BWDK-T 系列 干式变压器温度控制箱 说明书

Dry-type Transformer Temperature Controller
Operation Instructions
BWDK-T Series of
BWDK-T 系列南京圣尚科技有限公司Nanjing Shengshang Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
2警      告:主体变压器做高压绝缘实验时,请断开与本温控箱间的联线,以确保温控箱安全。
Warning: W hen conduct the high-voltage insulation test to the main body of transformer, please disconnect it from the temperature controller so as to ensure the safety of the temperature controller.
一、概述    Outline
BWDK-T 系列干式变压仪温度控制箱是由微处理器构成的智能仪器,它使用三只铂电阻作传感器,测量干式变压器三相绕组的温度。根据设定的温度值,启停风机进行温度控制。仪器具有各种声光报警功能,是保护干式变压器的重要装置。
BWDK-T series of dry-type transformer temperature controller is an intelligent instrument equipped
with a microprocessor. It uses three platinum resistances as sensors to measure the temperature of three-phase windings of the dry-type transformer, and start and stop the fan for temperature control according to preset temperature value. With various sound and light alarm functions, the instrument is an important device for protecting the dry-type transformer.
仪器符合JB/T7631-2005标准。  The instrument complies with Standard JB/T7631-2005.
仪器具有以下特点:  The instrument has features as follows:
1. 仪器可以测量干式变压器三相绕组的温度,用LED 每隔4秒循环显示三相温度值或定点显示三相温度最大值。It is capable of measuring the temperature of three-phase windings of the dry-type transformer, displaying in turn three-phase temperature values with a LED every 4 seconds or displaying the highest three-phase temperature periodically.
2. 仪器可以用按键输入4种温度设定值。当测量温度超过各设定值时,分别控制风机启停、超温报警、超高温跳闸等。温度设定值可以随时修改,断电后不会消失。
Four preset temperature values can be input by keystroke. When the measured temperature exceeds preset values, the instrument will respectively control startup and stop of the fan, over-temp
erature alarm, ultra-high temperature trip, etc. The preset temperature values can be modified at any time, and will remain after the instrument is switched-off.
3. 仪器具有传感器断线故障检测功能。
The instrument is capable of detecting the broken-line fault of the sensor.
4. 仪器具有风机依设定温度自动定时启动和手动启动功能。仪器可设定1-250小时内自动启动风机1分钟。
The instrument has the function of automatic timing startup and manual startup according to the preset temperature, and can set automatic fan startup for 1 minute within 1-250 hours.
5. 仪器具有温度历史最大值记录功能。
The instrument is capable of remembering the highest temperature ever occurred.
6. 根据使用需要,仪器可以提供数字量或模拟量输出。
The instrument is capable of providing digital or analog output as required.
7. 仪器面板上有绿的状态指示灯,风机运转指示灯为黄,而超温、故障和跳闸状态指示灯为红。
There is a green status indicator light on the instrument panel. The indicator light turns yellow when the fan operates and turns red at the status of over-temperature, fault and trip.
二、技术特性  Technical specifications
1. 仪器连续工作环境:温度:0~50℃;相对湿度:小于90%RH(25℃)。
Conditions for continuous operation of the instrument: Temperature: 0~50℃, relative humidity: less than 90%RH(25℃).短时间工作环境:温度:-50~75℃。
Conditions for short-time operation of the instrument: Temperature: -50~75℃.
2. 工作电源:AC220V±10%;频率50Hz±4%。仪表保护装置5A 熔丝。
Working power supply: AC220V±10%, frequency 50Hz±4%. A 5A fuse for the instrument protector.
3. 温度测量范围:-50~200℃。
Temperature measurement range: -50~200℃.
4. 温度测量准确度:0.5级。
Temperature measurement precision: Class 0.5.lc低通滤波器
5. 显示方式:LED每隔4秒循环显示A、B、C三相温度或定点显示三相温度的最大值,分辨力为0.1℃。
Display mode: A LED displays temperature of Phase A, B and C in turn every 4 seconds, or displays the highest three-phase temperature periodically, with resolution being 0.1℃.
