
杨承林1,2 许春娥2 石书灿3
  摘 要 马厂油田M11块油藏地质构造复杂,已进入特高含水期。通过建立该油藏的数值模拟地质模型,并在此基础上进行精细油藏数值模拟及剩余油分布研究,分析该油藏平面、纵向储量动用状况和剩余油分布规律,确定了剩余油分布的主要类型,提出剩余油挖潜的可行措施,取得了较好的增产效果。
关键词 剩余油分布 油藏数值模拟 地质模型 储量丰度 高含水
1 油藏地质模型
pbs配方111 地质特征及储层物性
马厂油田M11块油藏位于马厂半背斜南端,四周被断层切割并封闭,是一个近南北延伸的顺向断块,构造平缓。区内发育了一条走向近南北、倾向西的断层,将M11块切割成东、西两块,形成一堑一垒。油藏埋深在2500~3300m,油层主要集中在沙三中的3、4砂组和沙三下的1、2、3砂组,一般含油井段长100~200m,油水关系比较复杂,油藏类型为复杂小断块层状油藏。储层物性较好,非均质性中等,平均孔隙度为20%,平均渗透率为100×10-3μm2。该油藏1987年投产,目前综合含水率达到9312%,进入特高含水期。112 地质模型建立和网格划分
2 动态历史拟合
211 拟合方法
212 拟合结果及误差分析
2007年3月                 F AULT2BLOCK O I L&G AS F I ELD               第14卷第2期
图1 综合含水率拟合曲线
3 剩余油分布规律
通过分析研究认为,在宏观上剩余油的形成与分布主要受沉积相、构造、储层非均质性以及井网条件的控制,剩余油主要分布在注入水未波及到的或者波及程度比较低的部位,在微观上主要指由于驱油效率低而遗留的剩余油。311 剩余油分布类型
是因为该区水下分流河道发育,砂层厚度一般大于310m ,最厚达10m ,多呈正韵律和复合韵律分布,总的趋势是下粗上细,物性下好上差。下部的粗粒砂岩物性好,注水开发后见效见水快,是造成注入水急剧突进、形成注采短路循环的主要部位。但韵律的上中部位物性较差,形成较多的剩余油。另外,由于该区构造复杂,构造边角区域及断层遮挡区注入水难以波及的区域滞留剩余油。
表1 剩余可采储量分布状况
312 剩余油平面分布
图2 M 11块X1油层剩余油丰度分布
313 剩余油纵向分布
表2 分砂组剩余可采储量预测
S 上
第14卷第2期          杨承林等:应用数值模拟法研究复杂断块油藏剩余油分布          2007年3月
314 应用效果
4 结论
[1] 岳登台1综述老油田改善开发效果及提高采收率技术
[2] 潘举玲,黄尚军,祝杨,等1油藏数值模拟技术现状与发展
[3] 张兴国,杨斌谊,陈永进,等1复杂断块油藏数值模拟新思
[4] 冉启佑1剩余油研究现状与发展趋势[J]1油气地质与采
(编辑 姬美兰)
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地 址:河南省濮阳市中原路157号《断块油气田》期刊社
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2007年3月               断块油气田                第14卷第2期
paper.M igrati on of petr oleu m fr om the offshore area is considered t o be i m portant because of the absence of discovered s ource r ocks in the study area.According t o the m igrati on conditi ons,it is concluded that the onshore area has a certain petr oleu m exp l orati on potential.健身茶
Key words:Mauritania coastal basin,passive margin basin,petr oleu m geol ogical conditi ons,exp l orati on potential.
Extrusi on and rot a ti on of I ndoch i n a block and develop m en t and evoluti ona l process of Y i n ggeha i Ba si n, South Ch i n a Sea
W ang Yam i n g(I nner M ongoli a I n stitute of M i n era l Exper i m en t a ti on,Huhehot010031,Ch i n a),Tong D i a n jun,Ren J i a nye.P.33235
Regi onal tect onic evoluti on affecting devel opment of Yinggehai Basin is analyzed syste matically by synthesis of ne w regi onal data.Authors consider that cl ock wise r otati on of I ndochina B l ock and inner secondary bl ocks during extrusi on s outheast w ards of I ndochina B l ock greatly affected and contr olled basin generati on in the margin of bl ocks.Tect onic evoluti on of Yinggehai basin was mainly contr olled by sinistral strike sli p and cl ock wise r otati on of I ndochina bl ock relative t o South China bl ock,based on which three tect onic evoluti onary phases are identified.They are sinistral strike-sli p extensi on phase,ductile m iddle-l ower crust extensi on and ther mal subsidence phase,and accelerated subsidence phase.Ne w dynam ic evoluti onary model on Yinggehai basin is of benefit t o elucidate tect onic evoluti on of continental margin in the north western South China Sea and p r os pecting of oil and gas in the basin.
