ASTM B524-B524M-99(2011)

Standard Specification for
Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors,Aluminum-Alloy Reinforced(ACAR,1350/6201)1
This standard is issued under thefixed designation B524/B524M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon(´)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1.1This specification covers concentric-lay-stranded con-ductors made from round aluminum1350-H19(extra hard) wires and round aluminum-alloy6201-T81(hard:solution heat treated,cold worked,and then artificially aged)core wires for use as overhead electrical conductors(Explanatory Note1).
N OTE1—The aluminum,alloy,and temper designations conform to ANSI H35.1/ANSI H35.1[M].Aluminum1350and Alloy6201corre-spond to unified numbering system A91350and A96201,respectively,in accordance with Practice E527.
1.2The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard.The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.
1.2.1For density,resistivity and temperature,the values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.
1.3This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
2.Referenced Documents
2.1The following documents of the issue in effect on date of material purchase form a part of this specification to the extent referenced herein:
2.2ASTM Standards:2
B230/B230M Specification for Aluminum1350–H19Wire for Electrical Purposes
B263Test Method for Determination of Cross-Sectional Area of Stranded Conductors
B354Terminology Relating to Uninsulated Metallic Electri-cal Conductors
B398/B398M Specification for Aluminum-Alloy6201-T81 Wire for Electrical Purposes
B682Specification for Metric Sizes of Electrical Conductors E29Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications
E527Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys in the Unified Numbering System(UNS)
2.3ANSI Standard:
ANSI H35.1American National Standard for Alloy and Temper Designation Systems for Aluminum3
ANSI H35.1[M]American National Standard for Alloy and Temper Designation Systems for Aluminum3
2.4NIST Document:
NBS Handbook100Copper Wire Tables4
3.Ordering Information
3.1Orders for material under this specification shall include the following information:
3.1.1Quantity of each size and stranding;
3.1.2Conductor size(see7.1);
3.1.3Total number of wires,aluminum1350and aluminum alloy6201(Table1or Table2);
3.1.4Direction of lay of outer layer of wires if other than right-hand(see6.2);
3.1.5Special tension test,if required(see8.2);
3.1.6Place of inspection(see1
3.1.7Package size and type(see16.1);
3.1.8Heavy wood lagging,if required(Section16);and
3.1.9Special package marking,if required(Section15).
4.Requirement for Wires
4.1Before stranding,the1350-H19wire used shall meet the requirements of Specification B230/B230M.
4.2Before stranding,the6201-T81wire used shall meet the requirements of Specification B398/B398M.
1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B01on Electrical Conductors and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B01.07on Conductors of Light Metals.
Current edition approved Oct.1,2011.Published February2012.Originally approved in1970.Last previous edition approved in2005as B524–99(2005). DOI:10.1520/B0524_B0524M-99R11.
2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.
3Available from American National Standards Institute(ANSI),25W.43rd St., 4th Floor,New York,NY10036,
4Available from National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST),100 Bureau Dr.,Stop1070,Gaithersburg,MD20899-1070,v.
Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959.United States
TABLE 1Construction Requirements of Concentric-Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors,Aluminum Alloy Reinforced
Conductor Size
Required Construction
Recommended Package Sizes A
Number of Wires B
Diameter of Wires Nominal Outside Diameter
车座头枕Reel Designation
Approximate Length of Each
Piece Approximate Mass of Each Length C cmil AWG ft m lb kg 30000001520910.1816  4.613  1.99850.74RMT 90.4532009759100413027500001393910.1738  4.415  1.91248.56RMT 90.4534901065910041302
5000001267910.1657  4.209  1.82346.30RMT 90.45384011709100413024930001263910.1655  4.204  1.820746.25RMT 96.606500198115400697023380001185610.1958  4.973  1.762044.75RMT 96.607500228616700754022500001140910.1572  3.993  1.72943.92RMT 90.45427013009100413020000001013910.1482  3.764  1.63041.40RMT 90.45485014809100413020000001013610.1811  4.600  1.63041.40RMT 90.4552001585976044251933000979610.1780  4.522  1.602140.69RMT 96.60920028041670075701900000963610.1765  4.483  1.58840.35RMT 90.4554701665976044251800000912610.1718  4.364  1.54639.28RMT 90.4557801760976044251798000911610.1717  4.361  1.545239.25RMT 96.60920028041560070401750000887610.1694  4.303  1.52538.73RMT 90.4559401810976044251703000863610.1671  4.244  1.838046.68RMT 96.60900027431440065301700000861610.1669  4.239  1.50238.15RMT 90.4561201865976044251600000811610.1620  4.115  1.45837.04RMT 90.4565001980976044251534400777610.1586  4.028  1.427436.26RMT 96.601000030481440065301500000760610.1568  3.983  1.41135.85RMT 90.4569302110976044251400000709610.1515  3.848  1.36434.63RMT 90.4574302265976044251361500690610.1494  3.795  1.344634.15RMT 96.601125034291440065
301300000659610.1460  3.708  1.31433.37RMT 90.4580002440976044251300000659370.1874  4.760  1.31233.32RMT 84.4560651850740033551277000647610.1447  3.675  1.302233.08RMT 96.601200036581440065201250000633610.1431  3.635  1.28832.72RMT 90.4583202535976044251250000633370.1838  4.669  1.28732.70RMT 84.4563101920740033551200000608610.1403  3.564  1.26332.08RMT 90.4586602640976044251200000608370.1801  4.575  1.26132.02RMT 84.4565652000740033551198000607370.1799  4.570  1.259631.99RMT 96.601285039171450065501172000594370.1780  4.521  1.245831.64RMT 96.601440043891590071801109000562370.1731  4.397  1.211930.78RMT 96.601385042211450065401100000557610.1343  3.411  1.20930.70RMT 90.4594502880976044251100000557370.1724  4.379  1.20730.65RMT 84.4571602180740033551080600548370.1709  4.341  1.196330.39RMT 96.601560047551580071701024500519370.1664  4.227  1.164829.59RMT 96.601500045721450065401000000507610.1280  3.251  1.15229.26RMT 90.45104003170976044251000000507370.1644  4.176  1.15129.23RMT 84.457880240074003355950000481370.1602  4.069  1.12128.48RMT 84.458300253074003355927200470370.1583  4.021  1.108128.15RMT 90.4510400317090504110
网络收集900000456370.1560  3.962  1.09227.73RMT 84.458760267074003355853700433370.1519  3.858  1.063327.01RMT 96.60180005486145006540850000431370.1516  3.851  1.06126.96RMT 84.459270282574003355800000405370.1470  3.734  1.02926.14RMT 84.459850300074003355750000380370.1424  3.6170.99725.32RMT 84.4510510320074003355739800375370.1414  3.5920.989825.14RMT 90.4513010396590204090700000355370.1375  3.4930.96224.45RMT 84.4511260343074003355653100331190.1854  4.7090.927023.55RMT 84.459910302160702760650000329370.1325  3.3660.92823.56RMT 84.4512130369574003355649500329370.1325  3.3650.927423.56NR 66.286890210042001910600000304370.1273  3.2330.89122.63RMT 84.4513140400574003355600
304190.1777  4.5130.88822.56RM 66.326
1725NR 66.28587200298190.1758  4.4650.879022.33NR 66.288030244844302010550000279370.1219  3.0960.85321.67RMT 84.4514330436574003355550000279190.1701  4.3210.85021.60RM 66.327360224538001725NR 66.28503600255190.1628  4.1350.814020.68NR 66.288030244838001730500000253370.1162  2.9510.81320.66RMT 84.4515765480574003355500000253190.1622  4.1200.81120.60RM 66.328100247038001725NR 66.28450000228190.1539  3.9090.77019.54RM 66.329000274538001725NR 66.28400000203190.1451  3.6850.72618.42RM 66.3210120308538001725NR 66.28350000177190.1357  3.4470.67817.24RM 66.3211560353038001725NR 66.28300000152190.1257  3.1930.62815.96RM 66.3213490411538001725NR 66.28250000
RM 66.3216190
NR 66.28
5.1In conductors composed of seven wires,only cold-pressure welds and electric butt,cold-upset welds may be made in the six outer finished wires.No welds are permitted in the center core wire.In other conductors,cold-pressure welds,electric-butt,cold-upset welds,or electric-butt welds may be made in the finished wires.Such joints in the same wire or any other wire in the conductor shall be no
t closer than prescribed in Table 3.Following welding,electric-butt welds in 6201wires shall be annealed for a distance of at least 6in.(150mm)on each side of the weld (Explanatory Note 2).
