牛津英汉双解大辞典 Y(A至Z)

牛津英汉双解大辞典 Y, y
/ waI; waI/ n (pl Y's, y's / waIz; waIz/) the twenty-fifth letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第二十五个字母: `Yak' begins with (a) Y/`Y'. yak 一字以 y 字母开始.
Y chromosome
(biology 生) chromosome that occurs singly and only in male cells, and produces a male after combining with an X chromosome during thereproductive process  Y染体. Cf 参看 X chromosome(X).
n [pl] (Brit propr 专利名) men's underpants, with seams and an opening in the front sewn in the shape of an inverted Y 男用内裤(前有倒Y形开口者): a pair of Y-fronts 一条男用内裤(前有倒Y形开口者).
-y (also -ey)
suff 後缀  1 (with ns forming adjs 与名词结合构成形容词) full of; having the quality of 充满...的; 多...的; 有...性质的: dusty * icy * clayey.  2 (with vs forming adjs 与动词结合构成形容词) tending to 有...倾向的; 易...的: runny * sticky.
(forming advs 用以构成副词).
(forming uncountable ns 用以构成不可数名词).
suff 後缀  1 (with vs forming ns 与动词结合构成名词) action or process of ...的行动或过程: inquiry * expiry.  2 (also -ie) (with ns forming diminutives or pet names 与名词结合构成指小词或昵称): piggy * doggie * daddy * Susie.
abbr 缩写 =  1 yen1.  2 / waI; waI/ (US infml 口) = YMCA, YWCA.
/ waI; waI/ symb 符号 (a) (also y) (mathematics 数) unknown quantity 未知数: x = y + 2. (b) (fig 比喻)
second unknown or unspecified person, number or influence 第二个未知的或未指明的人、 数或影响力: Mr X met Miss Y.  X先生遇见了Y小.
/ jCt; jBt/ n  1 light sailing-boat, esp one built specifically for racing 快艇; (尤指专为竞赛用的)帆船: [attrib 作定语] a yacht race, club, crew 帆船竞赛、 俱乐部、 (一组)选手 * a sand yacht, ie a yacht-like vehiclewith wheels for use on sand 沙滩车.  2 large (usu power-driven) vessel used for private pleasure cruising 大型(通常为机动的)游艇. Cf 参看 dinghy.
v [I] (usu in the continuous tenses 通常用於进行时态) travel or race in a yacht, especially as a hobby 乘坐快艇、 帆船、 游艇或进行比赛(尤指作为爱好): I go yachting most weekends in the summer. 在夏天, 我大多数周末都乘快艇游玩. yachting n [U] art, practice or sport of sailing yachts 帆船驾驶(术); 帆船驾驶运动: [attrib 作定语] yachting equipment 帆船驾驶设备.
/ -smEn; -smEn/ n (pl -smen / -smEn; -smEn/, fem 阴性作 `yachtswoman) person who has yachting
as a hobby 帆船运动爱好者: a round-the-worldyachtsman 环游世界一周的帆船运动爱好者.
/ jAk; jAk/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (away/on) (about sb/sth) (sl 俚) talk continuously and often noisily (usu about sth unimportant) 唠唠叨叨, 闲扯(常为高声地): Joy kept yacking (on) about the wedding. 乔伊唠唠
n (usu sing 通常作单数) (sl 俚) persistent or trivial conversation; chatter 絮絮叨叨的谈话; 聊天; 唠叨: having a good old yack with the neighbours 与邻居痛快地闲扯往事.
/ 9jAkEtI 5jk; 9jAkEtI `jAk/ n [U] (sl 俚) persistent chatter 絮絮叨叨的谈话; 唠叨.
/ jE5hu:; jE`hu/ n (pl ~s) coarse brutish person 粗鲁的人: [attrib 作定语] a yahoo attitude 粗鲁的态度.
/ jAk; jAk/ n wild or domesticated ox of Central Asia, with long horns and hair  牛(产於中亚、 西藏).
/ jeIl; jel/ n (also `Yale lock) (propr 专利名) type of lock with revolving internal parts, commonly used for doors, etc 耶鲁锁, 撞锁(常用作门等的锁): have a Yale (lock) fitted 安装耶鲁锁 * [attrib 作定语] a Yale key 耶鲁锁的钥匙.
/ jAm; jAm/ n  1 (a) edible starchy tuber of a tropical climbing plant 薯蓣(通称山药). (b) this plant 薯蓣.  2 (US) type of sweet potato 甘薯(通称白薯或红薯).
/ 5jAmE(r); `jAmL/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (on) (aboutsb/sth) (infml derog 口, 贬) talk noisily and continuously; complain or speak in a whining, grumbling manner 高声不停地说; 抱怨; 嘟嘟囔囔地说: I do wish they'd stop yammering on about the size of the bill. 我真希望他们别再嘟嘟囔囔地抱怨帐单的价钱了.
