
e Wharf 钢板桩码头
Steel Sheet Piling 钢板桩; 钢板桩
Steel Sheet Piling Cutoff 钢板桩截水墙
Steel Sheet Piling Type Dolphin 钢板桩式系船墩
Steel Sheet Shears 钢皮剪刀
Steel Sheet Straightener 钢板校直机
Steel Sheet-Pile Wall 钢板桩墙
Steel Shell 钢壳; 钢制炉体
Steel Shelled Box Type Load Switch 钢壳负荷开关
Steel Shield 钢盾; 防护钢壳
Steel Shoe 钢挡板; 钢桩靴
Steel Shot 钢粒; 钢丸
Steel Shot Abrasive 钢砂磨粒
Steel Shot Boring 钢珠钻探
Steel Shot Drilling 钢砂钻井; 钢珠钻孔; 钢珠钻探
Steel Shotcrete 钢支撑
Steel Shovel 钢铲; 钢锹
Steel Skeleton 钢骨架
Steel Skeleton Building 钢骨架房屋; 钢骨架建筑
Steel Skeleton Compact 钢骨架坯块
Steel Skeleton Construction 钢骨架构造
Steel Slab 钢锭
Steel Slab Bridge 钢板桥
Steel Slag 钢渣
Steel Sleeper 钢枕; 钢枕木
Steel Sleeve 钢衬垫; 钢套管
Steel Slip Gauge 钢制块规
Steel Snare Wire 鼻息肉绞断钢丝
Steel Socket 钢套节
Steel Sorter 钢鉴别仪
Steel Space Frame Structure 钢空间框架结构
Steel Spade 钢锹
Steel Specification 钢号
长途运输鱼苗时Steel Spirit Level 钢水平尺
Steel Spoke Wheel 钢制辐轮
Steel Spout 出钢槽
Steel Sprial Spring 钢螺簧
Steel Spring 钢簧
Steel Spring Plate 弹簧钢板
Steel Spring Undercarriage 钢簧起落架
Steel Square 钢角尺; 钢曲尺; 直角钢; 直角钢尺
Steel Stack 钢通风管; 钢烟囱; 钢制烟囱
Steel Stair 钢楼梯
Steel Strand 钢绞线
Steel Strand Rope 钢索
Steel Stranded Wire 钢绞线
Steel Strap 钢片
Steel Strapping Equipment 钢带捆轧机
Steel String 钢绳弦线
Steel String Stair 钢梁楼梯
Steel Strip 钢带
Steel Strip Die 钢带模
Steel Structural Derrick 钢结构钻塔
Steel Structure 钢结构
Steel Structure Design 钢结构设计
Steel Structure Work 钢结构工程
Steel Strut 钢支柱
Steel Stud 钢立筋
Steel Sub-Tread 钢踏步底板
Steel Superstructure 上部钢结构
Steel Support 钢圈支架; 金属支架
Steel Support Structure 钢支撑结构
Steel Supporting Stock Column 钢支柱料柱
Steel Swarf-Removing Tool 断屑刀片
Steel Tank 钢槽; 钢罐; 金属结构罐
Steel Tape 钢合尺; 钢卷尺
Steel Tape Web Divider 钢带毛网分条器
Steel Tendon 钢丝束
Steel Test Piece 钢材取样块
Steel Thimble 钢套管
Steel Thread 钢丝
Steel Tie Beam 钢拉梁
Steel Tie Rod 钢拉杆
Steel Timber 金属支架
Steel Tool Box 钢壳工具箱
Steel Tooth 钢齿
Steel Tooth Bit 钢齿牙轮钻头
Steel Tower 钢塔; 铁架; 铁塔
Steel Trap 捕兽夹
Steel Traveler 钢丝圈
Steel Trestle 钢栈桥
Steel Trowel 钢抹子; 钢镘; 钢镘刀
Steel Troweling 钢抹镘光
Steel Truss 钢桁架
Steel Tube 钢管
Steel Tube Armour 钢管铠装
Steel Tube For Fired Heater 加热炉用钢管
Steel Tubes For Heat Transfer 热传导用钢管
Steel Tubing 钢管
