
High Current Connecter
电流 Current  1.0 – 7000 A
适用标准插针 mated Normal Pin:
Energy conversion, storage, and transmission is largely
based on electricity transmission, electricity cables and
connecting devices as a carrier of energy acquisition,
storage is sent to the electrical equipment.
Facing a global shortage of fossil fuels, coal, oil and
natural gas prices have soared, taking into account the
new economic realities, governments have increased
investment in new energy field. Result in energy
acquisition, storage, and electrical equipment design and
application of the rapid, high-power, portable, outdoor
electrical equipment is usually to consider the size of the
connected device‘s power, mating cycles, installation size,
waterproof and dustproof, shielding performance, quick
plug, the current continuity, and other special requirements.
One new structure product increasingly high demand
for high-current connector, the spring has developed a
new type of Bidirectional spiral spring finger touch),
constitute more than one column deformation point of
contact (up to 160 points or more). More than 100,000
times to meet the plug life, spring touch to the current
density and temperature close to the transmission cable,
the insertion force of about 15N.
PCB board connector (board to board, board-to-line),
the cylindrical plug quick lock connector (plastic and metal
casing), male and female connector set out with the weight,
the electric car charger, high voltage powerthe battery
packs connected in series, used in the most advanced
high-current energy collector, energy storage and
electrical equipment, such as: electric car charging base
station, wind generators, power supplies, high-speed rail,
heavy truck.
第一部分Section I
1. 电流传输的连接理论
Current connection to the transmission theory
2. 连接器应用的关键技术
Connect the key technology of the device applications
3. 连接器的最佳工作状态
Connector in top working condition
第二部分Section II
1. 双向螺旋弹簧触指的设计原理
Refers to the design principles of bidirectional spiral spring finger 2. 插孔的几种结构对比
Socket several structure comparison
3. 应用领域
第三部分Section III
1. 主要技术参数The main technical parameters
2. 使用材料Use of materials
3. 插孔系列及选型说明
Socket series and selection instructions
3.1  焊接或螺纹接电源插孔Welding or thread power Socket
3.2  压接电源插孔Crimp power Socket
3.3  外部螺纹接电源插孔External thread power Socket
3.4  通孔插针Through hole Socket
3.5  焊接或螺纹接电源插针Welded or thread power Pin
3.6  压接电源插针Crimp power pin
3.7  电动汽车充电连接装置插孔EV connection device Socket
3.7.1  电动汽车充电连接装置 SAE J1772 5芯电源端子插孔
EV J1772 5pin charger connecting device Socket
3.7.2  电动汽车充电连接装置 GB / AC  7芯电源端子
EV GB / AC 7pin charger connecting device Socket
3.7.3  电动汽车充电连接装置 GB / DC  9芯电源端子
EV GB / DC 9pin charger connecting device Socket
4.  负载电流和温升Load current and temperature rise
第一部分Section I
1 电流传输的连接理论Connecting theory of Current transmission
插孔 Socket
触指 Touching-Finger    连接器通常由插针、插孔本体、触指、绝缘体、屏蔽壳和锁定装置构成。本产品目录中着重介绍的双向螺旋弹簧触指连接器,仅为单个插针、触指和插孔本体的连接技术(图1)。 The connectors usually have Pin , Socket, Touching-Finger, Insulators, Shielding Shell and Lo
cking Devices. This catalog focuses on the Bidirectional Spiral Spring Finger refers to the connector, only a single pin, the Finger and Jack connection technology (Figure 1). 连接器产品重要机械参数
Important mechanical parameters of connector products : • 插扒力Insertion and Withdrawal Force • 插拔次数Cycles
Important electrical parameters of connector products:  接触阻抗Contact Resistance
负载电流Loading Current
电流密度Current Density  温升Temperature Rise
这些参数之间相互影响,插拔力大,插拔次数少,接触阻抗低,温升低,负载电流大。当插针插入带有触指的插孔,触指在插针和插孔间形成电接触,电源加在二端,就有电流通过。    The interactions between these parameters, the insertion force, mating cycles, low contact resistance, low temperature rise, load current. The formation of electrical contact between the pin and jack pin inserted with a finger , the touch, power supply and two side, there is current through.