6.1The preferred lay of a layer of wires is 13.5times the outside diameter of that layer,but the lay shall be not less than 10nor more than 16times this diameter.
6.2The direction of lay of the outer layer shall be right-hand unless specified otherwise by the purchaser.The direction of lay shall be reversed in successive layers.
7.1The number and diameter of wires and the areas of cross section of conductors shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table 1or Table 2.
7.2Recommended standard strandings are as shown in Table 4.
8.Strength of Conductor
8.1The rated strength of completed conductors shall be taken as the aggregate strength of the aluminum 1350and the aluminum-alloy 6201components,calculated as follows.The strength contribution of the aluminum 1350wires shall be taken as the percentage indicated in Table 6,of the sum of the strengths of the aluminum 1350wires,calculated from their specified nominal wire diameter and the appropriate specified minimum average tensile strength given in Specification B230/B230M .The strength contribution of the aluminum-alloy 6201
wires shall be taken as that percentage,according to the number of layers of aluminum-alloy 6201wires,indicated in Table 6,of the sum of the strengths of the aluminum-alloy 6201wires,calculated from their specified nominal wire diameter and the minimum stress at 1%extension.This shall be considered to be 95%of the minimum average tensile strength specified for the wire diameter in Specification B398/B398M .
8.2Tests for determining the rated strength of the completed conductor are not required by this specification but may be made if agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of placing an order.If tested,the breaking strength of the completed conductor shall be not less than the rated strength if failure occurs in the free length at least 1in.(25mm)beyond the end of either gripping device,or shall be not less than 95%of the rated strength if failure occurs inside,or within 1in.(25mm)
of the end of,either gripping device (Explanatory Note 3).
8.3Rated strength and breaking strength values shall be rounded to three significant figures,in the final value only,in accordance with the rounding method in Practice E29.8.4Rated strength of conductors is given in Table 2or Table 7.9.Density
9.1For the purpose of calculating mass,mass per unit length,cross sections,and so forth,the density of 1350-H19is 2705kg/m 3(0.0975lb/in.3)at 20°C and the density of 6201-T81is 2690kg/m 3(0.097lb/in.3)at 20°C.10.Mass Electrical Resistance
10.1The mass and electrical resistance of a unit length of stranded conductor are a function of the length of lay.The approximate mass per unit length and electrical resistance may be determined using the standard increments shown in Table 8.
Conductor Size
Required Construction
Recommended Package Sizes A
Number of Wires B
Diameter of Wires Nominal Outside Diameter
Reel Designation
Approximate Length of Each
Piece Approximate Mass of Each Length C cmil AWG ft m lb kg 24690012570.1878  4.7700.56314.31NR 36.2230209207003182116004/010770.1739  4.4170.52213.25NR 36.223525107570031819570099.170.1672  4.2470.50212.74NR 36.22381011657003181678003/085.070.1548  3.9320.46411.80NR 36.224445135570031815540078.770.1490  3.7850.44711.35NR 36.22480014657003181331002/067.470.1379  3.5030.41410.52NR 36.225605171070031812330062.570.1327  3.3710.39810.11NR 36.22605018457003181056001/053.570.1228  3.1190.3689.35NR 36.22706521557003187747039.
