Chapter 2 Nomenclature

Robert S.Benfell
Earl L.Heckman
Stanley S.Hong
The abbreviations given here are the same for both singular and plural.The style follows common American usage.Abbreviations for some special disciplines are given near the beginning of the chapter about that subject.
A Ampere(also amp).
A Area,usually the cross-sectional area of a pipe.
a Acceleration.
a Acoustic wave speed.
abs Absolute.
ac Alternating current.
AC/h Air changes per hour.
acre-ft Acre-foot(43,560ft3).
AF Adjustable frequency.
AFD Adjustable-frequency drive(for electric motors).
AM Ante meridian(morning).
amp Ampere(also A).
amp-h Ampere-hour.
AN As noted.
AOR Allowable operating region of a pump’s H-Q curve.
API American Petroleum Institute.
ASHRAE American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers.
atm Atmosphere(=14:7lb=in:2).
avg Average.
AWG American wire gauge.
AWWA American Water Works Association.
B Bulk modulus of elasticity of water.
BEC Best efficiency capacity.Flow rate at BEP.
BEP Best efficiency point.
BHN Brinell hardness number(on the C-scale except as otherwise noted).
bhp Brake horsepower.
bhp-h Brake horsepower-hour.
BHRA British Hydromechanics Research Association.
bkW Brake kilowatts.
Btu British thermal unit(the heat required to raise the temperature of1lb of water by18F).
c One hundred.
C Hazen–Williams roughness coefficient.
8C Degree Celsius(centigrade)equals(8F–32)5/9.
c–c Center to center.
C l---C l Centerline to centerline.
CADD Computer-aided drafting and design.
CFD Computational fluid dynamics.A numerical means to predict flow patterns based on solving the governing equations in three dimensions at discrete nodes that represent
the flow space.See Section3-13.
cfm Cubic feet per minute(also ft3=min).
cfs See ft3=s.
ckt bkr Circuit breaker.
cm Centimeter.
cm2Square centimeter.
cm3Cubic centimeter.
CMOM Capacity,Management,Operation,Maintenance—acronym for regulations intended to become part of the Clean Water Act.
coef Coefficient.
conc Concentration.
cond Conductivity.
const Constant.
COP Coefficient of performance(a ratio of electrical energy input to heat energy output). CPRV Chlorine pressure reducing valve.
C/S Constant speed.
CSO Combined(wastewater and storm water)sewer overflow.
CU Coefficient of utilization used in lighting calculations.
cu ft See ft3.
cu in.See in:3.
cu yd See yd3.
cwt One hundred pounds.
d Day.
D Diameter.
dB Decibel.
dBA Decibel-A scale.
dc Direct current.
dia Diameter.
DIP Ductile iron pipe.
Do Ditto.
DOL Direct on line(method of starting electric motors).
E ,3:6E---6=3:6Â10À6).
E Modulus of elasticity(see Table A-10,Appendix A).
E Efficiency(sometimes followed by a subscript to indicate pump,motor,etc.).
ea Each.
ed Edition.
2-1.Abbreviations  2.3 Ed.Editor.
eff Efficiency.
EGL Energy grade line.
El Elevation(also Elev.).
emf Electromotive force.
ENRCCI Engineering News-Record Construction Cost Index.
E p Pump efficiency.
Eq Equation.
est Estimated.
et al.And others.
ETM Elapsed time meter.
F Froude number.
8F Degrees Fahrenheit.
ff Following pages.
FFT Fast Fourier transform(analyzer)for vibration analysis.
FLA Full load amperes.
FLI Full-load electrical current(see also I FL).
FM Force main.
fob Freight on board.
fpm See ft/min.
fps See ft/s.
FRP Fiberglass-reinforced plastic.
FS Factor of safety.
FSK Frequency shift modulation.
ft Foot or feet.
ft2Square feet.
ft3Cubic feet.
ftÁcd Foot-candles.
ftÁlb Foot-pound.
ft/min Feet per minute.
ft/s Feet per second.
ft3=s Cubic feet per second.
FVNR Full voltage(nonreversing for magnetic motor starters).
g Acceleration due to gravity(=9:81m=s2=32:17ft=s2=386in:=s2).
g Gram.
g c32:17ftÁlb m=lb fÁs2.
ga Gauge.
gal Gallon.
gal/dÁcap Gallons per dayÁcapita.
gal/min Gallons per minute.
GFCI Ground fault circuit interrupter(a safety device).
gpcpd Gallons per capita per day(also gpcd;see gal/dÁcap).
gpm or GPM See gal/min.
Grd Ground.
GTO Gate turn-off thyristor.
h Hour.
H Hedstrom number.See Equation19-5.
H or h Head[usually in meters(feet)of water].
h L Headloss.
HDPE High-density polyethylene(pipe).
HGL Hydraulic grade line.
HOA Hand-off-automatic(switch).
hp Horsepower.
hpÁh Horsepower-hour.
H-Q Head-capacity.
hr Hour(see h).
HV Heating and ventilating(also H&V).
HVAC Heating,ventilating,and air conditioning(also HV&AC).
H–W Hazen–Williams(Equations3-8and3-9).
HWL High water level.
Hz Hertz(cycles per second).
I Electrical current.
I FL Full-load current(amperes).
I L Line current(amperes).
I Phase current(amperes).
I&C Instrumentation and control.
ID Inside diameter[mm(in.)].
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
IGBT Insulated-gate bipolar transistor(sometimes found in AF drives).
I/I Infiltration and inflow into sewers.