2 连接器应用的关键技术 The key technology of the connecting applications 插拔力和插拔次数
插针插入插孔时,触指受到插针径向压力而发生弹性形变产生正压力f, 插针和触指之间摩擦接触,摩擦系数为ų,插拔力为F,
F = ų f        较好的正压力f 能获得较小的接触面阻抗R T , 同时增大了插拔力F 和触指的应力,随着插拔次数的增加而导致触指屈服疲劳,正压力减小,表面摩损,接触阻抗将急剧上升,温升增加,电能会以热能的形式消散功率,导体因过热而被熔化或发生燃烧,使绝缘材料遭到损坏。
接触阻抗      如图1当电流通过时,电路二端产生电压降 ∆U ,这是整个连接器的接触阻抗R 造成的,接触阻抗R=R T + R C
R T :插针、触指、插孔导体本身的电阻,
R C :触指和插针、插孔接触面的电阻,        由触指和插针、插孔之间的正压力决定,正压力是当插针插          入插孔时,触指受到插针径向压力而发生弹性形变产生。
图1 Figure1
正压力F Normal Force
Insertion, Withdrawal Force and Cycles
Pin into the jack, touch by pin radial pressure and the elastic
deformation in normal force f, pins and finger to the frictional
contact between the friction coefficient for ų Insertion Force for the F
F = ų f
Can get a good normal force f and smaller contact resistance
RT, at the same time increases the insertion force F and the stress of Finger, with the increase in the number of plug Finger refers to the yield fatigue, the reduced normal force, the surface
contact resistance, friction loss, a sharp rise, temperature
increase, the power will be dissipated in the form of heat power, the conductor due to overheating, melting or burning occurs, the
insulation material was damaged. Contact Resistance
In Figure 1 when the current through the circuit two-terminal voltage drop ΔU, which is caused by the contact resistance R of the entire connector, the contact resistance R = R T  +  R C
R T :Pin, Finger, Jack conductor resistance determined by the material,            high-current connector is usually used to the high conductivity of copper;
R C :Finger and Pin, Jack contact surface resistance,By normal force
between Finger and Pin,Jack decided to normal force when Pin plug          into the Jack, Finger that subject to the Pin radial pressure
to produce          elastic deformation occurs.
Loading current      Refers to the connection to connect the normal operation of equipment (with load), the load current drawn by the load current from the power supply connected through connectors match cables or other conductors to transmit.
插针 Pin
电流密度Current Density
A point in the circuit current strength and flow direction of the physical quantity,
its size is equal to power through a unit area per unit time. Current density is too high will produce unsatisfactory consequences, most of the resistance of a conductor of electricity is limited, positive, power dissipated in the form of heat. To avoid electrical conductor due to overheating, melting or burning occurs, and to prevent the insulating material is damaged, the current density must be maintained at too high value. If the current density is too high, the
interconnection between the materials and materials began to move, a phenomenon known as electro migration.                                            J=I/S
J 电流密度Current Density,  I Current: 电流,S Section area: 电流横切面积
结构示意图2显示电流在插针、触指、插孔本体构成的连接器中的流通,电流由横切面积为S P 的插针,通过横切面积为S F 的触指,传递到横切面积为S R 的插孔,三处的电流密度分别为:
Schematic 2 shows the current in the Pin, Finger, the pins of the connector jack body constitute the flow of current by the cross sectional area for the SP, SF finger, passing through the cross-sectional area to the cross-sectional area SR  jack, three of the current density, respectively:                J P =I/S P  ; J F =I/S F  ; J R =I/S R
假如该连接器连接了相匹配的电缆或其他导体来传输,电缆或其他导体的横切面积为S C ,电缆的电流密度为:
If the connector is connected to match the cables or other conductors to transmit, cable or other conductor cross-sectional area of the SC , cable current density is:
J C =I/S C  温升Temperature Rise
连接器连接的设备正常运行时,负载电流通过连接器传送,由于接触阻抗R 的存在,连接器将发热。
Connection to connect the device during normal operation, the load current is transmitted through the connector contact resistance R of the existence of the connector will heat.
Q = I 2Rt
Q: 发热量Heat,  R: 接触阻抗Contact Resistance,  t: 通电时间Time
发热导致连接器温度Tc 的上升,环境温度T E ,随着通电时间的增加,连接器和环境构成的热传导系统将达到热平衡状态,温升∆T 。
Fever led to the connector temperature (Tc) rise in ambient temperature TE, with the increase of the power-on time, connectors, and the environment
posed heat conduction system will reach thermal equilibrium, the temperature rise ΔT 。
∆T = T C  –T E
通常来讲,接通负载电流半小时左右连接器和相连接的电缆或其他导体会达到热平衡状态。Generally, the connector connected to the load current is about half an hour and connected to cable or other conductor will reach thermal equilibrium
F 第一部分Section I
图2 Figure2
触指 Touching Finger
插孔 Socket
The key technical parameters of the connector, high current connectors need to ensure a good feel of the insertion and removal, low temperature rise.
