哈利波特英文学习 哈利波特与魔法石之第二章 消失的玻璃

Ch. 2 The Vanishing Glass 消失的玻璃
Nearly ten years had passed since the Dursleys had woken up to find their nephew侄子on the front step, but Privet Drive had hardly changed没有改变at all. The sun rose on the same tidy front gardens and lit up the brass铜牌number four on the Dursleys’ front door; it crept into悄悄地钻进their living room, which was almost exactly the same as it had been on the night when Mr. Dursley had seen that fateful骇人听闻的news report about the owls. Only the photographs on the mantelpiece壁炉架really showed how much time had passed. But Dudley Dursley was no longer不再是a baby, and now the photographs showed a large blond金发的boy riding his first bicycle, on a carousel旋转木马at the fair集市, playing a computer game with his father, being hugged and kissed by his mother. The room held no sign没有迹象表明at all that another boy lived in the house, too.
Yet Harry Potter was still there, asleep at the moment, but not for long没过一会儿. His Aunt Petunia was awake and it was her shrill尖锐的voice that made the first noise of the day.
“Up! Get up! Now!”
Harry woke with a start猛地惊醒. His aunt rapped on敲the door again.
“Up!” she screeched. Harry heard her walking toward走向the kitchen and then the sound of the frying pan煎锅being put on the stove炉子. He rolled onto his back打了一个滚and tried to remember the dream he had been having. It had been a good one. There had been a flying motorcycle in it. He had a funny feeling he'd had the same dream before.
His aunt was back outside the door.
“Are you up yet?” she demanded逼问.
“Nearly,” said Harry.
“Well, get a move on, I want you to look after the bacon培根. And don't you dare你(要是)敢let it burn, I want everything perfect on Duddy's birth day.”
Harry groaned嘟囔.
“What did you say?” his aunt snapped through the door.“Nothing, nothing…”
Dudley's birthday — how could he have forgotten? Harry got slowly out of bed and started looking for socks. He found a pair under his bed and, after pulling a spider蜘蛛off one of them, put them on.
Harry was used to习惯spiders, because the cupboard under the stairs楼梯was full of them, and that was where he slept. 自从德思礼夫妇在他们醒来后在台阶上发现了他们的侄子以来,十年已经过去了,但是普里怀特街几乎一点都没有改变。
When he was dressed he went down the hall into the kitchen. The table was almost hidden beneath盖在…之下all Dudley's birthday presents. It looked as though Dudley had gotten the new computer he wanted, not to mention the second television and the racing bike. Exactly why Dudley wanted a racing bike was a mystery谜to Harry, as Dudley was very fat and hated exercise —unless of course it involved punching somebody打人. Dudley's favorite punching bag was Harry, but he couldn't often catch him. Harry was very fast.
Perhaps可能it had something to do with living in a dark cupboard, but Harry had always been small and skinny瘦for his age. He looked even smaller and skinnier than he really was because all he had to wear were old clothes of Dudley's, and Dudley was about four times bigger than he was. Harry had a thin face, knobbly有节的knees, black hair, and bright green eyes. He wore round glasses held together with连在一起a lot of Scotch tape透明胶带because of all the times Dudley had punched him on the nose. The only thing Harry liked about his own appearance外貌was a very thin scar on his for
ehead前额that was shaped like a bolt of一束/一道lightning. He had had it as long as he could remember, and the first question he could ever remember asking his Aunt Petunia was how he had gotten it. “In the car crash车祸when your parents died,” she had said. “And don't ask questions.” — that was the first rule for a quiet life with the Dursleys.
Uncle Vernon entered the kitchen as Harry was turning over the bacon.
“Comb your hair!” he barked吼叫, by way of a morning greeting.
About once a week, Uncle Vernon looked over the top of his newspaper and shouted that Harry needed a haircut. Harry must have had more haircuts than the rest of其余的the boys in his class put together, but it made no difference, his hair simply grew that way — all over the place.
