General Table of Contents Vol.62 2020

General Table o f Contents Vol. 62 2020
No. 1
2 Plant immune signaling: Advancing on two frontiers
Wei Wang, Baomin Feng, Jian-Min Zhou and
25 Abscisic acid dynamics, signaling, and functions in
Kong Chen, Guo-Jun Li, Ray A. Bressan,
Chun-Peng Song, Jian-Kang Zhu and Yang Zhao
55 The roles of endomembrane trafficking in plant美光隐形眼镜
abiotic stress responses
Xiangfeng Wang, Min Xu, Caiji Gao, Yonglun Zeng,
Yong Cui, Wenjin Shen and Liwen Jiang
70 The plant N-degron pathways of ubiquitin-mediated
Michael John Holdsworth, Jorge Vicente,
Gunjan Sharma, Mohamad Abbas and Agata Zubrycka 90 COP9 signalosome: Discovery, conservation, activity,
and function
Nanxun Qin, Dongqing Xu, Jigang Li
and Xing Wang Deng
104 Experiencing winter for spring flowering:
A molecular epigenetic perspective on vernalization
Xiao Luo and Yuehui He
118 New insights into gibberellin signaling in regulating flowering in Arabidopsis
Shengjie Bao, Changmei Hua, Lisha Shen and Hao Yu 132 Cell polarity: Regulators and mechanisms in plants Kezhen Yang, Lu Wang, Jie Le and Juan Dong
148 The mechanism and function of active DNA
demethylation in plants
Ruie Liu and Zhaobo Lang
No. 2
162 Determination of sex by jasmonate
Claus Wastemack
165 An efficient TILLING platform for cultivated tobacco Yu-Long Gao, Xue-Feng Yao, Wen-Zheng Li,
Zhong-Bang Song, Bing-Wu Wang, Yu-Ping Wu,
Jun-Li Shi, Guan-Shan Liu, Yong-Ping Li and
Chun-Ming Liu
181 AtSec62 is critical for plant development and is involved in ER-phagy in Arabidopsis thaliana
Shuai Hu, Hao Ye, Yong Cui and Liwen Jiang
201 Tissue-specific Hi-C analyses of rice, foxtail millet and maize suggest non-canonical function of plant
chromatin domains
Pengfei Dong, Xiaoyu Tu, Haoxuan Li, Jianhua Zhang,
Donald Grierson, Pinghua Li and Silin Zhong 218 Jasmonic acid alleviates cadmium toxicity in
Arabidopsis via suppression of cadmium uptake and
Gui Jie Lei, Li Sun, Ying Sun, Xiao Fang Zhu, Gui Xin Li
and Shao Jian Zheng
228    A common metabolomic signature is observed upon inoculation of rice roots with various
Marine Valette, Marjolaine Rey, Florence Gerin,
Gilles Comte and Florence Wisniewski-Dye
247 Tasselseeds encodes a cytochrome C oxidase
that functions in sex determination by affecting
jasmonate catabolism in maize
Fei Wang, Zhenjiang Yuan, Zhiwei Zhao, Caixia Li,
Xin Zhang, Huafeng Liang, Yawen Liu, Qian Xu and
Hongtao Liu
No. 3
The transcription factor ICE1 functions in cold stress
response by binding to the promoters of CBF and
COR genes
Kai Tang, Lun Zhao, Yuying Ren, Shuhua Yang,
Jian-Kang Zhu and Chunzhao Zhao
264 QTL pyramiding for producing nutritious and safe rice grains
Xin-Yuan Huang and Fang-Jie Zhao
269 Application and future perspective of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in fruit crops
Junhui Zhou, Dongdong Li, Guoming Wang,
Fuxi Wang, Merixia Kunjal, Dirk Joldersma and
Zhongchi Liu
287 Exploring the molecular basis of heterosis for plant breeding
Jie Liu, Mengjie Li, Qi Zhang, Xin Wei and
Xuehui Huang
299 DEK43 is a P-type pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) protein responsible for the C/s-splicing of nac/4 in
maize mitochondria
