
1、Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.
1._____refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch.
A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Hardship
D. Instruction
2.primary memory which is stored on chips located_____.
A. on the motherboard
B. outside
C. inside the processor
D. on the CPU
3.The display screen is the most common _____device used to show you what the computer is doing.
A. input
B. printing
C. output
D. electronic
4.Windows gives you more control over the ____you work.
A. operation
B. way
C. energy
D. power
5.The most important program on any computer is _____.
A. operation
B. way
C. energy
D. power
6.______is a device that enables the computer to handle sounds.
A. network card
B. video card
C. sound card
D. monitor
7._____is a word processing tool that helps you to create quality documents.
A. Word 2000
B. Outlook 2000
C. Access 2000
D. Excel 2000
8.Anti-Virus protects your computer from viruses by _____your computer’s memory and disk devices.
A. deleting
B. changing
C. scanning
D. replacing
9.Multimedia will become increasingly_____throughout every aspect of our lives.
A. pass
B. precise
C. permit
D. pervasive
10.The OSI model has ____layers.
A. four
B. five
C. six
D. seven
1、________ refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch.
A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Hardship
D. Instruction
2、primary memory which is stored on chips located ________ .
A. on the motherboard
B. outside
C. inside the processor
D. on the CPU
3、The display screen is the most common ________ device used to show you what the computer is doing.
A. input
B. printing
C. output
桥壳D. electronic
4、Windows gives you more control over the ________ you work.
A. operation
B. way
C. energy
D. power
5、The most important program on any computer is ________ .
A. Operating System
B. Virus
C. software
D. Office 2000
6、There are________ separate products that form the Windows 2000.
A. only one
B. two
C. three
D. Four
7、C might best be ________ as a 'medium-level language'.
A. developed
B. decoded
C. programmed
D. described
8、Anti-Virus protects your computer from viruses by ________ your computer's memory and disk devices.
A. deleting
B. changing
C. scanning
D. replacing
9、Multimedia will become increasingly ________ throughout every aspect of our lives.
A. pass
B. precise
C. permit
D. pervasive
10、Communication through the Internet, the ________ performs the reverse function.
A. A station controller (STACO)
C. Data communications equipment (DCE)
1、A ______ is used to communicate with another computer over telephone lines.
A xz. keyboard    B. modem    C. mouse    D. Printer
2、A __32____ is a device that enables the computer to handle sounds.
A. network card
B. video card
C. sound card
D. Monitor
3、______ is a word processing tool that helps you to create quality documents.
A. Word 2000
B. Outlook 2000
C. Access 2000
D. Excel 2000
4、______ is a fast and powerful operating system, based on the UNIX O.S.
A. Windows 2000
B. Office 2000
C. Windows 98
D. Linux
5、The OSI model has ______ layers.
A. four
B. five
C. six
D. Seven
6、The purpose of the ______ is to provide fully integrated analog services to users.
7、Which one is not a computer languages? ______
A. Word 2000
C. C
D. C++
8、The ______ is a language that was represented by long strings of ones and zeroes.
A. machine language
B. high-level language
槭叶铁线莲C. low-level language
D. assembly language
9、The RGB value is composed of ______ components.
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. Four
10、A virus is a ______ .
A. program
B. computer
C. bad man
D. beast
Multiple choices.
1、Input devices include: ____.
A. the keyboard    C. the mouse
B. touch screen    D. Microphone
2、A processor is composed of:____.
A. a control unit    C. an arithmetic
B. logic unit    D. Registers
3、The Windows 2000 product line includes ____.
A. Windows 2000 Professional    C. Windows 2000 Advanced Server
B. Windows 2000 Server    D. Windows 2000 Datacenter Server
4、Windows 2000’s advantages are lies in the sections that follow:____
A. Active Directory    C. Networking
B. Storage    D. Enterprise Management
5、C++ include the following pillars: ____.
A. encapsulation    C. inheritance
B. data hiding    D. polymorphism
6、The major functional components of an office automation system include: ____.
A. text processing    C. electronic mail
B. information storage and retrieval    D. personal assistance features
7、Static graphics include ____.