6. 输出方式:输出报警、跳闸和传感器故障,继电器接点容量AC250V/10A。
Output mode: Output alarm, trip and sensor fault. Relay contact capacity is AC250V/10A.
7. 启动风机:控制4~6台风机,继电器接点总容量AC250V/30A。
Fan startup: Control 4-6 fans, and total relay contact capacity is AC250V/30A.
8. 耐压实验:2500VAC、60Hz、60秒。
Withstanding-voltage test: 2500VAC, 60Hz and 60 seconds.
9. 外形尺寸:260(H)×200(W)×80(D)mm3。
Dimensions: 260(H)×200(W)×80(D)mm3.
Perforate dimensions: 232(H)×182(W)mm2.
Analog output: Three-line 4-20mA output corresponds with temperature of Phase A, B and C (0-200℃), or one-line 4-20mA output corresponds with the highest temperature of 0-200℃ among Phase A, B and C. Precision is within 1%±1 and load resistance is ≤600Ω.
Digital output: RS232 or RS 485 serial communication interface, with Modbus Communication Protocol being adopted.
三、仪器结构  Instrument structure
涂覆1. 前面板说明图(见图
There are two groups of digital tubes on the front panel, with Digital Tube I displaying character A, B or C, and Digital Tube II displaying corresponding phase temperature. There are totally 6 indicator lights above the LED. When the “Circuit” light is on, it indicates the instrument displays three-phase temperature in turn. When the “Max. value” light is on, it indicates that the instrument displays the current highest temperature and its corresponding phase. Lights of “Trip”, “Over-temperature”, “Fault”and “Fan” respectively indicate the status of trip, over-temperature, fault and fan.
2. 温度传感器的接线  Connection of temperature sensor
Three platinum resistances are led out through a 9-core socket. The lead length is shown in Figure 2.
图2      Figure 2        四、输出控制动作说明  Description of output control action
仪器测量出变压器三相绕组的温度,求出其中的最大值C max ,将最大值与四种温度设定值C 1,C 2,C 3,C 4相比较,然后控制风机启停、超温报警、超高温跳闸等动作。C 1,C 2,C 3,C 4的定义及出厂设定值见表1,输出控制见表2.
After the instrument measures the temperature of three-phase windings of the transformer, calculate the maximum Cmax among them, and compare the maximum value with the four preset value of C1,C2,C3 and C4 before controlling the startup and stop of fan, over-temperature alarm, ultra-high temperature trip and other actions. The definitions of C1,C2,C3 and C4 as well as ex-work preset values are shown in Table 1 and output control is shown in Table 2.
表1  C 1,C 2,C 3,C 4的定义及出厂设定值Table 1  Definitions of C 1,C 2,C 3 and C 4  and Ex-work Preset Values
C 1
C 2C 3C 4定  义Definition
风机停温度Temperature for fan stop 风机开温度Temperature for fan startup 超温报警温度Temperature for over-temperature alarm 超温跳闸温度Temperature for over-temperature trip 出厂值(℃)Ex-work value(℃)80100
130150表2  输出控制    Table 2  Output Control
序号Serial no.工作状态Working status 测量和计算结果Measurement and calcula-tion results
指示灯状态Light status 控制动作Control action 1风机启停上行程Up stroke for fan startup and stop
C max ≥C 2风机灯亮“Fan” on 风机启Fan starts 2风机启停下行程Down stroke for fan startup and stop
C 1≥C max 风机灯灭“Fan” off 风机停Fan stops 3超温报警Over-temperature alarm C max ≥C 3风机灯亮“Fan” on 超温灯亮“Over-temperature” on
风机启Fan starts 超温继电器吸合Over-temperature relay on 4超温跳闸Over-temperature trip C max ≥C 4风机灯亮“Fan” on
超温灯亮“Over-temperature” on 跳闸灯亮“Trip” on
风机启Fan starts 超温继电器吸合Over-temperature relay on 跳闸继电器吸合Trip relay on 5传感器断线Sensor break 显示HHHH HHHH displayed
故障灯亮“Fault” on 故障继电器吸合Fault relay on
5五、基本功能使用方法    Operation methods of basic functions
After the instrument is energized, temperature of three-phase windings is displayed in turn. In the meantime, various control signals are output in accordance with measurement results. Please see Table 2.
