
DT Sparge steam supply DT喷射蒸汽供给
DT Deck Steam Main Supply DT甲板机械用蒸汽主汽源
Conditioner #1 Air Heater main steam supply-valve#2 调节装置#1空气加热器主蒸汽供给-#2
Conditioner #1 Tray 1# 调节装置#1支架#1
Ejector steam main supply 喷射蒸汽主供给
Conditioner #1 Air Heater coil #1 调节装置#1空气加热器线圈#1
Pre-DT Tray 1 DT前支架1
DT Cond Tray 1 DT调节装置支架1
DT Cond Tray VSR DT调节装置支架VSR
Distillation Ejector 1 蒸馏喷射器1
Oil Stripper Ejector 刮油器喷射器
Reboiler inlet valve #1 再沸器进口阀#1
Degumm feed HXC steam supply 脱胶给料HXC蒸汽供给
Mineral Oil Heater steam supply 矿物油加热器蒸汽供给
Mineral Oil Sparge Steam supply 矿物油喷射蒸汽供给

Extraction steam main supply gate valve #1 抽汽主供给闸阀#1
Prep steam main supply 预备蒸汽供给
DT low pressure steam supply DT低压蒸汽供给
DT Snuff Steam main isolation valve #1 DT吸汽主截止阀#1
Solvent Heater Steam supply 溶剂加热器蒸汽供给
Conditioner #1 Air Heater steam vent 调节装置#1空气加热器蒸汽排气口
Conditioner 1 & Conditioner 2 flash steam supply-gate valve 调节器1和调节器2闪蒸蒸汽供给-闸阀
DT and DC snuff steam main supply DTDC吸汽主供给
Extraction condensate pump inlet gate valve #1 抽汽凝结水泵入口闸阀#1
Oil Stripper Sparge Steam main supply 刮油器喷射蒸汽主供给
Prep condensate pump outlet gate valve #1 预备凝结水泵出口闸阀#1
Reboiler steam main supply 再沸器主供给
Snuff steam Heater Bank #1 & #2 吸汽加热器排#1 & #2
Extractor Snuff steam supply valve #1 #1抽汽吸汽蒸汽供给阀#1
Conditioner #1 Air Heater snuff steam-gate valve 调节器#1空气加热器吸汽-闸阀

DC Snuff Steam/water main isolation valve #2 DC吸汽/水主截止阀#2
Oil drier ejector steam supply line drain 油干燥器喷射蒸汽供给管路排放口
Extractor snuff steam supply line bleed valve 抽汽吸汽供给管路排泄阀
DC Deck #1 Meal Chamber snuff water/steam DC甲板#1吸水/吸汽
DC Deck #1 Air Chamber snuff water/steam DC甲板#1气室吸用水/
Extraction steam main supply line drain 抽汽主供给管路排放口
Prep low pressure condensate tank drain DT吸汽管路排放口
DT Snuff steam line drain DT吸汽供给管路排放口
2rd Stage Steam Supply line drain 第二级蒸汽供给管路排放口
Oil Stripper Sparge Steam supply line drain 刮油器蒸汽供给管路排放口
Reboiler steam main supply line drain 再沸器蒸汽主供给管路排放口
Extraction low pressure condensate tank drain 抽汽低压凝结水箱排放口
Ejector steam supply line drain 喷射蒸汽供给管路排放口

check valve 单向阀
Conditioner 1 & Conditioner 2 flash steam supply-check valve 调节装置1和调节装置2闪蒸蒸汽供给-单向阀
Extraction condensate pump outlet check valve 抽汽凝结水泵出口单向阀
Extractor snuff steam check valve #1 抽汽器吸汽单向阀#1
Extraction steam hose station check #3 抽汽软管站单向阀#3

Prep low pressure condensate tank outlet butterfly valve 预备低压凝结水箱出口蝶阀

DT Cond Tray VSR DT调节装置支架VSR
Heater Bank #1 加热器排#1
2nd Stage Steam Supply 第二级蒸汽供给
Solvent Heater 溶剂加热器
Mineral Oil Heater steam supply 矿物油加热器蒸汽供给
Degumm feed HXC steam supply 脱胶给料HXC蒸汽供给
Main steam pipe drip leg #1 主蒸汽管滴油器#1
Steam station #1 drip leg 蒸汽站#1,滴油器
DC Header drip leg DC联箱滴油器
Boiler Main Steam Line 锅炉主蒸汽管路
Boiler header to plant header - 400mm line - drip trap #1 锅炉联箱至设备联箱-400 mm管路-滴水阀#1
Extraction Steam line - 300mm line - drip trap #1 抽汽蒸汽管路-300 mm管路-滴水阀#1
Prep Steam line - 250mm line - drip trap #1 预备蒸汽管路-250 mm管路-滴水阀#1

2-way valve 两通阀

absorber valve 吸收电子管

aorta valve dilator 主动脉瓣扩张器

aorta valve knife 主动脉瓣刀

aortic valve 主动脉瓣

application control valve 作用控制阀

application valve 控制阀
application valve body 控制阀体
application valve bracket 控制阀托架
application valve conver 控制阀盖
application valve cover gasket 操纵阀盖垫密片
application valve pin 操纵阀销
application valve spring 控制阀簧
Arnott valve 阿诺特式阀门
artificial mitral valve 人工二尖瓣
artificial valve 人工瓣膜
artificial valve replacement 人工瓣膜置换
ash valve 排灰阀
aspirating valve 吸出阀
atmos-valve 大气阀
atmospheric relief valve 大气安全阀
atmospheric valve 放空阀
atresis of aortic valve 主动脉瓣闭锁
atrio-ventricular valve 房室瓣
auger with valve 带阀土钻
auger with valve (钻浅井用) 带阀螺旋钻具
auricular ball valve thrombus 心房球瓣样血栓
automanual transfer valve 半自动输送阀
automatic air valve 自动气阀
automatic ball valve 自动球阀
valve air relief 自动放气阀
valve air relief 自动放气阀
automatic blowdown valve 自动排污阀
automatic brake valve 自动制动阀
automatic by pass valve 自动旁通阀
automatic check valve 自动止回阀
automatic control valve 自动控制阀
automatic control valve body 自动控制阀体
automatic drain valve 自动放泄阀
automatic exhaust steam valve 自动排气阀
automatic expansion valve 自动膨胀阀; 自动膨胀滑阀
automatic fuel drain valve 自动放油阀
automatic fuel spray valve 自动喷油阀
automatic intercepting valve 自动遮断阀
automatic jet control valve 自动喷射调整阀
automatic nonreturn valve 自动逆向阀
automatic oxygen safety valve 自动氧气安全阀
automatic pressure reducing valve 自动减压阀

automatic regulating valve 自动调节阀
automatic shutoff valve 自动断流阀
automatic spring loaded valve 自动弹簧阀
automatic stop valve 自动断流阀
automatic throttle valve 自动节流阀
automatic vacuum valve 自动真空阀
automatic valve 自动阀
automatic-control servo valve 自动控制伺服阀
automatically operated inlet valve 自动操作进给阀
automatically operated valve 自动阀
automatically shutting pressure of needle valve 针形阀自动关闭压力
auxiliary air valve 辅助气阀
auxiliary changeover valve 辅助切换阀
auxiliary feed valve 辅助进给阀
auxiliary live steam admission valve 辅助新汽进汽阀
auxiliary live steam valve 进汽副阀
auxiliary needle valve 辅助针阀
auxiliary sluice valve 辅助蒸汽闸阀
auxiliary steam valve 辅助蒸汽阀; 副汽阀
auxiliary steam valve spindle 副汽阀柄
auxiliary stop valve 辅助断流阀
auxiliary valve 辅助阀
auxiliary valve seat 辅助阀座
auxiliary valve spring 副阀弹簧
back pressure relief valve 背压安全阀
back valve 回动阀
back-fire check valve 逆火止回阀
back-pressure valve 回压阀
back-seated valve 后座阀; 强迫就位阀
back-water valve (BWV) 回水阀
backflush valve 反冲阀
backpressure valve 反压阀
backsurge disc valve 反冲洗圆盘阀
backwash valve 反冲洗阀
balance slide valve 平衡滑阀
balanced valve 平衡阀; 均衡阀; 均衡阀
balanced valve coupler 平衡式电子管耦合电路
ball check valve 球形止回阀; 钢球单向阀
ball float valve 浮球阀; 浮子阀
ball non-return valve 单向球阀
ball relief valve 减压球阀; 安全球阀; 释放球阀; 球形安全阀
ball valve 球阀; 球形单向阀; 球形止逆阀; 弹子阀
ball valve with insulation jacket 具有保温套的球阀; 具有保温套的球阀

ball-and-lever valve 杠杆球阀
ball-type valve 球型瓣膜; 钢珠活门
ballast (float) valve tray 重盘式浮阀塔板
bar-stock needle valve 杆控针形阀
base of valve 瓣膜基底部
Bauhin s valve 鲍安氏瓣
beam deflection valve 电子束偏转管
beam power valve 电子束功率管
bellows operated pilot valve 膜盒控制阀