Imp gal Imperial gallon.
in:2Square inches.
in.Álb Inch-pound.
IR Indicating and recording(instrument).
ISA Instrument Society of America.
J Joule.
J Polar moment of inertia.
K Bulk modulus of elasticity of water(B in Chapter22).
K Torsional rigidity(in Chapter22).
K Degree Kelvin(=8Cþ273.2).
kc Kilocycles.
kcal Kilocalorie.
kcmil A unit of conductor area equal to the diameter of a wire in mils squared.
kg Kilogram.
kip Kilopound(1000lb).
km Kilometer.
kPa Kilopascals(1000N=m2).
ksi Kilopounds(1000lb)per square inch.
kV Kilovolt.
kVA Kilovolt ampere.
kVAR Reactive kilovolt ampere.
kW Kilowatt(1000watts).
kWÁh Kilowatt-hour.
L Liter.
lb Pound(means lb f in this volume).
lb f Pound force=lb m g=g c;numerically(not dimensionally)equals lb m.In this volume lb f is written lb.
lb m Pound mass(=lb fÁg c=g).
lb=ft2Pounds per square foot.
lb=ft3Pounds per cubic foot.
lb=in:2Pounds per square inch.
lb=in:2abs Pounds per square inch absolute(above vacuum).
lb=in:2ga Pounds per square inch gauge(above atmospheric pressure).
L/dÁcap Liters per dayÁcapita.
LEL Lower explosion limit.
LF Linear feet(also lin ft).
ln Natural logarithm.
2-1.Abbreviations  2.5 log Logarithm to base10.
LPG Liquid petroleum gas(either propane or butane;specify which).
LWL Low water level.
m Meter(s).
m2Square meters.
m3Cubic meters.
mA Milliampere.
max Maximum.
MCC Motor control center.
MCM Now kcmil.A unit of conductor area equal to the diameter of a wire in mils squared. MCP Motor circuit protector.
Mfr Manufacturer.
mg Milligram.
Mgal Million gallons.
Mgal/d Million gallons per day.
mgd or MGD See Mgal/d.
mg/L Milligrams per liter.
mi Mile.
mi/h Miles per hour.
0.025mm or25microns.
min Minimum.
min Minute.
ml Milliliter.
mm Millimeter.
mol Mole.
mph See mi/h.
mV Millivolts.
N Newton(the force required to accelerate1kg of mass1m=s2).
n Manning roughness coefficient(Equation3-17).
NA Not applicable.
NC Normally closed(electrical switch).
n.d.No date.
NEC National Electrical Code.
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
NO Normally open(electrical switch).
NPS Nominal pipe size.
NPSH Net positive suction head(q.v.Section2-2).
NPSHA Net positive suction head available(q.v.Section2-2).
NPSHR Net positive suction head required(q.v.Section2-2).
NRS Nonrising stem(for valves).
N s Specific speed in U.S.customary units of rev/min,gal/min,and ft.
n s Specific speed without regard to units.
n q Specific speed in SI units of rev/min,m3/s,and m.
NTU Nephelometric turbidity units.
OC Overcurrent.
OD Outside diameter.
O&M Operation and maintenance.
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
OS&Y Outside screw and yoke(indicates a rising stem in a valve).
oz Ounce.
p Pole(electrical).
p,pp Page,pages.
Pa Pascal(N=m2).
PAM Pulse amplitude modulated.
pcf See lb=ft3.
Pf Power factor.
P&ID Process and instrumentation diagram.
PIR Peak influent rate.
PLC Programmable logic controller.
PM Post meridian(afternoon).
POR Preferred operating region of a pump’s H-Q curve.
ppb Parts per billion.
ppm Parts per million.
PRV Pressure reducing valve.
PS Pumping station.
psi See lb=in:2:
psia See lb=in:2abs.
psig See lb=in:2ga.
PTC Positive temperature coefficient thermistor.
PVC Polyvinyl chloride.
PWM Pulse width modulated.
Q Flow rate,capacity,or discharge.
q.v.Which see.
R Degrees Rankine(=8Fþ491.7).
R Electrical resistance(in ohms).
R Hydraulic radius(wetted area/wetted perimeter).
R Reynolds number.
1Registered trademark(see also2).
R m Hydraulic radius modified by Escritt’s assumption.
rad Radian.
RCP Reinforced concrete pipe.
RCR Room cavity ratio used in lighting calculations.
rev/min Revolutions per minute.
rev/s Revolutions per second.
RMPDR Recommended minimum pump discharge rate.
RMS Root mean square(an average of70.7%of peak value in a sinusoidal waveform). rpm or RPM See rev/min.
rps or RPS See rev/s.
RS Raw sewage(the older term,‘‘sewage,’’is now replaced by‘‘wastewater’’).
RTP Reinforced thermosetting polyester(the modern acronym for fiberglass or FRP). RVNR Reduced voltage nonreversing(for magnetic motor starters).
RW Raw wastewater.
s Second.
SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition.
scfm Standard cubic feet per minute.
Sch Schedule(for pipe).
SCR Silicon controlled rectifier.
SDR Average outside diameter of a pipe divided by minimum wall thickness.
sec Second(see s).
SF Service factor.
shp Shaft horsepower.
SI Syste´me International(for metric units).
sp gr Specific gravity.
sq Square.
sq ft See ft2.
sq in.See in:2.
ss Stainless steel.
SSO Sanitary sewer overflow.
SSRV Solid state reduced voltage(for motor starters).
Std Standard.

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