
VISCA Protocol
Format:9600, 19200, 38400bps
CAM_WB Auto8x 01 04 35 00 FF0x3500Normal Auto
Indoor8x 01 04 35 01 FF01Indoor mode
Outdoor8x 01 04 35 02 FF02Outdoor mode
One Push WB8x 01 04 35 03 FF03One Push WB mode
neorATW8x 01 04 35 04 FF04Auto Tracing White Balance
Manual8x 01 04 35 05 FF05Manual Control mode
One Push Trigger8x 01 04 10 05 FF0x1005One Push WB Trigger
Outdoor Auto8x 01 04 35 06 FF0x3506Outdoor auto
Sodium Lamp Auto8x 01 04 35 07 FF07Auto including sodium lamp source
Sodium Lamp8x 01 04 35 08 FF08Sodium lamp source fixed mode
CAM_RGain Reset8x 01 04 03 00 FF0x0300Manual Control of R Gain Up8x 01 04 03 02 FF02
Down8x 01 04 03 03 FF03
Direct8x 01 04 43 00 00 0p 0q FF0x4300 00 0p 0q pq: R Gain (0 to 0xFF)
CAM_BGain Reset8x 01 04 04 00 FF0x0400Manual Control of B Gain Up8x 01 04 04 02 FF02
Down8x 01 04 04 03 FF03
Direct8x 01 04 44 00 00 0p 0q FF0x4400 00 0p 0q pq: B Gain (0 to 0xFF)
CAM_AE Full Auto8x 01 04 39 00 FF0x3900Automatic Exposure mode Manual8x 01 04 39 03 FF03Manual Control mode
Shutter Priority8x 01 04 39 0A FF0A Shutter Priority Automatic Exposure mode
Iris Priority8x 01 04 39 0B FF0B Iris Priority Automatic Exposure mode
Bright8x 01 04 39 0D FF0D Bright Mode (Manual control)
CAM_SlowShutter Auto8x 01 04 5A 02 FF0x5A02Auto Slow Shutter ON/OFF Manual8x 01 04 5A 03 FF03
CAM_Shutter Reset8x 01 04 0A 00 FF0x0A00Shutter Setting
Up8x 01 04 0A 02 FF02
Down8x 01 04 0A 03 FF03
Direct8x 01 04 4A 00 00 0p 0q FF0x4A 00 00 0p 0q pq: Shutter Position
CAM_Iris Reset8x 01 04 0B 00 FF0x0B00Iris Setting
Up8x 01 04 0B 02 FF02
Down8x 01 04 0B 03 FF03
Direct8x 01 04 4B 00 00 0p 0q FF0x4B00 00 0p 0q pq: Iris Position (0 to 0x11)
CAM_Gain Reset8x 01 04 0C 00 FF0x0C00Gain Setting
Up8x 01 04 0C 02 FF02
Down8x 01 04 0C 03 FF03
Direct8x 01 04 4C 00 00 0p 0q FF0x4C00 00 0p 0q pq: Gain Position (0 to 0x0F)
Gain Limit8x 01 04 2C 0p FF0x2C0p p: Gain Position
CAM_Bright Reset8x 01 04 0D 00 FF0x0D00Bright Setting
Up8x 01 04 0D 02 FF02
Down8x 01 04 0D 03 FF03
Direct8x 01 04 4D 00 00 0p 0q FF0x4D00 00 0p 0q pq: Bright Position (0 to 0x15)
CAM_ExpComp On8x 01 04 3E 02 FF0x3E02Exposure Compensation ON/OFF Off8x 01 04 3E 03 FF03
Reset8x 01 04 0E 00 FF0x0E00Exposure Compensation Amount Setting
Up8x 01 04 0E 02 FF02
Down8x 01 04 0E 03 FF03
Direct8x 01 04 4E 00 00 0p 0q FF0x4E00 00 0p 0q pq: ExpComp Position (0 to 0x0E)
CAM_BackLight On8x 01 04 33 02 FF0x3302Back Light Compensation ON/OFF Off8x 01 04 33 03 FF03
CAM_SpotAE On8x 01 04 59 02 FF0x5902Spot Automatic Exposure Setting Off8x 01 04 59 03 FF03
