
Ambient/Bell Harmonics 环境/贝尔谐波
Shivering Timbers 战栗廷伯斯
Castilia Castilia
Chime City 钟城
Crystal Cloud 水晶云
Crystalline Towers 晶大厦
Frozen Dream 冷冻梦
Silver in the Sky 天空中的银
超声波打磨机Steel Morphing 钢变形
Stretching Glass Bells 拉玻璃钟声
Tiny Bells Twinkles 小贝尔公司Twinkles
Ambient/Bowed Piano 环境/拉钢琴
Not Exactly a Stock Piano 不完全股票钢琴
Piano Bowing 钢琴迫于
Piano Morphing 钢琴变形
Ambient/Breathing Air 环境/呼吸空气
Angels in the Desert 天使在沙漠
Chill Factor 寒冷因子
Constant Change 不断变化
Fizzphonics Fizzphonics
Infinite Air Pocket 无限气囊
Insects on Ice 昆虫的冰
Monkoder Monkoder
Sinister Grains 险恶的谷物
Slumbering Shaku 沉睡Shaku
Traversing the Abyss 遍历深渊
Ambient/Brooding Menace 环境/育雏威胁
A Leak in the System 泄漏系统
Ancient Extinction 古代消
Anguished Cries 痛苦的哭泣
Brush with Death 刷死亡
Coming Unglued 今后脱胶
Deep Sea Exploration 深海勘探
Encription Encription
Gutteral Morphing 喉音变形
Paleolithic 旧石器时代
Southern Lights 南方香江
Waves of the Tigress 波的母老虎
Ambient/Complexus 环境/ Complexus Alpha 阿尔法
辉光百战天虫Glow Worms
Magnetic Crystal 磁晶体
Micro Meteorites 微陨石
Mother Magnesium 母亲镁
Nursery Rhymes 童谣
Omega 欧米茄
Passing Lights 通过香江
Reflecting on the Past 反思过去
Spillover 溢出
Swirling Crickets 旋流蟋蟀
Throat Culture 喉咙文化
Ambient/Disturbing Overtones 环境/干扰彩Bending Flurry 弯曲飓风
Blood Vessels 血管
Deduks in Mourning Deduks在莫宁
Deep Rubbing Tubes 深摩擦管
Eclipse 月食
Elongated Tubing 细长管
Embryonic 胚胎
Equilibrium 平衡细胞核染
Granular Flute Sweep 颗粒长笛扫描Granular Violin Harmonics 颗粒小提琴谐波
Hi Tension Wire 高新张线
Inexplicable Encounter 令人费解的遭遇
Inner Addictions 内蒙古瘾
Interference 干扰
Morphionic Morphionic
No Admittance 禁止入场
Outer Limitations 外层空间的局限性Overcoder Overcoder
Premonition 预感
Rubbing Silver Mirrors 擦银镜
Secret Garden 秘密花园
Stalagflites Stalagflites
Stalagmites 石笋
Stalagrites Stalagrites
Stalagsites Stalagsites
Stalagtites Stalagtites
Stretching Glass Panels 拉玻璃面板
The Mirror Room 镜室
Uncertainty 不确定性
Ambient/Drones Evolving 环境/雄蜂进化Apocolyptic Drone Apocolyptic雄蜂Armenian Sun 亚美尼亚孙
我还活着,呼吸As I Live and Breathe Babbling Brook Drone 潺潺小溪雄蜂Bowed Vector 鞠了一躬矢量
Bowing Titanium 迫于钛
Circular Breathing 循环呼吸
Circular Prophets 循环先知
Critical Orbit 关键轨道
Dark Oil Drone 黑暗油雄蜂
Egyptian Bowls 埃及杯Electromechmotion Electromechmotion Empty Nest Drone 空巢雄蜂
Exhale into the Pit 梦醒时分,洞里
露天看台Future Syntheswell 未来Syntheswell
Hero Drone 英雄雄蜂
Hummstretcher Drone Hummstretcher雄蜂Juicy Drone 多汁的雄蜂
Lord Balrog Drone 主炎魔雄蜂
Marsh Mire Drone 沼泽沼泽雄蜂
Moon Strings 1 月球串1
Moon Strings 2 月球弦乐2
Nastiness 恶
Punjabi Drone 旁遮普雄蜂
Pyramid 金字塔
Ringwraiths Ringwraiths
Rumblestiltskin Rumblestiltskin