插拔力良好Good feel of the insertion and removal
插拔力F ( ųf )取决于触指和插针的正压力f ,触指和插针接触表面的摩擦系数ų;在插孔狭小的空间内,触指正压力f 过大使触指材料内应力过大,将造成触指疲劳失效,减少插拔次数;触指和插针的表面电镀高耐磨高电率的银,降低摩擦系数ų。合适的正压力f 和低的摩擦系数ų以保证良好的插拔力。
Insertion Force F (ųf) positive pressure f depending on the finger touch and pin, finger touch and pin contact with the surface of the friction coefficient ų; within the small space in the jack, touch correctio
n pressure f over Ambassador touch material stress too large, touch will result in fatigue failure, reducing mating cycles; finger touch and pin the surface plating silver of high wear-resistant high electric rates, lower coefficient of friction ų. Ų of positive pressure f and a low coefficient of friction in order to ensure good insertion and extraction forces.
Temperature Rise ,Contact resistance ,Current density
Connector through the current, due to the connector
contact resistance, electrical energy to thermal energy in the form of dissipated power.
接触阻抗Contact Resistance :R=R T  + R C              发热量Heating :Q = I 2 Rt
插针、触指、插孔导体本身材料的电阻R T 一定;合适的插拔力必然使得触指和插针、插孔接触面存在电阻R C , 当电流过大时,热量Q 将以 I 2 产生,当产生的热量和热传导的热量失去热平衡,连接器将产生局部高温,电导体因过热而被熔化或发生燃烧,绝缘材料遭到损坏。
连接器连接的设备负载所吸收的电流 I 是一定的,电流 I 通过连接器触指从插针传送至插孔,在插孔狭小的空间内,触指的横切面积极低,为避免触指电流密度过大,连接器设计通常采用多通道传递电流,即连接器领域称为“多触点接触” , 以增大触指的横切面积,降低触指的电流密度,已达到插针、触指和插孔的电流密度接近于电缆或连接器连接的其他导体。
3 连接器的最佳工作状态
Connector in best working condition
触指接触点多少、电流密度、连接可靠性之间的关系 Touch the contact point how much, the relationship  between current density, connection reliability
第一部分Section I
Pin, Finger, a certain resistance RT of the Jack conductor material; suitable insertion and extraction forces will inevitably makes the finger touch and pin jack contact surface resistance of the RC exists, when the current is too large, the heat Q will be I2 to producewhen heat generation and heat conduction heat loss of thermal equilibrium, the connector will have a local high
temperature, the electrical conductor due to overheating, melting or burning occurs, the insulation m
aterial was damaged.
J P  ≈ J F  ≈ J R  ≈ J C
接触阻抗准确计算是很困难的,通常采用经验公式估算: R C  =K C /(0.102F)m  , 连接器设计为n 个触点接触,m=0.5;插拔力F 一定,则每一触点的正压力为F n =F/n, 每点传递的电流为 I n  = I/n, 现定义连接器为n1个接触点和n2个接触点。接触阻抗发热量为:Accurate calculation is very difficult to contact resistance, usually by the empirical formula to estimate: RC = KC / (0.102F) m connector design for n contacts contact, m = 0.5; insertion force F must, for each contact positive pressure in the Fn = F / n, each point of passing current I n-= I / n, now define a connector contact points on n1 and n2 points of contact. Contact resistance to heat as:
Q = (I /n)2  R C    t
Q n1 / Q n2 = (n2/n1)0.5
假设现连接器触指设计为n1=4个点接触和n2=160个点接触, Qn4 / Qn160 =(160/4) 0.5 = 6.35, 也就是说明接触点越多,在插拔力相同的情况下,接触点少的发热量将是接触点多的发热量的几倍,多通道传递电流能有效的降低触指电流密度、连接器发热及减少插拔力,提高连接器的插拔次数。
谢宇风Assume now refers to the design of the connector touch n1 = 4 points of contact and n2 is = 160 point contact, Qn4 the / Qn160 = (160/4) 0.5 = 6.35, that is next to the more points of contact, in the same insertion force and withdrawal force, point of contact less heat will be the contact point of the heat several times, multi-channel
pass current can effectively reduce the touch refers to the current density connector fever and reduce the insertion force connector mating cycles.
图3 Figure3

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标签:触指   电流   插孔
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