
SNAI International Student Accommodation Agreement
Student dormitory is the public venue where students study, live and rest. To protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Institute and resident students, based on the SNAI Regulations on Graduate Dormitory Management and other relevant rules, the Logistics Department of SNAI (Party A) and the resident student (Party B) have jointly discussed and reached the following accommodation agreement:
一、 据乙方住宿申请,甲方决定安排乙方入住校内学生公寓公寓楼房间。
烧结焊剂I. Pursuant to Party B’s application, Party A has decided to offer Party B a room in the student dormitory of the Institute for accommodation.
二、 本协议自201    年月日起至乙方在学校规定的学制期结束止。
II. This agreement starts from ______________ (month/day) of 201_____ and terminates on the end of Party B’s program stipulated by the Institute.
三、 在协议有效期内甲方承诺为乙方提供如下服务:
1、 方便、及时地安排住宿;
2、 提供寝室内相应有效的设施(设备)及家具;
3、 提供及时的房屋,室内家具,设施(设备)的维修保养;
4、 楼内公共部位的保洁;
5、 每月一次的宿舍房间内保洁。
III. Party A commits itself to provision of the following services to Party B during the validity period of the agreement:
1. Convenient and timely arrangement of accommodation;
2. Facilities (equipment) and furniture in good usable conditions in the dorm room;
3. Timely maintenance and repair of the room and the furniture and the facilities (equipment) inside;
4. Hygiene of public areas of the dorm building;
5. Cleaning of the dorm room once a month.
四、 在协议有效期内乙方承诺遵守以下规定:
1、 严格遵守《上海国家会计学院研究生宿舍管理办法》规定;交警制服
2、 乙方承诺按照学院安排房间入住,不私换房间;
3、 爱护公共财物,正确使用各类家具和设施、发现损坏应及时报修,属使用不当或故意损坏应承担相应赔偿责任;(物品清单详见附件1
4、 自觉搞好安全防范,做到校园卡不外借他人;不留宿他人,贵重物品乙方自行妥善保管。为加强社区安全防范,每间房间都安装烟感报警系统;公寓楼楼层内安装视频安防监控系统;请配合遵守相关规章制度;
5、 为安全起见,房间内严禁使用电热棒、电炉、电热毯、电夹板、卷发棒、电熨斗、电饭煲、电炒锅、电冰箱、豆浆机、榨汁机、蒸蛋器、电热杯、微波炉等各种电加热器,严禁私拉电线,电线不准上床,做到安全用电;
6、 楼内严禁使用明火,不准烧煮食物,不准乱扔烟蒂及其他杂物。如乙方违章使用电器、明火或乱丢烟蒂,造成灾害事故的应当赔偿损失并承担相应法律责任;
7、 房间内的一切生活事务及清洁卫生工作,由学生按宿舍内务规范要求每天自行整理打扫,保持房间与设施的清洁、整齐;
8、 当甲方根据学院规划安排和其他特殊原因需调整乙方住宿房间时,乙方应积极配合甲方及时完成调整工作;
9、 积极配合、主动接受宿舍管理人员的安全、卫生检查;
10、 乙方如若未能按照协议要求执行时,甲方按相关的条款分别要求乙方予以恢复原状、赔偿损失、限期整改等。
IV. Party B commits him/herself to compliance with the following rules during the validity period of the agreement:
1. Strict compliance with the SNAI Regulations on Graduate Dormitory Management;
2. Staying in the room offered by Party A and not changing the room with others privately;
3. Using public facilities with care; using furniture and equipment in the right way and reporting for repair timely in cases of damage; compensating for damages caused by incorrect uses or intentional damages (see attachment 1 for the list of items in the room);
4. Taking safety measures voluntarily and refraining from lending campus card to others; not accommodating others in the dorm room; taking care of Party B’s own valuable goods; observing relevant rules regarding the smoke detection and warning system installed in each room for strengthening community safety and the video surveillance and
control system installed on each floor;
双生筷5. Observing rules regarding safe use of electricity; for safety purpose, use of electric heating rod, electric stove, electric blanket, electric hair straightener, curling iron, electric iron, electric rice cooker, electric wok, refrigerator, soymilk maker, juicer, egg poacher, electrothermal cup, microwave oven and other electric heating devices are strictly prohibited; electrical wiring without permission and wiring through the bed are strictly prohibited;
6. Use of open fire, cooking food and littering cigarette butts and other wastes in the dorm building are strictly prohibited; in cases of causing disastrous accidents due to use of electrical appliances against the rules, use of open fire or littering cigarette butts, Party B shall compensate for the losses and bear corresponding legal consequences;
7. Cleaning the room everyday in accordance with relevant dormitory rules to keep the room and facilities clean and tidy;
8. In circumstances where Party A has to change Party B’s room due to the Institute’s overall planning or other special reasons, Party B shall actively assist Party A in timely adjustment;
9. Actively assisting with and voluntarily accepting safety and hygiene inspections of dorm administrative staff;
10. In circumstance where Party B fails to observe the articles of this agreement, Party A has the right to urge Party B to restore to original conditions, make compensations and take corrective measures in stipulated time in accordance with relevant articles.真空磁悬浮列车
五、 有下列情况本协议终结:
双面自粘防水卷材1、 超过协议有效期;
2、 乙方因辍学、转学、开除、离境等原因离校的,必须在规定时间内搬离;
3、 如遇学院安排宿舍修缮或调整,住宿者须配合学院进行宿舍搬迁调整工作;
4、 住宿期间如违反《上海国家会计学院研究生宿舍管理办法》,或严重违反校纪校规,除由上海国家会计学院行政管理部门给予行政处分,如有损坏家具等公共财物照价赔偿;

本文发布于:2024-09-23 06:27:37,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:乙方   宿舍   甲方   住宿   会计学院   国家   房间
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