Ru Chang Ren, Li Li Wang, Lin Zhang, Ya Jie Zhao,
Jia Wen Wu, Yi Ming Wei, Xian Sheng Zhang and
Xiang Yu Zhao
314 Natural variation in the promoter of OSHAIA3
contributes to differential grain cadmium
accumulation between Indica and Japonica rice
Chao-Lei Liu, Zhen-Yu Gao, Lian-Guang Shang,
Chang-Hong Yang, Ban-Pu Ruan, Da-Li Zeng,
Long-Biao Guo, Fang-Jie Zhao, Chao-Feng Huang
and Qian Qian
330 Polyunsaturatedlinolenoyl-CoAmodulatesERF-VN-mediated hypoxia signaling in Arabidopsis
Ying Zhou, Wei-Juan Tan, Li-Juan Xie, Hua Qi,
Yi-Cong Yang, Li-Ping Huang, Yong-Xia Lai,Yi-Fang Tan,
De-Mian Zhou, Lu-Jun Yu, Qin-Fang Chen, Mee-Len Chye
and Shi Xiao
349Development of nutritious rice with high zinc/ selenium and low cadmium in grains through QTL
Chaolei Liu, Shilin Ding, A n p e n g Zhang, Kai Hong,
H o n g z h e n Jiang, Shenglong Yang, B a np u Ruan,
Bin Zhang, Guojun Dong, Longbiao Guo, Dali Zeng,
Qian Qian and Zhenyu G a o
360 Type one protein phosphatases (TOPPs) contribute to the plant defense response in Arabidopsis
Yaqiong Liu, Jia Yan, Qianqian Qin, Jing Zhang,
Ya n Chen, Lulu Zhao, Kai H e an d Suiwen H o u
378 Editing of an effector gene promoter sequence impacts plant-Phytophthora interaction
Sylvans Ochola, Jie Huang, Haider Al i, Haidong Shu,
D a n y u Shen, Min Qiu, Liyuan W a n g,Xi L i, Ha n Chen,
Alex Kange, Dinah Q u t o b and S u o m e n g D o n g
N o.4
394 UPA2and ZmRAVLi:Promising targets of genetic improvement of maize plant architecture
Dexin Kong, B a o b a o W a n g and Haiyang W a n g
398 Expanding the scope of CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing in plants using an xCasg and
Casg-NG hybrid
Qingfeng Niu, Siqun W u,Yansha L i,Xiaoxuan Yang,
Ping Liu, Yaping X u and Z h a o b o Lang
403 The Brassicaceae-specific secreted peptides, STMPs, function in plant growth and pathogen defense
Zipeng Yu, Y a n g Xu, Lifei Zhu, Lei Zhang, Lin Liu,
Di Zhang, D a n d a n L i, Changai W u,Jinguang Huang,
G u o d o n g Yang, K a n g Yan, Shizhong Z h a n g and
C h e n g c h a o Z h e n g
421 Gibberellin repression of axillary bud formation in Arabidopsis by modulation of DELLA-SPL9 complex
Qi-Qi Zhang, Jia-Gang W a n g, Ling-Yan W a n g,
Jun-Fang W a n g,Q u n W a n g, Ping Yu, Ming-Yi Bai
and Min Fan
433 Recurrent genome duplication events likely
contributed to both the ancient and recent rise of
Chien-Hsun Huang, Xinping Qi, D u o y u a n Chen,
J i Qi and H o n g M a
456 Specifying the role of BAKi-interacting receptor-like kinase 3 in brassinosteroid signaling
Ruth GroBeholz, A n n a Feldman-Salit,
Friederike W a n k e, Sarina Schulze, Nina Glockner,
Birgit Kemmerling, Klaus Harter and Ursula K u m m e r 470 miRi64c and miRi68a regulate seed vigor in rice Yan Zhou, Shiqi Zhou, Liping W a n g,D u o Wu,
Hailan Cheng, X u Du, D an d a n Mao, Chunlai Zhang
and Xiaocheng Jiang
487 Genetic variation in eggplant for Nitrogen Use Efficiency under contrasting N〇3supply
Antonio Mauceri, Laura Bassolino, Antonio Lupini,
Franz Badeck, Fulvia Rizza, M a s s i m o Schiavi,
Laura Toppino, Maria Rosa Abenavoli,
Giuseppe L. Rotino a n d Francesco Sunseri 509 Elicitor hydrophobin Hydi interacts with Ubiquilim-like to induce maize systemic resistance
