初中英语_Unit 1 What's the matter Section B 2b教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

Unit1   What’s the matter?      Period 5 Section B(2a-2e)
By  from
Teaching aims
Knowledge aims
1.Ss will be able to master the following words and phrases: breathe, have problems breathing, sunburned, ourselves, climber, be used to doing, risk, take risks, accident, situation, kilo, rock,  run out (of), knife(knives), cut off, blood, mean(meant), get out of, importance, decision, control, be in control of, spirit, death, give up, Aron Ralston
2.Ss will be able to master the following sentence structures:
1)As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks.
2)Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing.     
3)There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents.
4),Aron’s arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him.
5) This means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of.
6.,and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death.
3. Ss will be able to learn some reading strategies.
Ability aims
1.Ss can use reading strategies to comprehend the passage.
2.Ss can learn to make a good decision when they are between a rock and a hard place.
Emotional aims
1.Ss will learn to make a good decision when they are in trouble.
2.Ss will learn to be brave enough to face the difficult by themselves.
Teaching important points
1.Ss can master the key words, phrases and sentence structures well.
2.Ss can use reading strategies to comprehend the passage.
Teaching difficult points
Ss can use proper sentences to retell Arons story.
Teaching aids
Multi-media, textbook, tape, etc.
Teaching procedures
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Step 1: Warming-up and lead-in
1.Play a game:
Ask Ss to find out five differences.
And tell Ss: To be a great game player ---to read picture in order.
2.T:Whos that in the picture?
Thats Tom. Heres a story about Tom. Please put the sentences in correct order.
Then tell Ss: To be a good readerto find the event in order.
1.Follow the teacher to find out five differences
2.Put the sentences in correct order and learn the reading skill.
This game can help to get Ss to be interested in this class.
And Toms story  can help to lead in reading skill”.
Step 2 Presentation
T:What happened to Tom?
Right, he got hit by a ball and fell down.
What other problems may happen when we are swimming/climbing mountains?
Let Ss look at the pictures and help them to answer.
Look at the pictures and try to answer the questions: have problems
breathing; get sunburned; cut ourselves
To present the key words and phrases and help Ss to learn them.
Step 3 Pre-reading  Section B 2a
Summary the problems together first. Then ask Ss to match the letter of each sport next to each accident or problem that can happen. After that check with Ss.
Write the letter of each sport next to each accident or problem that can happen.
To help Ss to use new words correctly.
Step 4 While-reading
I.T: Do you like climbing mountains?
What do you think of mountain climbing?
Right, its dangerous. Sometimes it means taking risks. If you are not careful, you may even lose your life
What does Aron Ralston think of mountain climbing?
Here is a passage about him.
II. While reading
1.Skimming: Read quickly and answer: Who is Aron Ralston? What is the passage about?
2.Sacnning: Read for meaning, not for details.
Para 1:Read and fill the blanks, then answer questions.
Para 2 T:How did Aron get out of the dangerous situation?
Read and answer questions.
Read carefully again and fill in the blanks.
Para 3 Read and answer. Then read Para1&2 to find out the meaning of new words.
1.Give the opinion about mountain climbing.
2.Learn and use the reading strategies: Skim and scan.
4.Read and fill.
5.Read and judge.
6.Read and answer.
To teach Ss the reading skills at proper time.
To practice Ss reading skills.
Step 5 Post-reading
1.T:Do you know well about Aron? Well, read the statements and circle True, False or Don’t know.
Ask Ss to correct false sentences.
2.T: Are you a good reader now? Please Put the sentences in the correct order.
Then ask Ss to try to retell the story.
3. Alans spirit
1.T: As we know, Alan lost his arm, but hes still climbing. What do you think of him? Lets talk about Arons spirit.
2.T:Here are three sentences from the story. Please tell what spirit it is.
1.Read the statements and circle True, False or
Don’t know.(2c)
Correct false sentences.
2.Put the sentences in the correct order. (2e)
3.Try to retell the story. 4.Talk about Arons spirit.
Then tell what spirit it is.
To help Ss know better about the story and use what they have learned today.
Step 6 Practice
I. Fill in the blanks
1.T:Alans story is true in our life. Lets enjoy a short part of it.  (127hours)
2.Ask Ss to fill in the blanks with proper words.
II. Ask Ss to make a good decision about themselves.
1.Enjoy the video.
2.Use words and phrases and fill in blanks.
3.Make a decision.
To develop Ss English ability.
Step 6 Homework
I. Oral work 
Read Aron’s story again and retell it.
II. Written work
Write down the main idea of this story
within 100 words on the composition book.
Read and write
To consolidate what Ss have learned today.
Bb design
Unit 1 What's the matter? Period 5 Section B(2a-2e)
climber        Aron Ralston  He Lost His Arm But Is Still Climbing
Utah        have problems breathing  get sunburned   cut ourselves
rock      is used to  taking risks    get out of dangerous situations
kilo      ran out      cut off    the importance of making good decisions
knife    be in control of
Unit 2 Whats the matter?
4课时 Section B  (3a- 4)
年级:八年级      课题: Whats the matter? 
