
【摘要】 背景 随着高通量测序技术的发展,研究者们发现下呼吸道有大量微生物菌定植。研究显示,吸烟对下呼吸道微生物菌结构及组成有显著影响,且其变化可能与肺部疾病有关,但其具体机制尚不清楚。目的 通过痰液微生物高通量测序技术分析吸烟对下呼吸道微生物菌结构的影响,以预测其对机体生命活动的影响。方法 选取2018年10月至2019年10月于内蒙古自治区人民医院健康体检中心招募的志愿者55例为研究对象。按照吸烟情况,将研究对象分为吸烟组(22例)和不吸烟组(33例)。采用高通量测序技术分析痰液微生物,分析吸烟对微生物丰度与菌结构组成的影响、吸烟对微
生物菌结构的影响、差异微生物间的相关性及预测差异微生物的功能。结果 吸烟组Shannon 指数高于不吸烟组,Simpson 指数低于不吸烟组(P <0.05)。Adonis 检验及主成分分析(PCA )结果显示,吸烟组与不吸烟组β多样性指数比较,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。韦恩图分析结果显示,吸烟组和不吸烟组共有菌1 146个,不吸烟组独有菌1 080个,吸烟组独有菌841个。在纲水平上,按照菌相对丰度降序排列,差异菌前5位分别是芽孢杆菌纲(Bacilli )、拟杆菌纲(Bacteroidia )、梭杆菌纲(Fusobacteria )、β-变形菌纲(Beta p roteobacteria )、γ-变形菌纲(Gamma p roteobacteria )。纲水平微生物在吸烟组中的优势菌为:Bacilli 、Bacteroidia 、Fusobacteriia 。在属水平上,按照菌相对丰度降序排列,差异菌前5位分别是链球菌属(Stre p tococcus )、普雷沃氏菌属(P revotella )、卟啉单胞菌属(P or p hyromonas )、拟普雷沃氏菌属(Allo p revotella )、奈瑟菌属(Neisseria )。属水平微生物在吸烟组中的优势菌为:Stre p tococcus 、P revotella 、P or p hyromonas 。吸烟组和不吸烟组下呼吸道共有1纲、2目、1科、8属及8种差异微生物。其中吸烟组增加的菌为Selenomonadales 目、巨球型菌属(Megas p haera )、
Faucicola 属、S p haerochaeta 属、Shuttleworthia 属、Anaeroglobus 属、巨球形菌(Megas p haera micronuciformis )、S p irochaeta canine oral taxon  379、未分类的普氏菌(Uncultured P revotella )、P revotella s p . oral clone FW035;不吸烟组增加的菌为鞘脂杆菌纲(S p hingobact
eriia )、鞘脂杆菌目(S p hingobacteriales )、噬几丁质科(Chitino p hagaceae )、伯克霍尔德菌(Burkholderia )、弧菌属(Vibrionimonas )、罗尔斯通氏菌属(Ralstonia )、真口腔普雷沃氏菌(P revotella veroralis )、Catonella s p . oral clone FL037、噬淀粉密螺旋体(Tre p onema amylovorum )、咽峡炎链球菌(Stre p tococcus anginosus )。吸烟组和不吸烟组的差异微生物(属水平)间均呈正相关(r ≥0.6)。吸烟组和不吸烟组主要在物质合成、降解和运输相关通路上存在差异。吸烟组功能富集的生命活动包括:安沙霉素类生物合成、赖氨酸生物合成、戊糖和葡萄糖醛酸的相互转化、泛酸盐和辅酶A 生物合成、蛋白运输等;不吸烟组主要富集的生命活动包括:甲苯降解、弧菌致病循环、柠檬烯和蒎烯降解、光合作用、二噁英降解等。结论 吸烟能够增加下呼吸道微生物菌相对丰度,影响微生物菌结构组成,改变相关物质合成、降解和运输通路,吸烟暴露下下呼吸道微生物组的功能改变可能会影响宿主的内环境稳态,打破体内免疫系统的平衡,从而引发肺部疾病。
【关键词】 吸烟;呼吸系统;微生物
【中图分类号】 R 163 【文献标识码】 A  DOI :10.12114/j.issn.1008-5971.2022.00.008王丽娜,卢震钰,王颖,等.吸烟对下呼吸道微生物菌结构的影响研究[J ].实用心脑肺血管病杂志,2022,30(1):70-77.[www.syxnf ]
WANG L N ,LU Z Y ,WANG Y ,et al.Effect of smoking on microflora structure of lower respiratory tract [J ].Practical Journal of Cardiac Cerebral Pneumal and Vascular Disease ,2022,30(1):70-77.Effect of Smoking on Microflora Structure of Lower Respiratory Tract  WANG Lina 1, 2, LU Zhenyu 2, WANG Ying 2, LI
Yuan 2, YUN Chunmei 2, SUN Dejun 1, 2, GAO Xiaoyu 2
2.010017内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市,内蒙古自治区人民医院国家卫生健康委员会慢阻肺诊治重点实验室 内蒙古自治区呼吸疾病重点实验室
通信作者:高笑宇,E-mail :xiaoyugao2015@hotmail