Chuanjin Yu, Kai Dou, Shaoqing W a n g, Qiong W u,
Mi Ni, Tailong Zhang, Zhixiang Lu;Jun Tang
and Jie Ch e n
527 MdWRKYis improves resistance of apple to
Botryosphaeria dothidea via the salicylic
acid-mediated pathway by directly binding the
MdlCSi promoter
Xian-Yan Zhao, Chen-Hui Qi, H a n Jiang,
Ming-Shuang Zhong, Chun-Xiang You, Yuan-Yuan L i
and Yu-Jin H a o
No. 5
546 Flowering phenology as a core domestication trait in soybean
Zhizhong G o n g
550 The role of miRi56 in rejuvenation in Arabidopsis thaliana
Bin-Bin Ye, Ke Z h a n g and Jia-Wei W a n g
556 The juxtamembrane domains of Arabidopsis CERK1, BAK1, and FLS2 play a conserved role in chitin-induced
Qi Zhou, Jun Liu, Jingyi W a n g,Sufen Chen,
Lijuan Chen, Jinfa W a n g, Hong-Bin W a n g
and Bing Liu
563 Epigenetic regulation in plant abiotic stress
Ya-Nan Chang, C h e n Zhu, Jing Jiang, Huiming Zhang,
Jian-Kang Zhu and C h e ng-G uo D ua n
581 Tillering and small grain 1dominates the tryptophan aminotransferase family required for local auxin
biosynthesis in rice
Tao Guo, Ke Chen, Nai-Qian Dong, W a n g-W e i Ye,
Jun-Xiang Shan an d Hong-Xuan Lin
601 Arabidopsis ADCi functions as an N5-acetylornithine decarboxylase
Yann-Ru Lou, Sheaza A h m e d,Jian Yan,
A d e w a l e M. Adio, H a n n a h M. Powell, Paul F. Morris
and Georg Jander
614 Cryptochrome-mediated hypocotyl phototropism was regulated antagonistically by gibberellic acid and
sucrose in Arabidopsis
Qing-Ping Zhao, Jin-Dong Zhu, Nan-Nan L i,
Xiao-Nan W a n g,Xiang Zhao and Xiao Zhang
631 The involvement of wheat U-box E3 ubiquitin ligase TaPUBi in salt stress tolerance
W e n l o n g W a n g,W e n q i a n g W a n g,Y u nz he n W u,
Qinxue L i,G uangqiang Zhang, Ruirui Shi, Junjiao Yang,
Y o n g W a n g and W e i W a n g
652 Photoexcited phytochrome B interacts with
brassinazole resistant 1 to repress brassinosteroid
signaling in Arabidopsis
Huixue Dong, Jie Liu, G u a n h u a He, Pan Liu and
Jiaqiang Sun
interacts with OslR〇2 to regulate iron homeostasis
G a n g Liang, Huimin Zhang, Y a n g L i,M e n g n a Pu,
Yujie Yang, C h e n y a n g L i,Chengkai Lu, Pe n g X u and
Diqiu Yu
690BAKi-mediated phosphorylation of canonical
丁pv病毒G protein alpha during flagellin signaling in
Jiao Xue, Ben-Qiang Gong, Xinran Yao,
Xiangjuan H u a n g and Jian-Feng L i
702 Osa-miRi67d facilitates infection of Magnaporthe
oryzae in rice
Zhi-Xue Zhao, Qin Feng, Xiao-Long Cao, Y o n g Zhu,
H e W a n g,Viswanathan Chandran, Jing Fan,
Ji-Qun Zhao, Mei Pu, Yan L i an d W e n-M i n g W a n g
No. 6
718 S-acylation of CBLio/SCaBP8 by PATto is crucial for its tonoplast association and function in salt tolerance
Sen Chai, Fu-Rong Ge, Yan Z h a n g and Sha L i
723 Synergistic regulation of drought-responsive
genes by transcription factor OsbZIP23 and histone
modification in rice
W e i Zong, Jun Yang, Jie Fu and Lizhong Xiong
730 Control of flowering in rice through synthetic
Tenai Eguen, Jorge G o m e z Ariza, Vittoria Brambilla,
Bin Sun, Kaushal K u m a r Bhati, Fabio Fornara and
Stephan W en k e l
737 Coordination of light, circadian clock with
temperature: The potential mechanisms regulating
chilling tolerance in rice
