
一、  礼仪用语、介绍及询问等
1. 早上好!
Good morning.
2. 下午好!
Good afternoon.
3. 晚上好!
Good evening.
4. 晚安!
Good night.
5. 请坐
Sit down,please.
6. 谢谢
Thank you.
7. 别客气
You are welcome.
8. 明天见
See you tomorrow.
9. 下个航次见
See you next time.
10. 再见!
Good bye.
11. 你好,你是大副(水手长)吗?
Hello, are you Chief officer (Bosun)?
12. 你好,我是负责的单船调度员。
Hello, I am the foreman in charge.
13. 这位是理货长。
This is Chief Tally.全方位接触
14. 今天谁值班?
Who is on duty today?
15. 水手长(值班副)在哪儿?
Where is Bosun (Duty Officer)?
16. 你好,理货房在哪儿?
Hi, where is the tallyroom?
17. 你值班吗?
Are you on duty?
18. 是的,什么事?
Yes, what’s the matter?
19. 你是调度吗?
Are you Foreman?
20. 是的,你有什么事儿吗?
Yes, what can I do for you ?
21. 我想见大副,在哪能到他?
I want to see Chief Officer, where can I find him?
22. 大副在船上吗?
Is Chief Officer on board?
二、 上船作业前后的辅助工作
1. 船梯太高
The gangway is too high
2. 请落船梯
Please lower the gangway
3. 船离帮了
The ship is far off the wharf
4. 请紧缆绳
Tighten the line, please.
5. 请紧前(后)缆
Please tighten the fore (back) line.
6. 请向前(向后)绞船
Please heave forward (backward)
7. 请向前(向后)绞十米
Please heave ten meters forward (backward)
8. 我们的工人要上船了
Our stevedores are going to get on board
9. 请在船梯口系好安全网。
Please fix up safety net at the gangway
10. 我们要开工了
We’ll start working
11. 我们要开始卸货(装货
We’ll start discharging (loading)
12. 开几个头?
How many gangs?
13. (我们要派)五个作业
(We’ll dispatch) five gangs.
14. 先装(先卸)哪个舱?
Which hatch are you going to load (discharge) first?
15. 请把舱都打开
Please open all the hatches
16. 请开五舱
Please open Hatch No.5
17. 请把吊杆准备好
Please get the derricks ready
18. 吊杆太低,请长一点
The derrick is too low, please adjust it a little higher.
19. 吊杆太高,请落一点
The derrick is too high, please lower it a little bit.
20. 吊杆负荷是多少?
What is the capacity of the derrick?
(What is the safety working load?)
21. 双杆联吊负荷是多少?
What is the capacity in union perchase?
22. 你们几点开工(开装,开卸)?
What time are you going to start working (loading, discharging )?
23. 你们什么时候完工(装完,卸完)?
When will you finish working (loading,discharging)?
24. 我们八点钟开始装货(卸货)
We’ll start loading (discharging) at eight. 塑料槽板
25. 多长时间卸完(装完)?
How long will it take to finish discharging (loading)?
26. 你们夜间继续作业吗?
Do you go on working at night ?
27. 我们昼夜三班作业
We work in three shifts day and night.
28. 现在几点了?
What time is it now ?
29. 现在5点
It’s five o’clock .
30. 我们已经装完(卸完)货了,请关舱
We’ve finished loading (discharging), close the hatches, please.
31. 天要下雨,请关舱
It’s going to rain, please close the hatches.
32. 天黑了,请安装货灯
It’s getting dark , please fix up cargo lights.
33. 底舱照明不足
黄军导航The light in the lower hold is not bright enough.
34. 请在安装一些货灯
Please fix up some more lights.
35. 货灯灭了,请派人修一下
The lights go out , please send someone to repair them .
36. 请在二舱外栏系好绳梯
Please fix up a rope ladder at the seaside of Hatch No.2.
37. 大副,请填一份船舶资料
Chief, please fill in a copy of ship’s particulars.
三、 换用吊货机械
1. 我们要用门机作业(装货,卸货)
  We'll use gangtry crane to work ( to load, to discharge ) .
2. 请把吊杆甩到外档
  Please swing the derricks to the seaside.
3. 请拆掉栏杆以免损坏
  Please remove the rails to prevent damage.
4. 箱子太重,岸吊吊不起来
  The cases are too heavy to be lifted with shore crane.
5. 我们可以用重吊杆吗
  Can we use the jumbo ?
6. 多长时间吊杆准备好
  How long will it take to get the jumbo ready?
7. 这个重吊杆有些毛病
  There is something wrong with the jumbo.
8. 我们能用两部克林吊吊这些箱子吗?
  Can we use double cranes to lift the cases?
9. 你们最好用浮吊。工艺拖鞋
  You'd better use floating crane.
10. 浮吊正在用着,我们得等待。
  The floating crarle is busy , we have to wait.
11. 浮吊快过来了。
  The floating crane is coming .
12. 请把吊杆甩到里档。
  Please swing the derricks to the shoreside.
13. 我想知道船上的克林吊是否能用。
I wonder if the ship's crane can be used now.
14. 今天下午浮吊可以用吗?
  Is' the floating crane available this afternoon?
四、 船具故障
1. 为什么停止作业?
Why do you stop working?
2. 三舱纹车坏了
Hatch no.3 winch’s broken down.
3. 工人们在待时
The stevedores are standing by.
4. 出什么事了?
What’s wrong?
(what’s the trouble ?)
混合罐5. 纹车绳磨损了
The cargo runners are worn out .
6. 滑轮发出异声
The block gives off a strange noise .
7. 保险改绳太旧了
The safety guy is too old .
8. 最好换新的
It’s better to change a new one .
9. 请派水手长来看看
Please send bosun to have a look .
10. 纹车没电了,电工在哪呢?
The winch runs no power , where is the electrician ?
11. 纹车出毛病了
There is something wrong with the winch .
12. 请派电工来修理
Please send the electrician to repair .
五、 大件货物
1. 下一工班我们要卸大件货
    We’ll discharge heavy lifts next shift .
2. 请提前拆掉加固
Please unlash them in advance .
(Please take off the lashings beforehand . )
3. 这个箱子有多重?
How heavy is this case?
(what is the weight of this case ? )
4. 这个箱子的尺寸是多少?
What size is this case ?
(what is the size of this case ? )
5. 箱子上没有运输标志
There is no transport mark on the case .
6. 大副,箱子上的起吊标志不清楚

本文发布于:2024-09-21 15:25:24,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:吊杆   箱子   作业   纹车   装货   拆掉   装完   水手长
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