
学员姓名:      年级:九年级            辅导科目:英           学科教师:
1.作定语,一般放在修饰词的前面。  例如,It’s a cold and windy day.
        例如,Would you lie something hot to drin
只能作定语的形容词:little小的;only唯一的;wooden木质的;woolen羊毛质的;elder年长的, living活着的
例如,My elder brother is in Beijing.()  My brother is elder. ()
2.作表语,放在系动词的后面。  例如,He loos happy today.
            常见系动词:五感:sound, loo, feel, smell, taste
                        变化:get, become, turn, grow
                        保持:eep, stay, remain
        例如,The man is ill.()  The ill man is my uncle.()
              The road is about two hundred metres long.
              It is about five hours’ wal.
              He is a two-year-old boy.
4.貌似副词的形容词:lonely萝卜红素独自的;friendly友好的;lively生动的;lovely可爱的;ugly 丑陋的
5.复合形容词:snow-white雪白的 English-speaing说英语的;glass-topped玻璃罩的;full-time全日制的;well-nown  众所周知的;ind-hearted善良的;man-made人造的;tae-away可以带走的;ten-year-old十岁的。
6.The+形容词:表示这一类人,做主语是谓语动词用复数:the old老人; the poor穷人
1.“It’s +adj.+of+sb.+不定式表示某人(做某事)怎么样
  例如,It’s very ind of you to help me.(=you are very ind to help me.)你能帮助我,真好。
  It’s very rude of her to say such words.(=she is very rude to say such words.)她说这样的话,真粗鲁。
It’s foolish of him to go alone.(=he is foolish to go alone.)他单独出去太傻了。
例如,It’s not easy for them to learn a foreign language.(=to learn a foreign language is not easy for them.)
  例如,He is too tired to wal on.他太累了以至于不能再继续走了。
My brother runs so fast that I can‘t follow him.我弟弟跑得那么快以至于我跟不上他。
1. We can go to Shanghai Forest Par easily through iangyin Road Tunnel which is ________.
    A) 2-ilometre-long  B) 2 ilometres long    C) 2-ilometre long  D) 2-ilometres-long
2.    Lily won the 400-hundred-metre race. She ran             of all the runners.
A) the fastest        B) quicly    C) faster        D) more quicly
3. The road near my home has been rebuilt. It’s much         and noisier.
    A) wide    B) wider        C) widest    D) the widest
4. International Pen Friends has over 300,000 members in different countries. Their ______    member is only eight years old.
    A) young    B) younger    C) youngest    D) the youngest
5. The ______ one draws, or writes, or does anything, the ______ the end result will be.
    A) much good        B) more better
    C) most best        D) many well
6. Enamel(牙釉质) is ______ thing in the human body and eeps bacteria(细菌) away.
        A) hard    B) harder    C) hardest    D) the hardest
7. Accidents due to(由于) driving at high speed are very ______ during the public holidays.
        A) essential    B) basic    C) equal    D) common
8. Jessica raised her painting ________ enough for the whole class to see.
  A) high                B) higher            C) highest            D) the highest
9. My grandma has been in hospital for many wees, but now she loos much ________.
    A) well    B) good    C) better    D) best
10. Nowadays, PM 2.5 pollution is becoming ________ in China. Everyone must help to fight against it.
    A) seriouser and seriouser    B) more and more serious
    C) more serious and more serious    D) more serious and serious
11. By 2015, the Shanghai Center will be ________ building in China.
    A. tall      B. taller      C. tallest    D. the tallest
12. We’ll have a________ holiday. Let’s go to the beachshall we?
  A) three-day        B)three days        C)three-days      D)three-days’
13. –You don’t loo ______ today. What’s wrong?
  --It’s the bad fever.
     A) well          B) happily            C) hard          D) strongly
now 现在  then然后  today今天  ago以前  just now刚才 last wee上周
here这儿 there那儿 home在家 where在哪里  anywhere任何地方 out在外面
carefully小心地 happily高兴地 slowly慢慢地  silently沉默地 quietly安静地  bravely勇敢地  indly好心地  suddenly突然地
much  very非常  so如此  too enough足够 quite相当 almost几乎
where哪里  when什么时候 why 为什么  how怎样
often经常 usually通常 sometimes有时  never从不  always总是
lucily幸运地  generally一般说 honestly诚实地 naturally自然地
hopefully有希望地 briefly简洁地 surely当然 franly坦白
when  where  why   
a. 很多副词都可以由形容词直接加后缀-ly构成。beautiful-beautifully  careful-carefully  safe-safely  eact-eactly  recent- recently
b. -le结尾的形容词一般去掉e再加-y possible-possibly  simple-simply  terrible-terribly
c. 以辅音字母加-y结尾的形容词一般把y改为i再加-lyhappy-happily  busy-busily  heavy-heavily
lucy-lucily      easy-easily
d. 有些副词与形容词同形。 hard 硬的/努力地  late 迟到的/迟到  high 高的/高高地  early 早的/早早地
a. late latelylate 晚; lately 最近。He came to school late yesterday. 昨天他上学迟到了。 What has your mother been doing lately? 最近你妈妈在做什么?