/ 5jAmE(r); `jAmL/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (on) (aboutsb/sth) (infml derog 口, 贬) talk noisily and continuously; complain or speak in a whining, grumbling manner 高声不停地说; 抱怨; 嘟嘟囔囔地说: I do wish they'd stop yammering on about the size of the bill. 我真希望他们别再嘟嘟囔囔地抱怨帐单的价钱了.
/ jAN; jAN/ n [U] (in Chinese philosophy) the active bright male principle of the universe (中国哲学)阳. Cf 参看 yin.
/ jANk; jANk/ n (infml 口) = Yankee.
/ jANk; jANk/ v [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (infml 口) pull (sth) with a sudden sharp tug (often in a specifieddirection) 猛拉(某物)(常为向某方向): She yanked (on) the rope and it broke. 她猛力一拉, 绳子就断了. * yank the bedclothes off one's bed 把床单从床上拉下来 * yank out a tooth 拔出一颗牙齿.
n sudden sharp tug 突然的猛拉: The old chain only needed a couple of yanks before it snapped. 这条旧链只拉了两下就断了.
/ 5jANkI; `jANkI/ (also Yank) n  1 (Brit infml 口) inhabitant of the United States of America; American 美国人; 美洲人: [attrib 作定语] Yankee hospitality 美国人的好客.  2 (US) (a) inhabitant of any of the NorthernStates, esp those of New England 美国北部各州的人;(尤指)新英格兰人. (b) Federal soldier in the AmericanCivil War (美国南北战争时的)北军.
/ jAp; jAp/ v (-pp-) [I, Ipr]  1 ~ (at sb/sth) (esp of small dogs) utter short sharp barks (尤指小狗)叫, 吠: yapping at the postman 向邮递员狂吠.  2 (sl 俚) talk
noisily and foolishly 哇啦哇啦地瞎说: Stop yapping! 别瞎扯了!
n sound of yapping (小狗的)叫声; 哇啦哇啦的说话声.
Scotland Yard
/ 9skCtlEnd 5jB:d; `skBtlEnd`jBrd/ headquartersof the London police, now officially called New Scotland Yard; its Criminal Investigation Department 伦敦警察厅(现称New Scotland Yard新伦敦警察厅); 伦敦警察厅侦缉处: They called in Scotland Yard, ie asked for the help of this Department. 他们向伦敦警察厅侦缉处报了案. * Scotland Yard is/are investigating the crime. 伦敦警察厅正在对该罪案进行调查.
/ jB:d; jBrd/ n  1 (a) (usu unroofed) enclosed or partly enclosed space near or round a building or group of buildings, often paved 建筑物附近或周围(通常为无顶篷的)围起来的空地(常为经铺设者); 院子. (b) (US) = backyard (back2).  2 (usu in compounds 通常用以构成复合词) enclosure for a special purpose or business (为某目的或用途的)场地: a `railway yard/`marshalling yard, ie an area where trains are made up, and where coaches, wagons, etc are stored 铁路站场[调车场] * a `builder's yard 建筑场地.
/ jB:d; jBrd/ n  1 (abbr 缩写 yd) unit of length, equal to 3 feet (36 inches) or 0.9144 metre 码(长度单位, 等於 3 英尺或 0.9144米): Can you still buy cloth by the yard in Britain? 在英国买布还论码吗? =>App 4, 5 见附录4、 5.  2 long pole-like piece of wood fastened to a mast for supporting and spreading a sail 帆桁.
/ 5jB:dIdV; `jBrdIdV/ n [C, U] size measured in yards or square yards 码数; 平方码数: a considerable yardage of canvas 有相当大码数的帆布.
n either end of a yard2 (2) supporting a sail 帆桁端.
yard of ale
(a) ale or beer held in a deep slender drinking glass about a yard long (盛於约一码长的细长玻璃杯中的)麦芽酒或啤酒. (b) this drinking glass 这种玻璃酒杯.
/ 5jB:dstIk; `jBrd9stIk/ n ~ (of sth) standard of comparison 比较或衡量的标准; 尺度: Durability is one yardstick of quality. 耐久性是质量好坏的一个尺度. * We need a yardstick to measure our performance by. 我们的表现需要一个检验的标准.
/ 5jQmUlkE; `jBrmElkE/ n skull-cap worn by Jewish men, esp at prayer (犹太男子戴的)无檐小圆帽(尤指祈祷时所戴者).
/ jB:n; jBrn/ n  1 [U] fibres (esp of wool) that have been spun for knitting, weaving, etc 纱; 线; (尤指)毛线.  2 [C] (infml 口) story; traveller's tale, esp one that is exaggerated or invented 故事; (旅行者的)奇谈(尤指夸张的或编造的).  3 (idm 习语) spin a yarn => spin.
v [I] (infml 口) tell yarns 讲故事; 信口开河: We stayed up yarning until midnight. 我们山南海北一直讲到深夜.