A. movies    C. pictures
B. animators    D. photographs
8、The end equipment in a communication system includes ____
A. computers    C. CRTs
B. DCE    D. keyboards
9、Applications in the Internet can be found everywhere: ____
A. in libraries    C. at home
B. in conference rooms    D. at the moon
10、Many viruses do harmful things such as ______________.
A. deleting files    C. simulating typos
B. changing random data on your disk    D. slowing your PC down
1. As soon as you turn the computer off, the contents of RAM will disappear. ( )
2. WinZip, WinRAR and Micro soft’s Internet Explorer are all data compression software.( )
3. Menu bar displays the names of the application and document. ( )
4. A stack is a data type whose data structure is said to have a first-in/last-out (FILO) behavior, or
protocol. ( )
5. A processor can do everything without a program to provide control. ( )
6. One of the functions of an operating system is memory management. ( )
7. Multimedia is just two media: sound and pictures. ( )
8. The network architecture is a layer-based.  ( )
9. In the e-mail a user needs a message transfer agent. ( )
10.All virus scanners can kill most known viruses. ( )
1.The operations of a structured data type only act on the values of the data type. ( )
2.When you purchase a new computer, an operating software suitable to the hardware
must be bought. ( )
3.One of the five functions of an operating system is memory management. ( )
4.Operating systems are unique to their manufacturers. ( )
5.Programs were thought of as a series of procedures. ( )
6.The heart of any computer system is the central processing unit (CPU). ( )
7.Error recovery does not belong to operating system.  ( )
8.We can use multimedia in Education, Edutainment and so on.  ( )
9.When you send an e-mail you should provide the sender's e-mail address. ( )
10.Viruses can cause programs cra shing but can’t cause entire hard disk deleting.( )
1.( )
2.Operating system sets up a directory of programs undergoing execution and the devices. ( )
3.The series of jobs awaiting execution is called a queue. ( )
4.Many operating systems have similar characteristics. ( )
5.Only a few bugs can trouble a program. ( )
6.Keyboard and mouse are both the input devices of the computer. ( )
7.Microsoft Word 2000 allows you to create many types of personal and business communications. ( )
8.It was estimated that at this rapid growth everyone in the world would have an e-mail address in the near
future. ( )
9.FTP is a distributed bulletin board which offers a combination news and discussion service on thou
of topics. ( ) 10.C++ language is a structured programming language. ( )
1.Without systems software, application software in a computer is useless. ( )
2.The TCP/IP Internet protocol suite is formed from five standards. ( )
3.Windows XP is Microsoft's most advanced desktop operating system. ( )
4.  A stack is a data type whose major attributes are determined by the rules governing the insertion and
deletion of its elements. ( )
5.The main feature of queues is that they follow a first-come/first-served rule. ( )
6.The Internet is a computer network which allows computers with distinctive software and hardware to
communicate. ( )
7.Any computer which is connected to the Internet can communicate with any other Internet computer
thanks to the rules of IP. ( )
8.Because the Internet is made up of many diverse computers, so together they work like one world-wide
computer system. ( )
9.  A LAN is generally limited to the size of a department or an organization and often consists of 2 to 100
devices. ( )
1.Your computer uses two types of memory: primary memory and secondary memory. ( )
2.Error recovery does not belong to operating system. ( )
3.Application software (also called end-user program) is designed to perform a specific function directly
for the user. ( )
4.Office 2000 is an incredible set of business tools. ( )
5.  A scanner belongs to the output device. ( )
6.  A LAN (Local area data networks) is a group of computers and the network devices connected together
usually within the different buildings. ( )
7.  A stack is a data type whose data structure is said to have a first-in/last-out (FILO) behavior, or protocol.
( )
8.Printer is the input device of the computer. ( )
9.PROM is the abbreviation of portable read-only memory. ( )
1.ALU is one of the components of CPU. ( )
2.Software can be divided into two general classes: system software and application software.
( )
3.  A program can use a device if that hardware is unavailable. ( )
4.CD-ROM stands for compact disk read-only memory. ( )
5.Microsoft Word can help you design and manipulate spreadsheet electronically. ( )
6.Data communications equipment (DCE) accepts the serial data stream from the DTE. ( )
7.HTML is used to write Web pages. ( )
8.Microsoft SQL server 2000 is an operating system of the computer. ( )
9.Word doesn’t have the feature to accessing to World Wide Web. ( )
Reading comprehension.
