
第26卷第2期Vol  26,No  2
西华大学学报 自然科学版Journal of Xihua U niversity  Natural Science
2007年3月M ar  2007
文章编号:1673 159X(2007)02 0083 02
收稿日期:2006 10 12
基金项目:四川省重点实验室建设项目(编号:0221926)  作者简介:马郡键(1980 ),男,四川广元人,硕士研究生,研究方向:新材料制备技术。
固相反应法合成Sr 3Al 2O 6:Eu 3+红荧光材料
马郡键,金应荣,贺 毅,卫万强,邱春丽,顾庭瑞
摘 要:稀土离子激活的铝酸盐发光材料具有优良的性能和较低的成本,但目前还缺少红发光材料。文章利用高温固相反应法在1200 合成了Sr 3Al 2O 6:Eu 3+红荧光材料,该材料有两个位于250nm 和295
nm 附近的宽谱激发峰,能高效率吸收紫外光,发射出590nm 、620nm 、655nm 、703nm 的红荧光,是一种发光强度较高的红荧光材料。
关键词:Sr 3Al 2O 6:Eu 3+;红荧光粉;高温固相合成  中图分类号:O482.3,O611.4,T B34
赤纬角计算公式稀土离子激活的铝酸盐发光材料以其所具有的发光效率高[1],化学性质稳定[2],相对成本较低等特点,受到了人们的密切关注。但是铝酸盐体系发光材料多为蓝粉和绿粉,还缺少铝酸盐体系的红发光材料。Sr 3Al 2O 6在没有激活剂的条件下能发出红荧光
,可能是一种较好的基质材料,Sr 3Al 2O 6:Eu
Sr 3Al 2(OH)12焙烧得到Sr 3Al 2O 6:Eu 3+
性能进行了初步研究。本文采用高温固相反应法,在1200 合成Sr 3Al 2O 6:Eu 3+红荧光材料,初步研究了样品的光谱特性,得到了吸收波段较宽、发光强度较高的红荧光材料。
1 实验
实验所用原料Al 2O 3、SrCO 3、B 2O 3均为分析纯,Eu 2O 3为光谱纯。以Al 2O 3的摩尔数为基准,分别按Al/Sr=0 55、0 67和0 7称量SrCO 3,加入0~10%的B 2O 3作助溶剂,1%Eu 2O 3作激活剂。将以上原料在研钵中充分研磨混合均匀,装入刚玉坩埚中,直接放入1200 高温炉中烧结(即在氧化气
实验中用波长为254nm 和365nm 的紫外光照射样品,观察样品的发光亮度和发光颜;用日本理学D/MAXIM C 型X  射线粉晶衍射仪对样品进行物相分析,测定合成样品的物相组成;用日立850型荧光分光光度计测定合成样品的激发光谱
2 结果与讨论
2 1 样品的发光效果
实验样品在254nm 和365nm 紫外光激发下发出红荧光,由于对紫外光有一定的反射,所以呈现红紫;Al/Sr 比在0 55到0 7内变化对发光颜和亮度没有肉眼可见的影响,但加入B 2O 3能显著提高样品的发光亮度。这表明可以在较宽的原料配比范围内得到发光效果较好的荧光粉。多次试验表明,B 2O 3的加入量在10%左右的效果较好,因此本文仅对B 2O 3加入量为0%和10%的样品进行测试分析。2 2 发射光谱
样品的发射光谱如图1所示,在590nm 、620nm 、703nm 附近有三个较强的发射峰,这是Eu 3+的特征发射光谱,与电子跃迁的对应关系为
[7 9]
:590nm 处的发射峰对应5D 0!7
F 1跃迁,
620nm 处的发射对应5
D 0!7
F 2跃迁,703nm 处的发射对应5D 0!7F 4跃迁。由于样品的X-射线衍射谱(图2)中仅出现了Sr 3Al 2O 6的衍射峰,结合文献[4,5]的研究结果,可以判定样品中的发光物相是Sr 3Al 2O 6:Eu
此外,三个样品在655nm 附近都有一个相对较弱的发射峰,这可能是Sr 3Al 2O 6基质的发射光谱[3],也可能是5D 0!7F 3跃迁发射[5]。
图1 样品的发射光谱, ex =
图2 X 射线衍射图谱(A1/Sr=0 55,10%B 2O 3)
2 3 激发光谱
样品的激发光谱如图3所示,在监控波长为623nm 时,样品在250nm 和290nm 附近有两个宽
谱激发峰,在350~550nm 范围内出现了Eu 3+的特征激发峰。这些特征激发峰与文献[4,5]的报道值以及Eu 3+在其它基质中[7,8,10]
图3 样品的激发光谱, en =623nm
同时在250nm 和290nm 附近出现两个宽谱激发峰的现象尚未见报道。由于X-射线衍射谱中仅出现了Sr 3Al 2O 6的衍射峰,因此由其它物相引起宽谱激发峰的可能性较小。文献[4]认为Sr 3Al 2O 6:Eu 3+中的O 2-!Eu 3+电荷迁移跃迁激发带在254nm 附近,而文献[5]观察到Sr 3Al 2O 6:Eu 3+的电荷迁移跃迁激发带在312nm 附近。在通常情况下,要使电荷迁移跃迁激发带产生约60nm 的移动是比
较困难的,因此在Sr 3Al 2O 6:Eu 3+中很可能存在两种不同的电荷迁移跃迁激发带。
Sr 3Al 2O 6具有超ABO 3结构[12],其结构式为Sr 7/8∀1/8(Sr 1/4Al 3/4)O 9/4∀3/4(∀表示空位),Sr 2+占有两种不同的晶体格位。当Eu 3+分别取代两种格位上的Sr 2+后,就可能引起不同的电荷迁移跃迁激发带。类似的现象出现在Sr 4Al 14O 25:Eu 3+,Dy 3+的激发谱中,也是由于两种晶格位置上的Sr 2+分别被Eu 3+替代后,引起了两种不同的电荷迁移跃迁激发带,从而出现了两个宽谱激发峰[11]。出现两个宽谱激发峰,
3 结论
综上所述,可以得到如下结论:以Al 2O 3、Sr  CO 3、Eu 2O 3等为原料,采用高温固相反应法能够合成Sr 3Al 2O 6:Eu 3+红荧光材料,该材料在250nm 和295nm 附近有两个宽谱激发峰,在350~550nm
范围有Eu 3+
的特征激发峰,能在较宽的波长范围内得到有效的激发,从而发出明亮的红荧光。参 考 文 献
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84  西华大学学报 自然科学版2007年
lene;maleic anhy dride;functionalization;glass fiber
Effect of CaF2Doping and Second Sintering on C a3Co4O9Microstructure
CHEN Yuan kui(Key Laboratory of Silicate M aterials Science and Engineering,Wuhan U niversity of Technology,M inistry of Education, W uhan430070China),YU Zhan jun,et al.JOURNAL OF XIH UA U NIVERS IT Y.v.26,no 2 PP 79 82,2/2007.(ISS N1673 159X;In Ch i nese)