Key words:Yinggehai Basin,extrusi on tect onics, extensi on tect onic syste m s,bl ock r otati on.
Appli ca ti on of nu m er i ca l si m ul a ti on technology i n resi dua l o il d istr i buti on foreca st of co m pli ca ted fault-block reservo i rs
Yang Chengli n(1.Ch i n a Un i versity of Geosc i ence, Be iji n g100083;2.Sc i en ti f i c Reseach I n stitute of Explora ti on and D evelop m en t,Zhongyuan O ilf i eld Co m pany,S I N O PEC,Puyang457001,Ch i n a),Xu Chun′e,Sh i Shucan.P.36238
B l ock M11of Machang O ilfield,Zhongyuan O il Company,deposits co mp lex geol ogical structure and has been access t o extra-high water-cut peri od.A i m ed at its features and difficult,a geol ogical model f or nu merical si m ulati on was established,and the distributi on of residual oil and refined oil reservoir nu merical si m ulati on had been studied on this basis. The paper analyzed the status of the used oil reserves and distributi on of the re maining oil in the p lane and vertical positi on,deter m ined the main types of residual oil distributi on.S ome available adjust m ent measures of residual oil potentials were put f or ward t o obtain a better yield results.
Key words:residual oil distributi on,reservoir nu merical si m ulati on,geol ogical model,enrich ment degree of the reserves,high water-cut.
Curren t situa ti on and prospect of resi dua l o il d istr i buti on foreca st
Fu D eku i(Southwest Petroleu m Un i versity,Chengdu 610500,Ch i n a),Feng Zhenyu,Qu J i n m i n g,et a l.P.39241 Research of residual oil distributi on has been an i m portant and challenging work f or petr oleu m researchers.The accurate evaluati on of residual oil saturati on is extre mely i m portant t o the sche me of E OR and m iddle-late ter m adjust m ent during field devel opment.The author categorizes methods of residual oil distributi on int o geol ogy and seis m ic methods,petr oleu m reservoir engineering,welltest and nu merical si m ulati on,laborat ory technol ogy and engineering technol ogy according t o the s pecialities on the basis of literature survey.The paper clearly describes the current situati on of vari ous research techniques at home and abr oad and pointes out the research trend of residual oil D istributi on.
Key words:residual oil distributi on,current situati on, p r os pect.
Ana lysis of ga s-wa ter producti on rel a ti on sh i p for W ell X8
L i u Fe i(St a te Key Labora tory of O il and Ga s Reservo i r Geology and Explo it a ti on,Chengdu Un i versity of Technology,Chengdu610059,Ch i n a),L u Zhengyuan, Huang He,et a l.P.42243
W ater-p r oducti on is a nor mal phenomenon during gas p r oducti on of Xiangxiqun gas well in XN gas field of Sichuan basin.Once a well encounters water,it st op s t o work or its p r oducti on compet
ence falls rap idly.And gas reservoir is characterized by l ow gas out put,high water out put,l ow exp l oitati on efficiency and l o w recovery.On the basis of analyzing gas reservoir geol ogic p r operty,we analyze the change of gas-water out put in whole p r ocess es pecially. Being different fr om the nor mal gas well,X8well p r oducts gas in advance after water p r oducti on at initial stage and p r oduces gas and water in every rep r oducti on ti m e at last,in contrast,it ’s early gas and later gas and water at later stage.Thr ough studying aquifer p r operty and drive energy,it’s p r oposed that gas reservoir aquifer is finite and the water p r oducti on is mainly by the functi on of elastic expansi on energy of compart m ent gas.A t last,we analyze gas-drive p rinci p les of compart m ent gas reservoir.By using it,we exp lain the comp lex phenomenon of gas-water p r oducti on aboutW ell X8 perfectly.
Key words:gas well,fracture syste m,p r oducti on perfor mance,finite aquifer,compart m ent-gas drive.
Co m prehen si ve judge m en t and ana lysis of na tura l producti on decli n e type
W ang J i n duo(1.College of Sc i ence,Zheji a ng Un i versity,Hangzhou310027;2.No.9O il Producti on Pl an t,Daq i n g O ilf i eld Co m pany L td.,CNPC,Daq i n g 163853,Ch i n a),L i u Guoji n g,Q i n Ka i feng,et a l.P.44246 This paper studies the methods of common use t o deter m ine p r oducti on
decline type,such as graphic cut and trial,curve shift methods.The author app raised the different methods t o deter m ine the type of decline base on the study of A r p s’s p r oducti on decline theory and the actual p r oducti on data of the oilfield.The existing exa mp le indicates that this synthesis study has p referable feasibility.Mean while,the
Vol.14 No.2                    ABSTRACT                    Mar. 2007

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