X u e d a n Lu, Ya n Zhou, Fan Fan, J u n H u a P e n g
and Jian Z ha n g
761 Engineering plants to secrete affinity-tagged
pathogen elicitors for deciphering immune receptor
complex or inducing enhanced immunity
S h u a n g Miao, Jiuer Liu, Jianhang G u o and Jian-Feng L i
777 SMALL KERNEL4 is required for mitochondrial coxi
transcript editing and seed development in maize
Hon g-Ch un W a n g,Aqib Sayyed, Xin-Yuan Liu,
Yan-Zhuo Yang, Feng Sun, Y o n g W a n g,Miaodi W a n g
and Bao-Cai Tan
793Oryza sativa mediator subunit OSMED25 interacts
with OsBZRi to regulate brassinosteroid signaling
and plant architecture in rice
Y u e k u n Ren, Xiaojie Tian, Shuyu L i,Enyang Mei,
Mingliang He, Jiaqi Tang, Mi n Xu, Xiufeng L i,
Zhenyu W a n g,C h u a n y o u L i and Qingyun Bu
812 Arabidopsis PEAPODs function with LIKE
HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN1 to regulate lateral 9^4
organ growth
Ying Zhu, Xiao Luo, Xuxin Liu, Wenjuan W u,Xiaofeng Cui,
Yuehui H e and Jirong H u a ng Production of very-high-amylose cassava by post-transcriptional silencing of branching enzyme genes Wen z h i Zhou, Shanshan Zhao, Shutao He,
Qiuxiang Ma, Xinlu Lu, X i a o m e n g Hao, Hongxia W a n g, Jun Y a n g and P e n g Z h a n g
847 The rice PLATZ protein SHORT GRAIN6 determines grain size by regulating spikelet hull cell division
Shi-Rong Z h o u and Hong-Wei Xue
865 Phosphorylation at Ser28 stabilizes the/\rab/dops/s nitrate transporter NRT2.1 in response to nitrate
X u e Zou, M e n g-Y u a n Liu, Wei-Hua W u and Y a n g W a n g
No. 7
879 The encyclopedia of maize kernel gene expression Qi L i and Yongrui W u
882 Asymmetric cytokinin signaling opposes gravitropism in roots
Sascha W a i d m a n n and Jurgen Kleine-Vehn
887 The interaction of CalVl7 and CNGC14 regulates root hair growth in Arabidopsis
Qudsia Zeb, Xiaohan W a n g,C o n g c o n g Hou,
Xiwen Zhang, M e n g q i Dong, Si si Zhang, Qian Zhang,
Zhijie Ren, W a n g Tian, Huifen Zhu, Le g ong L i
and Liangyu Liu
897 Intersected functional zone of transcriptional
regulators patterns sternness within stem cell niche
of root apical meristem
Meizhi Xu, X u Gu, N e n g s o n g Liang, Xinxin Bian,
H o n g W a n g,Yaxin Qin, Limin Pi and S h u a n g W u
912 Reactive oxygen species regulate auxin levels to mediate adventitious root induction in Arabidopsis
hypocotyl cuttings
Aixia Huang, Y o n g s h u n W a n g,Y an gy an g Liu,
G u o d o n g W a n g and Xiaoping She
927 Identification of plant genes putatively involved in the perception of fungal ergosterol-squalene
Laura Undo, Rosa E. Cardoza, Alicia Lorenzana,
批量抓鸡Pedro A. Casquero and Santiago Gutierrez
domain-containing protein, affects rice quality and
W ei W a n g,Xiangjin Wei, Guiai Jiao, W e n q i a n g Chen,
Y a w e n W u,Z h o n g h u a Sheng, Shikai Hu, Lihong Xie,
Jiayu W a n g, Shaoqing Ta n g and Peisong Hu
967 Arabidopsis DXO1 possesses deNADding and
exonuclease activities and its mutation affects
defense-related and photosynthetic gene
Shuying Pan, Kai-en L i,W e i Huang, H u a n Zhong,
Huihui W u,Yu a n W a n g, H e Zhang, Zongw ei Cai,
H o n g w e i Guo, X u e m e i C h e n and Y i j i Xia