课  型:新授课    主备人:    审稿:
重点:理解和复述短文You should/ , It's easy to have a healthy lifestyle,
预  习  案
一、预习范围:八年级上册Unit2Whats the matter (SectionB3a-4)
三、预习方法:1.根据音标拼读Section B:3a一4的单词并牢记。2.阅读理解短文,完成课本题目。在文中勾画出生词和短语。然后再读短文完成相关题目,将疑难标记到“我的问题”处。  3.完成时间:l0分钟。
1. Peter is often tired and weak. He has too much yang. (    )
2. People who have too much yang should eat tofu. (    )
3. What should you eat if you have too much yin?
4. Who may have too much yang?
学习建议  认认真阅读3a一4。画出-F歹lJ单词、短语和重点句型,并结合语境猜测其含义。
1. traditional                        2. believe                       
3. weak                            4. angry                       
5. medicine                          6. western                       
7. everybody                       8. get                         
9. few                              10. stay                         
11. important                        12. balance                       
13. balanced                        14. diet                           
1. traditional Chinese doctors                2. a balance of ...                     
3. for example                            4. too much/too many                 
5. be                             6. stressed out                       
7. a balanced diet                            8. get tired                           
9. a few nights                            10. stay healthy                       
1. Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.
2. You should eat hot yang foods, like beef.
3. Chinese medicine is now popular in many western countries.
4. It's easy to have a healthy lifestyle.
5. It's important to eat a balanced diet.
6. Everybody gets tired sometimes.
探  究  案  
Ⅰ 质疑探究——质疑解疑、合作探究
学习建议  请同学用5分钟时间认真思考这些问题,并结合预习中自己的疑问开始下面的探究学习。
探究点一  单词和短语
1. angry adj. "生气的"
(1) But people who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang.
(2)He's angry with me. 他生我的气。
(3) She's angry at the news. 她因这个消息而生气。
2. like v. & prep.“喜欢;像’’
(1)You should eat hot yang foods, like beef.
(2)He likes English.
    I music.
  She doesn't like to swim today.
3. stay v. &n.保持;维持
(1)David stays in the hotel in China.
    Most people like staying with their family on weekends.
(2)You should rest for a few nights and you should eat Chinese medicine to stay healthy.
(3) He made few friends during his stay in the village.
(2)观察句(2),stay作系动词时后面跟了什么词性的词?stay healthy的同义短语是什么?
4. for example "例如"
(1)For example, are you often weak and tired? Maybe you have toomuch yin.
  Ball games, for example, are popular around the world.
  What would you do if you met a wild animal a lion, for example?
(2) I have many friends, such as Lingling, Xiaoming, Lucy (and so on).
for example用于几个事物的列举?such as呢?
5. afew
There is a little milk in the bottle. 瓶子里有一点牛奶。
6. too much/ much too
(1)There is too much snow and ice. 有冰雪太多。
(2)The weather is much too cold. 天太冷。
(1)too much修饰什么词性的词?是什么意思?
(2)much t00后跟什么词?什么意思?
1.Does Lily like              basketball?
  Yes, she does. She plays every day.
A. play          B. plays        C. playing          D. to play
2. My mother likes          , but she doesn't like        (聊天) with Aunt Li.
  A. chatting;' chatting                      B. to chat; to chat
  C. to chat; chatting                      D. chatting; to chat
3. 大卫喜欢水果,例如苹果和香蕉。(根据汉语完成句子)
David          fruit,          apples and bananas.
4. We should smile every day to                       
5. 妈妈因为我的作业生我的气。(翻译句子)
6. Zhou En lai,          , is a good leader(领导).
  A. such as              B. like              C. for example
7. Today many people keep pets          dogs, cats or snakes.
A. such as              B. with              C. for example~
8. There's          food in the fridge. Let's go shopping to buy some.
  A. few                            B. a few
  C. little                          D. a little
9. The woman is          fat because she eats        sweet food.
  A. much too; much too                        B. much too; too much
  C. too much; too much                        D. too much; much too
探究点二  重难点句子探究
1. Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a blance of yin and yang to be healthy.
(2)短语a balance of是什么意思?后面跟什么词?
(3)to be healthy是哪句话的目的?
2. Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this.
3. But people who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang.
探究点三  语篇探究
学习建议 通过对教材3a部分文章结构,主旨大意的把握,加深对课文的理解。
2. What does Chinese medicine think is important?
检  测  案
I. 单项选择(15)
(  )1. Is your brother good _____ science?
    A. with  B. for    C. at    D. to
(  )2. _______ not easy for me to speak English.
    A. I'm    B. There's  C. It's    D. That's
(  )3. Zhongshan Park is _____ than the people's Park.
    A. much beautiful    B. too beautiful 
    C. more beautiful    D. beautiful
(  )4. What's _______ with our computer?
    A. matter      B. the wrong   
C. the matter  D. trouble
(  )5. --- ________ is the party?  ------ At eight o'clock.
    A. What      B. Why    C. When    D. How
(  )6. Thanks a lot for  _______ me to join you.
    A. ask      B. asked    C. asking    D. asks
(  )7. _______ the students in our class walk to school
      every day.
    A. The most  B. Most of  C. Most  D. The most of
(  )8. When we heard the good news, we felt ______.
    A. happy          B. happily 
C. more happily  D. more happier
(  )9. --Do Liu Li and Liu Ying __, Mary?
--Yes, they do.
    A. look same    B. look the same 
C. look like    D. look the same as
(  )10. ---Do you think bread is very popular in China?
    A. Yes, I am                B. No, I don't think so.
    C. No, I think it isn't    D. Yes, I think they do.
(  )11. ---______ do you play table tennis?
        ---Twice a week.
    A. How long  B. How often  C. How much  D. How many
(  )12. If you are thirsty, you should ____
    A.eat a lot of food  B. drink a lot of water
C. lie down and rest D. exercise
(  )13. You shouldn’t eat _____ 24 hours.
    A.something in  B. nothing for
    C. anything for  D. everything at
(  )14 We should eat more vegtables to ________ health.

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