
Technical Datasheet DS25
Luxeon ®
is a revolutionary, energy efficient and ultra compact new light
source, combining the lifetime and reliability advantages of Light Emitting Diodes with the brightness of conventional lighting.
Luxeon Emitters give you total design freedom and unmatched brightness,creating a new world of light.
Luxeon Emitters can be purchased in reels for high volume assembly. For more information, consult your local Lumileds representative.
For high volume applications, custom Luxeon power light source designs are available upon request, to meet your specific needs.
Luxeon Emitter
Highest flux per LED family in the world
Very long operating life (up to 100k hours)
Available in White, Green,Blue, Royal Blue, Cyan, Red,Red Orange, and Amber  Lambertian, Batwing or Side Emitting radiation pattern  More energy efficient than incandescent and most halogen lamps
Low voltage DC operated  Cool beam, safe to the touch  Instant light (less than 100 ns) Fully dimmable  No UV
Superior ESD protection
Typical Applications
Reading lights (car, bus, aircraft) Portable (flashlight, bicycle)  Mini accent/Uplighters/Downlighters/Orientation  Fiber optic alternative/Decorative/Entertainment  Bollards/Security/Garden  Cove/Undershelf/Task
Traffic signaling/Beacons/ Rail crossing and Wayside
车联网天线Indoor/Outdoor Commercial and Residential Architectural  Automotive Ext (Stop Tail Turn,CHMSL, Mirror Side Repeat) Edge lit signs (Exit, point of sale) LCD Backlights/Light Guides
power light source
Luxeon Emitter is available in white, green, blue, royal blue,cyan, red, red orange and amber.
Mechanical Dimensions
Drawings not to scale
1.The anode side of the device is denoted by a hole in the lead frame. Electrical insulation between the case and the board
is required—slug of device is not electrically neutral. Do not electrically connect either the anode or cathode to the slug.
2.All dimensions are in millimeters.
3.All dimensions without tolerances are for reference only.
Drawings not to scale
1.The anode side of the device is denoted by a hole in the lead frame. Electrical insulation between the case and the board
is required—slug of device is not electrically neutral. Do not electrically connect either the anode or cathode to the slug.
2.All dimensions are in millimeters.
3.All dimensions without tolerances are for reference only.
Mechanical Dimensions, Continued
Side Emitting
Drawings not to scale
1.The anode side of the device is denoted by a hole in the lead frame.  Electrical insulation between the case and the board
is required—slug of device is not electrically neutral. Do not electrically connect either the anode or cathode to the slug.
2.Caution must be used in handling this device to avoid damage to the lens surfaces that will reduce optical efficiency.
3.All dimensions are in millimeters.
4.All dimensions without tolerances are for reference only.
Flux Characteristics at 350mA, Junction Temperature, T J= 25ºC
Table 1.
M i n i m u m L u m i n o u s T y p i c a l L u m i n o u s
F l u x(l m)o r F l u x(l m)o r
R a d i o m e t r i c R a d i o m e t r i c
L u x e o n P o w e r(m W)P o w e r(m W)R a d i a t i o n
C o l o r E m i t t e rΦV[1,2]ΦV[2]P a t t e r n
White[5]LXHL BW0230.645
Warm White LXHL BW0313.920
Green LXHL BM0130.653
Cyan LXHL BE0130.645
Blue[3]LXHL BB018.216Batwing Royal blue[4]LXHL BR02145 mW220 mW
Red LXHL BD0113.927
Red LXHL BD0330.642
Red Orange LXHL BH0339.855
Amber LXHL BL0110.725
Amber LXHL BL0323.542
White LXHL PW0130.645
Green LXHL PM0130.653
Cyan LXHL PE0130.645
Blue[3]LXHL PB018.216Lambertian Royal Blue[4]LXHL PR03145 mW220 mW
Red LXHL PD0130.644
Red Orange LXHL PH0139.855
Amber LXHL PL0123.542
White LXHL DW0123.540.5
Green LXHL DM0123.548
Cyan LXHL DE0123.540.5
aoao3Blue[3]LXHL DB018.214.5Side Emitting Royal blue[4]LXHL DR01115 mW198 mW
Red LXHL DD0130.640
糖炒栗子机Red Orange LXHL DH0139.850
Amber LXHL DL0123.538
Notes for Table 1:
1.Minimum luminous flux or radiometric power performance guaranteed within published operating conditions. Lumileds
maintains a tolerance of ± 10% on flux and power measurements.