Steel Tubular Handrailing 钢管扶手
Steel Tunnel Support 隧道钢支护
Steel Type 钢材型号
Steel Tyre 钢轮箍
Steel Upright 钢支柱
Steel Vessel 钢制容器
Steel Washer 钢垫圈
Steel Wedge 钢楔
Steel Weir 钢堰
Steel Wheel 钢轮
Steel Window 钢窗
Steel Window Frame & Accessory 钢窗框及配件
Steel Window Section 钢窗料
Steel Wire 钢丝; 钢线
Steel Wire Armored Cable 钢丝铠装电缆
Steel Wire Armour 钢线铠装
Steel Wire Armoured 钢丝铠装的
Steel Wire Armoured Air Rubber Hose 钢丝编织空气胶管
Steel Wire Armoured Cable 钢线铠装电缆
Steel Wire Armoured High Pressure Rubber Hose 钢丝编织高压胶管
Steel Wire Armoured Water Rubber Hose 钢丝缠绕排水胶管
Steel Wire Braid 钢丝编织层
Steel Wire Braided High Pressure Hose 钢丝编织高压管
Steel Wire Brush 钢丝刷
Steel Wire Clamp 钢丝绳卡头
Steel Wire Cloth 铁砂布
Steel Wire Cutter 钢丝刀
Steel Wire Cutter One Step Quick Forming 钢丝刀一次快速成形法
Steel Wire Embedded Water Suction Rubber Hose 埋线工业吸水胶管
Steel Wire For Aural Polyp Snare 耳息肉绞断器用钢丝
Steel Wire For Welding Electrode 焊条钢丝
Steel Wire Gauge 钢丝线规; 钢线规
Steel Wire Gauze 钢丝网
Steel Wire Heald 钢丝综
Steel Wire Lashing 钢丝绑扎
Steel Wire Mesh 钢丝网
Steel Wire Netting 钢丝网
Steel Wire Of High Tensile Strength 高强钢丝
Steel Wire Packer 钢丝打包机
Steel Wire Reinforced Belt 钢丝芯加固橡胶带
Steel Wire Ring Wheel 钢丝圈刷轮
Steel Wire Rope 钢丝绳; 钢丝索
Steel Wire Rope Clip 钢丝绳卡头
Steel Wire Rope Graphite-Base Grease 钢丝绳石墨润滑油
Steel Wire Rope Stranding-Bundling Machine 钢丝绳绞束机
Steel Wire Rope With Thimble 带线环钢丝绳
Steel Wire Rotary Brush 钢丝轮刷
Steel Wire Strand 多股钢丝; 多股钢线
Steel Wire Stylet 钢丝针芯
Steel Wire Tube Brush 钢丝管刷
Steel Wire Wheel Brush 钢丝轮刷
Steel Wires 钢绞线
Steel Wiring Reinforced Brick Wall 钢丝网加劲砖墙
Steel Wool 钢棉; 钢丝棉; 钢丝绒; 铁绒
Steel Wool Filter 钢丝绒滤油器
Steel Work 钢制件
Steel Works 钢厂; 钢铁厂
Steel Works Equipment 钢厂设备
Steel Yoke End 钢叉
Steel-Alkaline Battery 碱性镍铁蓄电池
Steel-Aluminium Conductor 钢铝线
Steel-Backed 钢背的
Steel-Backed Bearing 钢背轴承
Steel-Backed Bearing Alloy 钢背轴承合金
Steel-Backed Bearing Metal 钢背轴承合金
Steel-Backed Bronze-Faced Washer 钢背铜面垫圈
Steel-Band Conveyer 钢带输送机; 钢带运输机
Steel-Based Plate 钢基印版早泄宁
Steel-Bonded Carbide Products 钢结硬质合金产品
Steel-Cable Conveyor Belt 钢索输送机皮带
Steel-Cage Construction 钢骨架构造
Steel-Cast 钢铸的; 铸钢的
Steel-Casting Foundry 铸钢厂; 铸钢车间