1.Baotou Medical College, Science & Technology of Inner Mongolia University, Baotou 014000, China
2.Key Laboratory of National Health Commission for the Diagnosis & Treatment of COPD/Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases, Inner Mongolia People's Hospital, Hohhot 010017, China
Corresponding author: GAO Xiaoyu, E-mail: xiaoyugao2015@hotmail
【Abstract】 Background With the development of high-throughput sequencing technology, a large microflora colonization of the lower respiratory tract has been found. Studies have shown that smoking has a significant effect on the structure and composition of the lower respiratory tract microflora and that changes may be associated with lung disease, but the exact mechanism is unclear. Objective To analyze the effect of smoking on microflora structure of lower respiratory tract by high-throughput sequencing of sputum microorganisms to predict its impact on the vital activity of the organism. Methods Fifty-five volunteers recruited at the Health Examination Center of the Inner Mongolia People's Hospital from October 2018 to October 2019 were selected as the study subjects. The study subjects were divided into smoking group (22 cases) and non-smoking group (33 cases) a
ccording to their smoking status. High-throughput sequencing technology was used to analyze sputum microorganisms, the effects of smoking on microbial abundance and flora structural composition, the effects of smoking on microbial flora structure and correlation between differential microorganisms were analyzed, and the function of differential microorganisms was predicted. Results The Shannon index in the smoking group was higher than that in the non-smoking group, and the Simpson index was lower than that in the non-smoking group (P < 0.05) . Adonis test and principal component analysis (PCA) showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the βdiversity index between the smoking group and the non-smoking group (P < 0.05) . The results of the Wayne plot analysis showed that there were 1 146 floras in the smoking and non-smoking groups, 1 080 unique floras in the non-smoking group, and 841 unique floras in the smoking group. At class level, in descending order of relative abundance of the flora, the top 5 differential floras were Bacilli, Bacteroidia, Fusobacteria, Beta p roteobacteria, and Gamma p roteobacteria. The dominant groups of microorganisms at the class level in the smoking group were: Bacilli, Bacteroidia, and Fusobacteriia. At