Position8x 01 04 29 0p 0q 0r 0s FF0x290p 0q 0r 0s pq: X (0 to F), rs: Y (0 to F)
CAM_AE_ResponseDirect8x 01 04 5D pp FF0x5D pp pp: Automatic Exposure Response Setting (01 to 30), default value: 01
CAM_WD On8x 01 04 3D 02 FF0x3D02Wide-D ON/OFF
Off8x 01 04 3D 03 FF03
AutoOnOff8x 01 04 3D 00 FF00Wide dynamic ON/OF auto switching
On (RatioFix)8x 01 04 3D 01 FF01Wide dynamic ON (Fixed exposure ratio mode)
On (Dver Compati)8x 01 04 3D 04 FF04Wide dynamic ON (Dver operation)
Set Parameter8x 01 04 2D 0p 0q 0r 0s 0t 0u 00 00 FF0x2D 0p 0q 0r 0s 0t 0u 00 00p: Screen display
0-Combined image, 2-Long time, 3-Short time
q: Detection sensitivity (0: L 1: M 2: H)
r: Blocked-up shadow correction level (0: L 1: M 2: H 3: S) s: Blown-out highlight correction level (0: L 1: M 2: H) tu: Exposure ratio of short exposure (x1 to x64)
CAM_WDAlarmReply On8x 01 04 3B 02 FF0x3B02Wide dynamic auto switching alarm ON/OFF Off8x 01 04 3B 03 FF03
(Reply)y0 07 04 3B 02 FF
y0 07 04 3B 03 FF
CAM_Aperture Reset8x 01 04 02 00 FF0x0200Aperture Control
Up8x 01 04 02 02 FF02
Down8x 01 04 02 03 FF03
Direct8x 01 04 42 00 00 0p 0q FF0x4200 00 0p 0q pq: Aperture Gain (0 to 0x14)
CAM_HR On8x 01 04 52 02 FF0x5202High-Resolusion Mode ON/OFF Off8x 01 04 52 03 FF03
CAM_NR8x 01 04 53 0p FF0x530p p: NR Setting (0: OFF, level 1 to 3)
CAM_Gamma8x 01 04 5B 0p FF0x5B0p p: Gamma setting (0: Standard, 1 to 4) CAM_HighSensitivityOn8x 01 04 5E 02 FF0x5E02High Sensitivity mode ON/OFF Off8x 01 04 5E 03 FF03
CAM_LR_Reverse On8x 01 04 61 02 FF0x6102Mirror Image ON/OFF Off8x 01 04 61 03 FF03
CAM_Freeze On8x 01 04 62 02 FF0x6202Still Image ON/OFF Off8x 01 04 62 03 FF03
CAM_PictureEffect Off8x 01 04 63 00 FF0x6300Picture Effect Setting Neg.Art8x 01 04 63 02 FF02
B&W8x 01 04 63 04 FF04
CAM_PictureFlip On8x 01 04 66 02 FF0x6602Picture flip ON/OFF Off8x 01 04 66 03 FF03
CAM_ICR On8x 01 04 01 02 FF0x0102Infrared Mode ON/OFF Off8x 01 04 01 03 FF0x0103
CAM_AutoICR On8x 01 04 51 02 FF0x5102Auto dark-field mode On/Off Off8x 01 04 51 03 FF03
Threshold8x 01 04 21 00 00 0p 0q FF0x21 00 00 0p 0q
On8x 01 04 31 02 FF0x3102Auto ICR switching Alarm ON/OFF
Off8x 01 04 31 03 FF03
(Reply)y0 07 04 31 02 FF ICR OFF -> ON
y0 07 04 31 03 FF ICR ON -> OFF
CAM_Memory Reset8x 01 04 3F 00 0p FF0x3F00 0p p: Memory Number (=0 to 6)
(Preset pos)Set  8x 01 04 3F 01 0p FF01 0p
Recall8x 01 04 3F 02 0p FF02 0p
CAM_CUSTOM Reset8x 01 04 3F 00 7F FF0x3F00 7F Starts up in this mode when the power is turned on.