Steel-Clad 钢片衬; 铁甲; 包钢
Steel-Clad Brick 铁皮砖; 钢皮砖
Steel-Clad Rope 钢甲绳
Steel-Clad Switchbox 铠装开关箱
Steel-Concrete Composite Girder 钢材混凝土组合梁
Steel-Cord Conveyor Belt 钢丝绳运输带
Steel-Cored 钢芯的
Steel-Cored Aluminium Cable 钢芯铝线
Steel-Cored Aluminium Strand Wire 钢芯铝绞线
Steel-Cored Aluminium Wire 钢芯铝线
Steel-Cored Aluminum Strand 钢芯铝绞线
Steel-Cored Copper Conductor 钢芯铜线
Steel-Cored Copper Wire 钢芯铜线
Steel-Cored Wire Rope 钢芯钢丝绳
Steel-Die Engraving Press 钢凹版印刷机
Steel-Encased Beam 劲性钢筋混凝土梁
Steel-Frame Construction 钢架结构; 钢框架结构
Steel-Frame Structure 钢架结构
Steel-Framed Woodlined Silo 钢架木衬青贮塔
Steel-Hide Picker 钢合皮皮结
Steel-Lattice Rigid Frame 钢格构刚架
Steel-Lined 衬钢的
Steel-Lined Concrete Pipe 钢板衬砌混凝土管
Steel-Mesh Lagging 钢丝网衬板
Steel-Pan Wheelbarrow 钢斗手推车
Steel-Pipe Construction 钢管结构
Steel-Pipe Furniture 钢管家具
Steel-Pipe Pile 钢管桩
Steel-Pipe Space Frame 钢管空间构架
Steel-Plate Paper 钢版雕刻用纸
Steel-Ring Burr Cylinder 钢环除杂锡林
Steel-Rope Drive 钢索传动
Steel-Rope Guide 钢丝绳罐道
Steel-Rope Tracting Belt Conveyer 钢绳牵引带式输送机
Steel-Seal Type Cell 铁皮封闭式电池
Steel-Shelled Concrete Pile 钢壳混凝土桩
Steel-Shod 装有钢靴的; 底部包钢皮
Steel-Smelting 炼钢
Steel-Smelting Furnace 炼钢炉
Steel-Studded Tyre 钢叠层轮胎
Steel-Tank Mercury-Arc Rectifier 铁壳汞弧整流器
Steel-Tank Rectifier 钢壳汞弧整流器
Steel-Tape Armouring 钢带铠装
Steel-Tape Recorder 钢带录音机
Steel-Tape Sheath 钢带外皮
Steel-Tapping Hole 出钢口
Steel-Tired Wheel 钢圈轮
Steel-Troweled Concrete 钢镘抹面混凝土
Steel-Tube Seat 钢管座
Steel-Welding Fittings 钢焊接管件
Steel-Wheel Roller 钢轮压路机
Steel-Wheeled Tractor 钢轮拖拉机
Steel-Wire Inducer 钢丝导引器
Steel-Wire Napper 钢丝起毛机
Steel-Wire Rope Type Electric Block 钢丝绳电动葫芦
Steel-Wire Screen 钢丝筛网
Steel-Wire Sheath 钢丝外皮
Steel-Wood Furniture 钢木家具
Steering Wheel Steel Core 转向盘钢架芯
Straight Steel Ruler 钢直尺
Straight Steel Wire Cup Wheel 直钢丝杯形刷轮
Straight Steel Wire Wheel 直钢丝刷轮
Straight-Chromium Stainless Steel 铬不锈钢
Strain-Aged Steel 应变时效钢
Strain-Hardening Steel 应变硬化钢
Stranded Galvanized Steel Wire 镀锌钢绞线
Strap Steel 带钢
Strip Steel 带钢
Strip Steel Rolled Stock 带材
Strong Steel 强力钢; 高强度钢
Structural Alloy Steel 结构合金钢; 结构用合金钢; 合金结构钢
Structural Carbon Steel 结构碳钢
Structural Steel 结构钢; 钢架
