
碟中谍6:全面瓦解(Mission: Impossible - Fallout)
伊森你是否愿意娶茱莉亚为你的合法妻子?Do you, Ethan, take Julia to be your lawful wedded wife?
我愿意拥有她扶持她敬爱她珍惜她尊重她并保护她吗?I do. To have, to hold, to love, cherish 【['tʃerɪʃ],vt. 珍爱】, honor and protect?我愿意I do.
是否保护她免遭已知和未知的恐惧惊扰? 即使向她说谎欺骗她Shield from【庇护使免遭】terrors know and unknown? To lie, to deceive.
过着双重身份的生活没能阻止她被抹去她的身份To lead a double life. To fail to prevent her abduction【[əb'dʌkʃn],n. 诱拐,;诱导】. Erase her identity.
迫使她不得不躲起来剥夺她所知道的一切别说了Force her into hiding. Take away all she has known. Stop.
以自私徒劳短暂的尝试... 别说了In a selfish, futile【['fjuːtaɪl],adj. 无用的;无效的;没有出息的;琐细的;不重要的】, fleeting【['fliːtɪŋ],adj. 飞逝的;转瞬间的】 Stop! 去逃避你真实的自己求求你别说了...to escape your own true self. Please, stop.
茱莉亚你是否愿意接受... 不!And Julia do you choose Don’t!
我愿意I do.
你本该杀了我的You should have killed me.
命运对勇士低语Fate whispers to the warrior.
暴风雨即将来临The storm is coming.
勇士可有回应?And the warrior whispers back?
我就是暴风雨I am the storm.
仓栅车晚上好亨特自从你两年前抓捕了Good evening, Mr. Hunt. The anarchist【['ænəkɪst],n. 无政府主义者】Solomon Lane.
无政府主义者所罗门·连恩Since you captured him, two years ago, his absence
他在世界舞台的缺席产生了意想不到的后果from the world stage has had unintended consequences.
他的辛迪加流氓秘密特工集团在全球范围内继续肆虐His syndicate of rogue【[rəʊg],n. 流氓】covert【['kʌvət; 'kəʊvɜːt],adj. 隐蔽的;隐密的】operatives【n. 侦探;技工】continues to
wreak【[riːk],vt. 发泄;报仇;造成巨大的破坏或伤害】havoc【['hævək],n. 大破坏;浩劫;蹂躏】around the globe.
中情局特别行动处一直坚持不懈The CIA special activities division has relentlessly【[rɪ'lɛntlɪslɪ],adv. 残酷地,无情地】
追捕连恩的反政府精英残部hunted Lanes elite【[[eɪˈliːt]],n. 精英;精华;中坚分子】network of hostiles【['hɒstaɪl],n. 敌对】.
但仍有大批不法分子不知所向逍遥法外But many remain unknown and at large.
这些极端分裂分子自称为"使徒"The reminiscence【[remɪ'nɪs(ə)ns],n. 回忆;怀旧;引起联想的相似事物】of this extremist【[ɪk'striːmɪst; ek-],n. 极端主义者,过激分子】splinter 【['splɪntə],n. 碎片】cell refer to them self as The Apostles【[ə'pɒs(ə)l],n. 信徒,使徒;最初的传道者】.
他们专门受雇从事各种恐怖行动They have sync【[sɪŋk],vt. 使同步】it up to the policy of terror for hire.
使其成为更加巨大的威胁Making them an even greater threat.
最近在由印度控制的克什米尔地区爆发的天花They are responsible for the recent smallpox outbreak in Indiancontrolled Kashmir.
就是他们一手策划的沿着中国和巴基斯坦边界蔓延Along the borders of China and Pakistan.
世界三分之一的人口已经受到威胁Threatening one third of the world’s population.
目前疫情已得到控制但据情报显示The Epidemic【[epɪ'demɪk],n. 传染病;流行病;风尚等的流行】is being contained but intelligence would indicate that
一名新客户已聘请使徒进行更大规模的行动a new client has hired the Apostles for a more ambitious operation.
该男子已联系过他们此人是一名身份不详的极端分子They have been contacted by this man. An unidentified extremist
代号为约翰·拉克known only by the codename John Lark.
这个世界末日宣言的作者Author of this apocalyptic【[əˈpɒkəˈlɪptɪk],adj. 启示录的;天启的】manifesto【[mænɪ'festəʊ],n. 宣言;声明;告示】calling for
呼吁破坏当前的国际秩序the destruction of the current world order.
据说挪威核武器专家尼尔斯·德布鲁克的失踪It is believed Lark is responsible for the disappearance of Norwegian
拉克有着重大嫌疑nuclear weapons specialist, Nils Debruuk.
自从他表达了强烈的反宗教观点之后Dr. Debruuk security clearance was revoked after
他们取消了德布鲁克博士的安全许可权限he expressed fiercely antireligious views.
同时使徒们一直与Meanwhile, the Apostles have been in contact
东欧黑社会势力保持密切联系with elements of the eastern European underworld
这些黑社会势力手上有who are in possession of plutonium【[pluː'təʊnɪəm],n. [化学] 钚】cores
从俄罗斯东部某导弹基地偷来的三个钚核stolen from a missile base in eastern Russia.
这表明约翰·拉克和使徒们This would indicate that John Lark and the Apostles are
正在联手试图获得有效的核武器working together to acquire functioning nuclear weapons.
国家科学技术局估计若以德布鲁克掌握的知识理论使用现有材料NAST estimates that a man with Debruuks knowledge, using the materials in play,
可以在七十二小时内完成三枚核武器的组建could complete nuclear weapons in as little as hours.
