Installation, Third Edition M23 PVC 管道设计与安装,第三版179AWWA Small Systems Field Guide, Water and Wastewater AWWA 小型系统现场指南,水和废水180AWWA B407-12 Liquid Ferric Chloride AWWA B407-12 液体氯化铁
181AWWA C530-12 Pilot-Operated Control Valves AWWA C530-12 先导式控制阀
182AWWA B504-12 Monosodium Phosphate Anhydrous and Liquid AWWA B504-12 磷酸一钠无水和液体183AWWA C563-12 Fabricated Composite Slide Gates AWWA C563-12 装配式复合滑动闸门184AWWA Water Operator Field Guide, Second Edition AWWA 水运营商现场指南,第二版185AWWA B605-13 Reactivation of Granular Activated Carbon AWWA B605-13 颗粒活性炭的再活化
186AWWA B112-15 Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration Membrane
AWWA B112-15 微滤和超滤膜系统
187AWWA C600-16 Powdered Activated Carbon AWWA C600-16 粉状活性炭188AWWA C751-16 Magnetic Inductive Flowmeters AWWA C751-16 电磁感应流量计
189B451-16: AWWA Standard for Poly(Diallyldimethylammonium
B451-16:聚(二烯丙基二甲基氯化铵)的 AWWA 标准
190AWWA C950-13 Fiberglass Pressure Pipe AWWA C950-13 玻璃纤维压力管191AWWA C653-13 Disinfection of Water Treatment Plants AWWA C653-13 水处理厂消毒192AWWA C504-15 Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves AWWA C504-15 橡胶密封蝶阀
193AWWA C901-17 Polyethylene(PE) Pressure Pipe and Tubing,
3/4In.(19mm) Through 3 In. (76mm), For Water Service
AWWA C901-17 聚乙烯 (PE) 压力管道和管道,3/4 英
寸(19 毫米)通过 3 英寸。 (76mm),用于供水
194AWWA C205-18 Cement-Mortar Protective Lining and Coating
for Steel Water Pipe 4In.(100mm) And Larger-Shop Applied
AWWA C205-18 用于 4 英寸(100 毫米)及更大尺寸钢
195AWWA C518-18 Double-Disc Swing-Check Valves for
Waterworks Service 2In. Through 48 In.(50mm Through
1200mm) NPS
AWWA C518-18 双盘旋启式止回阀,用于水厂服务 2In
。通过 48 英寸(50 毫米至 1200 毫米)NPS
196M49 Quarter-Turn Valves: Head Loss, Torqe, and Cavitation
Analysis, Third Edition
M49 角行程阀门:水头损失、扭矩和气蚀分析,第三版
197M5 Water Utility Management, Third Edition M5 水务管理,第三版
198M33 Flowmeters in Water Supply, Third Edition供水中的 M33 流量计,第三版
199AWWA C561-12 Fabricated Stainless-Steel Slide Gates AWWA C561-12 装配式不锈钢滑动闸门200AWWA C562-12 Fabricated Aluminum Slide Gates AWWA C562-12 装配式铝制滑动门
201AWWA F110-12 Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems for Drinking
AWWA F110-12 饮用水紫外线消毒系统
202AWWA B501-13 Sodium Hydroxide(Caustic Soda)AWWA B501-13 氢氧化钠(烧碱)203AWWA C502-14 Dry-Barrel Fire Hydrants AWWA C502-14 干式消火栓智能交通信号灯
204AWWA C503-14 Wet-Barrel Fire Hydrants AWWA C503-14 湿桶式消火栓
205AWWA C560-14 Cast-Iron Slide Gates AWWA C560-14 铸铁滑动门
206AWWA D102-14 Coating Steel Water-Storage Tanks AWWA D102-14 涂层钢储水罐
207AWWA C562-14 Fabricated Aluminum Slide Gates AWWA C562-14 装配式铝制滑动门208AWWA C563-14 Fabricated Composite Slide Gates AWWA C563-14 装配式复合滑动闸门209AWWA B306-15 Aqua Ammonia(Liquid Ammonium Hydroxide)AWWA B306-15 水氨(液态氢氧化铵)
210AWWA C670-15 Online Chlorine Analyzer Operation adn
AWWA C670-15 在线氯分析仪操作和维护
211AWWA G200-15 Distribution Systems Operation and
AWWA G200-15 配电系统运营与管理
212Aquider Storage & Recovery: AWWA Thought Leaders Series Aquider 存储和回收:AWWA 思想领袖系列
213Chlorine & the Disinfection Revolution: AWWA Thought Leaders
AWWA 思想领袖系列
214Denitrification in Wastewater Treatment: AWWA Thought
Leaders Series废水处理中的反硝化:
AWWA 思想领袖系列
215AWWA D107-16 Composite Elevated Tanks for water Storage AWWA D107-16 复合高架储水罐
216AWWA C671-16 Online Turbidimeter Operation and
AWWA C671-16 在线浊度计操作和维护
217AWWA C215-16 Extruded Polyolefin Coatings for steel Pipe AWWA C215-16 钢管用挤塑聚烯烃涂料218AWWA B403-16 Alumium Sulfate-Liquid, Ground, or Lump AWWA B403-16 硫酸铝-液体、磨碎或块状

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