the genus level, the top 5 differential groups in descending order of relative abundance were Stre p tococcus, P revotella, P or p hyromonas, Allo p revotella, Neisseria. The dominant groups of genus-level microorganisms in the smoking group were Stre p tococcus, p revotella, and P or p hyromonas. There were one class, two orders, one family, eight genera and eig
ht differential microorganisms in the lower respiratory tract of the smoking and non-smoking groups. The increased groups in the smoking group were the order Selenomonadales, the genera Megas p haera, Faucicola, S p haerochaeta, Shuttleworthia, Anaeroglobus, Megas p haera micronuciformis, S p irochaeta canine oral taxon 379, Uncultured P revotella, and P revotella s p. oral clone FW035; the increased groups in the non-smoking group were S p hingobacterium class, S p hingobacteriales order, Chitino p hagaceae family, Burkholderia, Vibrionimonas genus, Ralstonia genus, P revotella veroralis, Catonella s p. oral clone FL037, Tre p onema amylovorum, and Stre p tococcus anginosus. There was a positive correlation between the differential microorganisms (genus level) in both the smoking and non-smoking groups (r≥ 0.6) . The smoking and non-smoking groups differed mainly in the pathways related to substance synthesis, degradation and transportation. Life activities that were functionally enriched in the smoking group included: biosynthesis of ansamycins and lysine, mutual transformation of pentose and glucuronic acid, biosynthesis of pantothenate and coenzyme A, and protein export, etc.; life activities that were mainly enriched in the non-smoking group included: toluene degradation, pathogenic cycle of V. cholerae, degradation of limonene and pinene, photosynthesis, and dioxin degradation, etc. Conclusion Smoking can increase the relative abundance of lower respiratory microbiota, affect the structural composition of microflora, and change the synthesis, degradation and transportation pathways of related substances, and functiona
l changes of respiratory microbiome exposed to cigarette smoking may affect physiological homeostasis of hosts, disrupt the balance of the immune system in vivo, and thus cause lung diseases.
【Key words】 Smoking; Respiratory system; Microbiota
吸烟每年造成约700多万人死亡,已成为全球重要公共卫生问题之一[1]。世界卫生组织估计,全世界每天死于吸烟者达8 000人;在发达国家中,吸烟与
1 对象与方法
1.1 研究对象 选取2018年10月至2019年10月于
1.2 痰液微生物高通量测序技术