Set  8x 01 04 3F 01 7F FF01 7F
Recall8x 01 04 3F 02 7F FF02 7F
CAM_MemSave Write8x 01 04 23 0X 0p 0p 0q 0q FF0x23 0X 0p 0p 0q 0q X: 00 to 07 (Address), total 16 byte ppqq: 0x0000 to 0xFFFF (Data)
CAM_Display On 8x 01 04 15 02 FF
(8x 01 06 06 02 FF)
0x1502Display ON/OFF
Off 8x 01 04 15 03 FF
(8x 01 06 06 03 FF)
On/Off 8x 01 04 15 10 FF
(8x 01 06 06 10 FF)
CAM_MultiLineTitle Title Set18x 01 04 73 1L 00 nn pp qq 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF0x73L: Line Number  0~0xA
nn: H-position  0~0x1F
pp: Color  0:WHT 1:YEL 2:MAG 3:RED qq: Blink  0:Not blink  1:Blinks
Title Set28x 01 04 73 2L mm nn pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww FF L: Line Number,
mnpqrstuvw: Setting of characters (1 to 10)
Title Set38x 01 04 73 3L mm nn pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww FF L: Line Number,
固液分离装置mnpqrstuvw: Setting of characters (1 to 10)
Title Clear8x 01 04 74 1p FF0x741p Title Setting clear (p: 0 to a, f= all lines)
On8x 01 04 74 2p FF2p Title display On/Off (0 to a, f= all lines)
Off8x 01 04 74 3p FF3p
CAM_Mute On8x 01 04 75 02 FF0x7502Muting ON/OFF Off8x 01 04 75 03 FF03
On/Off8x 01 04 75 10 FF0x10
CAM_PrivacyZone SetMask8x 01 04 76 mm nn 0r 0r 0s 0s FF0x76mm nn 0r 0r 0s 0s
mm: Mask Settings
nn: 00-Modify, 01-New
rr: W
ss: H
Display8x 01 04 77 pp pp pp pp FF0x77pp pp pp pp Mask Display ON/OFF
pp pp pp pp: Mask Settings (0: OFF, 1: ON)
SetMaskColor8x 01 04 78 pp pp pp pp qq rr FF0x78 pp pp pp pp qq rr
pp pp pp pp: Mask Color Settings
雨水回用qq: Color Setting when 0 is selected
rr: Color Setting when 1 is selected SetPanTiltAngle8x 01 04 79 0p 0p 0p 0q 0q 0q FF0x790p 0p 0p 0q 0q 0q Pan/Tilt Angle Settings
ppp: Pan  0~4095(0xFFF)  360/4096 Resolution
qqq: Tilt  0~4095(0xFFF)  360/4096 Resolution SetPTZMask8x 01 04 7B mm 0p 0p 0p 0q 0q 0q 0r 0r 0r 0r FF0x7B Pan/Tilt/Zoom Settings for Mask
ppp: Pan  0~0xFFF
qqq: Tilt  0~0xFFF
rrrr: Zoom pos 0~0x4000
Non_InterlockMask8x 01 04 6F mm 0p 0p 0q 0q 0r 0r 0s 0s FF0x6F mm: Non_Interlock Mask Settings
pp: X, q: Y, rr: W, ss: H
GridOn8x 01 04 7C 02 FF0x7C02Grid Display ON/OFF
GridOff8x 01 04 7C 03 FF03Grid/Center Line Display Off
CenterLineOn8x 01 04 7C 04 FF04Center Line Display On
CAM_IDWrite8x 01 04 22 0p 0q 0r 0s FF0x220p 0q 0r 0s pqrs: Camera ID (=0000 to FFFF) CAM_Alarm On8x 01 04 6B 02 FF0x6B02Alarm ON/OFF Off8x 01 04 6B 03 FF03