b. wide widely wide表示空间宽度,widely表示广泛地。He lies to open the door wide.他喜欢把门大开着。English is widely used in the world. 英语在世界上被广泛使用。
c. hard hardly hard 意为努力地;hardly意为几乎不。She wors hard at English. But she can hardly use it. 她努力学英语,但几乎不会用。 I can hardly spea Japanese. 我几乎不会讲日语。
1 表示时间、地点、方式的副词通常放在句末。
I’ll see him off there tomorrow. 明天我要去那给他送行。
She speas too fast for me to follow. 她说得太快,我跟不上。
1.    Lily won the 400-hundred-metre race. She ran             of all the runners.
A) the fastest        B) quicly    C) faster        D) more quicly
2. In her opinion, short-term memory doesn’t wor as ______ as long-term memory.
A) well    B) good    C) better        D) best
3. The red bus goes________the blue car, so Jac will go to wor in the blue car.
    A) much slowly than                        B) so slowly as
    C) even more slowly than                  D) much more slowlier
4.  Believe your teacher. She has various methods to mae you spea English ________.
    A) clear    B) clearer    C) more clearly    D) most clearly
5. Generally speaing, a computer wors _______________ a human brain.
A. more accurately than                B. more accurate than
C. as accurate as                    D. so accurately as         
6. –You don’t loo ______ today. What’s wrong?
  --It’s the bad fever.
          A) well          B) happily            C) hard          D) strongly
7. Jimmy is _____late for his grandmother’s birthday, is he?
A. never  B. often  C. sometimes    D. always
8.Love will ________ last (延续) if we love the whole fine things around us.
  A. seldom    B. always      C. never      D. sometimes
9. Please pass the glasses, my dear. I can __________ read the words in the newspaper. 
  A. hardly                B. really              C. rather            D. Clearly
10. It generally taes ten hours to travel from Beijing to Shanghai by train. The underlined word means _______.
  A. always              B. usually            C. sometimes          D. seldom
11. Although Liu Wei has no hands, he can play the piano very ________. 
A. beautifully            B. more beautifully        C. beautiful          D. more beautiful
12. Even the president joined us that evening and, we should say, he danced_______.
  A. nice              B. beautiful            C. well            D. wonderful
13. ---Judy, here’s a map of that area. I hope it will help you.
  ----Than you. It’s _______what I need.
  A. just              B. still                C. only              D. almost
14. The students are doing ________in English than before with their teacher’s help. 
A. better            B. best                C. well            D. good
e 结尾的词
辅音+y 结尾的词
yi再加-er -est
在其前面加more most
more useful 
more delicious 
most useful
most delicious
           原级                     比较级                    最高级
        good/well                better                      best
        bad/ill                    worse                      worst
        many/much                more                      most
        little                      less                        least
        far                         farther(距离) /further  (程度)            farthest/furthest
        old                        older (年龄)/elder(长幼辈分)                 oldest/eldest
(二) 比较级的修饰语
形容词比较级前可加even, much, a lot, a bit, a little, still之类表示程度的状语:
He’s feeling much better today. 他感到今天好多了。
(三) 【难点】
1.比较级+and + 比较级 越越          Eg. wetter and wetter, more and more beautiful
2the + 比较级,the +比较级:越, 就越  Eg. The more, the better.
表示两者中比较……的一个,要用( the + 比较级 + of the two)的句式.
He is the stronger of the two boys.      English is the easier language of  the  two.
比较:Which is larger, Canada or Australia?  Which is the larger country, Canada or Australia?
She is taller than her two sisters.       She is the taller of the two sisters.
  1 as + 形容词或副词原级 + as (意为……一样
He is as tall as your brother.
Tom plays football as well as Jac.
