
Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医学, 2021, 10(3), 402-413
Published Online May 2021 in Hans. /journal/tcm
目的:基于网络药理学探究金银花过敏性鼻炎的作用机制。方法:通过TCMSP数据库,根据ADME 筛选出金银花的活性成分及其靶点,使用Uniprot数据库规范靶点对应的人类基因名;通过Genecards、TTD、OMIM数据库获取过敏性鼻炎主要靶点,利用R语言绘制Venn图得到金银花活性成分作用靶点与过敏性鼻炎的交集靶点;Perl软件整理数据,采用Cytoscape3.7.2软件构建“金银花活性成分–过敏性鼻炎靶点”网络;利用String平台进行蛋白质相互作用分析,构建PPI网络并挖掘网络中潜在的蛋白质功能模块;采用Metascape平台进行GO富集与KEGG富集分析;最后通过Ledock进行分子对接验证。结果:通过TCMSP检索到236个金银花主要化学成分,筛选出23个活性成分,根据Uniprot数据库,排除无对应基因名部分,排除靶点重复部分,共获得活性成分17个,靶点193个;以“allergic rhinitis”为关键词,检索OMIM数据库、GeneCards数据库、TTD数据库的疾病潜在作用靶点,排除重复部分,得到过敏性鼻炎潜在作用靶点2089个,利用R语言绘制Venn图,得到疾病–活性成分共同靶点98个;利用CytoNCA得出Degree前3的活性成分是槲皮素、木犀草素和山柰酚;物种设
置为人源性,以0.40为置信区间,构建了节点数98、边数1762、平均节点度36、平均局部聚类系数0.684的PPI网络;GO富集和KEGG 富集显示,金银花主要参与的生物学过程包括生物对脂多糖的应答过程(response to lipopolysaccha-ride)、凋亡细胞通路(apoptotic signaling pathway)、调节细胞黏附(regulation of cell adhesion)、对受伤的应答(response to wounding)、对毒性物质的应答(response to toxic substance)等,参与的通路主要有癌症信号通路(Pathways in cancer)、流体剪切应力与动脉粥样硬化(Fluid shear stress and atherosclerosis)、IL-17信号通路(IL-17signaling pathway)以及癌症蛋白聚糖(Proteoglycans in cancer)等,相关靶点过敏性鼻炎的功能主要富集于转录因子结合(transcription factor binding)、蛋白均二聚活性(protein homodimerization activity)、细胞因子受体结合(cytokine receptor bind-ing)、激酶结合(kinase binding)、蛋白激酶活性(protein kinase activity)等;金银花关键活性成分槲皮素、木犀草素、山柰酚与疾病关键靶点AKT1 (PDB ID: 4EJN)对接亲和力分别为−6.07、−6.91、−5.81 kcal/mol,均< −5 kcal/mol,结合稳定,验证了网络药理学。结论:金银花过敏性鼻炎的机制具有多靶点、多通路特点,为后续的基础研究提供了思路。
曲添星 等
Study on Mechanism of Lonicerae japonica  in Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis Based  on Network Pharmacology
Tianxing Qu 1,2, Jiexin Wang 1, Wenqian Yang 1, Haoqian Yan 1, Rui Wu 1, Yonglan Mu 1,  Liming Zhang 1,3,4*
School of Pharmacy, Ningxia Medical University, Yinchuan Ningxia
2School of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ocean University of China, Qingdao Shandong 3
Ningxia Research Center for Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine Engineering Technology,
Yinchuan Ningxia 4
Key Laboratory of Hui Ethnic Medicine Modernization, Ministry of Education, Ningxia Medical University, Yinchuan Ningxia
Received: Apr. 3rd , 2021; accepted: May 21st , 2021; published: May 28th
, 2021
Objective: To study the mechanism of Lonicerae japonica  in the treatment of allergic rhinitis based on network pharmacology. Methods: Obtain the main active chemical components and targets of Lonicerae japonica  through TCMSP database according to ADME, use Uniprot database to stan-dardize the gene name of the targets; obtain the main targets of allergic rhinitis through Gene-cards, TTD, OMIM databases, and use R Language to draw Venn diagram; Perl software organizes data; use Cytoscape 3.7.2 software to construct “Lonicerae japonica  active ingredient-allergic rhi-nitis target” network; use String platform for protein interaction analysis, construct PPI network and explore potential protein functional modules in the network; use Metascape platform for GO enrichm
