
(Identical with ASTM Specification A234/A234M-95a.)
1.1This specification covers wrought carbon steel and
alloy steelfittings of seamless and welded construction
covered by the latest revision of ANSI B16.9,ANSI
B16.11,ANSI B16.28,MSS SP-79,and MSS SP-95.
Thesefittings are for use in pressure piping and in
pressure vessel fabrication for service at moderate and
elevated temperatures.Fittings differing from these
ANSI and MSS standards shall be furnished in accord-
ance with Supplementary Requirement S9.
1.2Optional supplementary requirements are provided
forfittings where a greater degree of examination is
desired.When desired,one or more of these supplemen-
tary requirements may be specified in the order.
1.3This specification does not cover cast welding
fittings orfittings machined from castings.Cast steel
weldingfittings are governed by Specifications A216/
A216M and A217/A217M.
1.4This specification is expressed in both inch-
pound units and in SI units.However,unless the order
specifies the applicable“M”designation(SI units),the
针织牛仔布material shall be furnished to inch-pound units.
1.5The values stated in either inch-pound units or
SI units are to be regarded separately as standard.
Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets.The
values stated in each system are not exact equivalents;
therefore,each system must be used independently of
the other.Combining values from the two systems may
result in nonconformance with the specification.
2.Referenced Documents
2.1ASTM Standards:
A216/A216M Specification for Steel Castings,Carbon,
Suitable for Fusion Welding,for High-Temperature
A217/A217M Specification for Steel Castings,Marten-
sitic Stainless and Alloy,for Pressure-Containing Parts
Suitable for High-Temperature Service
A370Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Test-
ing of Steel Products
A751Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology for
Chemical Analysis of Steel Products
E165Practice for Liquid Penetrant Inspection Method
E709Practice for Magnetic Particle Examination
2.2ANSI Standards:
B16.9Steel Butt-Welding Fittings
B16.11Forged Steel Fittings,Socket Welding and
B16.28Wrought Steel Butt-Welding Short Radius El-
bows and Returns
2.3ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code:
Section V Nondestructive Examination
Section VIII,Division1,Pressure Vessels
内河航标灯Section IX Welding Qualifications
2.4MSS Standards:
MSS SP-25Standard Marking System for Valves,Fit-
tings,Flanges,and Unions
MSS SP-79Socket Welding Reducer Inserts
MSS SP-95Swage(d)Nipples and Bull Plugs
SA-234/SA-234M1998SECTION II
2.5ASNT Standard:
SNT-TC-1A(1984)Recommended Practice for Nonde-structive Testing Personnel Qualification and Certifi-cation
3.Ordering Information
3.1Orders for material under this specification shall include the following information:
3.1.1Quantity(number offittings of each kind),
3.1.2Description offitting and nominal dimensions (standard or special),
3.1.3Steel composition by grade and class desig-nation,
3.1.4Construction,seamless or welded(unless seamless or welded construction is specified by the purchaser either may be furnished at the option of the supplier),
3.1.5Additional requirements,if any,(See 17.5),and
3.1.6Supplementary requirements,if any.
4.1The material forfittings shall consist of killed steel,forgings,bars,plates,seamless or fusion-welded tubular products withfiller metal added and shall con-form to the chemical requirements of Table1.Unless otherwise specified for carbon steel plates,the steel may be made to either coarse grain orfine grain practice.
4.2A starting material specification that specifically requires the addition of any element beyond those listed
for the materials in Tables1and2and for the applicable grade of material is not permitted.This does not preclude the use of deoxidizers or the judicious use
of elements for grain size control.
5.1Forging or shaping operations may be performed
by hammering,pressing,piercing,extruding,upsetting, rolling,bending,fusion welding,machining,or by a combination of two or more of these operations.The forming procedure shall be so applied that it will not produce injurious imperfections in thefittings.
5.2Fittings machined from bar shall be restricted to NPS4or smaller.Elbows,return bends,tees,and header tees shall not be machined directly from bar stock.
NOTE1—Fittings NSP-4and under may be machined from hot-forged or rolled,cold-sized,and straightened bar stock having the chemical composition of the grade in Table1and the mechanical properties of the Grade in Table  2.Heat treatment shall be in accordance with Section6.All caps machined from bar stock shall be examined with by liquid penetrant or magnetic particle in accord-ance with S3or S4.