1.2.1 样本采集与处理 参考文献[7]对研究对象进行痰诱导,取0.3 g痰栓,加入0.1%二硫苏糖醇(dithiothreitol,DTT)混匀,37 ℃水浴处理15 min,室温10 000 r/min离心10 min(离心半径7 cm),弃上清液,将沉淀置于-80 ℃冰箱保存待用。
1.2.2 DNA提取与测序 使用基因组DNA提取试剂盒提取基因组总DNA,将其寄送至上海天昊生物科技有限公司进行微生物扩增子测序,该技术在Illumina HiSeq 2000平台上进行操作。
1.3 统计学方法 采用GraphPad Prism 9.0软件进行数据分析。符合正态分布的计量资料以(x±s)表示,组间比较采用两独立样本t检验;计数资料以相对数表示,组间比较采用χ2检验。α多样性指数(包括Shannon 指数和Simpson指数,用于度量微生物菌丰度和多样性)、差异微生物比较采用Wilcoxon rank-sum test秩和检验。β多样性指数(用于测度落的物种多样性沿着环境梯度变化的速率或落间物种组成的多样性)比较采用Adonis检验,基于Bray-Curtis距离进行主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA),采用散点图表示微生物菌结构的多样性。以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。采用韦恩图表示吸烟组和不吸烟组共有和独有的菌数量。采用非参数Kruskal-Wallis秩和检验筛选不同分组间菌相对丰度存在显著差异的物种,用线性判别分析(linear discriminant analysis,LDA)评估每个菌相对丰度差异显著的物种的效应值(即LDA值,默认进行log以10为底的对数转化,绝对值越大则越易区分组别)(以|LDA值|>2且P<0.05作为差异筛选阈值)。优势物种网络图分析说明:选择至少在60%的样本中出现的操作分类单元(operational
taxonomic units,OTU),计算物种之间的Pearson相关系数,选择P<0.05的相关OTU。功能预测分析中,对组间菌相对丰度差异显著的功能基于京都基因与基因组百科全书(Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes,KEGG)数据库中富集的通路绘制条形图。2 结果
2.1 吸烟对微生物丰度与菌结构组成的影响 吸烟组Shannon指数高于不吸烟组(χ2=0.418,P=0.016),Simpson指数低于不吸烟组(χ2=0.458,P=0.026),差异有统计学意义,见图1。Adonis检验及PCA结果显示,吸烟组与不吸烟组β多样性指数比较,差异有统计学意义(R2=0.096,P=0.048),见图2。韦恩图分析结果显示,吸烟组和不吸烟组共有菌1 146个,不吸烟组独有菌1 080个,吸烟组独有菌841个,见图3。
2.2 吸烟对微生物菌结构的影响 在纲水平上,按照菌相对丰度降序排列,差异菌分别是芽孢杆菌纲(Bacilli)、拟杆菌纲(Bacteroidia)、梭杆菌纲(Fusobacteria)、β-变形菌纲(Beta p roteobacteria)、γ-变形菌纲(Gamma p roteobacteria)、放线菌纲(Actinobacteria)、厌氧菌纲(Negativicutes)、梭菌纲(Clostridia)、黄杆菌纲(Flavobacteria)以及其他纲。纲水平微生物在吸烟组中的优势菌为:Bacilli(不吸烟组占31.27%,吸烟组占30.19%)、Bacteroidia(不吸烟组占28.79%,吸烟组占29.33%)、Fusobacteriia(不吸烟组占5.96%,吸烟组占6.11%),见图4A。
在属水平上,按照菌相对丰度降序排列,差异菌分别是链球菌属(Stre p tococcus)、普雷沃氏菌属(P revotella)、卟啉单胞菌属(P or p hyromonas)、拟普雷沃氏菌属(Allo p revotella)、奈瑟菌属(Neisseria)、韦荣氏球菌属(Veillonella)、嗜血杆菌属(Haemo p hilus)
注:A为Shannon指数,B为Simpson指数;a表示P<0.05图1 吸烟组与不吸烟组α多样性指数比较的箱式图Figure 1 Box plot of α diversity index comparison between smoking group and non-smoking group
图3 吸烟组与不吸烟组菌数量的韦恩图
Figure 3 Venn diagram of the number of bacteria in smoking group and non-smoking group
1 080个  1 146个841个
注:横坐标(PCI )和纵坐标(PC2)为样本间差异解释度最大的两个主要成分;a 表示P <0.05
图2 吸烟组与不吸烟组β多样性指数比较的散点图
Figure 2 Scatter plot of β diversity index comparison between smoking group and non-smoking group
颗粒链菌属(Granulicatella )、梭杆菌属(Fusobacterium )、孪生球菌(Gemella )、罗斯氏菌属(Rothia )以及其他菌属。属水平微生物在吸烟组中的优势菌为:Stre p tococcus (不吸烟组占24.24%,吸烟组占23.71%)、P revotella (不吸烟组占15.36%,吸烟组占14.06%)、P or p hyromonas (不吸烟组占8.00%,吸烟组占9.05%),见图4B 。