bellows sealed gate valve 波纹管密封闸门阀

bellows sealed valve 风箱密封阀

bellows valve 波纹管阀

bellows-sealed valve 波纹管式密封阀

beryllia valve seat 氧化铍阀座

bevel seat valve 斜座阀

bib-valve 弯管龙头

bicuspid aortic valve 二叶式主动脉瓣; 两叶性主动脉瓣

bicuspid valve 二尖瓣

bifurcational valve 分歧值

bilge injection valve 船底喷水阀

bilge pump valve 舱底泵阀

bioprosthesis valve 人工生物瓣膜

black bridge washer valve 黑桥形洗涤阀

blast furnace gas valve 高炉煤气阀

bleed valve 放气阀; 泄放阀

bleeder valve 抽气阀; 出料阀

block valve 断流阀

blocking valve 锁气阀; 闭塞阀; 闭锁阀

blow down valve 吹扫阀; 排污阀

blow through valve 安全阀; 吹除阀

blow valve 送风阀; 卸渣阀; 通风阀

blow-down valve 排放阀

blow-off through valve 吹通阀门

blow-off valve 吹泄阀; 排料阀; 排泄阀

blowdown pressure of safety valve 安全阀关闭压力

blowdown valve 高压放气阀; 泄放活门; 泄料阀

blower drain valve 鼓风机放泄阀

blower valve 鼓风机阀

blowoff valve 急泄阀

blowout valve 排出阀

body of valve 阀体

boiler safety valve 锅炉安全阀

bonnet valve 帽状阀

booster valve 辅助阀

bottom discharge valve 底部排料阀

bottom valve 底阀

brake control valve 制动控制阀

brake metering valve 制动调节阀

brake valve 制动阀

brass ball valve 黄铜球阀

brass gate valve 黄铜门阀

brass globe valve 黄铜球阀

brass swing check valve 黄铜横式逆止阀

brass valve 黄铜阀

breather valve 通气阀

bucket valve 活塞阀

buried valve with hand wheel 液下手轮阀

buried valve with key 液下控制阀

butterfly throttle valve 蝶形节流阀

butterfly throttling valve 蝶形节流阀

butterfly valve 蝶形阀; 蝴蝶阀; 衬胶蝶阀

butterfly valve of lock 船闸蝶形阀

by-pass valve 分流阀; 旁路阀; 旁通阀

by-pass valve body 旁通阀体

by-pass valve escape pipe 旁通阀泄管

by-pass valve piston rod 旁通阀活塞杆

bypass control valve (BCV) 旁通控制阀

cage type valve 笼形阀

caged-ball prosthetic cardiac valve 球形人工瓣膜

cap for plugging oil cut-out valve 给油总阀盖

capacity conversion for safety valve 安全阀的容量换算

Caprotti valve-gear 卡普罗提式阀动装置

cardiac valve 心瓣膜

cardiac valve replacement 心脏瓣膜替换术

cardiac valve replacement with bovine meninges 心脏瓣膜用牛脑膜替换术

cardiac valve replacement with bovine pericardium 心脏瓣膜用牛心包替换术

cardiac valves 心脏瓣膜

Carle valve 卡尔阀

cartridge inserted valve 筒式插装式阀

cartridge valve 筒形插装式阀; 插装式阀

caval valve 腔静脉瓣

cement valve 水泥止回阀

center bypass valve 中间旁通换向阀

centre bypass valve 中间位置旁通的换向阀

centre spool valve 中心柱形阀

centre valve 中心阀

centrifugal type injection valve 离心式喷射阀

change over valve 变换阀

change valve 换向阀

changeover valve 转换阀; 活页阀

charge and discharge valve 装卸阀门

charge valve 充气阀

charge-over valve 超负荷阀

charging valve 充电管; 加料阀; 加液阀

chattering of the valve 活门跳动

check (non-return) valve 止逆阀

check valve 单向阀; 单向活门; 检验阀

check valve for hot water inlet 温水入口止逆阀

check valve for washing water 洗涤水止逆阀

check-valve ball 止回阀球

check-valve ball seat 止回阀球座

check-valve ball spring 止回阀球弹簧

check-valve body 单向阀壳体

check-valve body cap 止回阀体盖

check-valve cap 止回阀盖

check-valve case 止回阀箱

check-valve case gasket 止回阀箱密封垫

check-valve clamp 止回阀夹

check-valve guidance 止回阀导座

check-valve hole liner 止回阀孔衬圈

check-valve lever 止回阀杆

check-valve lever spring 止回阀杆弹簧

check-valve nozzle 止回阀喷嘴

check-valve plunger 止回阀柱塞

check-valve plunger guide 止回阀柱塞导座

check-valve pump 止回阀配流泵

check-valve spring 止回阀弹簧; 止流阀弹簧

check-valve to manifold pipe 止回阀至歧管管

chimney valve 烟道节气门

chlorine valve 氯阀

choke valve 阻风门

choke valve body 阻塞阀体

choke valve bracket 阻气阀托架

choke valve shaft 阻气阀轴

choke valve spring 阻气阀弹簧

choker check valve 阻气单向阀

cinder valve 卸灰阀

circulation valve 循环阀; 环流阀

circulation water inlet valve 循环水入口阀

clamp gate valve 滑门阀

clap valve 瓣阀

clapper valve 瓣阀

clear valve diameter 阀孔径

clearway valve 全开阀

clock valve 单向铰链阀

closed center valve 中间位置封闭的阀

closed valve gear 封闭式阀动装置

closed-type fuel valve 密闭形燃油阀

closing edge of cardia valves 瓣膜闭锁缘

closing valve 节制阀; 停汽阀

coal gas recovery valve 煤气回收阀

combination valve 组合阀; 复合阀

combined safety and air valve 安全与进气组合阀

combined strainer and check valve 组合滤气止回阀

communication valve 联络阀; 连络阀

compensated flow control valve 调速阀; 带压力补偿流量控制阀

compensated relief valve 平衡式溢流阀

compensating air valve 补偿空气阀; 补充空气阀

compensation valve 平衡阀

compensator valve 补偿阀

compression-type valve lifter 压力式起阀器

concentric valve 同心阀

condensate valve 凝结水阀

condenser level control valve 凝汽器水位调节

cone valve 锥阀; 锥形阀

cone-way valve 单向阀

congenital stenosis of pulmonary valve 先天性肺动脉瓣狭窄

conical seat valve 斜形座阀

conical spiral valve spring 锥形螺旋阀簧

conical valve 锥形阀

connection of safety valve to vessel 安全阀对容器的连接

constant pressure expansion valve 恒压膨胀阀; 恒压膨胀活门

constant pressure valve 恒压阀

contact surface of valve seat 阀座接触面

control air valve 控制空气阀

control valve 控制阀; 控制管; 操纵阀; 调节阀

control valve actuator 阀控传动机构

control valve bracket 控制阀托架

control valve breather 控制阀通气孔

control valve bush 控制阀衬套

control valve cap 控制阀盖

control valve dial plate 控制阀刻度板

control valve for fluids 流体控制阀

control valve gland 操纵阀压盖

control valve of copying device 仿形装置控制阀

control valve of moderator level 慢化剂液位调节阀

control valve operating lever 控制阀操作杆

control valve piston rod 控制阀活塞杆

control valve plug 控制阀塞

control valve spring 控制阀簧

controller pilot valve 控制器导阀

controlling valve 控制阀

conventional valve 习用阀

conversion valve 转换阀; 转向阀

convex head valve 凸形气门头

coplanar-grid valve 共面栅极管

copying valve 仿形阀

Corliss valve 柯立斯摆动阀

Corliss valve gear 柯立斯摆动阀装置

corner valve 角阀

coronary valve 冠状瓣

corrugated tube valve 波纹管阀

counterbalance valve 反平衡阀; 背压阀

coupled valve 联结阀

coupling valve 联结阀

crack valve 瓣阀

cranked tire valve 轮胎气嘴

cross flow valve tray 横流式浮阀塔盘

cross(over) valve 转换阀

crossover gasoline valve 重叠的汽油阀; 重叠汽油阀

crossover valve 交换阀

culvert valve 船闸充水阀门

cup valve 杯形阀; 钟形阀

cushion valve 缓冲阀

cut slide valve 膨胀滑阀

cut-off slide valve 断流滑阀

cut-off valve 截止阀; 关闭阀; 断流阀; 断流闸

cutoff valve 停汽阀

cycling solenoid valve 周期电磁阀; 周期工作的电磁阀

cylinder and valve for power chuck 动力卡盘用缸及阀

cylinder valve 汽缸阀

cylindrical valve 柱形阀

cylindrically balanced valve 柱形平衡阀

damper valve 减振阀

dark-tint valve 深彩电视管

dash valve 冲击阀

dashpot check valve 缓冲单向阀

deadweight safety valve 静载荷保安阀; 静载荷保安阀; 杠杆式安全阀; 荷重式安全阀; 重锤式安全阀

deadweight valve 重量保安阀

deceleration valve 减速阀

deflating valve 放气嘴

deflation valve 放气阀

deflection valve 偏转管

delivery check valve 送油节止阀

delivery valve 输出阀; 输送阀; 出油阀; 导出阀

density control valve 密度控制阀

deriming valve 解冻阀

detachable valve seat 可拆下的阀座

diaphragm regulating valve 膜片调节阀

diaphragm valve 膜片阀; 膜式阀; 隔膜阀; 薄膜活门

differential pressure control valve 差压调节阀

differential pressure fuel valve 压差油阀

differential sliding valve 差动滑阀

differential valve 差动阀; 差压阀

diffuser valve 扩散阀

diffusing type steam valve 扩压式汽阀

diode valve 二极管整流阀

direct-acting valve 直动阀

direct-loaded safety valve 重锤式安全阀

direct-seal valve 盘形封接管

direction valve 方向阀

directional control valve 方向控制阀; 定向控制阀

directional valve 定向阀; 方向阀

director valve 导向阀; 主导阀; 主导活门

discharge control valve 出口控制阀

discharge from safety and relief valves 由安全阀和泄压阀泄放

discharge of safety valve 安全阀泄放

discharge valve 放泄阀; 排出阀; 卸料阀; 泄放阀

discharge valve deck 放泄阀盖

discharge valve seat 放水阀座; 放泄阀座

discharge valve spindle 放泄阀轴

discharge valve stud 放出阀柱螺栓

discoidal valve 盘形瓣膜

disconnecting valve 截止阀; 断流阀

disconnection valve 断流阀

disk hinged valve 球门自动阀

disk valve 圆盘阀; 片状阀; 平板阀

disk-type reducing valve 盘式减压阀