Singing Stones 歌唱滚石
Slow Realization Drone 缓慢实现雄蜂Spinning Omega 纺纱欧米茄
Spinning Waterphones 纺纱Waterphones Subtle Undulation 微妙的起伏Underworld Carnival 黑社会嘉年华Window Pane Drone 窗玻璃雄蜂
Ambient/Electronic Sci Fi 环境/电子科幻Asyncronous Unpredictability 异步预想不到Busy Little Beavers 忙碌的小海狸
Data Slide 数据幻灯片
Doctor Who 医生
铲雪锹Dopplerama Dopplerama
Electroflutter Electroflutter
Harmonic Callidescope 谐波Callidescope
Hydrogen Echo 氢回声
Hypnosis 催眠
撞钉Mission to Mars 火星
Morton in the Dark 黑暗中的莫顿
Buchla 颂Ode to Buchla
Old Frequency Scanners 旧频率扫描仪Sergical Sergical
Silver Apples of the Moon 银苹果月球Spasmodic Encounter 痉挛性接触
Throat Emulation 喉咙仿真
VCS AKS VCOs 风险投资AKS和VCO Wicked Ratchets 邪恶的棘轮
Wicked Ratchets Slo Mo 邪恶的棘轮斯洛伐克沫Ambient/Fast Vibration 环境/快速振动
Glare 眩光
Sirens of Atlantis 警报器的亚特兰蒂斯Tokiospace Tokiospace
Ambient/Floating 环境/浮动
A Feeling of Emptiness 空灵的感觉
Adrift in Time 漂泊在时间
Aerodynamic 气动
Antimatter 反物质
Bending Choral Wash 弯曲合唱洗
Bob needs a new Zephyr 鲍勃需要一个新的和风Clandestine Meetings 秘密会议
Crows 乌鸦
Currents of Sudan 电流的苏丹
Dark Crows Milk 黑暗乌鸦牛奶
Dawnlands Dawnlands
Distant Dreams 遥远的梦想
Endless Loop 无限循环
Existence 存在
Fibrulation Sweep Fibrulation扫描
Glass Grammaphone 玻璃Grammaphone
Half a Kingdom 50英国
Hibernation 冬眠
In a Dreamlike State 在一个梦幻国
Metro 地铁
Mother Earth 地球母亲
Mothers Milk 9399乳
Nebuli Nebuli
Outglassed Outglassed
Radio Universe 宇宙电台
Red Sunrise 红日出
Ringing Wind 风铃声
Rising Strands 上升股
Tension Strands 张力股
Water Organs 水机关
轻与美容/环境Ambient/Light and Beauty Angelic Morph 天使变形
Angels Whisper 天使护舒宝
Ceremony 仪式
Comet Star 彗星星
Emerging Vision 新兴视觉
Emperor Constantine 皇帝君士坦丁February Glare 2月眩光
Five Strings 5弦
Florescent Chimes 荧光编钟
Ireland 爱尔兰
Island of Chimes 岛的编钟
Magic Waters 魔术水域
Oriental Zenith 东方的最高境界
Shiny Beach 闪亮的沙滩
Twilight Passing 黄昏传递
Urban Angel 城市天使
Visionary 有远见的
V oice of the Moon 月亮之声
Ambient/Low Enders 环境/低恩德斯
Alias Drone Bloom 别名雄蜂布卢姆
Big Moana 大那
Big Pink Purr 大粉红发出喉音
Cave Troll 洞穴巨魔
Contrabass Blown Tubes 1 低音吹管1 Contrabass Blown Tubes 2 低音吹管2 Deep Didge 深Didge
Ethnic BreathPipe 民族BreathPipe
Genetic Animals 动物遗传
Impending Rumbles 即将到来的远方有隆隆Moving Some Air 把一些空气
Panic Room 战栗空间
The Bowels of the Beast 该通腑野兽Ambient/Metallic Wire Motion 环境/金属运动Burbbling Wires Burbbling电线
Bursting Aura 爆破光环
Cluster Morph 集变形
Deep Opera 深歌剧院
Distressing Wires 令人痛心的电线Enigmatic Bowls 神秘的滚球

本文发布于:2024-09-21 20:49:58,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:环境   雄蜂   变形   钢琴
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