5.3All welds including welds in tubular products from whichfittings are made shall be(1)made by welders,welding operators,and welding procedures qualified under the provisions of ASME Section I
X, (2)heat treated in accordance with Section6of this specification,and(3)radiographically examined throughout the entire length of each weld in accordance with Article2,ASME Section V with acceptance limits in accordance with Paragraph UW-51of ASME Section VIII,Division1of the ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code.In place of radiographic examination,welds may be ultrasonically examined in accordance with Appendix 12of Section VIII.The NDE of welds in Grades WPB, WPC,WP1,WP11Class1,WP11Class2,WP11 Class3,WP12Class1,WP12Class2,and WPR may be performed either prior to or after forming.NDE of welds in Grades WP5,WP9,WP91,WP22Class1, and WP22Class3shall be done after forming.
5.4Personnel performing NDE examinations shall be qualified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A.
5.5The welded joints of thefittings shall befinished in accordance with the requirements of Paragraph UW-35(a)of ASME Section VIII,Division1.
5.6All butt-weld tees manufactured by cold-forming method(s)shall be liquid penetrant or magnetic particle examined by one of the methods specified in Supplemen-tary Requirement S3or S4.This examination shall be performed afterfinal heat treat.Only the side wall area of the tees need be examined.This area is defined by a circle that covers the area from the weld bevel of the branch outl
et to the center line of the body or run. Internal and external surfaces shall be examined when size permits accessibility.No cracks shall be permitted. Other imperfections shall be treated in accordance with Section12on Surface Quality.After the removal of any crack,the tee(s)shall be re-examined by the original method.Acceptable tees shall be marked with the symbol PT or MT,as applicable,to indicate compliance.
6.Heat Treatment
6.1Heat Treatment Procedures—Fittings,after forming at an elevated temperature,shall be cooled to
a temperature below the critical range under suitable conditions to prevent injuries by too rapid cooling,but
in no case more rapidly than the cooling rate in still air.Heat-treatedfittings shall be treated according to
the following procedures:
6.1.1Full Annealing—Fittings shall be uniformly reheated to a temperature above the transformation range and after being held for a sufficient time at this temperature,cooled slowly to a temperature below the transformation range.
6.1.2Isothermal Annealing—Isothermal annealing
as applied tofittings shall involve austenitizing a ferrous alloy and then cooling to and holding within the range
of temperature at which the austenite transforms to a relatively soft ferrite-carbide aggregate.
6.1.3Normalizing—Fittings shall be uniformly reheated to a temperature above the transformation range and subsequently cooled in air at room temperature.
6.1.4Tempering and Post-Weld Heat Treatment—Fittings shall be reheated to the prescribed temperature below the transformation range,held at temperature for
the greater of1⁄2h or1h/in.[2.4min/mm]of thickness
at the thickest section and cooled in the furnace or in
still air.
6.1.5Stress Relieving—Fittings shall be uniformly heated;temperature shall not vary by more thanϮ25°F [Ϯ14°C]from the selected stress relieving temperature. 6.2WPB,WPC,and WPR Fittings:
6.2.1Hot-formed WPB,WPC,and WPRfittings upon which thefinal forming operation is completed
at a temperature above1150°F[620°C]and below 1800°F[980°C]need not be heat treated provided they
are cooled in still air.If the manufacturer elects to heat treat suchfittings,it shall be by one of the procedures defined in6.1through6.1.4.
6.2.2Hot-formed or forged WPB,WPC,and WPR
fittingsfinished at temperature in excess of1800°F [980°C]shall subsequently be annealed,normalized,or normalized and tempered.Hot-forgedfittings NPS4
or smaller need not be heat treated.
6.2.3WPB,WPC,and WPRfittings produced by locally heating a portion of thefitting stock to any temperature for forming shall be subsequently annealed, normalized,or normalized and tempered.Fittings such
as elbows,tees,header tees,reducers and lap joint
355stub ends,NPS12and under,shall not require heat treatment after forming a locally heated portion of the fitting.
6.2.4Cold-formed WPB,WPC,and WPRfittings, upon which thefinal forming operation is completed at a temperature below1150°F[620°C]shall be normal-ized,or shall be stress relieved at1100to1275°F[595 to690°C].
