
中图分类号旦窆2圣:垒2 学校代码幽UDC347.7密级公珏
Research o n Transforillation of China's current situation of patent problems and countermeasures
—m一do‘p Researcll on。1r ans lO rma ti on o l China’s curr e nt0t patent problems and countermeasur es
Abstract:Nowadays,with the cons ta nt development of market economy and t e c h no l o g y,t h e number,quality and degre e o f industrialization o f pate nt f ili ngs h as been an important indicator to measure a country’S
ability of c r ea ti on and economic competition.Research shows that
co ll eg e s an d universities b e ca u s e o f the ir dis cipli ne,per sonnel,information  and o the r advantages of the academic environment,intellect ual prop erty p lay s a role  in  the production and tec hn olo gi ca l innova tion o f the main force.Str engthen intellectual propert y p ro te ct io n and u niv ers iti es,ca n e nh a nc e the enthusiasm of r es ea rc he rs a nd uni ve rs it ies,w hi le promoting the industrialization of s cie nti fic a nd tech nol ogi cal achievements.As the bli nd p u rs u i t o f un i ve rs i ty p at en t appl ica tio ns,pa ten ts did not establish a soun d legal an d pol icy system transformation in
pa tent investment and f in anc in g,r es ear ch coo pera tion mechanism con st ru ct io n,sc ie nce a nd technology intermediary s e rv i c e capabilities exist many deficiencies,resulting in u ni ve r si t y pa te n t ap pl i ca t io n volume,quality not high abstention  serious,conv ersio n
rate.C han ges in the status of u ni v er si t y pa te nt s transformed na t io n a l laws and policies ne
ed to improve the system,but als o the need to reform un iv e rs i ty p a te nt management approach.Based o n the curr en t situation o f
transformed empirical  analysis,transformation of un iv e rs i ty p a te nt s
un iv e rs i ty p at en t s exi st in  the work,pointin g out that inhi bit the
conversion o f university pate nt s,pa te nt transformation in co l le ge on the basis o f experie nce o f d e ve l o pe d co un tr ie s learn from the na ti o na l leg al and pol icy level un i ve r si ty p at en t conversion s e r vi c e levels to an alyze an d so lv e the problem of transforming our uni v er s it y p at e nt countermeasures,
such as the definition of u ni v er s it y pa te n t rights vested i nterests to p ro t e c t and improve the distribution mechanism univ er si ty p at e nt transformation,the establishment of long-term re sea rch co operatio n mechanisms,sound investment  and fi nan cin g mechanism for transforming  the pat ent,
intermediary stre ngt hen ing the c apa cit y of un iv er si ty pa t en t transformed
transformation.services,improve management level u ni ve r si t y pa t en t
KEY WORDS:University p at en t transformation,Legal an d pol icy system,Service System

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