/ 5jArEU; `jAro/ n [C, U] plant with feathery leavesand small strong-smelling white or pinkish flowers in flat clusters 欧
蓍草: hedgerows full of yarrow 有很多欧蓍草的灌木树篱.
/ 5jAFmAk; `jAF9mAk/ n veil covering most of the face, worn in public by Muslim women in certaincountries (某些国家的穆斯林妇女在公众场所戴的)面纱.
/ jR:; jR/ v [I] (of a ship or aircraft, etc) turn unsteadilyoff a straight or correct course (指轮船或飞行器等)偏航, 越出航线. Cf 参看 pitch2 4, roll2 6.
n such a turn 偏航; 越出航线.
jR:l; jRl/ n (nautical 海)  1 (a) sailing-boat with two masts, the second being a short one near the stern (前桅高後桅低的)二桅帆船. (b) type of small fishing-boat 小渔船.  2 ship's boat with four or six oars (船载的四桨或六桨的)小艇.
/ jR:n; jRn/ v [I]  1 take (usu involuntarily) a deep breath with the mouth wide open, as when sleepy or bored 打哈欠.  2 (of large holes, etc) be wide open (指大洞穴等)张开, 裂开: The deep crevasse yawned at their feet. 他们脚下的冰川有一道深深的裂缝. * a yawning chasm 地上裂开的大坑 * (fig 比喻) a yawning gap between the rich and poor in our society 我们社会中贫富之间的鸿沟.
n  1 act of yawning (yawn v 1) 哈欠.  2 (usu sing 通常作单数) (infml derog 口, 贬) uninteresting or boring thing 乏味的或枯燥的事物: The meeting was one big yawn from start to finish. 那会议自始至终十分无聊.
/ jR:z; jRz/ n [sing or pl v] tropical skin disease causing raspberry-like swellings 雅司病.
abbr 缩写 = (pl yds) yard (measurement 量度单位): 12 yds of silk 12 码的丝绸. Cf 参看 ft, in.
/ ji:; ji/ pers pron 人称代词 (arch 古) (pl of thou *thou的复数) you 汝等; 君等.
/ ji:; ji, or pronounced as 或读作 the/ det (used in the names of pubs, shops, etc as if it were the old-fashioned spelling 用於酒馆、 商店等的名称, 作仿古体拼写) = the: Ye Olde Bull and Bush, eg on a pub sign 布尔及布什老店(如於酒馆招牌上者).
/ jeI; je/ adv, n (arch 古) = yes. Cf 参看 nay.
/ jeE; jZE/ adv (infml 口)  1 (casual pronunciation of) yes *yes(的俗音).  2 (idm 习语) ,oh `yeah? (u
sed to show that one does not believe what has been said 用以表示对所说的话不相信): `I'm going to meet the Prime Minister.' `Oh yeah? Very likely!' `我要去见首相了.'`噢, 是吗? 那太有可能了!'
/ jIE(r), also j\:(r); jIr/ n  1 [C] time taken by the earth to make one orbit round the sun, about 365 days 年.  2 [C] (also `calendar year) period from 1 January to 31 December, ie 365 days (or 366 in a leap year) divided into 12 months 历年: in the year 1865 在1865年 * this year 今年 * the year after next 後年 * a good year for cheap vegetables, ie a year in which vegetables are available cheaply 蔬菜便宜的好年成.  3 [C] any period of 365 consecutive days 一年: It's just a year (today) since I arrived here. 我来到这里(到
今天)整一年了. * I arrived a year ago (today). 我是一年前(的今天)来的. * She's worked there for ten years. 她在那里工作十年了. * In a year's time they're getting married. 一年之後他们就要结婚了. * [attrib 作定语] a five-year forecast 五年的预测.  4 [C] period of one year associated with sth, such as education or finance 与某事物(如教育或财政)相关的一年的期间: the ,academic `year 学年 * the fi,nancial/,fiscal/,tax `year 财政[会计/课税]年度 * [attrib 作定语] first year students 一年级的学生.  5 [C usu pl 通常作复数] age; time of life 年纪; 年龄; 年岁: twenty years old/of age 二十岁 * a seventy-year-
old man 七十岁的人 * She looks young for her years/for a woman of her years, ie looks younger than she is. 她看起来比她的岁数年轻. * He died in his sixtieth year, ie at the age of 59. 他在步入六十岁时去世(即实足年龄59岁).  6 years [pl] (infml 口) a long time 很久: I've worked for this firm for years (and years). 我为这家公司工作了很多年(很多年)了. * It's years since we last met. 我们已经很久没见面了.7 (idm 习语) the age/years of discretion => discretion.,all (the) year `round throughout the year 一年到头: He swims in the sea all year round. 他一年到头都在海里游泳. donkey's years => donkey. man, woman, car, etc of the `year person or thing chosen as outstanding in a particular field in a particular year 某年在某领域最杰出的人或事物: TV personality of the year 该年度电视圈的名人. not/never in a hundred, etc `years absolutelynot/never 绝对不[决不]. old beyond one's years => old. put `years on sb make sb feel or appear older 使某人觉得或显得老些: The shock put years on him. 这一场冲击使他见老. ring out the old year and ring in the new => ring2. take `years off sb make sb feelor appear younger 使某人觉得或显得年轻些: Giving up smoking has taken years off her. 她戒烟以後显得年轻了. the turn of the year/century => turn2. year after `year continuously for many years 年年: She sent money year after year to help the poor. 她年年送钱帮助穷人.year by `year progressively each year 一年一年地: Yearby year their affection for each other grew stronger. 他们相爱逐年加深. the year `dot (infml 口) a very long time ago 很久以前: I've been going there every summer since the year dot. 我从很久以前每年夏天就都到那里去. year `in, year `out every year witho
ut exception 年复一年地. ,year of `grace; ,year of our `Lord (fml 文) any specified year after the birth of Christ 耶稣纪元某年; 公元某年: in the year of our Lord 1217, ie 1217 AD 公元1217年.
