
A) Machinery & Equipment for the Plastics & Rubber Industries
. Machine & equipment for preprocessing, recycI ing 预加工.回收利用机 械及设备 1.01 Mixers 混炼机
1.02 Two rol I mi Ils 双辗塑炼机
1.03 Powder compactors 粉料压实机
1.04 Si ze reduct ion equipment (granulators. crushers, shredders, blade granulators)破碎设备
1.05 Pel Ietizers 切粒机 1.06 Screen changers / Melt f i Iters 换网器/熔体过滤器 1.07 Compound i ng I i nes 配混生产线
1.08 RecycI ing I ines 回收利用作业线 Extruders & extrusion I ines 挤出机及挤出生产线 single screw type 单螺杆挤出机 twin screw type 双螺杆挤出机 I ines for blown fi Im 吹涨薄膜挤出生产线
I i nes for flat f i Im and sheets 平挤薄膜及片材挤出生产
I ines for strappings 橡皮圈挤出生产线 I i nes for mono- and mult if i laments 单层及多层丝挤出生
I ines for pipes and prof i les 管道及型材挤出生产线
I i nes for lami nat i ng and coat i ng 层压及涂层挤出生产线
Extruders, 2.02
Extruders. 2.03 Extrusion
2.05 Extrusion 产线  2.07 Extrusion
mouIding machines 注塑机 3.01 3.02
3.03 Injection Injecti
on Injecti
on Injecti
on 3.05
Injecti on machi
mouIdi ng mouIdi ng
mouIdi mouldi ng genera I ourpose 通用注塑机 multi-component 多组分注塑机
I ines for sheathi ng of pipes and cables 管道及电线护
I ines for rubber橡胶挤出生产线
Blow mouIding machines 吹塑机
A. 01 Extrus i on b I ow mou I d i ng mach i nes 挤坯次塑机
4. 02 Extrusion stretch blow mouIding machines 挤拉坯吹塑机
4. 03 Injection blow mouIding machines 注坯吹塑机
4. 04 Inject io n stretch blow mou I d i ng machines 注拉坯吹塑机
4. 05 Stretch blow mouIding machines (reheat)(重热)拉坯吹塑机
Presses 压机
5. 01 Compression & transfer mouIding presses 压塑压机及压铸压机
5. 02 Tab I ett i ng presses热固性塑料压锭机
5. 03 Presses, others 其它压机
5. 04 Preplasticizing equipment for mouIding compounds 模塑料的预塑化设备
Mach inery for foam, reactive or re inforced resins
6. 01 Preexpanders, foaming machinery for parts & blocks (for EPS. EPP t EPE) (EPS, EPP, EPE)制件及块料预发泡机及发泡机
6. 02 React io n mou I d i ng mach i nery & plant 反应模塑机及设备
6. 03 Machinery for foam, other 发泡机及其它
6. 04 F i I ament winding mach i nes 长丝缠绕机
6. 05 Casting machines for open moulds 敞模铸塑机
6. 06 Pu I trus i on equ i pment 拉挤成型机
6. 07 Spray i ng equ i pment 喷涂设备
Processing machines, other 其它加工机械
7. 01 Calenders 压延机
7. 02 RotationaI moulding machines 粉料滚塑机
7. 03 Sheet cast i ng mach i nes 片材铸塑机
7. 04 Machi nes for the tyre industry 轮胎行业用机械
7. 05 Rubber process i ng equ i pment, other 其它橡胶加工设备
7. 06 Machines & equipment for rapid prototyping 快速原型机械及设备
Post processi ng machines 后加工机械
8. 01 Thermoforming machines 热成型机
8. 02 Bending, folding & edgetrimming machines 折弯机、折边机及裁边机
8. 03 Pipe belling & socket i ng machines 管材涨口机及套口机
8. 04 Cutt i ng mach i nes 裁断机
8. 05 Winding equ i pment 收卷缠绕设备
8. 06 SI itter rewinders纵切复卷联合机
8. 07 Spl i tt ing mach i nes, pee I i ng mach i nes 纵切机、剥皮机
8. 08 Punching & perforating machines 冲切机及打孔机
8. 09 Milling mach i nes 铁床
8. 10 Deflashing equ i pment 修整飞边机
8. 11 Bag & sack mak i ng equ i pment 制袋设备
8. 12 Stretch i ng I i nes for f i Im, f i I ament, etc.薄膜、长丝等的拉伸作业线
Mach i nery & plant for finishing, decorating, pr i nting & mark ing 修饰、装潢、印刷及印标机械及设备
9. 01 Emboss i ng equ i pment 压花设备
9. 02 Lam i nat ing pl ant 层压设备
9. 03 Coating plant 涂布设备
9. 04 Flock i ng p I ant 植绒设备
9. 05 Meta I I i z i ng p I ant (vacuum deposition)金属化设备(真空蒸附)
9. 06 Equipment for in-mouId decoration 模広装璜设备
9. 07 Printing equipment for plastic & rubber products 塑料橡胶制品印设备
9. 08 Mark i ng equ i pment 印标设备
Welding machines 焊机
10. 01 Hot-plate welders 热板焊机
10. 02 Heat i mpu I se we I ders 热脉冲焊机
10. 03 High-frequency welders 高频焊机
10. 04 Ultrasonic we I ders 超声波焊机
10. 05 Hot-gas welders 热气焊机
10. 06 Friction we I ders 摩擦焊机
10. 07 Extrusion welders 挤出焊机
10. 08 Laser beam we I ders 激光焊机
Moulds & dies 模具
11.01 CAD - CAM计算器辅助设计及生产系统
11.02 Injection & compression moulds 注塑模及压缩模
11.03 Blow moulds 吹塑模
11.04 Extrusion dies 挤塑模头
11.05 Standard parts for moulds 模具标准件
11.06 Hotrunner systems 热流道系统
11.07 Mou I d c I amp i ng systems & energy coup I i ngs 合模系统和强力联轴节
11.08 Mould & die cleaning equipment 清模设备
11.09 Stee I for mou I ds 模具钢
11.10 Texturing 模具构造
Anci I lary equipment 辅助设备
12. 01 Surface pretreatment equ i pment 表面预处理设备
12. 02 Handling equ i pmen t for mach ine I oad i ng or unload ing 上、下料装置
12. 03 Dosing & meter ing equipment定量加料装置及计量装置
12. 04 Silos & silo d i scharge devices 贮仓出料装置
12.05 Conveyors & conveying systems (except factory trucks & carts 输送器及输送系统(除工厂货车及手推车外)
12. 06 Dr i ers / dehumi d i f i ers for bu I k mater i a I s 大块物料及散料干燥机 /去湿机12. 07 Mould changing systems 换模系统
12. 08 Heating & cool ing units for moulds & dies 模具加热及冷却装置
12. 09 Static eI imination equipment 静电消除器
12. 10 Sprue separat i ng equ i pment 注道分离装置
12. 11 Meta I separators 金属分离器
12. 12 Melt pumps 熔体泵
12. 13 Dust & fume extract ion systems 粉尘及烟雾抽出系统
12.14 Degass i ng systems 脱气系统
12. 15 Equ i pment for gas i nject i on 注气设备
Measur ing, control & test equipment 测量、控制及试验设备
13. 01 Measur ing & control equipment 测量及控制设备
13. 02 Test equ i pment 试验设备
Parts & components 零、部件
14. 01 Screws 螺杆
14. 02 Barrels压辗、机筒、滚桶
14. 03 Rolls 辗
14. 04 Nozzles 注嘴、喷嘴
14. 05 Heating elements 加热组件
14. 06 Mach i ne b I ades 叶片、刮板

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