Abstract:In this paper thermoelectr ic material Ca3Co4O9 w as prepared by solid reaction met hod with CaF2doping.T he effect of CaF2doping and second sintering on its microstr ucture w as discussed by contr asting w ith the pure sample.T he result obtained show s that it is easy to increase plate shaped g rain size of ther mo electric material Ca3Co4O9wit h the CaF2doping and t he second sintering method.
Key words:Ca3Co4O9;CaF2doping;second sintering
C omposition of Sr3Al2O6:Eu3+Phosphor Using High Temperature Solid State Reation
M A Jun jian(S chool of M aterials Science and Engineering,Xihua U niversity,Chengdu610039China),JIN Ying rong,et al.JOURNAL OF XIHUA UNIVERS IT Y.v.26,no 2 PP 83 84,2/2007.(ISSN 1673 159X;In Chinese)
Abstract:A luminate phosphor act ivated by r ar e ear th ions is excellent and inex pensive,but the r ed phosphor is very rare. Now the red phosphor Sr3A l2O6:Eu3+is sy nthesized at1200 by using high temperature solid state reaction met hod,its exci tation and emission spectra show that they can be high efficient ly ex cited by ultra v iolet,and emit red light w ith hig h intensity at the wavelengt h of590nm,620nm,655nm and703nm.
Key words:Sr3A l2O6:Eu3+;red phosphor;high tempera ture solid state react ion
Effect of Electric C urrent Pulse Frequency on GMI of Fe based Nanocrystalline Alloys Wire
YANG Xiao hong(Jinhua col lege of Profession and Technology, Jinhua Zhej iang321007China),FANG Yong zhang,et al.JOU RNAL OF XIH UA U NIVERSITY.v.26,no 2 PP 85 87,2/2007.(ISSN 1673 159X;In Chinese)
Abstract:Fe based N anocr ystalline Alloys wire can be ob tained from amorphous w ire by means of
pulse electric current so as to improve the g iant mag neto impedance.By changing the pulse frequency of annealing current,GM I of Fe based Nanocr ystalline alloys wir e is studied.T he r esult sho ws that the optimal GM I can be obtained when the pulse frequency is 15Hz,while the effect of annealing is12.287%,t he g iant mag neto impedance( Z1  Z0)/Z00is21.988%.
Key words:F e based nanocrystalline allo ys w ire;g iant mag neto impedance;pulse fr equency;annealing
Influence of Time upon Oxide Film on the Sur face of the Zirconium Hydride by the Method of C O2 Reaction
催化剂12.1WANG Li yan,(School of M aterials Sci ence and Engineering,Xi hua U niversity,Chengdu610039China)ZHAO Pi ng et al.JOU RNAL OF XIH UA U NIVERSITY.v.26,no 2 PP 88 90,2/2007.(ISSN 1673 159X;In Chinese)
Abstract:Ox ide films are g ener ated using Gas solid R eac tions of CO2wit hin24hours,48hours and120hours.T he sur face analysis by SEM and XPS indicates that all the films are compact but they have different compositio ns and proper ties, and the longer of the reaction time,the steadier of productions. T he XPS deep scan results indicate t hat phosphor appears on the surface only,and do
es no t penetrate into the interior of ox ide films;however,the compositions of carbon and ox ygen in the same depth are increased with the incr ease in react ion time, at the same time the oxide films deepens as w ell.T he chemical analysis shows t hat the sample ox ide films have g ood capability to resist corrosion.
Key words:hydrogen permeation bar rier;gas solid react ion of CO2;ox ide film
Journal of Xihua University Natural Science M ar.2007

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