
Name Of Project : W & St. Regis Hotel - Changsha Supply & Installation of Kitchen Equipment Refrigeration Schedule Date: 25/06/2014
"BOHN" Cooled Condensing Unit ( CDU )Technical Schedule :
Room Dimension
L*W*H (mm)Unit Model Qty Unit Capacity (W)  E.T./C.T.(℃)
Refrigerant Power Input (W)Rating (V / Ph /Hz)Total Heat Rejection (w)Volume Flow (m³/h)Flow Rate (m/s)Press.Drop (bar)Cond.Water Pipe In/Out Dia.
P a s s e s
L (mm)W (mm)H (mm)Weig
ht ( kg )
4550 x 2850 x 2600 高 (mm)23480KWZS030M6D 15279-6/40R4042028380/3/507307  2.1  1.54~632mm Y 972320740110BUC11低温冷库
4200 x 2850 x 2600 高 (mm)-203250KWHS040L6D 13997-27/40R4042517380/3/506514  2.78  1.54~632mm Y 972460785105BUC13乳制品高温冷库
4050 x 2850 x 2600 高 (mm)23240KWZS030M6D 15279-6/40R4042028380/3/507307  2.1  1.54~632mm Y 972320740110BUC56肉类/家禽类高温冷库
2150 x 6850 x 2600 高 (mm)23730KWZS030M6D 15279-6/40R4042028380/3/507307  2.1  1.54~632mm Y 972320740110BUC58肉类/家禽/海鲜类低温冷库3850 x 2650 x 2600 高 (mm)-203000KWHS030L6D 13236-27/40R4042017380/3/505253  2.21  1.54~632mm Y 972335725
90BUC60海鲜类高温冷库3850 x 2350 x 2600 高 (mm)22980KWZS020M6D 13753-6/40R4041540380/3/505293  1.92  1.54~632mm Y 84232071095BUC88蔬果类高温冷库2750 x 5850 x 2600 高 (mm)23970KWZS030M6D 15279-6/40R4042028380/3/507307  2.1  1.54~632mm Y 972320740110CET28暂存冷库2850 x 2250x 2600 高 (mm)22370KWZS020M6D 13753-6/40R4041540380/3/505293  1.92  1.54~632mm Y 84232071095CET31高温冷库
4450 x 2450x 2600 高 (mm)23240KWZS030M6D 15279-6/40R4042028380/3/507307  2.1  1.54~632mm Y 972320740110
FLR17鲜花高温冷库3300 x 2150 x 2600 高 (mm)22430KWZS020M6D 13753-6/40R4041540380/3/505293  1.92  1.54~632mm Y 84232071095
BAY27面包房低温冷库3900 x 2750 x 2600 高 (mm)-203050KWHS030L6D 13236-27/40R4042017380/3/505253  2.21  1.54~632mm Y 97233572590BAY32
裱花间高温冷库4650 x 2750 x 2600 高 (mm)23480KWZS030M6D 15279-6/40R4042028380/3/507307  2.1  1.54~632mm Y 972320740110GAR10
湿垃圾冷库4225 x 2830 x 2600 高 (mm)23240KWZS030M6D 15279-6/40R4042028380/3/507307  2.
1  1.54~632mm Y 972320740110CEN07高温冷库2275 x 3550 x 2600 高 (mm)22720KWZS020M6D 13753-6/40R4041540380/3/505293  1.92  1.54~632mm Y 84232071095CEN25
3000 x 2250x 2600 高 (mm)22370KWZS020M6D 13753-6/40R4041540380/3/505293  1.92  1.54~632mm Y 84232071095BAK26面包房低温冷库2750 x 2750 x 2600 高 (mm)-202740KWHS030L6D 13236-27/40R4042017380/3/505253  2.21  1.54~632mm Y 97233572590BAK35裱花间高温冷库2950 x 2750 x 2600 高 (mm)22720KWZS020M6D 13753-6/40R4041540380/3/505293  1.92  1.54~632mm Y 84232071095GAB10湿垃圾冷库5350 x 2950 x 2600 高 (mm)23970KWZS030M6D 15279-6/40R4042028380/3/507307  2.1  1.54~632mm Y 972320740110BUT05低温冷库
3300 x 3050 x 2600 高 (mm)-203000KWHS030L6D 13236-27/40R4042017380/3/505253  2.21  1.54~632mm Y 97233572590BUT09乳制品(高温)冷库3300 x 3050 x 2600 高 (mm)22980KWZS020M6D 13753-6/40R4041540380/3/505293  1.92  1.54~632mm Y 84232071095BUT18酒水冷库
烟雾净化3050 x 3300 x 2600 高 (mm)22980KWZS020M6D 13753-6/40R4041540380/3/505293  1.92  1.54~6
32mm Y 84232071095BUT33海鲜类高温冷库
