
[基金项目]国家 863 计划资助项目(2004A A649370);国家重点基础研究 973 计划资助项目(2005CB724203);国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目(50225926,50425927)
[作者简介]伍立(1982 ),女,湖南邵阳人,硕士研究生,主要从事流域水资源丰富度研究。
伍 立1,张硕辅2,王玲玲1,曾光明1,刘鸿亮1
(1.湖南大学环境科学与工程学院,湖南长沙 410082;  2.湖南省水利厅,湖南长沙 410007)
[中图分类号]TV882  [文献标识码]A    [文章编号]1003 9511(2007)06 0046 03
1 琵琶湖及洞庭湖概况
琵琶湖  日本第一大淡水湖,位于日本近畿地区滋贺县中部,邻近日本古都京都、奈良,横卧在经济重镇大阪和名古屋之间,地理位置十分重要。琵琶湖四面环山,流域面积8240km 2,水域面积约674km 2,蓄水量27 5亿m 3,460条大小河川由周围的山脉分水岭一侧流入湖中,构成了琵琶湖的源水,湖水经濑田川,流入宇治川,然后与桂川、木津川汇合形成淀川水系,成为支撑近畿地区6府县、2市约1400万人生活与产业活动的珍贵水资源。琵琶湖对周边地区的繁荣、发展起着决定性作用[1]。
洞庭湖  中国5大淡水湖之一,是长江中游的重要吞吐湖泊。湖区位于荆江南岸,跨湘、鄂2省,北纬28 30 ~30 20 ,东经110 40 ~113 10 。湖区面积1 878万km 2
金属刷,天然湖面2740km 2
,另有内湖1200km 2
节能燃烧机流的生活污水和工业污水大量排入洞庭湖,致使湖水水质富营养化,湖区生态环境呈现明显恶化趋势。21世纪以来洞庭湖渐渐进入枯水期,水资源短缺问题已成为不可忽视的重大问题。2 琵琶湖的治理经验
自20世纪60年代以来,随着日本经济高速发展,社会生产活动和人类生活方式发生了较大改变,洪涝灾害问题、水环境恶化问题、水资源紧缺问题成为琵琶湖的主要水问题。1972年,滋贺县政府开始加强对琵琶湖的综合治理,开展公害防治工作,取得了明显成效。2001年11月,世界第九次湖沼大会在日本召开,在水资源一体化管理(Integrated Water Re -source Management-IW RM)[2]的国际环境下,日本各界人士积极响应1997年修改的 河川法 ,努力恢复湖泊生态水环境。2007年4月15~17日,在长沙召开第二届长江论坛上,日本水利界专家就琵琶湖水和生态环境的变化过程、综合治理以及改善成果发言,将治理琵琶湖的基本思路概括为:源水保护、入水处理、湖水治理、生态恢复、立法管理、意识同步。2.1 源水保护
2.2 入湖水处理
在治理入湖水系的过程中,日本政府着重于入湖水系的达标排放,分别对生活污水、工业废水、农业排水采取治理措施。通过修建城市下水道、农村生活排水处理设施、联合处理净化槽来处理生活污水,并且结合废弃物资源化的思想进行综合治理。到2002年末,采用以上3种方式所处理的污水,处理率达到89 6%[4]。
2.3 湖水治理
2.4 生态恢复
2.5 立法管理
3 洞庭湖的污染特征及治理现状
近年来,由于筑坝以及河泥淤积,船舶航道改变,明显缩减了洞庭湖调蓄洪水的能力。随着岳阳工业发展和人口增长,各入湖河流沿线生活污水和工业污水大量排入洞庭湖,导致血吸虫病回升,水环境日趋恶化,水质走向富营养化[8]。据调查,2005年湖区造纸行业排放废水1 07亿t,占全省工业废水排放量的15 5%;排放化学需氧量17 40万t,占全省重点行业排放化学需氧量的50 7%。近几年来,岳阳市及东洞庭湖周边城镇虽然对工业废水污染进行了重点治理,但每年排入湖中的工业废水和生活污水仍有1 5亿t,严重威胁着湖水质量及湖区生物的生存环境。优良的水质和健康的生态功能是保护洞庭湖调蓄功能的基本要求,因此洞庭湖的治理刻不容缓。
为此,2006年1月岳阳市政府向湖南省十届人大五次会议议案组提交了 关于制定 洞庭湖管理条例 的议案 ,明确了洞庭湖的治本之策是整合、产业调整与依法治污并行。从此洞庭湖的治理走上了立法统一管理的道路。
4 建 议
(5)提高民众环境意识。政府应注重环保意识培养,通过教育计划、宣传等方式把环保意识播种到人们的心里。政府应重视洞庭湖的治理工作,坚持 政府主导,全民参与 的治理理念,实现人水和谐,实现洞庭湖吞吐长江、接纳4水的调蓄能力,实现洞庭湖区经济社会的可持续发展。
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[5]NAKANO T,TAYAS U I,WADA E,et a1.Sulfur and strontium
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[6]ICHIKI A,YAMADA K.Study on characteristics of pollurant
runoff i nto Lake Biwa,Japan[J].Water Science and Technolo-gy,1999,39(12):17-25.
[7]ICHIKI A,OHNISHI T,YAMADA K.Es timation of urban non-
point source pollution in Lake Bi wa Basin[J].Water Science and Technology,1998,38(10):157-163.
护[C] 张硕辅.第二届长江论坛论文集:北京:科学出版社,2007:77-85.