distributing slide valve 分配滑阀

distributing valve 分油活门; 分配阀

distributing valve gasket 分配阀垫密片

distribution valve 分配阀; 压力调节阀

diversion valve 引水阀; 转向阀

diverter valve 转换阀; 分流阀; 分流器阀门

dividing control valve 分配控制阀

donkey check valve 辅助止回阀

double check valve (DCV) 双止回阀

double check-valve assembly 双逆止阀装置

double safety valve 双安全阀

double seat valve 双座阀

double slide valve 双滑阀

double valve 双联阀

double-beat drop valve 双座阀

double-face valve 双面阀

double-faced slide gate valve 两面滑门阀

double-purpose valve 双作用管

double-seated ball valve (DSBV) 双座球阀

drain valve ball 泄阀球

drain valve plug 放泄阀塞

draw off valve 排水阀

drip feed valve 滴馈阀; 流滴供给阀

drop valve 落阀; 落座配汽阀

drop valve gear 坠阀装置

dropping valve 降压阀

drum valve 鼓形阀

dry valve arrestor 干阀避雷器

dry valve shaft 干阀井

dual valve 复式阀; 双联阀

dual-gravity valve 双比重阀

dump valve 切断阀; 放卸阀; 事故排放阀

dynamic valve 动力阀

easing valve 减荷阀; 保险阀

eccentric valve seat grinder 偏心阀座磨床

eccentrically arranged valve 偏置阀

economizer conic valve 锥形省油器阀

economizer valve 省油阀

eduction valve 排泄阀

Eidophor light valve 艾多福光阀

electric butterfly valve 电动蝶阀

electric check valve 电动截止阀

electric control valve 电动调节阀

electric pneumatic valve 电空阀

electric valve 电动阀

electric valve grinder 电动阀磨床

electric valve refacer 电动阀面磨光机

electric valve seat cutter 电动阀座铣刀

electric valve seat grinder 电动阀座研磨机

electric wedge valve 电动楔式阀

electric-air valve 电动气阀

electrically operated valve 电动阀

electro-hydraulic control valve 电动液压控制阀

electro-hydraulic directional valve 电液动换向阀

electro-hydraulic proportional valve 电液比例阀

electro-hydraulic remoteoperated valve 电动液压遥控阀

electro-hydraulic servo valve 电动液压伺服阀

electro-hydraulic servo-control valve 电动液压伺服控制阀

electro-hydraulic valve 电动液压阀

electro-pneumatic valve (EPV) 电动气动阀

electrochemical valve 电化阀; 电解阀

electrohydraulic servo valve 电液伺服阀

electrolyte servo valve 电解液伺服阀

electromagnetic air valve 电磁风阀

electromagnetic directional valve 电磁换向阀

electromagnetic hydraulic valve 电磁液压阀

electromagnetic relief valve 电磁溢流阀

electromagnetic valve 电磁阀

electrometer valve 静电计管; 静电计管

electron valve 电磁阀; 电子管

electronic valve 电子阀; 电子管

electronic valve type power directional relay 电子管功率定向继电器; 电子管式功率定向继电器

electropneumatic distributing valve 电动气动分配阀

electropneumatic signal valve 信号机电动气动阀

electropneumatic valve 电动气动阀

electropneumatic valve positioner 电气阀门定位器

elevating valve 升杆阀

ellipse valve diagram (蒸汽机) 椭圆配汽图

elongation of valve stem 阀杆伸长

emergency application valve 紧急作用阀

emergency blowdown valve 紧急排污阀

emergency brake valve 紧急制动阀

emergency breakaway valve 紧急断气阀

emergency closing valve 应急阀

emergency exhaust valve 应急排气阀

emergency exhaust valve head connection 紧急排汽阀盖接头

emergency O 2 valve 氧气快速开关

emergency pressure increasing valve 紧急增压阀

emergency pressure reducing valve 紧急减压阀

emergency relay valve 紧急继动阀

emergency shut (of) valve (ESV) 紧急切断阀

emergency stop valve 危急遮断阀

emergency trip magnet valve 紧急脱钩电磁阀

emergency trip valve 紧急截止阀

emergency valve 安全阀; 安全阀; 事故阀

emergency valve nut 安全阀螺母

emergency valve piston 安全阀活塞

emergency valve seat 安全阀座

emergency vent valve 紧急放风阀

empty and load valve 空重车转换阀

empty wagon safety valve 空车安全阀

emptying valve 泄空阀

end valve 尾阀

engine compartment drain valve 机舱放泄阀

engine stop valve 停车阀

engine thermostat housing drain valve 发动机恒温器壳放泄阀

engine valve 发动机阀

engineer's brake valve 司机制动阀

engineer's brake valve spindle 司机制动阀杆

equalizing discharge valve 英姿带均衡放风阀; 均衡放风阀

equalizing graduating valve 均衡递动阀; 均衡递动阀

equalizing slide valve 均衡滑阀; 均衡滑阀

equilibrated valve 压力平衡阀; 预启阀

equilibrium ball valve 平衡球阀

equilibrium slide valve 平衡滑阀

equivalent valve 等效电子管

escape valve 安全阀

eustachian valve 腔静脉瓣

evacuation valve 抽空阀

evaporating pressure regulating valve 蒸发压力调节阀

evaporator pressure control valve 蒸发器压力控制阀

evaporator regulating valve 蒸发压力调节阀

excess flow valve 流量限制阀

excess pressure valve 过压阀

exhaust by-pass valve 排气旁通阀

exhaust by-pass valve control wire switch 排气旁通阀控制线转环

exhaust manifold heat valve 排气歧管加热阀

exhaust pressure modulated EGR valve 排气压力控制型废气再循环阀

exhaust steam valve 排汽阀

exhaust valve cap 排气阀盖

exhaust valve clearance 排气阀间隙

exhaust valve guide 排气阀导管

exhaust valve head 排气阀头部

exhaust valve insert 排气阀镶座

exhaust valve lifting gear 排气阀升降装置

exhaust valve mechanism 排气阀机构

exhaust valve pin 排气阀销

exhaust valve regulation 排气阀调整

exhaust valve regulator 排气门调节器

exhaust valve spindle 排气阀轴

exhaust valve spring 排气阀弹簧

exhaust valve stem 排气阀杆

exhaust valve tappet 排气阀挺杆

exhaust-valve cam 排气阀凸轮

exhaust-valve lifter 排气阀挺杆

exhaust-valve lifting cam 排气凸轮

exhauster regulating valve 真空泵调节阀

expanding valve 膨胀阀

expansion relief valve 膨胀安全阀

expansion slide valve 膨胀导阀

expansion valve 膨胀调节阀; 膨胀阀; 截流滑阀

expansion valve gear 膨胀阀动装置; 膨胀器配汽机构

expiratory valve 呼气阀

explosion relief valve 爆炸安全阀; 防爆安全阀

explosive valve 爆发活门

extended slide valve rod 伸长滑阀杆

extension valve case 伸出阀箱

external operating valve 外操纵阀

external ram control valve 外置油缸控制阀

external thread valve 外螺纹阀

extraction check valve 抽汽逆止阀

extraction control valve 抽汽调节阀; 抽汽控制阀

extraction non-return valve 抽汽逆止阀

extraction regulating valve 抽气调节阀

extraction stop and non-return valve 抽汽截止逆止阀

extraction stop valve 抽汽截止阀

extraction valve 抽汽阀

fast valve 快关阀; 高速阀

feather valve 卸载阀; 弹性阀; 滑阀

feed control valve 进给控制阀

feed stop valve 进给安全阀; 给料截止阀

feed valve 送料阀; 给气阀; 给水阀; 供给阀

feed valve block 给水阀组

feed valve gasket 进给阀垫密片

feed valve stem nut 进给阀杆螺母

feed-check valve 供水止回阀

feed-regulating valve 给水调节阀

filling valve 给油阀; 充水阀; 进油阀

filter bypass valve 过滤器旁通阀

fire valve 灭火阀

flange cast iron stop valve 法兰铸铁截止阀

flange cast steel sluice valve 法兰铸钢闸阀
flange cut-off valve 法兰截止阀

flange of valve 管阀凸缘

flange type everlasting blow-off valve 凸缘式连续放泄阀

flanged ball valve 法兰球阀
flanged brass valve 凸缘铜阀

flanged breather valve 法兰呼吸阀

flanged gate valve 法兰闸阀

flanged valve 法兰阀

flap check valve 阀瓣式止回阀

flap valve 片状阀; 翻板阀

flap valve assembly 活门栅

flap valve grid 进气活门栅

flapper valve 挡板阀; 挡瓣阀; 挡翻板阀; 挡止回阀

flapper-valve controller 挡板阀控制器

flashing valve 冲水阀

flat head valve 平头气门

flat seated valve 平座阀; 平座阀门

flat slide valve 平滑阀; 平座阀

flat valve 平板阀; 平阀; 平面座阀; 平座阀; 配流阀

flat-operated relief valve 浮筒操纵安全阀

Fleming valve 二极管检波器

Fleming's valve 弗来明管

flexible tube valve 挠性管阀

float controlled valve 浮子控制阀

float needle valve 浮针阀; 浮子针阀

float valve 球阀

float valve needle 浮动阀的针

float valve tray 浮阀塔板

float-controlled valve 浮子阀

float-operated relief valve 浮球控制安全阀

floating valve 浮阀

floating valve gear 浮阀装置

flow control valve 流量调节阀; 流量调节开关; 流量控制阀

flow distributing and collecting valve 分流集流阀

flow regulating valve 调节流阀; 节流阀

flow valve 流量开关

flow-distributing synchronous valve 分流同步阀

fluid control valve 流体控制阀

fluid pressure reducing valve 液压降低阀

fluid valve 液流阀

fluid-controlled valve 液力控制阀

fluid-valve 水力阀

flush valve 冲洗阀

flush-out valve 冲出阀

flushing valve 冲洗阀; 冲泄阀

flutter valve 翼形阀; 波动阀

foil-type safety valve 箔式安全阀

follow-up valve 随动阀

foot controlled valve 脚控阀门

foot valve 脚阀; 脚踏阀; 底阀; 背压阀

foot valve cage 底阀罩

foot valve seat 底阀座

fore line valve 前级管道阀

forevacuum valve 前级真空阀