Aluminium is essential for root growth and
development of tea plants (Camellia sinensis)
L i l i Sun, Meng s hi Zhang, Xiaomei Liu, Qianzhuo Mao,
Che n Shi, Leon V. Kochian an d H o n g Liao
998 Screening of abiotic stress-responsive cotton genes using a cotton full-length cDNA overexpressing
Arabidopsis library
Shengting L i, H a o Chen, Zhi Hou, Yu L i,Cuiling Yang,
Daojie W a n g and C h un-Peng S o n g
1017 OsCYCP4s coordinate phosphate starvation signaling with cell cycle progression in rice
Lei Xu, Fang W a n g, Ruili L i, Minjuan Deng, Meilan Fu,
Huiying T en g and Kek e Yi
1034 The transcription factor GATAto regulates fertility conversion of a two-line hybrid tmss mutant rice via
the modulation of Ub i4〇expression
Jing Jin, Songtao Gui, Qian L i,Ying W a n g,
H o n g y u a n Zhang, Zhixuan Zhu, H a o Chen,
Y u e y a n g Sun, Yu Zou, Xingguo H u a n g and Yi Ding
No. 8
1059 Overexpression of CmSOSi confers waterlogging tolerance in Chrysanthemum
Lijun W a n g,Jiaojiao Gao, Zixin Zhang, W e i mi a o Liu,
Peilei Cheng, W e n tin g M u, T o n g Su, Sumei Chen,
Fadi C h e n a nd Jiafu Jiang
1065 Split Nano luciferase complementation for probing protein-protein interactions in plant cells
Feng-Zhu W a n g, N a n n a n Zhang, Yan-Jun Guo,
Ben-Qiang G o n g and Jian-Feng L i
1080 Aldehyde dehydrogenase ALDH3F1 involvement in flowering time regulation through histone
acetylation modulation on FLOWERING LOCUS C
Danyun Xu, Qing Liu, G a n g Chen, Zhiqiang Yan
and H o n g h o n g Hu
1093 Brassinosteroids regulate outer ovule integument growth in part via the control of INNER NO OUTER
by BRASSINOZOLE-RESISTANT family transcription
D a n d a n Jia, Lian-Ge Chen, Guimin Yin, Xiaorui Yang,
Zhihua Gao, Yi Guo, Yu Sun and W e n q i a n g Tang
1112 The Brassica napus GATA transcription factor
BnAs.ZMLi is a stigma compatibility factor
Zhiqiang Duan, Yatao Zhang, Jinxing Tu,
Jinxiong Shen, Bin Yi, Tingdong Fu, C h e n g Dai and
Chaozhi M a
1132 Proteomic and metabolomic profiling underlines the stage- and time-dependent effects of high
temperature on grape berry metabolism
David Lecourieux, Christian Kappel, Stephane Claverol,
Philippe Pieri, Regina Feil, John E. Lunn, M arc Bonneu,
Lijun W a n g, Eric G o m e s, Serge Delrot and
Fatma Lecourieux
1159 MYC2, MYC3, and MYC4 function additively in
wounding-induced jasmonic acid biosynthesis and
Cuiping Zhang, Yunting Lei, Chengkai Lu, Lei W a n g and
Jianqiang W u 1176    A WRKY transcription factor confers aluminum tolerance via regulation of cell wall modifying genes
C h u n Xiao L i,Jing Ying Yan, Jiang Y u a n Ren,
L i Sun, C h e n Xu, Gui Xin L i, Z h o n g Jie Ding
and Sha o Jian Z h e n g
1193 Ethylene promotes seed iron storage during
Arabidopsis seed maturation via ERF95 transcription
Ying Sun, Jia Qi L i,Jing Ying Yan, Jun Jie Yuan,
Gui Xin L i,Y u n R o n g W u,J i M i n g Xu,
R o n g Feng Huang, Nicholas P. Harberd,
Z h o n g Jie Ding and S h a o Jian Z h e n g
1213 Osa-miRi873fine-tunes rice immunity against
Magnaporthe oryzae and yield traits
Shi-Xin Zhou, Y o n g Zhu, Liang-Fang W a n g,
Ya-Ping Zheng, Jin-Feng Chen, Ting-Ting L i,
Xue-Mei Yang, H e W a n g,Xu-Pu L i,Xiao-Chun Ma,