这些武器可随身携带可在一夜之间部署至全球各地These devices would be man portable and deployable anywhere on Earth overnight.
这些武器在约翰·拉克和使徒手中In the hands of John Lark and the Apostles these weapons 对数百万人来说将是前所未有的威胁represent an unprecedented【[ʌn'presɪdentɪd],adj. 空前的;无前例的】threat to the countless millions.
若你选择接受此任务你的使命Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to prevent the
就是不惜一切代价阻止使徒们获取钚核Apostles from acquiring the plutonium using any means at your disposal【[dɪ'spəʊz(ə)l],n. 处理;支配;清理;安排】.
如果你或你组内的任何成员被捕或惨遭杀害If you, or any members of your IMF team, are caught or killed,
国防部长将不会为你们的行动负责the Secretary will disavow【[dɪsə'vaʊ],vt. 否认,否定;抵赖;拒绝对…的责任】any knowledge of your actions.
祝你好运伊森这则消息将会在五秒之后自动销毁Good luck, Ethan. This message will selfdestruct in seconds.
他迟到了He's late.
他从不迟到的He's never late.
他会来的He'll be here.
我不喜欢这样I don’t like it.
这家伙给人的感觉他让我…There's something about this guy.
起鸡皮疙瘩没事的放松really gives me the creeps【[kriːp],n. 爬行;毛骨悚然的感觉;谄媚者】. It's OK. Relax.
我很放松I'm relaxed.
你听起来可不放松卢瑟他听起来放松吗You don’t sound relaxed. Luther, does he sound relaxed to you?
他听起来吓坏了我没吓坏我只是有一种不详的预感就这样He sounds terrified. I'm not terrified. I just have a bad feeling. That's all.
你觉得自己很放松吗同时感到放松和极度不安I though you said you were relaxed? It's entirely possible
是完全有可能的to be relaxed any extremely uneasy at the same time.
应崇江不不可能你一直都是这样不我不是No, it's not. You do it all the time. No, I don’t.
你是的不他不是我难道该相信你是完全放松的?Yes, you do. No, he doesn't. I'm supposed to believe you're perfectly relaxed?
此时此地在一条昏暗的小巷里等着Right here and now? In a dark alleyway? Waiting
从一个神经病手里买黑市钚会是放松的? 班吉to buy dark market plutonium from a psychopath【['saɪkəpæθ],n. 精神病患者】? Benji,
你不会有事的I won’t let anything happen to you.
明白了吧班吉你绝对安全See, Benji, you're perfectly safe.
面膜仪你说起来倒容易你坐在面包车里That's easy for you to say. You're in the van.
这位硬汉是你要去参加行动的Well, you want to be in the field, tough guy.
今晚卢瑟我更愿意待在面包车里And tonight, Luther, I'd like to be in the van!
他来了He's here.
哦天啊Oh, God.
把钱准备好卢瑟准备好了Have that money ready, Luther. Done.
伊森能听到吗能听到吗Ethan, do you copy? Do you copy?!
我们终于要进行交易了还是说交易取消Are we finally gonna do this, or not?
我在这行混了这么久全靠我脑子里的一个声音才能活到现在I've survived in this business with a help of a voice in my head.
这个声音从未错过每当我遇见你…This voice is never wrong. Whenever I
它都会告诉我同一个道理It tells me the same thing.
告诉你什么What's that?
我是来做生意的让那个声音做个决定吧I'm here to do business. Tell the voice to flip【[flɪp],vt. 掷;轻击】the coin.
那是什么What's that?
这是一个铍棒它能和This is a beryllium【[bə'rɪlɪəm],n. [化学] 铍(符号Be)】rod【[rɒd],n. 棒;惩罚;枝条;权力】. It's just causing a
钚核内核中的钚起反应reaction with the plutonium inside the core.
货没问题That's that.
钱呢The money?
钱The money.
把钱拿来Bring the money.
卢瑟把钱拿来Luther, bring the money.
我们现在需要这笔钱卢瑟We're gonna need that money, Luther.
杀了他们Kill them!
我拿到了I've got it!
卢瑟能听见吗卢瑟Luther, do you copy? Luther?!
卢瑟快回话Luther, come in.
卢瑟现在不方便说话使徒们能为你做点什么吗...Luther is not here right now. What can the Apostles do
亨特你想怎样...Hunt? What do you want?
你逃不掉了亨特给我们钚核You're not escaping, Hunt. Give us the plutonium.
然后离开这里班吉把车开过来!And walk away. Benji, get the car!
我觉得我开不过来班吉把车开过来! I don’t think I can do that. Benji, get the car.
我们跟你做个交易亨特We'll make you a deal, Hunt.
给我们钚核我们就不杀你的朋友Give us the plutonium and we won't kill your friend.
别那么做伊森别为我那么做Don't you do it, Ethan! Not for me!
我数三声I'm gonna count to .
二卢瑟抱歉 Luther, I'm sorry.
抱歉我不知道还能怎么做不用道歉I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do. We're good.
你没事吧我本该死了You're OK? I should be dead.
我们本该都死了We should all be dead!
为什么我们没死Why aren't we?
钚核去哪了Where's the plutonium?
不见了It's gone.
如果你刚刚打开电视三次大规模爆炸事件If you're just joining us, three massive explosions have gone off
同时发生这是一次协同性事件simultaneously【[,sɪml'teɪnɪəslɪ],adv. 同时地】in what appears to be a coordinated attack.

本文发布于:2024-09-21 13:52:45,感谢您对本站的认可!



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