2. 按键的定义和功能
Definitions & functions of keystrokes
∧:加1键,每按一次,输入参数加1,继续按下时,输入参数连续加1。测量时为巡回显示与最大值显示的转换键。∧:Adding 1 key. Every time you press this key, the input parameter value adds 1. If you keep the key pressed, the input parameter value will continuously increase by 1. It acts as a switch key between circuit display and maximum value display in time of measurement.
教室直播系统∨:减1键,每按一次,输入参数减1,继续按下时,输入参数连续减1。测量时当三相最大值温度小于C 2时,按下此键,手动打开或关闭风机。
∨:Subtracting 1 key. Every time you press this key, the input parameter value subtracts 1. If you keep the key pressed, the input parameter value will continuously decrease by 1. When the highest temperature of three-phase is less than C 2 in time of measurement, press this key to manually turn
on or turn off the fan.  :输入转换键,每按一次,进入下一个参数的检查和修改。测量时按下此键,进入监控状态。  :Input switch key. Every time you press this key, you can enter the examination and modification of next parameter. Press this key to enter into monitoring status in time of measurement.
3. 检查参数的方法(见操作流程图)Methods for parameter examination (See Operation Flowchart)
仪器的基本参数共有8个。提示符分别为C 1、C 2、C 3、C
The instrument has totally 8 basic parameters, with indication symbols being C 1, C 2, C 3, C 4, Ft, Ht, Ad and Bp respectively.C 1、C 2、C 3、C 4的定义见表1,Ft 为风机定期检测的时间间隔,单位为小时,最大值为250小时,每次开启风机时间约1分钟,若设置为0则无此功能;Ht 为所测量三相温度的历史最大值。Ad 为通讯地址提示符,Bp 为通讯波特率。
Definitions of C 1, C 2, C 3 and  C 4 are shown in Table 1. Ft represents the interval of periodic examination of the fan, with unit being an hour and the max. value being 250 hours. Time for fan startup is about 1 minute, and the function will not exist if 0 is set. Ht is the max. historical value mea
sured for the three-phase temperature. Ad is an indication symbol of communication address and Bp is communication baud rate.
检查参数的具体方法  Specific methods for examining parameters
仪器通电显示版本号SS07后立即进入测量状态,此时连续按下  键,则按C 1、C 2、C 3、C 4、Ft、Ht、Ad、Bp 的顺序显示各个参数的设定值。
After the version no. SS07 is displayed following electrification, the instrument immediately enters the measuring state. At this time, press Key    continuously, the preset values of various parameters will be displayed in the order of C 1, C 2, C 3, C 4, Ft, Ht, Ad and Bp.
These parameters can be examined but cannot be modified. If there is no key pressed continuously for 5 seconds, the instrument returns to the measuring state.
4. 修改参数的方法(见操作流程图)    Methods for modifying parameters (See Operation flowchart)
当仪器处于测量状态时,按下  键大于15秒钟,仪器I 数码管右下角显示小数点,II 数码管显示提示符C 1键后显示C 1的数值,再按∧∨键可以修改C 1的数值,按下  键进入下一个提示符C 2,再按下  键显示C 2∧∨键可以修改C 2的数值,依此类推……
When the instrument is at the measuring state, hold Key  for about 15 seconds, a decimal will be displayed at the bottom right corner of the Digital Tube I of the instrument and the indication symbol C 1 will be displayed on the Digital Tube II. Value of C 1 will be displayed after pressing Key  , and value of C 1 can be modified by pressing Key ∧ and ∨. Press Key  to enter the next indication symbol C 2. Press Key  again, the instrument will display the value of C 2. Press Key ∧ and ∨, value of C 2 can be modified, and so on.

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标签:温度   仪器   风机   显示   测量   三相   超温   变压器
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