Ji-Qun Zhao, Mei Pu, Hui Feng, Yan L i,Jing Fan,
Ji-Wei Zhang, Yan-Yan H u a n g and W e n-M i n g W a n g 1227 Lectin receptor kinase OsLecRK-S.7 is required for pollen development and male fertility
Xiaoqun Peng, M e n g l o n g W a n g,Yiqi L i,W e i Yan,
Zhenyi Chang, Zhufeng Chen, Chunjue Xu,
Chen g w e i Yang, Xing W a n g Deng, Jianxin W u
and Xiaoyan Tang
1246 Identification of late-stage pollen-specific
promoters for construction of pollen-inactivation
system in rice
M e n g l o n g W a n g,W e i Yan, Xiaoqun Peng,
Zhufeng Chen, Chunjue Xu, Jianxin W u,
Xing W a n g D e n g and Xiaoyan Tang
1267 Photobiology: Light signal transduction and
H o n g t a o Liu, R o n g c h e n g Lin and Xing W a n g D e n g 1270 Light signaling and UV-B mediated plant growth regulation
Arpita Yadav, Deeksha Singh, M a n e e s h Lingwan,
Premachandran Yadukrishnan,
S h y a m K u m a r Masakapalli an d Sourav Datta
1293 B-box proteins: Pivotal players in light mediated development in plants
Zhaoqing Song, Yeting Bian, Jiujie Liu, Yuting Sun and
Dongqing Xu
1310 The role of light in regulating seed dormancy and germination
Liwen Yang, S h u ang r ong Liu and R o n g c h e n g Lin 1327The C-terminal 17 amino acids of the photoreceptor UVR8 is involved in the fine-tuning of UV-B signaling
L i Lin, Huaxi Dong, Guoqian Y a n g and R u o h e Yin
1341 ZEITLUPE is required for shade avoidance in the wild tobacco Nicotiana attenuata
Y o n g Zou, Ran L i and Ian T. Baldwin
1352 Phototropin- and photosynthesis-dependent
mitochondrial positioning in Arabidopsis thaliana
mesophyll cells
M d Sayeedul Islam, Toan V a n Nguyen,
Wat ar u S a k a m o t o and Shingo Takagi
1372 PIF1 and RVEi form a transcriptional feedback loop to control light-mediated seed germination in
Liwen Yang, Zhimin Jiang, Yanjun Jing
and R o n g c h e n g Lin
1385 Florigen trafficking integrates photoperiod and temperature signals in Arabidopsis
Lu Liu, Y u Z h a n g and H a o Yu
1399 SINAT E3 ligases regulate the stability of the ESCRT component FREEi in response to iron deficiency in
Zhidan Xiao, Cha o Yang, Chuanliang Liu,
Lianming Yang, S h u h o n g Yang, Jun Zhou, Faqiang L i,
Liwen Jiang, Shi Xiao, Caiji G a o and Wenjin Shen
1418 Plastid ribosomal protein LPE2 is involved in
photosynthesis and the response to C/N balance in
Arabidopsis thaliana
Xiaoxiao Dong, Sujuan Duan, Hong-Bin W a n g and
Hong-Lei Jin
1433 Colonization of endophyte Acremonium sp. D212 in Panax notoginseng and rice mediated by auxin and
jasmonic acid
L i Han, X u a n Zhou, Yiting Zhao, S h u sh e ng Zhu,
Lixia W u,Yunlu He, Xiangrui Ping, Xinqi Lu,
W u y i n g Huang, Jie Qian, Lina Zhang, Xi Jiang, D a n Zhu,
C h o n g y u Luo, Saijie L i,Qian Dong, Qijing Fu,
Kaiyuan Deng, Xin W a n g, Lei W a n g,S h e n g Peng,
Jinsong W u,W e i m i n L i,Jin FrimI, Y o u y o n g Zhu,
Xiahong H e and Yunlong Du
No. 10
1455 H3K36me2 is highly correlated with m6A
modifications in plants
Sangrea Shim, H o n g Gil Lee, H o n g w o o Lee and
P i l Joo n Seo
1461 Induction of priming by cold stress via inducible volatile cues in neighboring tea plants
M i ngy u e Zhao, Lu W a n g,Jingming W a n g,Jieyang Jin,