forging steel valve 锻钢阀

four-port valve 四通阀

four-valve receiver 四灯接收机

four-way change-over valve 四路转换阀

four-way plug valve 四通塞阀

four-way solenoid valve 四通电磁阀

four-way valve 四通阀

frame output valve 帧信号输出管

free discharge valve 自由泄流阀

free flow valve 易流阀; 自由流动阀

free valve mechanism 活动阀机构

frenula of ileocecal valve 回盲瓣系带

frequency of valve operation 阀的操作次数

frost valve 防冻阀

fuel admission valve 燃料进入阀

fuel control valve 燃料控制阀

fuel discharge valve 燃料放出阀

fuel injection valve 燃油喷射阀

fuel outlet valve 放油阀

fuel pump suction valve 燃油泵进油阀

fuel pump valve retainer 燃油泵阀支片

fuel regulator valve 燃油调节阀

fuel shut-off valve 防火开关

fuel shutoff valve rod 燃料关闭阀操纵杆

fuel tank selector valve 燃油箱分配阀

fuel valve 燃油阀

fuel-oil over-flow valve 燃油溢流阀

fuel-tank pressure relief valve 燃油箱限压阀

full by-pass relief valve 全旁通安全阀

full lift valve 全升程阀

full wave valve rectifier 全波电子管整流器

full-flow valve 全流阀

fully shrouded trickle valve 全罩翼阀

gas and gasoline threeway valve 煤气与汽油三通阀

gas ballast valve 气镇阀

gas bleed valve 气体冲洗阀

gas charging valve 充气阀

gas check valve 煤气止回阀; 闭气阀

gas control valve 气体调节阀

gas escape valve 煤气放气阀

gas linking valve 燃气连结阀

gas precharge valve 充气阀

gas relief valve 煤气安全阀

gas sampling valve 气体进样阀

gas valve 充气管; 煤气阀

gas valve screw 气阀螺钉

gas valve spring 煤气阀簧

gas-engine inlet valve 煤气机进气阀

gas-filled valve 充气管

gas-oil solenoid valve 气体油料螺管阀

gas-tank valve 汽油箱汽门

gasoline adjustment valve 汽油供给量调节阀

gasoline tank dump valve 汽油箱放泄阀

gasoline valve 汽油阀; 汽油开关

gate gurgle valve 泄油阀

gate valve 闸门阀; 大阀; 滑门阀

gate(brake; shutoff; shut-off) valve 闸阀

gate-valve chamber 闸阀室

geared gate valve 齿轮传动闸阀

genital valve 生殖瓣

Gerlach's valve 格拉赫氏瓣; 阑尾瓣

Giles valve 盖尔斯放电器

gland sealing steam control valve 汽封蒸汽调节阀

glass valves 玻璃阀

globe stop check valve 球形截止止回阀

globe stop valve 球形截流阀

globe valve 球心阀; 球形阀

go-valve 起动阀

Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置

governing valve 调节阀

governor control safety valve 调速器控制安全阀

governor magnet valve 调速器磁铁阀

governor slide valve 调节器滑阀

governor solenoid valve 调速器螺管阀

governor valve 调节阀; 调节活门; 调速阀

governor valve box 调节器阀盒

governor valve lock nut 调节阀防松螺母

governor valve position indicator 调节阀开度计

governor valve position recorder 调节阀行程记录仪

governor valve spring 调节器阀簧

graduating valve 节制阀

graduating valve lever 递开阀杆

graduating valve spring 递开阀簧

gravity-held check valve 重力式单向阀

greaseless valve 无脂密封阀

grid valve 栅型阀; 栅型阀; 栅型阀

grid-type extraction valve 栅型抽汽阀

gridiron valve 格子阀

grinding-in of valve 阀门的研磨

groove control valve 槽式节流阀

grooved valve stem 有槽阀杆

grooving of valve seat 阀座磨损

group valve 组合阀

grout valve 灌浆阀

guard valve 防护阀; 速动闸门

guard's valve 停开关; 紧急制动阀; 车长阀

Guard's van valve 守车制动阀

guide for the valve rod 阀门杆导路

guide valve 导向阀

guide valve boot 导阀罩

guide vane control valve 导叶控制阀

guiding valve 滑阀

gulp valve 吞气阀

Hackworth valve gear 哈克渥斯阀动装置

half ball valve 半球形阀

hammer valve 锤形阀

hammer valve gear 锤机阀动装置

hand air valve 手控气阀

hand brake valve 手制动阀

hand by-pass valve 手动旁通阀

hand control valve 手操纵阀; 手动控制阀

hand control valve body 手控制阀体

hand control valve cover 手控阀盖

hand control valve piston 手控制阀活塞

hand expansion valve 手动膨胀阀

hand oiler valve 手注油器阀

hand stop valve 手动截止阀

hand valve 手动阀

hand valve grinder 手动气门研磨器

hand-operated brake valve 手操纵制动阀

hand-operated direction valve 手动换向阀

hand-operated valve 手动阀; 手控阀

hand-regulating expansion valve 手调节膨胀阀

handle for valve stem 阀杆手柄

hanging valve 吊阀; 翻板阀

hard valve 高真空电子管; 硬性电子管

He ister's valve 胆囊颈螺旋瓣

head valve 头阀; 顶阀

heart valve 心瓣膜

heart valve prosthesis 人工心脏瓣膜

heat control valve (HCV) 热控制阀

heat control valve shaft 暖气阀轴

heater drain valve hole 加热器放水阀孔

heater shut-off valve 加热器断流阀

heater valve balance 加热阀平衡器

heater valve cover 加热器阀盖

heater valve shaft bushing 加热器阀轴衬套

heater valve thermostat 加热阀恒温器

heating coil drain valve 加热盘管排泄阀

heating coil inlet valve 加热盘管入口阀

Heidbrink valve 海德布林克氏阀

Heister's valves 螺旋瓣

Heister s valve 海斯特氏瓣

high and middle pressure valve 高中压阀门

high cylindrical valve 高圆筒阀

high hydraulic valve 高压液压阀

high power valve 大功率电子管; 大功率管

high pressure relief valve 高压释放阀

high pressure safety valve 高压安全阀

high pressure sluice valve 高压闸阀

high pressure valve 高压阀门

high side float valve 高压浮球阀

high temperature and high pressure cut-off valve 高温高压截止阀

high temperature cut-off valve 高温闸阀

high vacuum valve 高真空阀; 高真空阀门

high-pressure float valve 高压浮球阀

high-pressure slide valve 高压滑阀

high-pressure valve 高压阀

high-speed check-row valve 高速方形穴播阀

high-speed controller and lever safety valve 高速调节器及柄式安全阀

high-speed needle valve 高速针阀

high-speed reducing valve 高速减压阀

high-speed valve 高速阀

high-tension valve 高压阀

high-tension valve type lightning arrester 高压阀式避雷器

high-vacuum valve 高真空整流管

hinged valve 瓣阀

hoist control valve adapter 升降机控制阀接头

hoist control valve bracket 起重机控制阀托架

hoist cylinder oil relief valve 起重机油缸油压安全阀

hoist pump check valve 起重机油泵止回阀

hoist pump check valve body 起重机油泵止回阀体

hoist pump control valve 起重机油泵操纵阀

holding valve 平衡阀; 闭锁阀

hollow core valve 空心阀

hollow jet valve 空注阀

hollow-jet needle valve 空注针形阀

Holweck valve 霍尔威克管

horizontal check valve 水平逆止阀

horizontal valve 水平阀

hose angle valve 软管的折角阀

hose connection valve 软管连接阀

hose globe valve 软管球形阀

hot air control valve 热空气调节阀

hot water inlet valve 温水入口阀

hot-blast valve 热风阀

hot-cathode gas filled valve 闸流管

hot-water check valve 热水止回阀

Houston's valve 直肠横襞

Houston s valves 豪斯顿氏瓣

Howeel Burnger valve 锥形阀

hull valve 舷侧阀; 通海阀

Huschke s valve 胡施克氏瓣

hydrant valve 消防龙头阀

hydraulic back-pressure valve 水压逆止阀; 液压止回阀

hydraulic control valve 液压控制阀

hydraulic relay valve 液压继动阀

hydraulic relay valve body 水力继动阀体

hydraulic relay valve diaphragm 水力继动阀膜

hydraulic relay valve piston 液压继动阀活塞

hydraulic relay valve piston cup 液压继动阀活塞皮碗

hydraulic relay valve return spring 液压式继动阀回动弹簧

hydraulic relief valve 液压安全阀

hydraulic safety valve 液压安全阀

hydraulic selector valve 液压选择阀

hydraulic sequence valve 液压顺序阀

hydraulic vacuum valve 液压真空阀

hydraulic valve 液压阀; 水压阀

hydraulic valve lifter 液压瓣升降杆; 液压式气门挺杆

hydraulic valve lifter oil passage 液压起阀器的油孔

hydraulic-brake operating valve 液力制动操纵阀

hydraulically balanced valve 液压平衡阀

hydraulically operated direction control valve 液压操纵的方向控制阀

hydrocushion type relief valve 液压平衡式安全阀

hydrostatic valve 静水压力阀; 静水压力阀

idle needle valve 怠速针阀

idle valve 怠速阀

ileocecal valve 回盲瓣; 鲍安氏瓣

ileocecal valve syndrome 回盲瓣综合征

impulse valve 脉冲阀

in setting safety valves 在安装安全阀时

in-line check valve 直通单向阀

in-line needle valve 管道针状阀

inching valve 微动阀

inclined valve 斜置气门

incompetence of cardiac valves 心瓣闭锁不全; 心瓣关闭不全

independent brake valve 独立制动阀; 单独制动阀

indicator valve 带指示器的阀

inflation valve 充气阀

inhalation valve 吸气阀

injection valve 喷射阀

injection-valve closing pressure 喷油阀关闭压力

injection-valve opening pressure 喷油阀开启压力

injector stop valve 喷射器断流阀

injector valve 喷油嘴针阀

inlet cam inlet-valvecam 吸进凸轮

inlet non-return valve 入口止回阀

inlet valve 进给汽阀; 进料阀; 进气阀; 进汽阀; 入口阀; 吸入阀; 压力水进口阀

inlet valve bank 进气活门栅

inlet valve cap 进给阀盖

inlet valve chest 进汽阀柜

inlet valve deck 进给阀盖

