
第一篇:how to realize your dream
Don't think about your future, especially right now.You'll miss my speech.第一,不要思索你们的未来,特别是在现在这个时候。否则你就会错过我的毕业演讲。
There will be plenty of time to contemplate your future right after the ceremony, 毕业典礼后,你们有大把的时间思考未来,but then you'll miss all the celebrating and adulation.但那时你们会怀念所有这些欢庆与喝彩。So just wait until you get home and have a good think about something that will happen in the future that will make you happy.所以,等到回家后再好好去想未来将会发生的可以让你高兴的事情
When I graduated from college, I spent a lot of time thinking about how cool it would be to be on the Johnny Carson show.我大学毕业时,时常想如过能出现在约翰尼·卡尔森的脱口秀节目中该有多酷。
A few years later, it happened.We appeared on the “Tonight” show, Joey Bishop was the gu
est host.We were dreadful.几年后,我的这个梦想实现了。我们参加了“今夜秀”,乔伊·比夏普是嘉宾主持。我们的表演糟糕极了。
双极化高频头For years I ran into people who would stop me and say, “Hey, I saw you on the ”Tonight“ What's Joey Bishop like?” 数年之后,我还会撞见一些人,他们会问我,“嘿,我看你参加了‘今夜秀’,乔伊·比夏普怎么样?”
Eventually I got over the embarrassment, but I never got those years back — years I spent waiting for some future event to make me happy.最终我走出了这种窘境,但那过去的几年再也回不来了,那几年我只是在等待未来可能会发生某种事情让我感觉高兴。电伴热管缆
I had tricked myself into thinking, “As soon as I get there, I'll be OK.”我曾欺骗自己,“只要能到那里,我就会过得很好。”
I work in a business where almost everyone is waiting for the next big thing.Sometimes it comes, and sometimes it doesn't.我在一个几乎每一个人都在等待一件大事发生是领域奋斗。而这种大事有时会发生,有时则不会发生。
But it doesn't matter that your dream came true if you spent your whole life sleeping.如果你一生都在睡觉,你的梦想是否实现就无关紧要了。
So get out there and go for it, but don't be caught waiting.It's great to plan for your future.所以,不要等待,要走出去,去实现你是梦想。规划未来是一件好事,但不要只活在未来,Just don't live there, because really nothing ever happens in the future.因为未来的事情实际上还没有发生。
Whatever happens happens now, so live your life where the action is — now.And one more thing: 不管发生什么事情,都只是发生在现在,所以要活在现在。
If you're going to be on television, don't call your friends and tell them to watch until after you've seen it.我还要告诉你们一件事情,如果你将要录制节目,在你看到这个电视节目前不要打电话告诉你的朋友。
Don't do anything that 30 years from now you'll look back at and say, “Oh, my God, why the hell did I do that?!” 第二,不要做任何会让你在30年后回顾时说:“哦,我的天呐,我到底为什么会干出这种事情?”的事情。语音调度系统
I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard someone start a sentence with, “If only, when I was younger, I ”每次有人以这样的句子开头:“要是...多好,当我年轻的时候...,我们应该...”,我都希望能有5美元可以赏给他们。
床铰So I did a little informal survey for you, and I found out that, amazingly, all these people had the same regret.所以我为你们做了一点非正式的调查,并且发现,所有的这些人都有着同样的遗憾。
When they graduated from college, sadly, they bought furniture.悲哀的是,当他们从大学毕业的时候,他们都买了家具。
浮游生物网This probably needs a little explanation.这个可能需要稍作解释。
Right at this moment in your life, you are in a unique position that you may never ever be in again.在你人生的这个时候,你处在一个对你来说也许是绝无仅有的独特位置。你没什么可以失去。You have nothing to lose.Everything you have acquired of value is locked inside you.你获得的所有有价值的东西都仅仅锁在你的内心。
If you have a dream, now is the time to pursue it, before you buy furniture.如果你拥有梦想,现在就去追随梦想的时刻,在买家具之前先去实现你的梦想。
I was one of the lucky ones.I graduated from the University of Wisconsin with no employable skills, unless you count jury duty.我算是一个比较幸运的人。我从威斯康辛大学毕业却没有职业技能,除非你把做义务陪审员也算进去。
It meant I had to start from scratch and figure out where I fit in.那意味着我必须白手起家并且得弄清楚我适合什么行业。
I didn't have money, but I could afford to fail, and there were many failures.我没有钱,但我可以承受失败,而且失败过很多次。
But I found out what I was good at.I found something I loved.And now I have furniture — lots of furniture.但我到了我所擅长的领域。我到了我钟爱的事业。并且现在我也有了家具,有很多家具。
Mrs.Zubatsky's law.One day when I was a kid, our house caught on fire in Milwaukee.第
A large section of the wood shingle roof was burning as the fire trucks pulled up.当消防车赶到的时候,一大片的木屋正在燃烧着。
The firemen ran into the back yard with a large hose and began assembling their metal ladders and positioning them against the house.消防员拿着一个很大的水管跑进后院然后开始组装他们的金属梯子并且靠房子固定住。
usb视频设备Mrs.Zubatsky was our next door neighbor and, at the time, she was standing on her upstairs porch taking in the laundry.Zubatsky 夫人是我们隔壁的一个邻居,当时她正站在她家楼上的走廊收衣服。
She watched anxiously as the firemen struggled with their ladders.她焦急地看着消防员们努力地组装梯子。
Suddenly she leaned over the balcony and shouted down to the professional firefighters,
“Forget the ladders!Just point the hose at the fire!” “不要用梯子了!把水管对准火焰喷!” The firemen, to their credit, responded immediately.值得称道的是,这些消防员立即响应了。They dropped their ladders, pointed the hose at the fire and extinguished the blaze in about 40 seconds.他们扔掉了梯子,拿起消防水管对准火焰喷洒,结果只用了大概40秒就把大火给熄灭了。

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