
p c s ip中国宝靦医字
http;//www. chinagp. net E-mail;zgqkyx@ chinagp. net, cn• 91 •甲泼尼龙联合左旋咪唑 Graves 眼病的临床疗效观察
【摘要】目的探讨甲泼尼龙联合左旋咪唑G ra v e s眼病(G O)的临床疗效$方法选取2〇10年I2月一
2016年4月兰州大学第二医院收治的活动期中、重度G O患者63例,根据临床方法分为A(〃《28)、B(n =
20)、C(〃= 15) 3组<33组患者均接受常规,同时A组患者口服泼尼松,B组患者接受甲泼尼龙冲击,C组
血糖、收缩压、皮质醇、骨密度比较,差异无统计学意义(P>〇. 05);后B、C组患者体质量、血糖、收缩压、
压4例,B、C组患者无不良反应发生。结论甲泼尼龙联合左旋咪唑是活动期中、重度G O患者安全且有效的
【关键词】G ra v e s眼病;甲泼尼龙;左旋咪唑;结果
【中图分类号】R771. 1【文献标识码】A
Clinical Effect of Methylprednisolone Combined with Levamisole in Treating Graves Ophthalmopathy YANG Yan,SUN Jie,REN Jian- gong.Department of Endocrinology,the Second Hospital of Lanzhou University,Lanzhou730030 ,China [Abstract] Objective To explore the c lin ic a l effect o f m e thylprednisolone com bined w ith levam isole in tre ating graves
ophthalm opathy(G O).
Methods A total o f 63 patients w ith moderate and severe GO in active stage were selected in the液压三爪拉马
Second H ospita l o f Lanzhou U n ive rsity form Decem ber 2010 to A p ril 2016, and they were d ivid e d in to A
(n =2S>) ,B(n =
20),C(71 = 15) group according to the treatm ent m ethod.A ll patients received conventional tre a tm e n t,w h ile patients in
点火模块>蓝牙天线group A received oral prednisone th e ra p y,patients in group B were treated w ith m e thylprednisolone pulse th e ra p y,patients in
group C were treated w ith m e thylprednisolone pulse therapy and oral levam isole th e ra p y.F ollow- up o f6 m o n th s,the degree o f
exophthalm os,the c lin ic a l indexes(in clu d e body m ass,blood gluco se,blood pressure,c o rtis o l,bone m ine ral d e n s ity)before
and after the tre a tm e n t,and the c lin ic a l efficacy and incide nce o f adverse reactions were com pared among the three groups. Results No sta tistica lly sig n ifica n t differences o f the degree o f exophthalm os was found among the three groups before treatm ent
(P>0. 05). A fte r tre a tm e n t,the degree o f exophthalm os o f the C group was sta tistica lly s ig n ific a n tly shorter than that o f A and
B group(P < 0.05 ).No sta tistica lly sig n ifica n t differences o f body m ass,blood g luco se,blood pressure,c o rtis o l,bone
m ine ral density was found among the three groups before treatm ent(P>0. 05) .A fte r tre a tm e n t,the body m ass,blood gluco se,
blood pressure,cortisol o f the B and C group was sta tistica lly sig n ific a n tly low er than that o f A
group(P<0. 05). The c lin ic a l
efficacy o f the B and C group was sta tistica lly s ig n ifica n tly high er than that o f A group(P < 0.05). In group A,there were 3
cases o f diabetes and 4 cases o f h yp e rte n sio n,and no adverse reactions occurred in the B and C groups.
M ethylprednisolone com bined w ith levam isole is the safe and effective treatm ent in patients w ith moderate and severe GO in active
【Keywords】Graves o p htha lm opa thy;M ethylprednisolone;Levam isole;Treatm ent outcome
Graves 眼病(Graves'op hth a lm o p a th y,G O)是以眼球后及
基金项目:甘肃省自然科学基金资助项目(2016GS08665、1606RJZA128)——翻白草对2型糖尿病大鼠骨骼肌氧化应激的分子 机制研究
通信作者:仟建功,730030丨丨省锊彳州市,、V州大7笫二閃院内 分泌代谢科;E-mail: yanzi96023@126 眶周软组织浸润性病变为特征的自身免疫性内分泌疾病,目前 认为其发病是多因素共同作用的结果。本研究对兰州大学第二 医院收治的63例中、童度G O患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,以探讨甲泼尼龙联合左旋咪唑G O的临床疗效,现报 道如下e
1.1 一般资料选取2010年12月一2016年4月兰州大学第二医院收治的活动期中、重度G O患者63例,G O病情判断参 照1997年美国甲状腺协会(A T A)的N0S P E C S分级标准和

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标签:患者   治疗   临床   医院   血糖   甘肃省   活动期   内分泌
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