inlet valve spring 进给阀簧

inner check valve guide 内止回阀导座

inner tube valve 内胎气门

inner valve 内瓣

inner valve spring 气门内弹簧

inner-tube valve cap 内胎气门嘴帽

input control valve 输入调节阀

insert with gate valve 带阀的管接头

inserted valve seat 嵌入阀座

inspiratory valve 吸气阀

instrument block valve 仪表截止阀

intake valve 进气阀; 进汽阀

intake valve cage 进汽闸罩

integral check valve 内装式单向阀

integral relief valve 整体式减压阀

intercept valve 截流阀

intercepter valve (IV) 遮断阀

intercepting valve head connection 中间阀盖接头

intermediate stop valve 中间截止阀

intermediate valve 中间阀

intermediate valve chamber 中间阀室

internal check valve (油罐) 内单向阀

internal spring safety relief valve 内弹簧安全阀

internal valve 内阀

internally piloted valve 内控阀

introduction valve 注射阀; 进样阀

ionic valve 离子管

iron body valve 铁体阀

iron foot valve 铁底阀

(I.B.valve) 铁体阀

irrigation valve 灌溉阀; 灌水栓

isolated valve 隔离阀

isolating valve 截止阀; 切断阀

jacket drain valve 气缸套泄水阀

jacket safety relief valve 保温套安全阀

jacket valve 套层阀

jet action valve 射流管阀

jet valve 喷射阀

jet-pipe valve 射流管阀

jockey valve 辅助阀; 先开阀

Johnson valve(高落差水轮机阀) 约翰逊阀

jolt knee valve 震实膝形阀

Joy's valve-gear 乔伊阀动装置; 乔伊式阀动装置

jump valve 跳动阀门; 回跳阀

junction valve 连接阀

king valve 主阀

Kingston valve 主吸入阀

kingston valve 通海阀

knife-edge valve 刀形阀

knocking of the valve 阀门碰撞

labyrinth valve 迷宫阀

laceration of cardiac valve 心瓣膜裂伤

lap of valve 阀余面

large main valve piston 主阀大活塞

large main valve piston ring 主阀大活塞环

latching valve 自锁阀

late closing of valve 气门延迟关闭

lead of valve 阀导柱

leaf valve 叶片阀; 瓣状活门


leak valve 针阀; 漏气阀; 泄漏阀

leaky valve 泄漏的阀

left atrioventricular valve 左房室瓣

left semilunar valve 左半月瓣

left valve chamber 左阀室

Lentz valve gear 伦兹式阀装置

level control valve 水位调节阀

levelling valve 高度控制阀

lever and weight safety valve 杠杆重锤式安全阀

lever release valve 杠杆放松阀

lever relief valve 杠杆泄放阀

lever safety valve 杠杆安全阀; 杠杆式安全阀

lever valve 杠杆阀

lever-operated valve 杠杆操纵阀

lift (poppet) valve 提升阀

lift check valve 提升止回阀

lift of a valve 阀升程

lift of valve plate 阀片升程

lift valve 升阀; 升举阀

lift-type valve 升式阀

lift-type valve cock 升式阀旋塞

lift-valve 支撑阀

lifting valve 提升阀

light valve 光阀

light valve array 光阀阵列

light valve tube 效应光阀管

light-valve shutter 光闸

limit stop valve 限止阀

limit valve 限位阀

limiting pressure closing valve 超压切断阀

limiting valve 限制阀

limiting valve body 限制阀体

limiting valve cap 限制阀盖

limiting valve spring 限制阀簧

line check valve 管路单向阀

line rupture protection valve 管路破坏保护阀

line-mounted valve 管式连接阀

line-time base valve 直线时基管; 时间基线行扫描管

line-to-line valve 零叠量阀; 零遮盖阀

linear action disk valve 平板滑阀

link motion valve gear 连杆阀动装置; 连杆配汽机构

liquid control valve 液体控制阀

liquid crystal light valve 液晶光阀

liquid elevating valve 液面阀

liquid injection valve 液体注射阀

liquid valve 液体阀

live steam valve 新汽阀

load dependent relay valve 载控继动阀

load limit valve 负载限制阀

load respondent valve 载荷感应阀

load-dividing valve 载荷分配阀

loaded valve 载荷阀

locating valve seat assembly 定位阀座总成

lock valve 锁紧阀; 带锁阀; 船闸输水阀

locking valve 锁紧阀

locomotive valve gear 机车的阀动装置

long half-round slide valve 长半圆滑阀

low power DC wet-type electromagnet for valve 低功率直流湿式阀用电磁铁

low pressure float valve 低压浮球阀; 低压浮头阀; 低压浮子阀

low pressure safety valve assembly 低压安全阀总成

low pressure safety valve spring 低压安全阀弹簧

low pressure valve 低压阀门

low side float valve 低压浮子阀

low-pressure float valve 低压浮球阀

low-pressure safety valve 低压安全阀

low-pressure slide valve 低压滑阀

low-side float valve 低压浮球阀

low-speed needle valve 低速针阀

low-suction valve 低位海水吸入阀

low-water valve 低水位阀

lower adjusting valve 下端调整阀

lower diaphragm plate and valve stem 下部隔膜板及阀杆

lower valve 下方值

lubricator feed valve 润滑器给油阀

lubricator valve 钢丝防喷阀

lunules of semilunar valves 半月瓣弧影

lymphatic valve 淋巴管瓣

magnet-valve 电磁阀

magnetic blowout valve type arrester 磁吹阀式避雷器

magnetic exchange valve 电磁换向阀

magnetic floating valve 电磁浮式阀

magnetic slide valve 电磁滑阀

magnetic valve 磁力阀; 电磁阀

magnetic valve type surge arrseter 磁阀式避雷器

magneto-operated oil valve 磁铁操纵的油阀

main air valve 主风阀

main check valve 主止回阀

main control valve 主配压阀

main discharge valve 总放水阀

main distributing valve 主分配阀

main fuel valve 主燃油阀

main injection valve 主喷射阀

main inlet throttle-stop valve 主汽门

main relay valve 主继电器控制管

main shut-off valve 总关闭阀

main slide valve 主滑阀

main starting air valve 主起动空气阀

main starting valve 主起动阀

main steam valve 主汽阀; 主蒸汽阀

main stop valve 主截止阀; 主停汽阀

main throttle valve 主节流阀; 主汽门

main valve 主阀; 总阀

main valve bush 主阀衬套

main valve bushing 主阀衬套

main valve chamber 主阀室

main valve disc 主阀盘

main valve head cap screw 主阀盖有头螺钉

main valve plunger 主阀柱塞

main valve ring 主阀环

main valve spring 主阀簧

main valve stem 主阀杆

main valve stem nut 主阀杆螺母

maintaining valve 保持阀

makeshift valve 变向阀; 变向活门

manifold valve 歧管阀; 汇流阀

manifold valves 多管阀

manoeuvering valve 调节阀

manual gas sampling valve 手动气体进样阀

manual globe valve 手动截止阀

manual shutoff valve 手控断油开关

manual stop valve 手动止动阀

manual valve 手控阀

manual valve positioner 手动阀门定位器

manually-operated valve 手动阀; 人工操作阀

marine safety valve 船用安全阀

marine valve 船用阀门

Marshall valve gear 马歇尔阀装置

masked valve 屏蔽式阀

mass-transfer valve plate 传质浮阀塔盘

master (king) valve 总阀

master air suction valve 主进气阀

master air valve 主空气阀

master and block valve 主油管堵塞阀

master cylinder bottom valve 主缸底阀

master cylinder valve 主缸阀

master cylinder valve seat 主缸阀座

master cylinder valve spring 主缸阀簧

master magnet valve 主磁力阀

master regulating control valve 主控调节阀

master valve 主导阀; 主阀; 导阀

match-box-type of flat slide valve 火柴盒式滑阀

maximum pressure valve 最大压力阀

Mckesson expiratory valve 麦克森氏呼气阀

mean of valve loop curve 平均调节阀组合特性曲线

measuring valve 手动定量给进阀

mechanical hemolysis due to artificial valve 人工瓣膜机械性溶血

mechanical oil valve 机械式油阀

mechanical valve prosthesis 机械瓣膜

membrance valve 薄膜阀

membrane valve 膜片阀

mercury cooled valve 水银冷却气门

mercury timing valve 水银延时装置

mercury valve 水银阀

metallic valve stem packing 阀杆金属填密

metered valve 量阀

metering needle valve 针芯调节阀

metering pin valve 调节针阀

metering valve 配量阀

mica flap valve 云母片截门

miter valve 菌形阀; 菌形阀; 锥形阀; 锥形座面阀

mitral valve 二尖瓣; 僧帽瓣

mitral valve dilator 二尖瓣瓣膜扩张器

mitral valve prolapse 二尖瓣脱垂

mitral valve prolapse syndrome 二尖瓣脱垂综合征

mitral valve repair 二尖瓣闭锁不全修补术; 二尖瓣修补术

mixer valve 混合阀; 混频管

mixing valve 混合阀

modulated amplifier valve 被调制放大管

modulating valve 调制管

modulator valve 调制管

motion valve 节气阀

motor valve 马达阀

motor-driven valve 电动机拖动阀

motor-operated valve 电动阀

motorized non-return valve 电动止回阀

motorized valve 电动阀

motordriven control valve 电动机拖动控制阀

movable arm valve stem 动臂阀杆

movement of valve 移动阀

mud pump valve 泥泵阀

mud valve 排泥阀; 泥浆泵排出阀

muffler cutout valve 消音器切断阀

multi-electrode valve 多极管

multi-function solenoid valve 多用途电磁阀

multi-mu valve 可变放大系数管

multi-plate angle valve 复片角阀

multi-ported valve 多口阀; 多通阀

multi-unit control valve 多单元控制阀

multiple leaf valve 多阀

multiple ring valve 多环阀

multiple safety valve 多重安全阀

multiple selector valve 多位置换向阀

multiple throttle valve 复式节流阀

multiple unit valve 多路阀

multiple valve 多级管

multiple-seated valve 多级座阀

multiple-swing check valve 多行程止回阀

multiple-way directional control valve 多路换向控制阀