adj, adv (occurring) every year or once a year每年(的); 一年一次(的): a yearly conference/a conferenceheld yearly 一年一度的会议.
n book issued once a year, giving information
(reports, statistics, etc) about a particular subject 年鉴; 年刊; 年报.
adj [attrib 作定语] continuing for or throughouta year 持续一年的; 整整一年的: a ,year-long `lecture tour 持续一年的演讲旅行.
5jIElIN; `jIrlIN/ n animal, esp a horse, between one and two years old 一岁至两岁的动物(尤指马): a race for yearlings 一两岁小马的赛马 * [attrib 作定语] a yearling filly 一两岁的小雌马.
/ j\:n; j[n/ v [I, Ipr, It] ~ (for sb/sth) desire strongly or with compassion or tenderness; be filled with longing 渴望; 怜悯; 思念; 留恋; 盼望: a yearning desire 如饥似渴的欲望 * He yearned for his home and family. 他怀念故国家园. * She yearned to return to her native country. 她巴不得能回国.
n [C, U] ~ (for sb/sth); ~ (to do sth) strong desire; tender longing 渴望; 热望.
/ ji:st; jist/ n [C, U] (type of) fungous substance used in the making of beer and wine, or to make bread rise2(10) 酵母; 发酵物: brewer's yeast 啤酒用酵母 * baker's yeast 发面用酵母.
adj tasting or smelling strongly of yeast; frothy like yeast when it is developing 酵母味的; 发酵的; 起泡的.
n [U].
/ jel; jZl/ v  1 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (out) (at sb/sth); ~ (out) (in/with sth) utter a loud sharp cry or cries as of pain, excitement, etc 号叫; 喊叫; 叫喊: Stop yelling, can't you! 别嚷了, 行吗? * She yelled (out) at her mischievous child. 她对她淘气的孩子大喊大叫. * yell out in anguish, terror, pain, etc 因苦恼、 惊恐、 疼痛等叫喊起来 * yell with fear, agony, laughter 害怕、 痛苦、 笑得喊叫起来.2 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ (at sb) (about/for sth); ~ (out) sth (at sb/sth) speak or say (sth) in a yelling voice 叫喊著说(某事): She yelled at him about his constant drunkenness. 她大嚷大叫说他总是烂醉如泥. * The crowd yelled (out) encouragement at the players. 人们叫喊著为选手打气. =>Usage at shout 用法见 shout.
n  1 loud sharp cry of pain, excitement, etc 叫声;喊声; 喊叫: a yell of terror 恐怖的叫喊声 * let out an ear-splitting yell 发出震耳欲聋的号叫声.  2 (US) particular type of shout or cheer used at a college to encourage a team, etc (学院中拉拉队助威的)喊叫声.
/ 5jelEU; `jZlo/ adj  1 (a) of the colour of ripe lemons, egg yolks or gold, or of a colour similar to this 黄()的. =>illus at spectrum 见spectrum插图. (b) (often offensive 常作轻蔑语) having the light brown skin and complexion of certain eastern Asian peoples (某些东亚民族)黄皮肤的.  2 (also `yellow-bellied) (infml derog 口, 贬) cowardly 胆怯的: I always suspected he was yellow. 我总怀疑他很胆小.  3 (idm 习语) a yellow `streak cowardice in sb's character 生性怯懦.
n (a) [C, U] the colour yellow 黄: several different yellows (ie sh

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