2 否定形式: not……as/so……as (意为“……不如……
He cannot run so/as fast as you. 他没你跑得快。
(四) 形容词副词最高级用法
1the + 最高级 + 比较范围(of all/ in /among)
      The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world. 撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最大的沙漠。
2. the+序数词+最高级+n.
      The Yangte River is the first longest river in China.
         Mie is the most intelligent in his class. 或者:
         Mie is more intelligent than any other student in his class.
1. We can go to Shanghai Forest Par easily through iangyin Road Tunnel which is ________.
    A) 2-ilometre-long  B) 2 ilometres long    C) 2-ilometre long  D) 2-ilometres-long
2.    Lily won the 400-hundred-metre race. She ran             of all the runners.
A) the fastest        B) quicly    C) faster        D) more quicly
3. In her opinion, short-term memory doesn’t wor as ______ as long-term memory.
A) well    B) good    C) better        D) best
4. The red bus goes________the blue car, so Jac will go to wor in the blue car.
    A) much slowly than                        B) so slowly as
    C) even more slowly than                  D) much more slowlier
5.  Believe your teacher. She has various methods to mae you spea English ________.
    A) clear    B) clearer    C) more clearly    D) most clearly
6. Generally speaing, a computer wors _______________ a human brain.
A. more accurately than                B. more accurate than
C. as accurate as                    D. so accurately as         
7. –You don’t loo ______ today. What’s wrong?
  --It’s the bad fever.
          A) well          B) happily            C) hard          D) strongly
8. Jimmy is _____late for his grandmother’s birthday, is he?
A. never  B. often  C. sometimes    D. always
9.We all agree that owning a car is ___________ epensive than taing the underground.
    A) far little          B) much more    C) many more    D) much
10. We can go to Shanghai Forest Par easily through iangyin Road Tunnel which is ________.
    A) 2-ilometre-long   B) 2 ilometres long    C) 2-ilometre long  D) 2-ilometres-long
11.    The beach is         away than I thought it was.
    A) far    B) farther    C) farthest    D) the farthest
12.    You loo         in this new dress. Tom said to Sally.
    A) lovely    B) beautifully    C) happily      D) quietly
13. She loos as __________ as a Barbie Doll. 
    A) carefully    B) lovely    C) beautifully    D) sweetly
14. --- Hey, why are you running so__________?
--- I’m afraid I’ll be late for school.
  A) quietly    B) hard    C) fast    D) carefully
15. Steven finished the science test __________ in our class yesterday.
A) quicly                      B) more quicly
C) quicliest                D) most quicly
16. Eating some Deo Perfume Candies(香体糖)maes you smell __________.
    A) soft    B) frightened    C) sweet    D) friendly
17. Jac too music _____ than any boy in his class and held a concert successfully.
    A) serious    B)seriously    C) more serious      D) more seriously
18. During the training process we saw Bill was __________ learner among the children.
A. quic          B. the quicest              C. quicer          D. quicest
19. Mie’s idea on the activities for the outing sounds __________. We will thin it over.
A. interested            B. interesting              C. interest              D. interestingly
20.    Many people thin the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing was one of _______ games in history.
A) more wonderful                    B) most wonderful   
C) the most wonderful    D) the most wonderfully
21.    The little baby loos very             especially when he is smiling.
A) lovely    B) carefully    C) heavily    D) sadly
22.    Lily won the 400-hundred-metre race. She ran             of all the runners.
A) the fastest        B) quicly    C) faster        D) more quicly
23.This ind of beef from India tastes _________. We don’t lie it at all.
A) delicious      B) good    C) well        D) awful
24. In her opinion, short-term memory doesn’t wor as ______ as long-term memory.
A) well    B) good    C) better        D) best
25. MO Yan(莫言) felt______ when he won the 2012 Nobel Prie in literature(文学).
A) happily        B) happy        C) eciting        D) eager
26. We now that Sandy can draw ______ than any other student in our school.
A) good          B) well        C) better        D) best
27.The class teacher made a_________speech at the parents' meeting yesterday.
    A) wonder          B) wonderful      C) wonderfully      D) wondered
28. The red bus goes________the blue car, so Jac will go to wor in the blue car.
    A) much slowly than                        B) so slowly as
    C) even more slowly than                  D) much more slowlier
29. The girl in red loos as____________as the pop singer.
    A) beautifully      B) nicely            C) lovely              D) sweetly
30.  We need to go shopping. There is ________ juice left in the fridge.
    A) little    B) few    C) many    D) much
31.    The road near my home has been rebuilt. It’s much         and noisier.
    A) wide    B) wider        C) widest    D) the widest
32. That little boy is good at maths, but sometimes he still has ________ mistaes.
  A) a few    B) a little    C) little    D) few
33. iao Wang lies singing very much. He is one of ________ singers in that area.