multiport valve 多进口阀

multiported valve 多端口阀

multiposition valve 多位阀

multistep valve 多级活门

mushroom suction valve 菌形进气门; 菌形进气门

mushroom valve 菌形阀; 菌形阀

muting valve 无噪管; 无噪声管

natrium cooled valve 钠冷却气门

needle valve 针阀; 针孔阀

needle valve of economizer (汽化器内) 省油针阀

needle valve seat 针状活门座

needle valve seat hermetic test device 针阀座气密度试验器

needle valve shock absorber 针阀减振器

needle valve spring 针阀簧

negative pressure valve 负压阀; 负压活门

nitrogen blanketing valve 充氮管

no box type valve body 无填料函式阀体

no-load starting electro-pneumatic valve 空载起动电气阀

nodon-valve 电解铅铝整流器

nodules of the semilunar valves 半月瓣结节

non-return foot valve 止回底阀

non-return valve 单向阀; 单向活门

non-rising stem valve 不升杆式阀

nonbalanced valve 不平衡的阀; 不平衡阀

noncompensated valve 不平衡阀

normal close valve 常闭阀; 常关阀

normal open valve 常开阀

normal valve 定位阀

normally closed valve 常闭阀

normally open valve 常开阀

nozzle control valve 喷嘴调节阀; 喷嘴阀; 喷嘴控制阀

nozzle group valve 喷嘴阀

nozzle valve 喷嘴阀

nozzle valve operating panel 喷嘴阀操作盘

nozzle valve rod 喷嘴阀杆; 喷嘴针阀塞杆

oblique valve 倾斜活门

oil charge valve 充油阀

oil circulation valve 循环油阀

oil compensating relief valve 滑油平衡安全阀

oil controlled valve 液动阀

oil cut-off valve 油截止阀; 断油阀

oil cut-off valve bonnet 断油阀帽

oil cut-off valve handle 断油阀柄木板削削削

oil cut-off valve seat 断油阀座

oil cut-off valve stem 断油阀杆

oil cut-out valve 给油总阀

oil cut-out valve spindle 给油停闭阀杆

oil deformation valve 油膜光阀

oil dilution valve 滑油稀释阀

oil distributing valve 配油阀

oil drain valve 放油阀

oil pot relief valve 油罐安全阀

oil pressure adjusting valve 油压调节阀

oil pressure check valve 油压止回阀

oil pressure release valve 油压放松阀

oil pressure relief valve 油压安全阀

(oil relief valve) 润滑系减压阀

(oil relief valve) 润滑系减压阀

oil pressure relief valve body 油压安全阀体

oil pressure relief valve cap 油压安全阀盖

oil pressure relief valve nut 油压安全阀螺母

oil pressure relief valve plug 油压安全阀塞

oil pressure relief valve plug gasket 油压安全阀密封垫

oil pressure relief valve spring 油压安全阀簧

oil pressure valve 油压阀

oil pump bypass valve 油泵旁通阀

oil pump inlet valve 油泵进油阀

oil pump outlet valve 油泵出油阀

oil pump pressure relief valve ball 油泵压力安全球阀

oil pump regulating valve 油泵调节阀

oil pump relief valve 油泵安全阀

oil pump relief valve spring 油泵安全阀弹簧

oil pump safety valve 油泵保险阀

oil relief valve 油压安全阀; 放油安全阀

oil return check valve 回油止回阀

oil return valve 回油阀

oil valve 油阀

oil-cooled valve 油冷真空管

oil-fuel injector needle-valve 喷油器针阀

oil-overflow valve 油溢流阀

oil-pressure reducing valve 油压减压阀

oil-pressure release valve 油压泄放阀

oil-trip valve 油压断流阀

on-off valve 双位阀

one valve 单级阀

one-grid valve 单栅电子管

one-stage solenoid-operated valve 单级电磁控制阀

one-valve receiver 单阀接收机; 单管接收机

one-way throttle valve 单向节流阀

one-way valve 单向阀

one-way valve piston 单向阀活塞

one-way valve sleeve 单向阀阀套

one-way valve spring 单向阀弹簧

ono-rising-stem valve 暗杆阀门

open and close valve 开闭阀

opening of aortic valve 主动脉瓣开放

opening pressure of safety valve 安全阀开启压力

operating valve 操纵阀; 操作阀

operating valve body 操作阀体

operating valve body stud 木材烘干炉操作阀体柱螺栓

operating valve cap 操作阀盖

operating valve gasket 操作阀垫圈

operating valve lever 操作阀杆

operating valve spring 操作阀簧

operating valve stem jaw 操作阀柄爪

oral valves 口瓣

orifice check valve 小孔单向阀; 小孔止回阀; 量孔节流单向阀

orifice control valve 锐孔调节阀

oscillating cylindrical valve 柱形摆动阀

oscillating thermionic valve 振荡热离子真空管

oscillating valve 摇动阀

oscillation valve 振荡管

outlet non-return valve 出口止回阀

outlet valve 出口阀; 排泄阀; 压力水出口阀

output module valve 输出模块阀

overflow valve 溢流阀

overhead valve 顶置式气门

overhead valve engine (OHV) 顶置气门发动机

overhead valves 顶阀

overlapped valve 正余面阀; 正遮盖阀; 正叠量阀

overload relief valve 超载安全阀; 超载泄放阀

overload valve 超载阀; 过载阀

overpower valve 超力阀

overpressure valve 过压阀

overspeed braking electro-magnetic valve 超速制动电磁阀

overspeed valve 主汽阀

oxygen cleaned valve 洁净的氧阀

packing for foot valve 底阀座垫片

packless valve 无填料阀

paddle valve 闸板阀

parachute deformity of mitral valve 二尖瓣降落伞状畸形

pass valve 直通阀

pedal valve 踏板阀

pentagrid valve 七极管

perforation of cardiac valve 心瓣膜穿孔

permanent flow valve 恒流阀

pet valve 小型旋塞(); 试验阀

petticoat valve 裙形阀

pick-up of valve seat 阀座翘陷

pig valve 猪瓣膜

pile-up valve 集成阀

pilot oil regulating valve 控制油的调节阀

pilot relief valve 液控溢流阀

pilot safety valve 液控安全阀

pilot valve 导阀; 导向阀; 伺服控制阀; 分油活门; 控制阀; 操纵阀

pilot valve governing 操纵阀调节

pilot-controlled type valve 液控式阀

pilot-operated type valve 液控式阀

pilot-valve governor 导阀调节器

pin (needle-plug) valve 针阀

pipe valve 管阀

pipe valve tray 管式浮阀塔盘

pipeless triple valve 无管三通阀

pipeline valve 管道阀

pipeline valve actuator 管道阀驱动器

piston air valve 活塞气阀; 活塞式空气阀

piston governor valve 活塞调节阀

piston governor valve cage 活塞调节阀座

piston governor valve retaining spring 活塞调节阀扣紧簧

piston governor valve strainer 活塞调节阀滤器

piston sleeve valve 活塞套阀

piston slide valve 活塞式滑阀

piston type regulating valve 活塞式调节阀

piston valve 活塞阀; 活塞式阀门

piston valve body 活塞阀体

piston valve bush 活塞阀衬套

piston valve chamber 活塞阀室

piston valve cover 活塞阀盖

piston valve gear 活塞阀机构

piston valve liner 活塞阀衬

piston valve pump 活塞阀泵

piston valve ring 活塞阀填密环

piston valve spider 活塞阀十字辐

piston valve spindle 活塞阀杆

piston valve steam engine 活塞阀蒸汽机

piston valve stem 活塞阀杆

piston-actuated valve 活塞驱动阀

piston-type poppet valve 活塞式提升阀

plain triple valve 普通三通阀

plain valve head 平阀头

plastic surgery for mitral valve 二尖瓣成形术

plate type changeover valve 板式转换阀

plate valve 板阀; 板式阀; 片阀

plate-type delivery valve 平板式增压阀

play of valve 阀隙

plug valve 旋塞阀门; 塞阀

plug-in valve 插装式阀

plunger relief valve 柱塞式溢流阀

plunger type control valve 柱塞式控制阀

plunger valve 柱塞阀

pneumatic control valve 气动调节阀; 气动控制阀

pneumatic diaphragm control valve 气动薄膜调节阀

pneumatic positioner valve 气动阀门定位器

pneumatic release valve 气压释放阀

pneumatic reversing valve 气动换向阀

pneumatic starting valve 压缩空气起动阀

pneumatic valve 气压阀

pneumatic valve positioner 气动阀位控制器

pneumatically released pilot valve 气动操纵导阀

pneumatically-operated cargo valve 气动货油阀

pneumatically-operated direction valve 气动操纵换向阀

pop safety valve 紧急安全阀

pop valve 压力容器上的安全阀; 紧急阀; 突开阀; 突开式安全阀

pop-off valve 爆脱阀

poppet relief valve 提动式溢流阀

poppet valve 菌形阀; 菌形阀; 提动阀; 提升阀; 正动提升阀; 蕈形阀; 蕈形阀

poppet valve gear 坠阀装置

Portsmouth ball valve 朴斯茅茨式球阀

position of valve 瓣膜位置

position selector valve 位置选择阀

positioned plug valve 定位旋塞阀

positive valve 正压阀

positive-displacement metering valve 容积式计量阀; 步进式计量阀

positively actuated valve 正动阀

post-ferment safe pressure stabilization valve 后酵安全稳压阀

post-urethral valve 后尿道瓣膜

posterior urethral valvectomy 后尿道瓣膜切除术

pot valve 罐阀

pot valve pump 罐阀泵

pounding of valve seat 阀座碎击

power control valve 动力控制阀

power enrichment valve 增力加浓阀

power jet valve 增力喷口阀

power valve 增力阀

power-operated valve 伺服电动机操纵阀; 机械驱动阀

pre-inlet valve 预启阀

pre-valve 输入级电子管

prefill surge valve 满油补充阀; 充液补偿阀

prefill valve 充液阀; 满油阀

preheater adjusting valve 预热器调节阀

preselector valve 预选阀

preset flow limit valve 前置流量限制阀

pressure and vacuum breather valve 压力真空呼吸阀

pressure and vacuum release valve 呼吸阀

pressure build-up vaporized valve 汽化升压阀

pressure control valve 压力调节阀; 压力控制阀

pressure controlled valve 压力控制阀

pressure differential warning valve 前后轮制动压差警报阀