6.2.5WPB,WPC,and WPRfittings produced by fusion welding and having a nominal wall thickness at the welded joint of3⁄4in.[19mm]or greater shall be post-weld heat treated at1100to1250°F[595to 674°C],or in accordance with6.2.6.
6.2.6At the option of the manufacturer,WPB and WPCfittings produced by any of the methods in Section 5may be annealed,normalized,or normalized and tempered.
6.3Fittings Other than WPB,WPC,and WPR:
6.3.1Fittings of Grades WP1,WP11Class1, WP11Class2,WP11Class3,WP12Class1,WP12 Class2,WP22Class1,WP22Class3,WP5,and WP9shall be furnished in the full-annealed,isothermal-annealed,or normalized and tempered condition.If normalized and tempered,the tempering temperature for WP11Class1,WP11Class2,WP11Class3, WP12Class1,and WP12Class2shall not be less than1150°F[620°C];for Grades WP5,WP9,WP22 Class1,and WP22Class3the tempering temperature shall not be less than1250°F[675°C].
6.3.2Fittings of Grades WP1or WP12Class2 either hot formed or cold formed may be given afinal heat treatment at1200°F[650°C]instead of the heat treatment specified in6.3.1.
6.3.3Fittings in all thicknesses produced by fusion welding after the heat treatment specified in6.3.1shall be post-weld heat treated at a temperature not less than prescribed above for tempering except that Grade WP1 is required to be post-weld heat treated only when the nominal wall thickness at the welded joint is1⁄2in. [13mm]or greater.
6.3.4Except when Supplementary Requirement S12is specified by the purchaser,Grade WP91shall be normalized at1900°F[1040°C]minimum,and2000°F [1095°C]maximum,and tempered at1350°F[73
0°C] minimum as afinal heat treatment.
6.4WPB and WPC Fittings Made from Bar—Cold-finished bars reduced in cross-sectional area more than 10%by cold drawing or cold rolling are not acceptable
SA-234/SA-234M1998SECTION II
for use in the manufacture of thesefittings unless the bars have been either stress relieved in the temperature range of1100to1250°F[595to675°C],normalized, normalized and tempered,or fully annealed.Mechanical testing must be performed subsequent to thefinal heat-treating operation.
6.5Liquid quenching followed by tempering shall
be permitted for all grades when approved by the purchaser.Minimum tempering temperature shall be 1100°F[595°C]for WPB,WPC,and WPR,1150°F [620°C]for Grades WP1,WP11Class1,WP11Class 2,WP11Class3,WP12Class1,and WP12Class2 and1250°F[675°C]for Grades WP5,WP9,WP22 Class1,and WP22Class3,and1350°F[730°C]for Grade WP91.
7.Chemical Composition
7.1The chemical composition of each cast or heat used shall be determined and shall conform to the requirements of the chemical composition for the respec-tive materials listed in Table1.The ranges as shown have been expanded to include variations of the chemical analysis requirements that are listed in the various specifications for the starting materials(pipe,tube,plate, bar,and forgings)normally used in the manufacturing
offittings to this specification.Test Methods,Practices, and Terminology A751shall apply.
7.2Weld metal used in the construction of carbon-steelfittings shall be mild steel analysis No.A1of Table QW-442,Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code;No.A2may be used for Grade WPCW.
7.3The molybdenum and chromium content of the deposited weld metal of alloy steelfittings shall be within the same percentage range as permitted for the base metal.
8.Tensile Requirements
8.1The tensile properties of thefitting material shall conform to the requirements listed in Table  2.The testing shall be performed in accordance with Test Methods and Definitions A370.
8.1.1Specimens cut either longitudinally or trans-versely shall be acceptable for the tension test.
8.1.2While Table2specifies elongation require-ment for both longitudinal and transverse specimens,
it is not the intent that both requirements apply simulta-
356neously.Instead,it is intended that only the elongation requirement that is appropriate for the specimen used be applicable.
8.2One tension test shall be made on each heat of material and in the same condition of heat treatment as thefinishedfittings it represents.The sample thick-ness shall not vary more than1⁄4in.[6mm]from the fitting wall thickness it represents.
8.3When cold-formedfittings are furnished,samples of the raw material shall be normalized or stress relieved as required in6.2.4.Tension tests conducted on these heat-treated samples shall be considered to be the tensile properties of the cold-formedfittings.