Harry was frying eggs by the time Dudley arrived in the kitchen with his mother. Dudley looked a lot like Uncle Vernon. He had a large pink face, not much neck, small, watery blue eyes, and thick浓密的blond hair that lay smoothly柔顺的on his thick, fat head. Aunt Petunia often said that Dudley looked like a baby angel — Harry often said that Dudley looked like a pig in a wig假发.
Harry put the plates of egg and bacon on the table, which was difficult as there wasn't much room. D
udley, meanwhile其时, was counting his presents. His face fell. “Thirty-six,” he said, looking up at his mother and father. “That's two less than last year.”他穿好衣服后便走向了厨房。
“Darling, you haven't counted Auntie Marge's present, see, it's here under this big one from Mummy and Daddy.”
“All right, thirty-seven then,” said Dudley, going red变红in the face. Harry, who could see a huge Dudley tantrum发脾气coming on, began wolfing down狼吞虎咽地吃his bacon as fast as possible in case Dudley turned the table over. Aunt Petunia obviously明显地scented觉察到danger, too, because she said quickly, “And we'll buy you another two presents while we're out today. How's that, popkin? Two more presents. Is that all right”
Dudley thought for a moment. It looked like hard work. Finally he said slowly, “So I'll have thirty… thirty…”“Thirty-nine, sweetums,” said Aunt Petunia.
“Oh.” Dudley sat down heavily and grabbed抓住the nearest parcel包裹. “All right then.”Uncle Vernon chuckled.
“Little tyke wants his money's worth, just like his father. ‘Atta boy, Dudley!” He ruffled抚弄Dudley's ha
墙布拼接At that moment the telephone rang and Aunt Petunia went to answer it while Harry and Uncle Vernon watched Dudley unwrap拆the racing bike, a video camera, a remote control airplane, sixteen new computer games, and a VCR. He was ripping the paper off a gold wristwatch when Aunt Petunia came back from the telephone looking both angry and worried.
“Bad news, Vernon,” she said. “Mrs. Figg's broken her leg. She can't take him.” She jerked her head in Harry's direction. Dudley's mouth fell open in horror恐惧地, but Harry's heart gave a leap. Every year on Dudley's birthday, his parents took him and a friend out for the day, to adventure parks冒险乐园, hamburger restaurants, or the movies. Every year, Harry was left behind留下with Mrs. Figg, a mad old lady who lived two streets away. Harry hated it there. The whole house smelled of cabbage and Mrs. Figg made him look at photographs of all the cats she'd ever owned.
“We could phone Marge,” Uncle Vernon suggested提议. “Don't be silly不要傻了, Vernon, she hates the boy.”
The Dursleys often spoke about Harry like this, as though he wasn't there — or rather, as though好像he was something very nasty恶心的that couldn't understand them, like a slug鼻涕虫.
“What about what's-her-name, your friend —Yvonne?”“On vacation度假in Majorca,” snapped Aunt Petunia.“Now what?” said Aunt Petunia, looking furiously狂怒的at Harry as though he'd planned this. Harry knew he ought to feel sorry that Mrs. Figg had broken her leg, but it wasn't easy when he reminded提醒himself it would be a whole "宝贝,你忘了数玛各姑姑的礼物了,喏,就在爸爸妈妈送的那件大礼物的下面。"
最后他慢吞吞地说,"那么我会有三十… …三十……" "三十九件,宝贝。"佩妮姨妈说。
and Tufty again.
“You could just leave me here,” Harry put in hopefully满怀着希望地(he'd be able to能够watch what he wanted on television for a change and maybe even have a go on Dudley's computer).
Aunt Petunia looked as though she'd just swallowed吞下a lemon.
“And come back and find the house in ruins洗劫一空?” she snarled.
“I won't blow up the house,” said Harry, but they weren't listening.
“I suppose we could take him to the zoo,” said Aunt Petunia slowly, “… and leave him in the car…”
“That car's new, he's not sitting in it alone…”
Dudley began to cry loudly. In fact, he wasn't really crying — it had been years since he'd really cried — but he knew that if he screwed up搞砸了的-苦着脸his face and wailed大哭, his mother would give him anything he wanted. “Dinky Duddydums, don't cry, Mummy won't let him spoil 破坏your special day!” she cried, flinging环her arms around him.