pressure distributing valve 压力分配阀

pressure dividing valve 压力分配阀

pressure flush valve 压力冲洗阀

pressure increasing valve 增压阀

pressure limiting valve 限压阀

pressure maintaining valve 压力控制顺序阀; 稳压阀

pressure regulating valve 调压阀

pressure regulator valve 压力调节阀

pressure relief valve 卸压安全阀; 卸压阀; 卸压活门; 压力安全阀

pressure relief valve ball 限压阀钢球

pressure retaining valve 保压阀

pressure safety valve 压力安全阀

pressure sensitive valve 压力敏感阀

pressure temperature compensated valve 压力温度补偿式阀

pressure vacuum relief valve 真空安全阀

pressure vacuum vent valve 真空呼吸阀

pressure valve 压力阀

pressure valve spring 限压阀弹簧

pressure vent valve 压力放空阀; 呼吸阀

pressure-actuated valve 压力作动阀

pressure-compensated valve 压力补偿阀

pressure-difference valve 压差调节阀

pressure-operated valve 压力操纵阀

pressure-relief valve 减压安全阀; 溢流阀

pressure-relief valve plunger 减压阀柱塞

pressurizing valve 压力控制阀

primary safety valve for inner container 一级安全阀

primary throttle valve 主节流阀

primary valve 主阀

primer valve 起动注油阀

priming valve 加油阀; 起动阀; 起动注水阀; 初给阀

principal valve 主要瓣膜

prolapse of mitral valve 二尖瓣脱垂

propellant shutoff valve 推进剂断路开关

proportional control valve 比例控制阀

proportional pressure reducing valve 定比减压阀

proportional valve 比例阀

proportioning valve 配量阀

prosthetic valve 人工瓣膜

prosthetic valve endocarditis 人工瓣膜置换后心内膜炎

prosthetic valve replacement 人工瓣膜替换术

protection valve 安全阀

pulmonary valve 肺动脉瓣

pulmonary valve knife 肺动脉瓣刀

pulse valve 脉冲阀; 脉冲管

pump check valve 泵的止回阀; 泵止逆阀

pump check valve ball 止回阀球

pump control valve 泵控制阀

pump discharge control valve 泵出口控制阀

pump inlet check valve 泵进口止回阀

pump inlet valve 泵吸入阀

pump out valve 抽空阀

pump outlet valve 泵放出阀

pump relief valve 泵安全阀

pump suction valve seat 泵吸入阀座

pump valve 泵阀

pump valve pressing spring 泵阀压紧簧

pump valve seat 泵阀座

pump-valve cage 泵阀盖座

puppet valve 随转阀; 提升阀

purge valve 清洗阀; 放空气阀

pyloric valve 幽门瓣

quick closing valve 速闭阀

quick triple valve 快动三通阀

quick-action valve 快动阀; 速动阀

quick-action valve spring 速动阀簧

quick-closing emergency valve 应急速闭阀

quick-closing stop valve 速闭截止阀

quick-opening gate valve 速启阀门

quick-opening valve 速启阀; 快开阀

quick-release valve 快泄阀; 速动阀

quick-release valve spring seat 快泄阀簧座

radial valve gear 辐射式阀动装置

radiator drainage valve 散热器放水开关

radiator relief valve 散热器安全阀

radiator valve 散热器调节阀; 散热器阀

radio valve 无线电真空管; 整流器真空管

ramification valve 分歧值

Ramsbottom safety valve 拉姆斯博顿安全阀

rapid action valve 快动阀

rapid closing stop valve 快速截止阀

rapid cut-off valve 快速切断阀

rapid escape valve 快速排气阀

rate-of-flow control valve 流量控制阀

ratio plug valve 比率调节阀

reactance valve 电抗管

reather valve 弹子阀

rebound relief valve 安全阀

rebound valve 回跳阀; 伸张阀; 单向阀

recoil valve 驻退机阀; 反冲阀

rectifier valve 整流管

rectifying valve 整流阀

recycle valve 循环阀

red bridge washer valve 红桥形气门嘴

reducing valve strain 减压活门滤器

reducing valve strainer 减压阀滤器

reduction relay valve 减压中继阀

reduction valve 减速阀

reed valve ; 针阀

reed-type suspension valve 片簧式悬置阀

refacing a valve 研磨阀面

reflux valve 回流阀; 逆流阀

regeneration valve 快速动作阀

regenerative interlock valve 再生联锁阀

regulating flap valve 调节瓣阀

regulating slide valve 调节滑阀

regulating valve 溢流阀

regulating valve bonnet 调节阀帽

regulating valve cap nut 调节阀螺母

regulating valve gland 调节阀压盖

regulating valve seat 调节阀座

regulating valve seat bush 调节阀座衬套

regulating valve stem 调节阀杆

regulator valve 调节阀

reheat control valve 再热调节阀; 中压调节阀

reheat emergency valve 再热汽门; 中压汽门

reheat interceptor valve 中压调节阀

reheat stop interceptor valve 中压联合汽门

reheat stop valve 回热停止阀

relay piston valve 继动活塞阀

relay valve 继动阀

relay valve body 继动阀体

relay valve diaphragm spring 继动阀隔膜簧

supply valve 继支阀供给阀

supply valve 继支阀供给阀

supply valve spring 继动阀供给阀簧

supply valve spring 继动阀供给阀簧

relay valve top cover 继动阀顶盖

release cut-off valve 缓解截断阀

release electromagnetic valve 缓解电磁阀

release insuring valve 缓解保证阀

release limiting valve 缓解限制阀

release valve 排出阀; 放油阀

release valve ball (滤清器) 旁通球阀

release valve gasket 放油阀垫密片

release valve spring 放泄阀弹簧

release valve stud 放松阀柱螺栓

relief pressure control valve 释放压力控制阀

relief pressure valve cartridge 减压阀芯

relief valve 溢流阀; 保险阀; 安全阀; 安全活门; 开放阀

relief valve ball 保险阀球

relief valve connection 安全阀接口

relief valve connector 安全阀接口

relief valve spring 安全阀簧

relief valve with dashpot plunger 带缓冲柱塞的安全阀

relieve valve 安全阀

relieving capacity of safety valve 安全阀的泄放容量

remote pilot control valve 远程先导控制阀

remote valve 遥控阀; 远距离操纵阀

remote valve control 远程离阀门控制; 遥控阀控制

remote-control valve 遥控阀
remote-controlled valve 远距离控制阀

remote-operated valve 遥控阀

remotely-controlled air valve 遥控空气阀

remotely-operated relief valve 遥控安全阀

repeater valve 增音管

replenishing valve 充液阀

reset spool valve 复位柱塞阀

reset valve 重调阀

residual cake valve 排渣阀

resilient seal valve 带弹性密封的阀

resist valve arrester 阀电阻避雷器

resistance to flow through valve 阀流阻力

resistance valve 阻流阀

respiratory valve 呼吸阀

restrictive valve 节流阀

restrictor check valve 止回节流阀

retaining valve 单向阀

return check valve 回油单向阀

return orifice check valve 单向节流阀

return pressure of safety valve 安全阀回座压力

return valve 回流阀; 回路阀; 回水阀; 回油阀

return valve plug 回流阀塞

return valve seat 回流阀座

return valve spring 回流阀簧

reversal valve 换向阀; 可逆阀

reverse acting solenoid valve 反向动作螺管阀

reverse circulation valve 反循环阀

reverse cylinder valve arm 回动汽缸阀臂

reverse cylinder valve body cap 回动汽缸阀体盖

reverse cylinder valve stem 回动汽缸阀杆

reverse electro-pneumatic valve 回动电控阀; 回动电气阀

reverse limiting valve 换向限制阀; 回动限制阀

reverse valve 回动阀

reversible circulation valve 双向循环阀; 双循环阀

reversing four way valve 四通回动阀

reversing limit valve 换向限制阀

reversing slide valve 换向滑阀

reversing solenoid valve 换向电磁阀

reversing valve 换向阀; 回动阀; 反向阀

reversing valve buffer gasket 换向阀缓冲垫

revolving valve 旋转滑阀; 回转阀

revolving valve mechanism 旋转阀分配机构

rib of valve 阀肋

rice-grain valve 超小型电子管

riding cut-off valve 骑式停汽阀

right angle three way valve 直角三通阀

right atrioventricular valve 右房室瓣

right semilunar valve 右半月瓣

rim tubeless valve hole 无内胎轮胎轮辋气门嘴孔

ring plate valve 环片阀

ring valve 环形阀; 环状阀

ring-shaped valve seats 环形阀座

rising stem gate valve 明杆式闸阀

rising-stem double-disk parallel slide valve 明杆平行式双闸滑阀

rocker valve 摆动阀

roller operated valve 滚子操纵的阀

rotary (plug) valve 转阀

rotary distributing valve 旋转配流阀

rotary exhaust valve 回转排气阀; 回转式排气阀

rotary pilot valve 回转式控制阀

rotary servo valve 旋转伺服阀

rotary sleeve valve 转筒阀

rotary slide valve 回转滑阀

rotary slide valve engine 旋转滑阀式发动机

rotary throttle valve 回转节流阀; 转动节流阀

rotary timing valve 回转调时阀

rotary valve 旋转阀; 转动阀; 回转阀

rotary valve key 回转阀键

rotary valve seat 回转阀座

rotary valve spring 回转阀簧

rotary valve train 回转阀系

rotary water-valve 旋转水门

rotating pilot valve 旋转滑阀

rotating valve 转动阀; 回转阀

rotating valve gear 回转阀齿轮

roughing valve 初级阀

round valve 圆阀

rubber face for valve 底阀橡皮圈

rubber gasket of feed valve 供给阀胶垫

rubber pump valve 橡胶泵阀

rubber sealed valve 橡胶密封阀

rubber valve seat 橡胶阀座

safety and relief valves 安全和泄压阀

safety relief and pressure relief valves 安全泄放和泄压阀

safety relief valve 安全阀; 安全泄压阀

safety thermalrelief valve 超温安全阀

safety valve 安全阀; 安全活门; 卸压阀

safety valve lifting lever 安全阀提升杆