Structural Steel Design 钢结构设计
Structural Steel Plate 结构用钢板
Substitute High Speed Steel 代用高速钢
Sulfur Bearing Steel 含硫钢
Sulphur Free-Cutting Steel 含硫易切削钢
Sulphur Steel 高硫钢
Sun Steel 聚氯乙烯薄膜层压花钢板; 聚氯乙烯薄膜层压花钢板
Super Alloy Steel 超级耐热合金钢
Super-Non-Expansion Steel 超级不膨胀钢
Super-Steel 超级钢
Super-Strength Steel 超高强度钢
Supercarbon Steel 超碳钢
Superheated Molten Steel 过热钢液
Superhigh Speed Steel 超高速钢
Superhigh Steel 超高速钢
Supporting Angle Steel 支承角钢
Supporting Steel Plate 支承钢板
Surface Hardening Steel 低淬透性钢
Surface-Hardened Steel 表面硬化钢
Switch Steel Section 道岔钢材
Synthetic Steel 合成钢
T-Bulb Steel 圆形丁字钢
Taking Steel As The Key Link 以钢为纲
Tapping Of Molten Steel 出钢
Tee Steel 丁字钢
Temperature Steel 温度钢筋
Temperature Steel (混凝土的) 温度筋
Tempered Forged Steel 回火锻钢
Tempered Steel 回火钢
Ten Million Ton Iron And Steel Complex 千万吨级钢铁基地隔爆灯
Ternary Steel 三元钢
Thermit Steel 铝热焊钢粉
Thick Steel Plate 厚钢板
Thick Walled Cylinder By Seamless Steel Pipe 无疑钢管式厚壁圆筒
Thick-Wall Steel Cassete 厚壁钢制防爆盒
Thickness Tolerance Of Steel Plate Of Pipe 钢板或钢管厚度负偏差
Thin Steel Plate 薄钢板
Thin-Wall Steel Tube 薄壁钢管; 薄钢管
Thomas Steel 碱性转炉钢
Thread Steel Nail 螺纹钢钉
金玻璃Three-Pin Steel Lattice Rigid Frame 三铰钢格构刚架
Timken Steel 蒂姆肯镍铬钼耐热钢
Tin-Coated Steel 镀锡钢
Tinned Stainless-Steel Wire 镀锡不锈钢丝
温调节Tinned Steel Sheet 镀锡薄钢板
Tire Steel 轮箍钢
Tisco Manganese Steel 锰钢
Tisco Mn Steel 蒂斯科耐磨锰钢
Tisco Steel 蒂斯科耐磨镍锰钢; 高锰镍耐磨钢
Tisco Timang Steel 锰镍耐磨钢
Tool Steel 工具钢
Top Steel Feed Roll 上传送钢辊
Tough Alloy Steel 韧合金钢; 韧性合金钢
Tough Steel 韧性钢
手写屏Transformer Silicon Steel Sheet 变压器硅钢片; 变压器矽钢片
Transformer Steel 变压器钢
Trapezoidal Steel Box Girder 梯形的箱形钢梁
Treated Steel 加特种元素钢
Tribology In Iron And Steel Works 钢铁加工摩擦学
True Steel 共析钢
Trussed Steel Joist 桁式钢质栏栅
Tubular Steel Derrick 钢管井架
Tubular Steel Folding Chair 钢管折椅
Tubular Steel Grid Dome 钢管网格穹隆
Tubular Steel Prop 钢管支柱
Tubular Steel Scaffolding 钢管脚手架
Tubular Steel Table 钢管桌
Tungsten Carbide Drill Steel 碳化钨硬质合金钢钎
Tungsten Chrome Steel 钨铬钢
Tungsten Steel 钨钢

本文发布于:2024-09-25 13:19:48,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:钢丝   钢管   钢板
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