8.4Records of the tension tests shall be certification that the material of thefitting meets the tensile require-ments of this specification provided the heat treatments are the same.If the raw material was not tested,or thefitting is not in the same condition of heat treatment, thefitting manufacturer shall per
form the required test on material representative of thefinishedfitting from each heat of starting material.
9.1Fittings shall be capable of meeting the following hardness requirements,if tested:足球袜
9.1.1Fittings of Grades WP5,WP9,and WPR—217HB maximum.
9.1.2Fittings of Grade WP91—248HB maximum.
9.1.3Fittings of all other grades—197HB maximum.
9.2When actual hardness testing of thefittings is required,see Supplementary Requirement S8.
10.Hydrostatic Tests
10.1Hydrostatic testing is not required by this speci-fication.
10.2Allfittings shall be capable of withstanding without failure,leakage,or impairment of their service-ability,a hydrostatic test pressure equal to that pre-scribed for the specified matching pipe of equivale
nt material.
11.1Butt-weldingfittings and butt-welding short radius elbows and returns purchased in accordance with this specification shall conform to the dimensions and tolerances given in the latest revision of ANSI B16.9and
B16.28,respectively.Steel socket-welding and threaded
fittings purchased in accordance with this specification shall conform to the sizes,shapes,dimensions,and tolerances specified in the latest revision of ANSI
B16.11or MSS SP-79.
11.2Fittings of size or shape differing from these standards,but meeting all other requirements of this specification may be furnished in accordance with Sup-plementary Requirement S9.
12.Surface Quality
12.1Fittings supplied under this specification shall
be examined visually.Selected typical surface disconti-nuities shall be explored for depth.Thefittings shall患者腕带
be free of surface discontinuities that penetrate more than5%of the specified nominal wall thickness,except
as defined in12.3and12.4,and shall have a workman-likefinish.
12.2Surface discontinuities deeper than5%of the specified nominal wall thickness,except as defined in 12.3and12.4,shall be removed by the manufacturer
by machining or grinding to sound metal,and the repaired areas shall be well faired.The wall thickness
at all points shall be at least871⁄2%of the specified nominal wall thickness,and the diameters at all points shall be within the specified limits.
12.3Surface checks(fish scale)deeper than1⁄64in. [0.4mm]shall be removed.
12.4Mechanical marks deeper than1⁄16[1.6mm] shall be removed.
12.5When the removal of a surface discontinuity reduces the wall thickness below871⁄2%of the specified nominal wall thickness at any point,thefitting shall
be subject to rejection or to repair as provided in Section13.
13.Repair by Welding
13.1Thefittings manufacturer may weld repairfit-tings,subject to the approval of the purchaser,provided
the composition of the welding material is suitable for
the composition of the metal being welded.Repair by welding shall not be permitted when the depth of
357the discontinuity exceeds331⁄3%of the nominal wall thickness or the length exceeds25%of the nominal diameter of thefittings.Discontinuities shall be com-pletely removed before welding.All welds shall be made by welders,welding operators,and welding procedures qualified under the provisions of ASME Section IX and heat treated after welding in accordance with Section6.
14.1The manufacturer shall afford the purchaser’s inspector all reasonable facilities necessary to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with this specification.Inspection by the purchaser shall not interfere unnecessarily with the manufacturer,unless otherwise agreed to.
14.2Other tests,when required by agreement,shall be made from material of the lots covered in the order.
15.Rejection and Rehearing
15.1Material that fails to conform to the requirements of this specification may be rejected.Rejection should be reported to the producer or supplier promptly in writing.In case of dissatisfaction with the results of the tests,the producer or supplier may make claim for
a rehearing.
15.2Fittings that develop defects in shopworking or application operations may be rejected.Upon rejection, the manufacturer shall be notified promptly in writing.
16.1When requested by the purchase,the manufac-turer shall provide a certificate of compliance to this specification.In addition,if requested to provide test reports,the manufacturer shall also provide the follow-ing where applicable.
16.1.1Chemical analysis results,Section7(Ta-ble1),
16.1.2Tensile property results,Section8(Table 2),report the yield strength and ultimate strength in ksi[MPa]and elongation in percent,
16.1.3Hardness acceptable in accordance with Section9,
16.1.4Type heat treatment,if any,Section6,
16.1.5Seamless or welded,

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