N a Zhang, Lei Lei, Ting Gao, Tingting Jing,
Shangrui Zhang, Yi W u, Bin W u,Yunqing Hu,
Xiaochun W a n,Wilfried S c h w a b and Chuankui S o n g 1469 Large-scale identification of expression quantitative trait loci in Arabidopsis reveals novel candidate
regulators of immune responses and other processes
Xingang W a n g, Min Ren, Danni Liu, D a b a o Zhang,
Cuijun Zhang, Z h a o b o Lang, Alberto P. Macho,
Min Z h a n g and Jian-Kang Z h u
1484 Targeting and signaling of Rho of plants guanosine triphosphatases require synergistic interaction
between guanine nucleotide inhibitor and vesicular
Fu-Rong Ge, Sen Chai, Sha L i and Yan Z ha n g 1500 SHY2 as a node in the regulation of root meristem development by auxin, brassinosteroids, and
Taotao L i,Xinke Kang, W e i Lei, Xiuhong Yao,
Lijuan Zou, Dawei Z h a n g an d Honghui Lin
1518 Trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase E modulates ABA-controlled root growth and stomatal movement
in Arabidopsis
Wenjing W a n g, Qingbin Chen, S h o u m i n g X u,
W e n-C h e n g Liu, Xiaohong Zhu and Chun-Peng So n g 1535 Combined genome-wide association study and transcriptome analysis reveal candidate genes for
resistance to Fusarium ear rot in maize
Lishan Yao, Ya nm e i L i,C h u an yu Ma, Lixiu Tong,
Feili D u and MingliangXu
1552    A bHLH transcription activator regulates defense signaling by nucleo-cytosolic trafficking in rice
Fanwei M e n g,C h a o Yang, Jidong Cao, Hua n Chen,
Jinhuan Pang, Qiqi Zhao, Zongyi W a n g,
Z h e n g Qing Fu an d Jun Liu
1574 GDSL esterase/丨ipases OSGELP34 and OsGELPiio/ OSGELP115 are essential for rice pollen development
Huihui Zhang, M e n g l o n g W a n g,Yiqi L i,We i Yan,
Zhenyi Chang, Haoling Ni, Zhufeng Chen, Jianxin W u,
Chunjue Xu, Xing W a n g D e n g and Xiaoyan Tang
1594    A novel CCCH-type zinc finger protein SAWi activates O s C A2〇o x3to regulate gibberellin homeostasis and
anther development in rice
Bin W a n g, Ruiqiu Fang, Fam i ng Chen, Jingluan Han,
Yao-Guang Liu, Letian C h e n and Qinlong Zhu
1607 Maize W/5 encodes an endo-i,4-p-xylanase required for secondary cell wall synthesis and water transport
in xylem
Xiaojiao Hu, Y a n g Cui, Xiaomin Lu, Weibin Song, Lei Lei,
Jinjie Zhu, Jinsheng Lai, Lizhu E and Haiming Zhao
1625 Phytohormone dynamics in developing endosperm influence rice grain shape and quality
Xiao-Fan Zhang, Jian-Hua Tong, Ai-Ning Bai,
Chu n-Ming Liu, Lang-Tao Xiao and Hong-Wei X u e
1638 Corrigendum
No. 11
1643 BTB/TAZ protein MdBT2 integrates multiple
hormonal and environmental signals to regulate
anthocyanin biosynthesis in apple
Jian-Ping An, Xiao-Fei W a n g a nd Yu-Jin Ha o
1647 RNA-directed DNA methylation has an important developmental function in Arabidopsis that is masked
by the chromatin remodeler PICKLE
R o n g Yang, L i He, H u a n Huang, Jian-Kang Zhu,
Rosa Lozano-Duran and H e n g Z han g
1653 Targeted mutagenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana using CRISPR-Casi2b/C2ci
Fan W u,Xinyu Qiao, Yafei Zhao, Ziyi Zhang, Yifan Gao,
Lingfeng Shi, H a o k u n Du, Lulu W a n g,Ya-Jie Zhang,
Y u zhang, Langyu Liu, Q u a n W a n g and Dejing K o n g

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