  A) much famous    B) the more famous    C) more famous    D) the most famous
34. My son thought that films should be full of action to eep people _________.
  A) interested    B) interesting    C) interest    D) interests
43. When our parents get old, they will need ________ of our time and attention than before.
  A) many            B) more            C) less                D) few
35.    International Pen Friends has over 300,000 members in different countries. Their ______    member is only eight years old.
    A) young    B) younger    C) youngest    D) the youngest
36. Water is so important that ______ everyday tass can be completed without it.
    A) few    B) a few    C) little    D) a little
windows下刷bios37.    All the guests seemed ______ and no one was complaining.
    A) happy    B) happily    C) happiness    D) unhappy
38. The ______ one draws, or writes, or does anything, the ______ the end result will be.
    A) much good        B) more better
    C) most best        D) many well
39.        Spending ______ more hours sleeping at the weeend maes you sleepier during the wee.
        A) few    B) a few    C) little    D) a little
40.        Enamel(牙釉质) is ______ thing in the human body and eeps bacteria(细菌) away.
        A) hard    B) harder    C) hardest    D) the hardest
41.    Gangnam Style requires people to dance ______ lie horse riding than usual.
        A) accurate    B) more accurate    C) accurately    D) more accurately
42.    Accidents due to(由于) driving at high speed are very ______ during the public holidays.
        A) essential    B) basic    C) equal    D) common
43.        The world is so big that nothing is to ______.
        A) be proud of    B) be satisfied with    C) be surprised at    D) be thanful to
44.    We should obey the traffic rules in order to eep ourselves ______ .
    A) save            B) safe      C) safely    D) safety
45. The Voice of China became one of ______ TV shows a few months ago.
    A) popular              B) more popular     
C) much more popular        D) the most popular
1. 形容词考点
2. 副词考点
3. 比较级最高级
1. 整理  错题
2. 回家作业
1. To prevent the spread of H1N1, one good way is to eep windows _______ so as to eep the indoor air fresh.
    A) opened            B) open            C) opening          D) to open
2. The food is delicious at this hotel, but the service seems ___________.
A. good            B. well                  C. poor            D. poorly
3. From his smiling face, we could guess that he was quite ___________the eam.
A) good at              B) full of              C) strict with        D) satisfied with
4. In my opinion, the car driver should be ______ the accident.
    A) afraid of    B) ready for    C) responsible for    D) familiar with
5. My mother _______me about what I did at school. She went out without saying a word.
A) was interested in    B) was angry with    C) was proud of    D) was careful with
6. Mum __________ me when I was young. She always made me do things carefully.
    A. was angry with    B. was careful with    C. was strict with    D. was satisfied with
7. What the clown(小丑) said was so _________ that all of us laughed all the time.
    A) interesting      B) boring    C) amaing    D) amusing 
8. Before Diana went abroad, she learned to do some _________ Chinese cooing.
    A. single        B. simple          C. terrible        D. possible
9. In winter the _________ the snow is, the happier the children are.
A) heavy        B) heavier      C) heavily        D) the heaviest
10. Stories with dramatic endings are much ______ .太阳能锅炉
A) interested          B) more interested        C) interesting          D) more interesting
11. ---Who’s your ______ friend in your class?
---I thin Lucy is.
A) good    B) better    C) best    D) the best
12. This type of suitcase is ____________ the red one.
A) so epensive as                          B) much epensive than
C) more epensive as                        D) much more epensive than
13. The twins are together most of the time. They never feel ________.
      A. alone    B. lonely    C. happily    D. friendly
14. What a ________ cough! ou seem ________ ill.
      A. terrible, terribly    B. terribly, terrible    C. terrible, terrible    D. terribly, terribly
15. The two friends were ________pleased to see each other that they forgot everything.
      A. so    B. too    C. very    D. much
16. Which is ________, Li Lei's bo or Han Meimei's bo?
      A. heavy    B. heavier    C. more heavier    D. the heaviest
17. You don't lie the same colours and I don't lie them,  ________.
      A. too    B. also    C. either    D. neither
18. Jim is ________at all his lessons. nd I'm sure he'll do very ________ in the eams.
      A. well, good    B. good, well    C. well, well    D. good, good
19. You loo ________than beforewhy?
      A. more thin    B. more thinner    C. much more thin    D. much thinner
20. Let's go out for supper now. 'm very ________.
      A. hungry    B. angry    C. tired    D. thirsty
21. -Can you understand me?