4050 x 2500 x 2600 高 (mm)22980KWZS020M6D 13753-6/40R4041540380/3/505293  1.92  1.54~632mm Y 84232071095BUT35肉类/家禽/海鲜类低温冷库4050 x 2500 x 2600 高 (mm)-203000KWHS030L6D 13236-27/40R4042017380/3/505253  2.21  1.54~632mm Y 97233572590BUT37肉类/家禽类高温冷库2150 x 6050 x 2600 高 (mm)23480KWZS030M6D 15279-6/40R4042028380/3/507307  2.1  1.54~632mm Y 972320740110BUT93蔬果类高温冷库3075 x 3750 x 2600 高 (mm)23240KWZS030M6D 15279-6/40R4042028380/3/507307  2.1  1.54~632mm Y 972320740110STA02高温冷库3750 x 2200 x 2600 高 (mm)22720KWZS020M6D 13753-6/40R4041540380/3/505293  1.92  1.54~632mm Y 84232071095STB02高温冷库3300 x 2950x 2600 高 (mm)22980KWZS020M6D 13753-6/40R4041540380/3/505293  1.92  1.54~632mm Y 84232071095BAN09高温冷库1950 x 4900x 2600 高 (mm)22980KZS020M6D 13200-6/45R4041990380/3/5051902800————92068055077全自动真石漆生产设备
2650 x 2850x 2600 高 (mm)22720
KZS020M6D 13200-6/45R4041990380/3/5051902800————92068055077BBQ12烧烤间高温冷库
微生物检查3800 x 1850x 2600 高 (mm)22430KZS020M6D 13200-6/45R4041990380/3/5051902800————92068055077BAC18
高温冷库3800 x 2675x 2600 高 (mm)22980KZS020M6D 13200-6/45R4041990380/3/5051902800————92068055077BAB18酒水冷库2850 x 2150x 2600 高 (mm)22370KZS020M6D 13200-6/45R4041990380/3/5051902800————92068055077CWK04
低温冷库3050 x 1950 x 2600 高 (mm)-202410KHS040L6D 12500-27/45R4042460380/3/5049603200————1000700555104CWK09高温冷库3050 x 2750 x 2600 高 (mm)22720KZS020M6D 13200-6/45R4041990380/3/5051902800————92068055077CHD20高温冷库3050 x 2150x 2600 高 (mm)22370KZS020M6D 13200-6/45R4041990380/3/5051902800————92068055077JAK54高温冷库2950 x 2550 x 2600 高 (mm)22720KZS020M6D 13200-6/45R4041990380/3/5051902800————92068055077ADK10
2300 x 2350 x 2600 高 (mm)
2370KZS020M6D 13200-6/45R4041990380/3/5051902800————92068055077
Cooled Condenser Specification each Condensing Unit ( CDU ) Duty
ondensing ( CDU ) Dimensi
Room Temp.(℃)Est. Heat Load (W)Description
"BOHN" Unit Cooler Technical Schedule :
Room Dimension
Est. Heat L*W*H (mm)
Load (W)Unit Model Qty Cooler Capacity
Temp.( K )Air Flow (m3/h)Air Throw (m)Power
(V / Ph / Hz)
Spacing (mm)L (mm)W (mm)H (mm)Weight ( kg )区域
庫溫估計熱負荷型號數量制冷量溫差風量距程输入功率電壓片距長闊高重量BUC09酒水冷库4550 x 2850 x 2600 高 (mm)23480BMT044H 14443825929.8170220/1/50  4.23115547043016.3BUC11低温冷库
4200 x 2850 x 2600 高 (mm)-203250BLT038137967367210.6255220/1/50  6.35156047043026.5BUC13乳制品高温冷库
4050 x 2850 x 2600 高 (mm)23240BMT044H 14443825929.8170220/1/50  4.23115547043016.3BUC56肉类/家禽类高温冷库2150 x 6850 x 2600 高 (mm)23730BMT044H 14443825929.8170220/1/50  4.23115547043016.3BUC58肉类/家禽/海鲜类低温冷库3850 x 2650 x 2600 高 (mm)
-203000BLT033132937388811.2255220/1/50  6.35156047043024.4BUC60海鲜类高温冷库3850 x 2350 x 2600 高 (mm)22980BMT035H 135288273610.385220/1/50  4.23115547043014.7BUC88蔬果类高温冷库2750 x 5850 x 2600 高 (mm)23970BMT049H 14939824489.3170220/1/50  4.23115547043016.9CET28暂存冷库2850 x 2250x 2600 高 (mm)22370BMT026H 1262681224  6.585220/1/50  4.2375047043011.5CET31高温冷库4450 x 2450x 2600 高 (mm)23240BMT044H 14443825929.8170220/1/50  4.23115547043016.3FLR17鲜花高温冷库3300 x 2150 x 2600 高 (mm)
22430BMT026H 1262681224  6.585220/1/50  4.2375047043011.5BAY27面包房低温冷库3900 x 2750 x 2600 高 (mm)-203050BLT033132937388811.2255220/1/50  6.35156047043024.4BAY32裱花间高温冷库4650 x 2750 x 2600 高 (mm)23480BMT044H 14443825929.8170220/1/50  4.23115547043016.3GAR10湿垃圾冷库