A computer virus is a computer program that is created to make and spread copies of itself. The program may however also be designed to have other effects on the systems it infects, ranging from the annoying to the disastrous.
Virus attacks are growing rapidly these days. According to BusinessWeek, the 76,404 attacks reported in the first half of 2003 nearly match previous year's total number. As new antivirus tools are
more powerful than before, the virus writers are getting a lot smarter with newer and creative ways to attack network systems. Let's first examine some common virus types:
Basic Virus - a piece of software code that is developed to attack computers and network systems via
e-mail or Internet connections. It quickly replicates itself and gradually attaches to files, programs or the hard drive.
Trojan Horses - This is a program that doesn't replicate when entering a system but can be effectively used to open 'back doors.' Trojan Horses allow hackers to take control over a particular system or to steal very important data.
Worm - this type of virus is able to spread itself automatically over the network from one computer to the next. During a worm attack, users' computers get infected without even having to click open email attachment or any program, etc.
Since it is very difficult to avoid the virus, your best defense is a powerful antivirus program. In order to fight with such viruses, the software vendors should focus on making their products more robust.
This may ask for a trade-off between user-friendliness and security. In specific cases it may require line-by-line inspection, code retooling and even systems automation to defend the installed programs.
Choose the best answer according to the passage.(根据上文的内容选择正确的答案。每小题2分,共10分)
1.A computer virus is a computer program that is created to make and spread _______ of itself.
A.programs B.virus C.copies D.files
2.Worm spread itself except by __________ .
A.network B.E-mail C.program D.hardware
3.Antivirus program can scan and __________ virus.
A.clean B.produce C.replicate D.make
4.Trojan Horses _____________________________________________.
A.quickly replicate itself and gradually attache to files, programs or the hard drive.
B.infect the computer without even having to click open email attachment or any program.
C.allow hackers to take control over a particular system or to steal very important data.
D.avoid the virus to attack computer.
5.According to BusinessWeek, the ____________ attacks reported in the first half of 2003 nearly match previous year's total number .
A.86,404 B.76,404 C.56,354 D.34,876
Software testing
Software testing, which is defined as the execution of a program to find its 【1】, is a vital part of the software 【2】. There are different types of testing, mainly, they are【3】or functional testing, which
tests whether the 【4】is the expected result with the 【5】input; and 【6】(or glass box testing) which is performed to【7】problems with
the【8】structure of a program. Debugging is the process of analyzing and locating bugs when
software does not behave as expected. Software testing is a much more      【9】    means of identifying software    【10】    .Therefore, debugging supports testing other than replacing testing.
The Operating System
The operating system is a    【11】    of system programs that, when executed, controls the    【12】
    of the computer. Sophisticated operating systems increase the    【13】  and consequently decrease the
【14】  of using a computer. Operating systems provide a software    【15】    , on top of which other programs, called    【16】    programs, can run. The application programs must be written to run
on    【17】  of a particular operating system. Your choice of operating system, therefore, determines, to a great extent, what applications you can    【18】    . For PCs, the most popular operating systems are DOS, OS/2, and    【19】  , but others are    【20】  , such as Linux.
Choose the best answer for each of the blanks.
Whenever new information is entered, it must    【1】    somewhere in the computer ’s    【2】    . Later, the CPU must also be    【3】    to get this information from memory. This is where RAM is
needed. The CPU can    【4】  write to and read from RAM. RAM is called Random Access Memory
【5】    the CPU can do directly to any memory location in it. The CPU does not have to look    【6】  all of RAM to find the spot it needs. But RAM only    【7
】    the data temporarily. As soon as you switch the computer    【8】    , all that information disappears from the RAM. When you switch the computer on again, the RAM is    【9】    , and ready    【10】  a new program and new data.
刷镀液1.    A. store      B. be stored      C. storing      D. stored
2.    A. processor    B. printer      C. memory      D. mouse
3.    A. easy      B. capable      C. good
D. able

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