-Sorry, I can ________understand you.
      A. hardly    B. almost    C. even    D. ever
22. ________do you write to your penfriend?
About twice a month.
      A. How often    B. How soon    C. How much    D. How long
23. Changjiang River is ________river in China
      A. long    B. longer    C. longest    D. the longest
24. I'll wor ________I can.
      A. so hardly as    B. so hard as    C. as hardly as    D. as hard as
25. It is very ________to listen to him.
      A. interested    B. interesting    C. interested in    D. interest
26. Things are ________worse than I thought.
      A. more    B. few    C. very    D. much
27. It is one o'cloc, but her father hasn't come bac ________.
      A. already    B. still    C. too    D. yet
1. The lucy' boy shouted to his mother ___________ with the prie he had got in his hand. (ecitement) ecitedly
2. What nice weather! The sun is shining and the wind blows _________. (gentle) gently
3. Leo's spoen English has been ___________ improved since he joined the English Club. (great) greatly
4. The smoe which has been cleaned is __________ . (harm) harmless
5. The old man has been ill for several day's, so he loos pale and ____________. (health) unhealthy
6. It’s ____________for Tom to eat jun food from time to time. (healthy) unhealthy
7. 油田水处理The weather in Hainan is ________ than that in Shanghai. (hot) hotter
8. The cat looed ________ at the fish in the bowl. (hungry) hungrily
9. The guests         the room because it is too small and it has a terrible smell. (lie) dislie
10. Jac told us his ___________ eperiences in China. (interest) interesting
11. I got        in the animated cartoon the first time I watched it.    (interest) interested
12. More    , people have nown they must protect their living environment.(important) importantly
13. __________ , we were not caught in the heavy rain last night. (lucy) Lucily
14. Sichuan Earthquae is China’s biggest ________ disaster since 1949.(nature) natural
15. It is ______ to understand every single word when reading an article. (necessary) unnecessary
16. Pansy is a tall and         girl with a cheerful face. (please) pleasant
17. The family had a ____________ trip to Beijing during the eight-day holiday. (pleasure) pleasant
18. They tried everything they ____________ could to improve the situation. (possible) possibly
19. This letter is _____________, and I don’t want anyone else to read it.  (person) personal
20. He was thought to be __________ for the fire that destroyed the new house. (responsibility) responsible
21. Let's do something together to eep our Earth ___________. (save) safe
22. Harry Potter became very ___________ with children and adults in England.  (success) successful
23. Thousands of people were _________ injured in the earthquae happened in Chile. (serious) seriously
24. I'm _________ sorry that I couldn't find your palmtop computer, Jane.  (terrible) terribly
25. For           reasons, the wor can't be done at present. (variety) various
26. Everybody here nows Mr. Smith has a __________ nowledge of French history.  (widen) wide
27. I thin it's ________of you to mae such a good decision. (wisdom) wise
28. Mcdull is one of the ____________ stories I've ever heard.  ( fun ) funniest
29. Cooler house and ________ sleep in hot July enable people to eep fit. (good) better
30. oda film is retired. It was one of the most ____________ colour films in the world. (succeed) successful
31. The higher the ground is, the ___________ the air becomes. (thin) thinner
1. Paul lies playing basetball better than watching old movies on TV. (保持句意基本不变)
Paul ________ playing basetball ________ watching old movies on TV. prefers; to
2. An ordinary plane is usually not so big as a space plane.  (保持句意基本不变)
An ordinary plane is usually ________ ________ a space plane. smaller than
3. Giving up a bad habit is more difficult than starting it(保持原句意思)
It is ________ to start a bad habit ________ to give it up. easierthan
4. The older he gets, the more forgetful he becomes. (保持原句意思)
He becomes more forgetful________ ________  . with age
5. The Huangpu River is not as deep as the Yangte River.(保持原句意思)
The Yangte River is________ ________ the Huangpu River. deeper than
6. Australia doesn’t have as many people as China. (保持句意基本不变)
Australia has ________ people ________ China. fewerthan
7. Jeaaica lies Chinese food better than British food.(保持句意基本不变)
Jessica ________ Chinese food ________ British food. prefersto
8. I don't thin chemistry is as interesting as physics. (保持原句意思不变)
I thin chemistry is ________ interesting ________ physics. less than

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