ent and KEGG enrichment; Finally, Ledock is used for molecular docking verification. Re-sults: 236 main chemical components of Lonicerae japonica  were retrieved through TCMSP, and 23 active components were screened out. According to Uniprot database, the part without corres-ponding gene name and the repeated part of target were excluded. A total of 17 active components and 193 targets were obtained; set “allergicrhinitis” as the key word, search OMIM database, Ge-neCards database, TTD database for potential disease targets, exclude duplicate parts, get 2089 potential targets for allergic rhinitis, use R language to draw Venn diagram, get disease-active in-gredient common target 98 points; use CytoNCA to get the top 3 active ingredients that are quer-cetin, luteolin, and kaempferol according to Degree; the species is set to human origin, with a con-fidence interval of 0.40, the number of nodes is 98, the number of edges is 1762, and the average A PPI network with a node degree of 36 and an average local clustering coefficient of 0.684; GO enrichment and KEGG enrichment show that Lonicerae japonica  mainly participates in biological processes including biological response to lipopolysaccharide, apoptotic signaling pathway, regu-lation of cell adhesion, response to wounding, response to toxic substances, etc. The main path-ways involved are Pathways in cancer, Fluid shear stress and atherosclerosis, IL-17 signaling
pathway and Proteoglycans in cancer, etc. The functions of related targets for the treatment of al-lergic rhinitis are mainly enriched in transcription factor binding, protein homodimerization ac-tivity, cytokine receptor binding, kinase binding, protein kinase activity, etc. The key active ingre-dients quercetin, luteolin, kaempferol and the key disease target AKT1 (PDBID: 4EJN) docking af-finity were −6.07, −6.91, −5.81 kcal/mol, all < −5 kcal/mol, indicating the combination was stable, which verified network pharmacology. Conclusion: The mechanism of Lonicerae japonica in treat-ing allergic rhinitis was characterized by multi-target and multi-pathway, which could provide in-sights for further experimental study.
Network Pharmacology, Lonicerae japonica, Allergic Rhinitis, Molecular Docking Array Copyright © 2021 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).
1. 引言
过敏性鼻炎(Allergic Rhinitis, AR),也称变应性鼻炎,是一种由基因与环境因素互相作用而引起的变态反应性疾病,临床以鼻塞、流清涕、鼻痒及黏膜苍白水肿为特点,属于中医“过敏性鼻炎”“鼻鼽”
金银花(Lonicera japonica Thunb.)为忍冬科(Caprifoliaceae)植物忍冬的干燥花蕾或初开的花,药用历史较为悠久,为常用中药之一。据报道,金银花常作为清热解毒的良药,具有很好的抗炎活性[3]。目前,对于过敏性鼻炎的中医未形成完整体系,金银花尽管能起到一定疗效,但其作用机制仍不明确,药效成分和核心靶点蛋白有待探究。
2. 资料与方法
2.1. 金银花活性成分筛选