2.Luxeon types with even higher luminous flux levels will become available in the future. Please consult your Lumileds
Authorized Distributor or Lumileds sales representative for more information.
3.Minimum flux value for 470 nm devices. Due to the CIE eye response curve in the short blue wavelength range, the
minimum luminous flux will vary over the Lumileds' blue color range. Luminous flux will vary from a minimum of 6.3 lm at 460 nm to a typical of 20 lm at 480 nm due to this effect. Although the luminous power efficiency is lower in the short blue wavelength range, radiometric power efficiency increases as wavelength decreases. For more information, consult the Luxeon Design Guide, available upon request.
4.Royal Blue product is binned by radiometric power and peak wavelength rather than photometric lu
mens and
dominant wavelength.
5.In July 2003 Lumileds announced a second generation white batwing product using a new phosphor deposition process
resulting in improved color uniformity, LXHL BW02.
Optical Characteristics at 350mA, Junction Temperature, T J= 25ºC
Table 2.
T e m p e r a t u r e
D o m i n a n t W a v e l e n g t h[1]λD,C o e f f i c i e n t o f T o t a l
P e a k W a v e l e n g t h[2]λP,S p e c t r a l D o m i n a n t I n c l u d e d V i e w i n g
o r C o l o r T e m p e r a t u r e[3]H a l f w i d t h[4]W a v e l e n g t h A n g l e[5]A n g l e[6]
R a d i a t i o n C C T(n m)(n m/o C)(d e g r e e s)(d e g r e e s) P a t t e r n C o l o r M i n.T y p.M a x.∆λ1/2∆λD/∆T Jθ0.90V2θ1/2 White 4500K5500 K10000 K      110110 Warm White2850K3300K3800K      110110 Green520 nm530 nm550 nm350.04110110
Cyan490 nm505 nm520 nm300.04110110 Batwing Blue460 nm470 nm490 nm250.04110110 Royal Blue[2]440 nm455 nm460 nm200.04110110 Red620.5 nm625 nm645 nm200.05110110 Red Orange613.5 nm617 nm620.5nm200.06110110 Amber584.5 nm590 nm597 nm140.09110110
White4500 K5500 K10000 K      160140
Green520 nm530 nm550 nm350.04160140
Cyan490 nm505 nm520 nm300.04160140 Lambertian Blue460 nm470 nm490 nm250.04160140 Royal Blue[2]440 nm455 nm460 nm200.04160140 Red620.5 nm627 nm645 nm200.05160140 Red Orange613.5 nm617 nm620.5 nm200.06160140 Amber584.5 nm590 nm597 nm140.09160140
Optical Characteristics at 350mA, Junction Temperature, T J= 25ºC, Cont.
Table 3.
T e m p e r a t u r e T y p i c a l
D o m i n a n t W a v e l e n g t h[1]λD,C o e f f i c i e n t o f T o t a l F l u x T y p i c a l
P e a k W a v e l e n g t h[2]λP,S p e c t r a l D o m i n a n t P e r c e n t A n g l e
o r C o l o r T e m p e r a t u r e[3]H a l f w i d t h[4]W a v e l e n g t h w i t h i n o f P e a k
R a d i a t i o n C C T(n m)(n m/o C)f i r s t45°[7]I n t e n s i t y[8] P a t t e r n C o l o r M i n.T y p.M a x.∆λ1/2∆λD/∆T J C u mΦ45°θP e a k White4500 K5500 K10000 K      <15%75°  85°
Green520 nm530 nm550 nm350.04<15%75°  85°
Cyan490 nm505 nm520 nm300.04<15%75°  85°Side Emitting Blue460 nm470 nm490 nm250.04<15%75°  85°Royal Blue[2]440 nm455 nm460 nm200.04<15%75°  85°Red620.5 nm627 nm645 nm200.05<15%75°  85°Red Orange 613.5 nm617 nm620.5 nm200.06<15%75°  85°Amber584.5 nm590 nm597 nm140.09<15%75°  85°
Notes: (for Tables 2 & 3)
1.Dominant wavelength is derived from the CIE 1931 Chromaticity diagram and represents the perceived color. Lumileds
maintains a tolerance of ± 0.5nm for dominant wavelength measurements.