370.1052  2.6720.3168.03NR 36.229630294070031866360233.670.0974  2.4740.2927.42NR 36.221123534307003184869024.770.0834  2.1180.250  6.35NR 36.22153154675700318417404
21.270.0772  1.9610.232  5.89NR 36.2217855545570031830
A See Table 4for dimensions of standard reels.
Recommended standard stranding combinations are shown in Table 5.C
See Table 7for mass per unit length for each
TABLE2Construction Requirements,Mass,Mass Per Unit Length,Recommended Reel Sizes,and Shipping Lengths of Conductors N OTE1—The sizes in boldface type indicate those preferred sizes from Specification B682.
Conductor Size,
mm2Diameter of
Mass per Unit Length A
Related Strength
Recommended Package Sizes B
1350,kg/km6201,kg/km Total,kg/km Reel Designa-
tion C
Nominal Length of
Each Piece,m
Nominal Mass of
Each Length,kg
1600  4.7352.0335599344493283RMT90.459604315 1400  4.4348.7330928123904248RMT90.4510604140 1250  4.1845.9827537233476221RMT90.4511854120 1120  3.9643.5624716483119198RMT90.4513204120 1000  3.7441.1422045782782180RMT90.4514954160
1600  4.7352.03311413774491300RMT90.459604310 1400  4.4348.73270511963901263RMT90.4510604135 1250  4.1845.98240910653474234RMT90.4511854115 1120  3.9643.5621629563118210RMT90.4513204115 1000  3.7441.1419288522780190RMT90.4514954155
1600  4.7352.03266918194488323RMT90.459604310 1400  4.4348.73231915803899283RMT90.4510604135 1250  4.1845.98206514073472253RMT90.4511854115 1120  3.9643.56185312633116226RMT90.451320
4115 1000  3.7441.14165311262779204RMT90.4514954155
1000  4.5741.1324683182786166RMT90.4514954165 900  4.3338.9721942142478148RMT90.4517854425 800  4.0936.8119572522209133RMT90.4520004420 710  3.8534.6417342241958118RMT90.4522604425 630  3.6332.6715421991741107RMT90.4525404420 560  3.4230.781369176154596.1RMT9.4528604420 500  3.2329.071221157137886.5RMT90.4532104425
1000  4.5741.1321945912786178RMT90.4514954165 900  4.3338.9719505252475159RMT90.4517854420 800  4.0936.8117404692209142RMT90.4520004420 710  3.8534.6515424151957126RMT90.4522604425 630  3.6332.6713713691740114RMT90.4525404420 560  3.4230.7812173281545102RMT90.45286044
20 500  3.2329.071085292137793.6RMT90.4532104420
1000  4.5741.1319198642783192RMT90.4514954160 900  4.3338.9717067682474773RMT90.4517854415 800  4.0936.8115226852207154RMT90.4520004415 710  3.8534.6513496071956137RMT90.4522604420 630  3.6332.6711995401739123RMT90.4525404415 560  3.4230.7810654791544110RMT90.4528604415 500  3.2329.079504271377100RMT90.4532104420
1000  4.5741.13150812732781206RMT90.4514954160 900  4.3338.97134111312472187RMT90.4517854415 800  4.0936.81119610092205167RMT90.4520004410 710  3.8534.6510608941954148RMT90.4522604415 630  3.6332.679427951737133RMT90.4525404410 560  3.4230.788367061542119RMT90.4528604410
弹跳高跷500  3.2329.077466301376109RMT90.4532104415
630  4.6632.6215531871740104RMT90.4525404420 560  4.3930.731378166154492.4RMT90.4538604415 500  4.1529.051232148138082.6RMT84.4524303355 450  3.9427.581110134124474.4RMT84.4526953355 400  3.7125.97984119110367.3RMT84.4530403355 355  3.5024.5087610698260.8RMT84.4534153355 315  3.2923.0377********.7RMT84.4538653350 280  3.1021.706878377048.1RMT84.4543503350 250  2.9320.516147468842.9RMT84.4548753355