safety valve operation test 安全阀动作试验

safety valve pressing sleeve 安全阀压套

safety valve seat 安全阀门座; 安全阀座

safety valve spring 安全阀弹簧; 安全阀簧

safety valve turret 安全阀座

salt filled exhaust valve 盐冷排气阀

sample valve 进样阀

sampling valve 取样阀; 采样阀

sampling valve indicator 取样指示计

sand valve 撒砂阀

sand valve connection 砂阀接头

sand valve stem 砂阀杆

scavenge valve (内燃机的) 扫气阀

scavenge valve chest 扫气阀箱

scavenger valve 部分回油阀

scavenging air non-return valve 扫气空气止回阀

scavenging air valve 扫气阀; 换气阀

scavenging valve 扫气阀

scour valve 冲沙道

screw valve 螺旋球阀

screwdown stop valve 螺杆向下制动阀

screwdown valve 旋压阀

screwed valve 螺旋阀

sea valve 通海阀

sealed spring loaded safety valve 封闭式弹簧安全阀

sealed-off light valve 密封光阀

seat valve 座阀

seated directional valve 座式换向阀

seated valve 座阀

seated valve pump 座阀配流泵; 单向阀配流泵

seated valve pump (液压) 止回阀调节的泵

seating directional valve 座式换向阀

seating valve 座阀

section valve 隔离阀

sectionalizing valve 分区截流阀

sectioning valve 放泄阀

sector sluice valve 扇形泄水阀

security valve 安全阀

segment valve 弓形阀

segmental valve 扇形阀门

selector valve 选择阀; 选择活门; 分配阀; 手控阀

selector valve body 分配阀壳体

self-acting valve 自动阀; 自动活门

self-closing valve 自闭阀

self-neutralizing valve 中间自位阀

self-oscillating valve 振荡管

semi-automatic valve 半自动阀

semilunar valve 半月瓣

semilunar valve of pulmonary artery 肺动脉半月瓣

sentinel valve 报警阀

separate cut-off valve 独立停汽阀

separate heater valve 旁热式真空管

separate valve box type piston pump 独立阀箱式活塞泵

separating valve 分隔阀; 隔离阀

separation of bicuspid valve under direct vision 直视下二尖瓣分离术

separator valve 缓冲管

sequence valve 程序阀门; 顺序阀

sequencing valve 程控阀

service valve 工作阀门; 备用阀; 检修阀

servo relief valve 伺服安全阀; 继动安全阀

servo valve 伺服阀; 从动阀

servo-valve 伺服操纵阀

servomotor valve 发动机助力阀

set pressure for safety valve 安全阀的调定压力

setting of valve 阀的装配

severe calcification of valve 瓣膜严重钙化

sewer sluice valve 污水管冲洗阀

shear-seal type valve 平板遮盖阀

shift valve (自动换档用) 换档油阀

shock absorber compression valve 减震器压缩阀

shock absorber intake valve 减震器进油阀

shock absorber recoil valve 减震器回跳阀

shock absorber relief valve 减震器旁通阀

shock absorber relief valve gasket 减震器保险阀垫密片

short-stroke valve 短行程阀

shunt valve 分流电子管; 分流阀; 分水阀; 分水龙头; 旁路管

shut-down hydraulic pilot valve 停车液压操纵阀

shutdown slide valve 自动停车滑阀

shutdown valve 停车阀; 停机阀

shutoff valve 截流阀; 截止阀

shuttle valve 梭动阀; 梭阀; 梭形滑阀

side valve 旁路阀; 分流活门; 侧阀; 测阀

side valve engine 侧置气门发动机

side-by-side valve 并列阀

side-valve head 侧置气门气缸盖

silica valve 石英真空管

single ported slide valve 单口滑阀

single seated main stop valve 单座式主汽门

single steam chest valve 单汽柜阀

single valve 单阀; 单管

single-beat main stop valve 单座式主汽门

single-beat valve 单层阀

single-bend valve 单弯阀

single-flapper valve 单喷嘴挡板阀

single-jet flapper valve 单喷嘴挡板阀

single-lever relief valve 单杆安全阀

single-ported slide valve 单口滑阀

single-ported valve 单口阀

single-pressure feed valve 单压进给阀

single-seat valve 单座阀

single-sided plate valve 单面板阀

single-solenoid valve 单螺线管阀

single-valve 单电子管的

single-valve knapsack pump 背负式单阀泵

single-valve operation 单阀操作

single-valved 单阀的

sinkage of valve 阀陷

six-way valve 六通阀

skate valve 减速器阀

slanting set valve 茶叶电炒锅斜置阀

slave valve 随动阀

sleeve valve 套筒式滑阀; 套筒式气门

sleeve valve type hydraulic self-sealing coupling 套管滑阀式液压自封接头

sleeving valve 套阀

slide adjusting valve 滑动调头阀

slide for filler valve 充油滑阀

slide valve 滑阀; 闸板阀; 分油活门

slide valve buckle 滑阀套

slide valve bush 滑阀衬套

slide valve case 滑阀箱

slide valve chamber 滑阀箱

slide valve chest 滑阀箱

slide valve circle 滑阀圆

slide valve ellipse 椭圆阀图

slide valve engine 滑阀发动机

slide valve face 滑阀滑面

slide valve gear 滑阀装置

slide valve inside lap 滑阀内余面

slide valve lever 滑阀杆

slide valve link 滑阀联杆

slide valve opening 滑阀口

slide valve outside lap 滑阀外余面

slide valve pin 滑阀销

slide valve pump 滑阀泵

slide valve rand 滑阀台肩

slide valve reciprocating pump 滑阀往复泵

slide valve rod 滑阀杆

slide valve seat 滑阀座

slide valve slot 滑阀槽

slide valve spindle 滑阀杆

slide valve spindle gland 滑阀杆压盖

slide valve spring 滑阀弹簧

slide valve strip groove 滑阀压板槽

slide valve stroke 滑阀冲程

slide valve surface 滑阀面

slide valve thimble 滑阀套管

slide-valve lead 滑阀超前

sliding housing needle valve 滑动壳针形阀

sliding plate valve 滑板式阀门

sliding spool flow control valve 滑阀式流量控制阀

sliding spool valve 滑阀

sliding throttle valve 滑动节流阀

sliding valve 滑动阀

sloping valve 斜置阀

slow-closure type valve 缓闭阀

sludge valve 污泥阀

sluice (shutoff; shut-off) valve 断流阀

sluice valve 水阀; 闸阀

small main valve piston 主阀小活塞

snap valve 速动阀

snifter valve 吸气阀

snifting valve 喷气阀

snubber valve 滞流阀

snuffle valve 泄气阀

sodium cooled valve 钠冷却气门

sodium-cooled valve 钠冷排气阀

sodium-filled exhaust valve 钠冷排气阀

soft-seated valve 软座阀

solenoid directional valve 电磁换向阀

solenoid electric valve 电磁控制阀

solenoid operated air valve 电磁操纵空气阀

solenoid pilot actuated valve 电磁阀

solenoid valve 电磁阀; 螺线管操纵阀

solenoid valve box 电磁阀盒

solenoid-controlled valve 电磁阀

solenoid-operated valve 电磁控制阀

solid flow control valve 固相流量控制阀

solid state light valve 固态光阀

solution control valve 溶液控制阀

special chemical composition cooling valve 特种化合物冷却阀

special service valve 专用阀

special spring safety valve 特种弹簧安全阀

speed change valve 变速阀

speed control valve 速度控制阀; 调速阀

speed regulation electro-pneumatic valve 调速电气阀

speed-regulating valve 调速阀

spheric valve 球阀

spill valve 溢液阀; 溢油阀; 回油阀

spill valve type fuel injection pump 溢流阀式喷油泵

spill-off valve 分路式流量阀

spillover valve 溢流阀

spiral valve 螺旋瓣

split piston valve 两台肩阀

split valve guide 剖分式阀导管

spool pilot valve 滑阀

spool valve 短管阀; 柱形阀

spool valve pump 滑阀配流泵

spool-type control valve 绕线轴式控制阀

spray valve 喷雾阀

spray valve cover 喷雾阀盖

spray valve spring 喷雾阀簧

spray-making valve 喷溅喷嘴

spring and lever loaded valve 弹簧平衡阀

spring controlled valve 弹簧控制阀

spring loaded needle valve 弹簧加载式针阀

spring loaded pressure relief valve 弹簧加载的压力泄放阀

spring offset valve 弹簧移位的阀

spring reducing valve 弹簧减压阀; 弹簧减压阀安全阀; 安全阀

spring safety valve 弹簧安全阀

spring valve 弹簧阀; 弹簧活门

spring-balance safety valve 弹簧平衡安全阀

spring-biased valve 弹簧加载的阀

spring-centered direction control valve 弹簧对中的方向控制阀

spring-controlled float valve 弹簧操纵浮阀

spring-disk valve 簧盘阀

spring-loaded check valve 弹簧止回阀

spring-loaded idling valve 弹簧加压怠速阀

spring-loaded overflow valve 弹簧溢流阀

spring-loaded pressure relief valve 弹簧式安全阀

spring-loaded relief valve 弹簧安全阀

spring-loaded valve 弹簧阀

spring-opposed air valve 弹簧承力空气阀

spring-opposed valve 弹簧加载的阀

spring-return directional valve 弹簧复位的换向阀

sprinkler valve 喷淋器阀

square land valve 方形台肩阀

squaring valve 矩形脉冲发生管; 矩形脉冲发生管

squeeze valve 压挤阀; 压实阀

stacked double directional throttle valve 叠加式单向节流阀

stacked unidirectional throttle valve 叠加式单向节流阀

stacked unidirectional valve 叠加式单向阀

stage valve 旁路阀

stainless steel ball valve 不锈钢球阀

stainless steel corrosion-resistant needle valve 不锈钢防腐针型阀

stainless steel valve 不锈钢阀

stainless valve 不锈钢阀门

standing valve 固定阀

star valve 星形阀

starting air master valve 起动空气主阀

starting air pilot valve 起动空气控制阀

starting air slide valve 起动空气滑阀

starting air stop valve 硫芴起动空气截止阀

starting air timing valve 起动空气分配阀

本文发布于:2024-09-22 12:31:10,感谢您对本站的认可!



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