[10]张硕辅.洞庭湖综合治理对策思考[C] 张硕辅.第二
届长江论坛论文集.北京:科学出版社,2007:1-5. [11]安贞煜,曾光明,张硕辅,等.疏浚对洞庭湖水环境容量
以长春南湖清淤工程为例[J].环境科学研究, 2004,17(2):34-37.
[15]MURPHY T P,LAWSON A,KUMAGAI M,et al.Review of e-
merging issues in sediment treatment[J].Aquatic Ecosystem Heal th and Management,1999(2):419-434.
(收稿日期:2007 08 06 编辑:张志琴)
suggestions were put for ward:to determine the character and right of the small and mini water resources projects, to establish water rate collecting and management syste m for the small and mini water resources projec ts,to improve the system for contrac ted responsibility,to enhance the sc-i tech production service system and to strengthen the legal system,etc.
Key words:farmland water resources;small and mini wa ter resources project;project management
Analysis of limiting factors to exploiture of deposition district in Yellow River Estuary and their countermeasures/ZHANG Zh-i hao,et al(Department of Sedimentation of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropo wer Research,Beijing100044,C hina) Abstract:In order to exploit the land resources of deposition districts in the Yellow River Estuary,to reinforce the dikes and to raise income effectively,the limiting fac tors to the e xploiture of deposition districts were studied by use of the measured data.The results show that the limiting factors are as follows:the thickness of bundling border and covering top are inadequate,the wa ter resources are poor,the content of science and technology is lo w,and the mana gement level is lo w.The countermeasures include the improvement of land quality, the popularization of water saving technology,the regulation of industrial structure and the enhancement of the management level.
Key words:Yellow River Estuary;exploiture of deposition distric t;limiting factor;countermeasure Inspiration of management experiences of Lake Biwa to Dongting Lake/W U Li,et al(College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Hunan University,C hangsha410082,China)
Abstract:Based on the successful management e xperiences of Lake Biwa,the pollution characteristics and the status in quo of management of Dongting Lake were analyzed.In light of its manage ment policies and comple x relationship between rivers and lakes,some suggestions were p
ut for ward for the perfect management system of Dongting Lake from the following aspects: treatment of water systems flowing into the Lake, lawmaking management,international exchanges and people s environmental consciousness,etc.
Key words:water pollution;Lake Biwa;Dongting Lake; mana gement experience
Inspiration of management system of foreign non-profit organizations to development of water resources institutions in China/DUAN Yan,et al(Comprehensive Development Management Center of the Ministry of Water Resources,P.R.China,Beijing100053,China) Abstract:In order to solve the existing problems,that is,unclear positioning and lack of vitality,in the refor m and development of water resources institutions in China, the legislation fra me work,fund raising channels,the supervision and management syste m of foreign non-profit organizations as well as their relationship with the government were studied.Based on the analysis of the formation,development,e xisting proble ms and status in quo of water resources institutions in China,a comparison between foreign non-profit organizations and Chinese water resources institutions was conducted.It is thought that the e xperiences of foreign non-profit organizations,perfect legislation system and advanced management syste m etc.,should be used for reference.The water resources institutions in C hina may enhance their own operation vitality and improve their own ability of development by means of t
he follo wing measures:the scientific positioning,the improve ment of investment and operation, the establishment of diversified investment and compensation mechanism,the establishment of effective operation and management system and the strict supervision and monitoring,etc.
Key words:non-profit organization;institution; operation syste m;reform and development
On investment control in rehabilitation project of Baiguishan Reservoir/W U She-qin(Baiguishan Reservoir Irrigation Project Management Bureau of Henan Province,Pingdingshan467031,China)
Abstract:With regard to the characteristics of the rehabilitation project of Baiguishan Reservoir,that is, many ite ms,aspects,difficult technology and long construction period,etc.,the following countermeasures were employed:rational bidding,cautious bidding base, normative engineering contracts,perfect organization system,strengthening payment control and dynamic manage ment,etc.Therefore,the project quality and schedule were ensured,and the aim of the investment control was realized.
Key words:rehabilitation projec t;construction of projec ts;investment control
On water resources management system of Nanjing City/LOU Q-i wei,et al(Business School of Hohai University,Nanjing210098,China)
Abstract:With regard to the current serious situation of water resources protection and utilization,through the analysis of the unreasonable factors in the water resources manage ment system of Nanjing and by use of the instructive experiences of the water resources management systems at home and abroad,it was put for ward that the purpose of sustainable utilization of water resources should be highlighted,and the mode of government manage ment,market opera tion and public participation should be established on the basis of the inte grated manage ment of water affairs,so that the sustainable development of society and economy would be improved. Key words:water resources management system; sustainable development;reform
Construction of Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station and sustainable development of hydropow er of Jinsha River/SUN Xiao-ming(Three Gorges International Tendering Company Ltd.,Yichang443013,China) Abstract:The importance and urgency to develop hydropower of Jinsha River were put for ward from the perspective of China s tight energy supply in combination with the energy policy of China s Eleventh Five-Year Plan.The comprehensive development of Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station was taken as an exa mple.Its benefit gaining and debt paying abilities were calculated by use of the engineering financial analysis method.I ts financial feasibility was studied.The development time, development mode,environmental and social benefits of the project plc数据采集
were analyzed.The analytical results show that the construction of Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station meets the require ments of sustainable development,and it is in favor of the sustainable development of Jinsha River valley.

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标签:治理   洞庭湖   琵琶湖   日本   湖泊   污水   环境
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