
Electric power fitting 电力金具
corona 电晕
Grip strength 电晕
Suspension clamp 悬垂线夹
Strain clamp 耐张线夹
Link 挂环
Clevis& tongue 挂板
Ball-eye 球头挂环
Socket-clevis eye 碗头挂板
Shackle U型挂环
U-bolt U型螺丝
水利u型槽成型机Yoke plate 连板
Towing plate 牵引板
Adjusting plate 调整板
Turn buckle 花篮螺丝
Splicing sleeve 接续管
Repair sleeve 补修管
Parallel groove clamp 并沟线夹
Jumper clamp 跳线线夹
Damper 防震锤
Grading ring 均压环
Shielding ring 屏蔽环
Grading and shielding ring 均压屏蔽环
Arcing horn 招弧角
Spacer 间隔棒
Preformed armor rod 预绞丝护线条
Aluminum armor tape 铝包带
Counter weight 重锤
Guy clip线夹子 情趣口香糖
Thimble 心形环
Terminal connector 设备线夹
T-connector T型线夹
Visual inspection 外观检查
Type-tests 型式试验
Sampling tests 抽样试验
Routine tests 出厂试验
Mechanical failing load tests 机械破坏荷重试验
Grip strength tests握力试验
Vibration tests 振动试验
Resistance tests 电阻试验
火车鹤管最大地震基本烈度The maximum seismic basic intensity
螺栓、脚钉bolts and foot nails
热镀锌防腐hot dip galvanized for the purpose of anti-corrosion
相序牌 phase board
警示牌warning board
塔号牌number plate
防攀爬装置anti-climbing device
插入角钢inserting angle steel/stub angle
地脚螺栓or anchor bolt
毛巾挂件环保environmental protection
降基foundation settlement
崩塌滑坡retrogressive collapse and landslide
地质情况Geological Conditions
承台灌注桩基础cast-in-place pile cap foundation,
底板配筋的柔性基础bottom slab reinforced flexible foundation
刚性基础rigid foundation
掏挖基础digging foundation
岩石嵌固基础embedded rock foundation
水平剪力horizontal shear force
直锚式 direct anchoring type
承台式 cap type
嵌固式 embedded type
原状土基础undisturbed soil foundation 开挖量excavation amount of earthwork 微腐蚀性slightly corrosive
现浇基础Cast-in-place foundation
基础钢筋Foundation reinforcement
基础垫层Foundation bed
铁塔材料量Amount of steel tower materials
基础混凝土Foundation concrete
基础钢材量Foundation steel quantity
水泥含量cement content
招标文件bidding document
条款 provision
制造fabrication 条款clause 焊接welding 系数coefficient 尺度gauge
设计桩号 design pile No. 转角度数 rotation degree 塔型 tower type
基础类型 foundation type 基础跟开 foundation opening 接地沟drainage ditch
杆塔结构明细表 tower structure list 配筋图 construction profile 焊接 welding
主筋 principal reinforcement 箍筋hoop/stirrup
底板筋 reinforcement of base plate 架力筋 erection bar
垫层 bed course 杆位移动 pole move
桩位高差 tower-pile height difference 转角 angle
度degree 分minute 秒second 耐张段长 tension length 代表档距 equivalent span
光缆盘长 optical cable length per drum 土壤电阻率 soil resistivity /earth resistivity 工频电阻值 power frequency resistance
导线绝缘子串 conductor insulator string
地线绝缘子串 earth-wires hardware 交叉跨越 crossings
安装距离 installation distance 平面图 Plane graph
平断面图 plane cross section diagram
输电线路transmission line 双回路double circuit 导线conductor
地线ground (Earth) wire
双回路耐张塔double-circuit tension towers 直线塔tangent tower
地质Geological 水文Hydrological
塔位坐标Coordinate of Tower Location 转角塔angle tower 直线塔tangent tower
气象条件Meteorology Condition 温度Temperature
风速Wind speed 冰厚Thickness of ice
最高气温Maximum temperature 最低气温Minimum temperature 无 风Without wind
基本风速Basic wind speed
年平均气温Mean annual air temperature 操作过电压Operation overvoltage
安装情况Installation 钢截面Steel section 外径External diameter
计算拉断力Rated tensile strength 安全系数Factor of safety
导线单位长度自重Weight per unit length of conductor
悬垂串Suspension string 跳线串jumping string 耐张串tension string
瓷绝缘子porcelain insulator
耐张绝缘子串Tension Insulator String 呼高Nominal Height 防雷Lightning Protection 接地Grounding
土壤电阻soil resistance 金具hardware
单联耐张绝缘子串Single Tension Insulator String
双联耐张绝缘子串Double Tension Insulator
双联悬垂绝缘子串Double Suspension Insulator String
铁塔和基础Tower and Foundation 荷载工况Load Condition
电线阻力系数wire resistance coefficient 档距折减系数span reduction coefficient
塔身风荷载计算Tower wind load calculation 安装荷载Installation loads 导线张力Conductor tension 横向荷载transverse load 扭转荷载Torsion load
纵向不平衡荷载Longitudinal unbalanced load 垂直荷载vertical load
90度最大风90 degree maximum wind 无冰、无风、断地线及一相导线No-ice, no-wind, with earth wire and one phase broken
无冰、无风纵向不平衡张力Longitudinal unbalanced tension without ice and wind
维修与安装荷载Maintenance and installation loads 档距span
高低腿high-low leg
水平档距Horizontal span 垂直档距Vertical span
转角度数Rotation angle degree 电压等级Voltage class
热轧等肢角钢及钢板hot rolling equal-leg angle steel and steel plate
中强度钢Mild steel
高强度钢High tensile steel
化学成分含量Content of chemical components 抗拉性能Tensile properties

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