“I… don't… want… him… t-t-to come!” Dudley yelled between huge, pretend sobs假装抽噎. “He always sp-spoils everything!” He shot Harry a nasty grin邪邪地笑through the gap in his mother's arms.
Just then, the doorbell rang —“Oh, good Lord, they're here!” said Aunt Petunia frantically慌慌张张地—and a moment later, Dudley's best friend, Piers Polkiss, walked in with his mother. Piers was a scrawny皮包骨的boy with a face like a rat. He was usually the one who held people's arms behind th
eir backs while Dudley hit them. Dudley stopped pretending to cry at once.
Half an hour later, Harry, who couldn't believe his luck, was sitting in the back of the Dursleys’ car with Piers and Dudley, on the way to the zoo for the first time in his life. His aunt and uncle hadn't been able to think of anything else to do with him, but before they'd left, Uncle Vernon had taken Harry aside拉到一边.
“I'm warning you,” he had said, putting his large purple face right up直到close to Harry's, “I'm warning you now, boy — any funny business不规矩的事, anything at all — and you'll be in that cupboard from now until Christmas.”
“I'm not going to do anything,” said Harry, “honestly…”But Uncle Vernon didn't believe him. No one ever did.
The problem was, strange things often happened around Harry and it was just no good telling the Dursleys he didn't make them happen. "你们可以把我留在这里。"哈利满怀着希望地说。
(blow up:爆炸,放大,破坏)
Once, Aunt Petunia, tired of厌倦了Harry coming back from the barbers剪发店looking as though he hadn't been at all, had taken a pair of kitchen scissors剪子and cut his hair so short he was almost ba
ld秃的except for his bangs 刘海, which she left “to hide that horrible难看的scar.” Dudley had laughed himself silly at Harry, who spent a sleepless night imagining school the next day, where he was already laughed at for his baggy大得出奇的clothes and taped glasses. Next morning, however, he had gotten up to find his hair exactly正如as it had been before Aunt Petunia had sheared修剪it off. He had been given a week in his cupboard for this, even though he had tried to explain that he couldn't explain how it had grown back so quickly. Another time, Aunt Petunia had been trying to force强迫him into a revolting令人讨厌的old sweater of Dudley's (brown with orange puff balls绒球). The harder she tried to pull it over his head, the smaller it seemed to become, until finally it might have fitted a hand puppet, but certainly wouldn't fit Harry. Aunt Petunia had decided it must have shrunk收缩in the wash and, to his great relief安慰, Harry wasn't punished.
On the other hand, he'd gotten into terrible trouble惹了烦for being found on the roof of the school kitchens. Dudley's gang had been chasing追逐him as usual when, as much to Harry's surprise as anyone else's, there he was sitting on the chimney烟囱. The Dursleys had received a very angry letter from Harry's headmistress校长telling them Harry had been climbing school buildings. But all he'd tried to do (as he shouted at Uncle Vernon through the locked door of his cupboard) was jump behind the big trash cans大垃圾桶outside the kitchen doors. Harry supposed 猜
想that the wind must have caught him in mid-jump. But today, nothing was going to go wrong. It was even worth being with Dudley and Piers to be spending the day somewhere that wasn't school, his cupboard, or Mrs. Figg's cabbage-smelling living room.
While he drove, Uncle Vernon complained抱怨to Aunt Petunia. He liked to complain about things: people at work, Harry, the council议会, Harry, the bank, and Harry were just a few of his favorite subjects. This morning, it was motorcycles.
“… roaring along like maniacs疯子, the young hoodlums 无赖,” he sai d, as a motorcycle overtook them.
“I had    a dream about    a motorcycle,” said Harry, remembering suddenly. “It was flying.”
Uncle Vernon nearly crashed撞到into the car in front. He turned right around in his seat and yelled at Harry, his face like a gigantic beet巨大的甜菜根with a mustache: 有一次,佩妮姨妈厌倦了哈利从剪发店那里回来之后的样子,因为看上去简直像没剪~样。

本文发布于:2024-09-22 01:08:10,感谢您对本站的认可!



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