通过中药系统药理学数据库与分析平台[6](TCMSP, Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharma-cology Database and Analysis Platform, lsp./tcmsp.php),在“Herbname”词条框中输入“金银花”,获取金银花条目,点击进入并获取分子信息,包括化学成分的ID与分子名称(Mol ID、Molecule
Name)、口服生物利用度(OB)、类药性(DL)等。以OB ≥ 30%和DL ≥ 0.18作为条件筛选金银花的活性成分。
2.2. 金银花活性成分相关蛋白靶点获取
根据筛选得到的活性成分,在TCMSP中点击“Related Targets”,获取成分的“Targets Information”,得到该成分作用的靶蛋白名(Target name)。在Uniprot (/)中,使用Uniprot KB检索功能,在检索框中输入靶蛋白名,检索条件为“organism:homo sapiens”和“reviewed:yes”,获取基因名(gene name)和Uniprot ID。检索结果以.xlsx格式导出,保留不同成分作用蛋白靶点基因条目,包括金银花活性成分对应人类的相关蛋白靶点基因及其对应Uniprot ID。
2.3. 过敏性鼻炎相关靶点基因获取
通过Genecards (/)、TTD (/ttd/)、OMIM (/)数据库,以“allergic rhinitis”为关键词检索过敏性鼻炎相关基因,分别获取过敏性鼻炎相关基因和蛋白靶点信息,对数据进行整理合并,并删除重复值(相同的Gene简称),得到包括基因、对应靶点名称(target name)和UN结果(Uniprot)的Excel文件。
2.4. 金银花与过敏性鼻炎作用靶点Venn图构建
利用R语言软件将过敏性鼻炎与金银花的活性成分靶点进行匹配,得到疾病与药对靶点交集的Venn 图,并以txt格式导出共同靶点。
2.5. 金银花过敏性鼻炎的“活性成分–作用靶点”网络构建
2.6. 交集蛋白靶点相互作用网络构建
检索String数据库[7] (/),点击“Multiple Proteins”,在“List Of Names”词条框中,输入交集靶点,并在“Organism”词条框中选择“Homosapiens”,点击“SEARCH”,点击“CONTINUE”,获取交集蛋白靶点的相互作用关系。
2.7. 交集靶点GO富集和KEGG富集分析
使用Metascape平台[8] [9]对金银花活性成分过敏性鼻炎靶点进行GO富集分析,获取其生物过程(biological process, BP)、分子功能(Molecular Function, MF)、细胞组成(Cellular Component, CC),并进行KEGG富集分析。
2.8. 金银花过敏性鼻炎的分子对接
ee值排在前三位的活性成分进行分子模拟对接,在PDB数据库检索并下载靶点的蛋白3D结构,利用ZINC数据库下载活性成分的3D结构,将其导入PyMOL、AutoDock Tools软件进行预处理,然后将受体和配体输入Ledock进行分子对接。
3. 结果
3.1. 金银花活性成分
Table 1. Main active ingredients in Lonicerae japonica
表1. 金银花活性成分基本信息
编号MoI ID 分子名称OB% DL JYH-01 MOL001494 Mandenol 42.00 0.19 JYH-02 MOL001495 Ethyl linolenate46.100.20 JYH-03 MOL002707 phytofluene43.180.50 JYH-04 MOL002914 Eriodyctiol (flavanone)41.35 0.24
JYH-05 MOL003006 (-)-(3R,8S,9R,9aS,10aS)-9-ethenyl-8-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-2,3,9,9a,10,1
87.47 0.23
JYH-06 MOL003014 secologanicdibutylacetal_qt 53.65 0.29 JYH-07 MOL002773 beta-carotene 37.18 0.58 JYH-08 MOL003036 ZINC03978781 43.83 0.76 JYH-09 MOL003044 Chryseriol 35.85 0.27 JYH-10 MOL003059 kryptoxanthin 47.25 0.57 JYH-11 MOL003062 4,5’-Retro-.beta.,.beta.-Carotene-3,3’-dione, 4’,5’-didehydro- 31.22 0.55 JYH-12 MOL003095 5-hydroxy-7-methoxy-2-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)chromone 51.96 0.41 JYH-13MOL0031017-epi-V ogeloside46.130.58 JYH-14MOL003108Caeruloside C55.640.73 JYH-15MOL003111Centauroside_qt55.790.50 JYH-16MOL003117IoniceracetalidesB_qt61.190.19 JYH-17MOL003124XYLOSTOSIDINE43.170.64 JYH-18MOL003128dinethylsecologanoside48.460.48 JYH-19MOL000358beta-sitosterol36.910.75 JYH-20MOL000422kaempferol41.880.24 JYH-21MOL000449Stigmasterol43.830.76 JYH-22MOL000006luteolin36.160.25 JYH-23MOL000098quercetin46.430.28
3.2. 金银花活性成分对应靶蛋白
3.3. 过敏性鼻炎相关靶点
以“allergic rhinitis”为关键词,检索Genecards数据库、TTD数据库、OMIM数据库的疾病潜在作用靶点,排除重复部分,得到过敏性鼻炎潜在作用靶点2089个。

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标签:靶点   鼻炎   过敏性   成分   活性   作用   治疗   研究
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