SetMode8x 01 04 6C pp FF0x6C pp pp: Mode setting
00 Focus change detection
(reference value is not updated)
01 Focus change detection (reference value is updated)
02 AE change detection (reference value is not updated)
03 AE change detection (reference value is updated)
SetDayNighLevel8x 01 04 6D 0p 0p 0p 0q 0q 0q FF0x6D0p 0p 0p 0q 0q 0q ppp: Day judgement level setting qqq: Night judgement level setting
Alarm(Reply)y0 07 04 6B 01 FF Detection level “Low” -> “High”
y0 07 04 6B 00 FF Detection level “High” -> “Low”
8x 01 04 24 mm 0p 0p FF
Register Set
Command Set Command Packet Reg No.V alue Comments
BaudRate8x 01 04 24 00 00 0p FF0x000p p: 0-9600    1-19200    2-38400
Monitoring Mode8x 01 04 24 72 0p 0p FF0x72pp pp: 1-1080i@60  (specific model)
2-1080i@59.94 (not supported)      3-1080p@60  (specific model)      4-1080i@50 (specific model)
5-1080p@50  (specific model)      6-1080p@30
7-1080p@29.97 (not supported)      8-1080p@25
A-720p@59.94 (not supported)      B-NTSC analog out
D-PAL analog out
F-720p@29.97 (not supported)    10-NTSC analog out
12-PAL analog out
Output enable8x 01 04 24 73 00 0p FF0x730p p:  1-CVBS On  2-SDI On  3-Both On
Wide limit8x 01 04 24 50 0p 0p FF0x50pp pp: 0-EB
Tele limit8x 01 04 24 51 0p 0p FF0x51pp pp: 0-FF
E-Zoom Max8x 01 04 24 52 0p 0p FF0x52pp pp: Max D-zoom ratio = 256/ (256-pp)
Stable Zoom8x 01 04 24 53 00 0p FF0x530p p: 0-OFF    1-ON
Focus Trace8x 01 04 24 54 00 0p FF0x540p p: 0-OFF    1-ON
Focus Offset8x 01 04 24 55 0p 0p FF0x55pp pp: 0-FF
HighLightMaskOn8x 01 04 24 2D 00 0p FF0x2D0p p: HLC On/Off  0-OFF    1-ON
HighLightMaskLevel8x 01 04 24 2E 0p 0p FF0x2E pp pp: HighLight Level 0~20
偏心轮HighLightMaskColor8x 01 04 24 2F 00 0p FF0x2F0p p: MaskColor  0:WHT 1:YEL 2:CYN 3:GRN 4:MAG 5:RED 6:BLU 7:BLK PrvMaskTrans8x 01 04 24 3A 00 0p FF0x3A0p p: Mask Transparency 0-4
ClockDisplayOn8x 01 04 24 43 00 0p FF0x430p p: 0-OFF  1-ON
TemperatureDisplayOn8x 01 04 24 44 00 0p FF0x440p p: 0-OFF  1-ON
AE_InOutdoor8x 01 04 24 4B 00 0p FF0x4B0p p: 0-AE Indoor Mode 1-AE Outdoor Mode皮画
Focus Near Limit8x 01 04 24 5F 00 0p FF0x5F0p p: Near Limit 0-30Cm, 1-1M, 2-1.5M, 3-2M,    4-3M, 5-5M, 6-10M
Focus Far Limit8x 01 04 24 60 00 0p FF0x600p p: Far Limit 0-2M, 1-3M, 2-5M, 3-10M,    4-Infinity

本文发布于:2024-09-25 22:26:01,感谢您对本站的认可!



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