2.Royal Blue product is binned by radiometric power and peak wavelength rather than photometric lumens and dominant
wavelength. Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ± 2nm for peak wavelength measurements.
3.CCT ±5% tester tolerance.
4.Spectral width at ½ of the peak intensity.
5.Total angle at which 90% of total luminous flux is captured.
6.θ½ is the off axis angle from lamp centerline where the luminous intensity is ½ of the peak value.
7.Cumulative flux percent within ± 45° from optical axis.
8.Off axis angle from lamp centerline where the luminous intensity reaches the peak value.
Notes: (for Tables 2 & 3) Continued
9.CRI (Color Rendering Index) for White product types is 70. CRI for Warm White product type is 90 with typical R9value
of 70.
10.All red, red orange and amber products built with Aluminum Indium Gallium Phosphide (AlInGaP).
11.All white, warm white, green, cyan, blue and royal blue products built with Indium Gallium Nitride (InGaN).
12.Blue and Royal Blue power light sources represented here are IEC825 Class 2 for eye safety.
Electrical Characteristics at 350mA, Junction Temperature, T J= 25ºC
Table 4.
T e m p e r a t u r e
C o e f f i c i e n t o f T h e r m a l
F o r w a r d R e s i s t a n c e,
F o r w a r d V o l t a g e V F[1]D y n a m i c V o l t a g e[3]J u n c t i o n
R a d i a t i o n(V)R e s i s t a n c e[2](m V/o C)t o C a s ecmmb移动电视
P a t t e r n C o l o r M i n.T y p.M a x.(Ω)R D∆V F/∆T J(o C/W)RθJ C White  2.79  3.42  3.99  1.0 2.015 Warm White  2.79  3.42  3.99  1.0 2.015 Green  2.79  3.42  3.99  1.0 2.015
Cyan  2.79  3.42  3.99  1.0 2.015
Blue  2.79  3.42  3.99  1.0 2.015 Batwing Royal Blue  2.79  3.42  3.99  1.0 2.015 Red (BD01)  2.31  2.85  3.27  2.4 2.015
Red (BD03)  2.31  2.95  3.51  2.4 2.018
手机支撑架Red Orange  2.31  2.95  3.51  2.4 2.018
Amber (BL01)  2.31  2.85  3.27  2.4 2.015
Amber (BL03)  2.31  2.95  3.51  2.4 2.018 White  2.79  3.42  3.99  1.0 2.015
Green  2.79  3.42  3.99  1.0 2.015
android游戏引擎Cyan  2.79  3.42  3.99  1.0 2.015 Lambertian Blue  2.79  3.42  3.99  1.0 2.015 Royal Blue  2.79  3.42  3.99  1.0 2.015 Red  2.31  2.95  3.51  2.4 2.018 Red Orange  2.31  2.95  3.51  2.4 2.018 Amber  2.31  2.95  3.51  2.4 2.018
White  2.79  3.42  3.99  1.0 2.015
Green  2.79  3.42  3.99  1.0 2.015
Cyan  2.79  3.42  3.99  1.0 2.015
Side Emitting Blue  2.79  3.42  3.99  1.0 2.015 Royal Blue  2.79  3.42  3.99  1.0 2.015 Red  2.31  2.95  3.51  2.4 2.018 Red Orange  2.31  2.95  3.51  2.4 2.018 Amber  2.31  2.95  3.51  2.4 2.018
Notes for Table 4:
1.Lumileds maintains a tolerance of ± 0.06V on forward voltage measurements.
2.Dynamic resistance is the inverse of the slope in linear forward voltage model for LEDs. See Figures 3a and 3b. Measured
between 25°C ≤T J≤110°C at I F= 350mA.

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