比较吸烟组和不吸烟组下呼吸道菌相对丰度差异显著的微生物,共有1纲、2目、1科、8属及8种差异微生物。其中吸烟组增加的菌为Selenomonadales 目、巨球型菌属(Megas p haera )、Faucicola 属、S p haerochaeta 属、Shuttleworthia 属、Anaeroglobus 属、巨球形菌(Megas p haera micronuciformis )、S p irochaeta  canine oral taxon 379、未分类的普氏菌(Uncultured P revotella )、P revotella s p .oral clone FW035;不吸烟组增加的菌为鞘脂杆菌纲(S p hingobacteriia )、鞘脂杆菌目(S p h i n g o b a c t e r i a l e s )、噬几丁
质科(C h i t i n o p h a g a c e a e )、伯克霍尔德菌(Burkholderia )、弧菌属(Vibrionimonas )、罗尔斯通氏菌属(Ralstonia )、真口腔普雷沃氏菌(P revotella veroralis )、Catonella s p .oral clone FL037、噬淀粉密螺旋体(Tre p onema amylovorum )、咽峡炎链球菌(Stre p tococcus anginosus ),见图5。
2.3 差异微生物间的相关性分析 对吸烟组和不吸烟组的差异微生物(属水平)进行相关性分析,结果显示,吸烟组和不吸烟组的差异微生物(属水平)间均呈正相关(r ≥0.6),这些差异微生物分别来自Negativicutes 纲、Bacilli 、Bacteroidia 、Actinobacteria 、Fusobacteria 和丹毒丝菌纲(Erysi p elotrichia )的24个属,见图6。
2.4 差异微生物的功能预测 基于差异微生物的OTU 结果,预测吸烟组和不吸烟组差异微生物的功
能,见图7。吸烟组和不吸烟组主要在物质合成、降解和运输相关通路上存在差异。吸烟组功能富集的生命活动包括:安沙霉素类生物合成(ko01051)、赖氨酸生物合成(ko00300)、戊糖和葡萄糖醛酸的相互转化(ko00040)、泛酸盐和辅酶A 生物合成(ko00770)、蛋白运输(ko03060)等;不吸烟组主要富集的生命活动包括:甲苯降解(ko00623)、弧菌致病循环(ko05111)、柠檬烯和蒎烯降解(ko00903)、光合作用(ko00195)、二噁英降解(ko00621)等。 3 讨论
吸烟是全球可预防的主要死因和致残原因,是世界上主要的公共卫生问题之一。中国吸烟者的比例在全球最高,卷烟消费量占全球40%以上[8],每年因吸烟死亡的人数占全球死亡人数的11.5%[9]。烟草可增加心血管系统疾病、呼吸系统疾病、生殖系统疾病、牙周疾病以及癌症等的发生风险,是导致疾病的重要危险因素[10]。香烟烟雾是一种气溶胶,由气体和固态颗粒组成,目前鉴定出其包含4 700多种物质,包括中性气体、碳氧化物、氮氧化物等[11],这些颗粒经气道吸入,大颗粒沉积到气管、支气管,小颗粒沉积到肺泡,不能被有效清除,从而导致慢性炎症,这可能在肺部疾病的进展中起到促进作用[12]。目前,吸烟的危害已经明确,但是其作用机制还不完全清楚。本研究通过痰液微生物高通量测序技术分析吸烟对下呼吸道微生物菌结构的影响,从微生物角度评估吸烟的危害,以期揭示吸烟对机体产生危害的作用机制。
本研究结果显示,吸烟组男性占比、年龄高于不吸烟组,可能与样本量较小有关,但目前并没有文章表示患者年龄及性别会对气道菌结构产生影响。本研究结果显示,吸烟组Shannon 指数高于不吸烟
组,Simpson 指数低于不吸烟组,表明吸烟增加微生物菌丰度。Adonis 检验及PCA 结果显示,吸烟组与不吸烟组β多
注:A 为纲水平,B 为属水平;左边的柱状图为不吸烟组/吸烟组全部样本的菌组成情况,右边的堆积图为不吸烟组/吸烟组各样本的微生物组成情况
图4 吸烟组和不吸烟组优势物种网络图
Figure 4 
Map of dominant species networks in smoking group and non-smoking group
注:A 中树枝中红节点表示不吸烟组中菌相对丰度高于吸烟组的物种,绿节点表示吸烟组中菌相对丰度高于不吸烟组的物种,黄节点表示两组间菌相对丰度并无明显差异的物种;节点直径与菌相对丰度呈正比;每层节点由内向外分别表示门/纲/目/科/属/种,每层物种标记的注释从外向内表示门/纲/目/科/属/种,门水平的注释显示在最外环上,而其他水平的注释显示在右侧的图例中。B 中线性判别分析(LDA )阈值为2.0。柱状图的长度代表LDA 值
图5 吸烟组与不吸烟组的差异微生物
Figure 5 Differential bacteria between smoking group and non-smoking group
Stretococcus Prevotella
Porphyromonas Alloprevotella Neisseria Veillonella Haemophilus Granulicatella Fusobacterium Gemella Rothia other
Bacilli Bacteroidia
Betaproteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Actinobacteria Negativicutes Clostridia Flavobacteriia other

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标签:吸烟   菌群   差异
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