630  4.6632.6214123281740113RMT90.4525404420 560  4.3930.7312532911544100RMT90.4528604415 500  4.1529.051119260137989.5RMT84.4524303350 450  3.9427.581009234124380.6RMT84.4534153350 400  3.7125.97895208110372.7RMT84.4530403355 355  3.5024.5079618598165.5RMT84.4534153350
315  3.2923.0370416386757.9RMT84.4538653350 280  3.1021.7062514577052.1RMT84.4543503350 250  2.9320.5155813068846.6RMT84.4548753355
Conductor Size,mm 2
Diameter of Wires,mm
Conductor Diameter,mm Mass per Unit Length
Related Strength kN Recommended Package Sizes B
Total,kg/km Reel Designa-tion C
Nominal Length of Each Piece,m Nominal Mass of Each Length,kg
630  4.6632.6211296081737125RMT 90.4525404410560  4.3930.7310025401542111RMT 90.4528604410500  4.1529.05896483137998.8RMT 84.4524303350450  3.9427.58807435124289.0RMT 84.4526953345400  3.7125.97716386110279.9RMT 84.4530403350355  3.5024.5063734398071.7RMT 84.4534153345315  3.2923.0356330386663.4RMT 84.4538653345280  3.1021.7050026976957.6RMT 84.4543503345250  2.9320.51446240686
51.4RMT 84.4548753360Stranding 18/19
630  4.6632.628478891736139RMT 90.4525404410560  4.3930.737527891541123RMT 90.4528604410500  4.1529.056727051377110RMT 84.4524303345450  3.9427.58606636124299.2RMT 84.4526953345400  3.1125.97537563110088.7RMT 84.453040334
5355  3.5024.5047850197979.5RMT 84.4534153345315  3.2923.0342244386570.2RMT 84.4538653345280  3.1021.7037539376864.2RMT 84.4543503340250  2.9320.51335352687
48753350Stranding 12/7
280  4.3321.65488283771
57.6RM 66.3222351725NR 66.2822351725250  4.0920.4543525268751.4RM 66.3225051720NR 66.2825051720224  3.8719.3538922661546.0RM 66.3227951720NR 66.2827951720200  3.6618.3034820255041.6RM 66.3231251720NR 66.2831251720180  3.4717.3531318249537.8RM 66.3234801725NR 66.2834801725160  3.2716.3527816143933.5RM 66.3239201720NR 66.2839201720140
RM 66.3244701715NR 66.2844701715Stranding 15/4
280  4.3321.65609162771
50.8RM 66.3222351725NR 66.2822351725250  4.0920.4554414468845.3RM 66.3225051725NR 66.2825051725224  3.8719.3548712961640.6RM 66.3227951720NR 66.2827951720200  3.6618.3043511555036.9RM 66.3231251720NR 66.2831251720180  3.4717.3539110449533.6RM 66.3234808725NR 66.2834801725160  3.2716.353489244029.8RM 66.3239201725NR 66.2839201725140
RM 66.3244701720NR 66.2844701720Stranding 4/3
125  4.7714.31197.2147.1344.326.7NR 36.22930320112  4.5113.53176.3131.5307.823.9NR 36.221040320100  4.2612.78157.3117.3274.617.2NR 36.22116032080.0  3.8111.43125.893.9219.717.2NR 36.22145532063.0  3.3910.1799.674.3173.913.7NR 36.22183532050.0  3.029.0679.159.0138.111.2NR 36.22231532040.0  2.708.1063.247.1110.38.95NR 36.22289532031.5  2.397.1749.536.986.47.01NR 36.22369532025.0  2.13  6.3939.329.368.6  5.57NR 36.22465032020.0  1.91  5.7331.623.655.2  4.48NR 36.22578532016.0
1.71  5.1325.318.944.2
智能卡制作A Mass per Unit Length is based on a density of 2705kg/m 3for 1350and 2690kg/m 3for 6201.B
For information only.C
Recommended standard stranding combination are shown in Table 4.

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