4225 x 2830 x 2600 高 (mm)23240BMT044H 14443825929.8170220/1/50  4.23115547043016.3CEN07高温冷库2275 x 3550 x 2600 高 (mm)22720BMT035H 135288273610.385220/1/50  4.23115547043014.7CEN25暂存冷库3000 x 2250x 2600 高 (mm)22370BMT026H 1262681224  6.585220/1/50  4.2375047043011.5BAK26面包房低温冷库2750 x 2750 x 2600 高 (mm)-202740BLT033132937388811.2255220/1/50  6.35156047043024.4BAK35裱花间高温冷库2950 x 2750 x 2600 高 (mm)22720BMT035H 135288273610.385220/1/50  4.23115547043014.7GAB10湿垃圾冷库5350 x 2950 x 2600 高 (mm)23970BMT049H 14939824489.3170220/1/50  4.23115547043016.9BUT05低温冷库3300 x 3050 x 2600 高 (mm)-203000BLT033132937388811.2255220/1/50  6.35156047043024.4BUT09乳制品(高温)冷库3300 x 3050 x 2600 高 (mm)22980BMT035H 135288273610.385220/1/50  4.23115547043014.7BUT18酒水冷库
3050 x 3300 x 2600 高 (mm)22980BMT035H 135288273610.385220/1/50  4.23115547043014.7BU
T33海鲜类高温冷库4050 x 2500 x 2600 高 (mm)22980BMT035H 135288273610.385220/1/50  4.23115547043014.7BUT35肉类/家禽/海鲜类低温冷库4050 x 2500 x 2600 高 (mm)
-203000BLT033132937388811.2255220/1/50  6.35156047043024.4BUT37肉类/家禽类高温冷库2150 x 6050 x 2600 高 (mm)23480BMT044H 14443825929.8170220/1/50  4.23115547043016.3BUT93蔬果类高温冷库3075 x 3750 x 2600 高 (mm)23240BMT044H 14443825929.8170220/1/50  4.23115547043016.3STA02高温冷库3750 x 2200 x 2600 高 (mm)22720BMT035H 135288273610.385220/1/50  4.23115547043014.7STB02高温冷库3300 x 2950x 2600 高 (mm)22980BMT035H 135288273610.385220/1/50  4.23115547043014.7BAN09高温冷库1950 x 4900x 2600 高 (mm)22980BMT035H 135288273610.385220/1/50  4.23115547043014.7BAN64高温冷库2650 x 2850x 2600 高 (mm)22720BMT035H 135288273610.385220/1/50  4.23115547043014.7BBQ12烧烤间高温冷库3800 x 1850x 2600 高 (mm)22430BMT026H 1262681224  6.585220/1/50  4.2375047043011.5BAC18高温冷库
3800 x 2675x 2600 高 (mm)22980BMT035H 135288273610.385220/1/50  4.23115547043014.7BAB18酒水冷库2850 x 2150x 2600 高 (mm)22370BMT026H 1262681224  6.585220/1/50  4.2375047043011.5CWK04低温冷库3050 x 1950 x 2600 高 (mm)-202410BLT02712744724488.6170220/1/50  6.35115547043019.5CWK09高温冷库3050 x 275
0 x 2600 高 (mm)22720BMT035H 135288273610.385220/1/50  4.23115547043014.7CHD20高温冷库3050 x 2150x 2600 高 (mm)22370BMT026H 1262681224  6.585220/1/50  4.2375047043011.5JAK54高温冷库2950 x 2550 x 2600 高 (mm)22720BMT035H 135288273610.385220/1/50  4.23115547043014.7ADK10高温冷库
2300 x 2350 x 2600 高 (mm)
Note 1 : T.H.R.=Total Heat Rejection
Note 2 : "Power Input" is assumed to be the operating power under the normal condition but not include the power for starting condition and the temperature of the coldroom over the specified temperature.Note 3 : "Operating Current" is assumed to be the current under the normal condtion bu
t not in starting condition.
Note 4 : All the figures in above table subject to be changed if any change at the cold room dimension, room temperature, and condensing water in/out temperature.Note 5 : Design max. condensing water supply pressure: 8bar (116 psi) & condensing water supply/return temperature: 32/37℃Note 6 : Items highlighted in yellow stand for freezer.
Note 7: The condensing units proposed above selected and calculated base on 20m distance between condensing unit and cold room.Note 8: Manufacturer of condensing unit : BOHN Original Note 9: Manufacturer of unit cooler : BOHN Original
Unit Cooler Dimension
Room Temp.(℃)地下一层主厨房
Area Room

本文发布于:2024-09-20 22:34:26,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:冷库   高温   功率   冷庫
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