
After reading an article entitled ' Cigarette Smoking and Your Health' I lit a cigaratte to calm my nerves.
entitled ' Cigarette Smoking and Your Health'entitled 是过去分词,整个过去分词短语作定语修饰 an article 意思是一篇健康与吸烟的文章
to calm my nerves 来镇定我紧张的神经(to do 不定式做目的状语),我点燃香烟目的是镇定我紧张的神经lit v点燃(light的过去式及过去分词)
eg He lit a cigatette. 他点着香烟。
eg He lit up a cigarette.他点着香烟。
eg We lit a candle and the candle lit the room.我们点燃蜡烛,蜡烛照亮了房间
eg Suddenly a smile lit (up) her face. 突然微笑是她的脸亮了起来。
light的过去分词及过去式有2种,light---lit---lit; light---lighted---lighted,区别在于:
eg The match is lit.  火柴被点燃了。
a lighted match被点燃过的火柴
eg Can you give me a light, please? 能借个火吗?
eg I can`t read while you are standing in my light. 你挡住我的光线了,我没法看书。
come to light/bring to light(渐)为人所知之状态
in the light of从…观点看
according to one`s lights按照个人之见识
throw light on/ shed light on使明白,解释
as light as air毫无重量(轻的像空气)
as light as a feather轻如鸿毛(想羽毛一样轻)
a light crop of wheat小麦的收成不佳
a light sleeper浅睡的人
a light dancer轻快的舞者
I smoked with concentration and pleasure as I was sure that this would be my last cigarette.
be sure that(从句)对某事确信
eg She stayed at home as she had no car.  因为没有车她呆在家里。
eg He saw her, as they were both getting off the bus at the same time .因为他们同时下的公交车,所以他看见她了。
cigarette n香烟,纸烟
cigar n雪茄
cigarette case香烟盒
cigarette holder烟嘴
cigarette lighter打火机
For a whole week, I did not smoke at all and during this time, my wife suffered terribly.
not…at all根本不
during this time在此期间
suffer v遭罪,吃尽苦头
terribly1adv很糟糕(very badly)
eg She suffered terribly when her sin was killed.她儿子被杀她痛苦极了。
not a terribly good film不特别好的电影
eg I am terribly sorry.  我非常抱歉。
I had all the usual symptoms of someone giving up smoking.
give up smoking戒烟
独立主格: 一名词或代词和另一成分构成的复合结构,称为独立结构,常用于描绘性文字中,使其更生动。eg
He put on his socks wrong side out.他袜子穿反了。an enormous appetite 旺盛的食欲keep on doing sth 持续不断做 (keep 表示保持某种状态)eg
She kept on studying.她继续学习。(无间断的)eg
Please keep off the grass.= Do not walk on it.请勿践踏草坪(keep off 远离)eg
He kept away from the party.= He did not come. 他没有来这个party (keep away 避开)eg
He ran so fast, I could not keep up with him.= I could not remain beside him.(keep up with sb 跟上某人,赶上某人)eg
Keep your shirt!= Don`t worry.keep calm.别担心,放松。keep a secret 保守秘密keep hens 养母鸡keep chickens 养鸡keep cows 养牛eg
They keep a shop.他们经营一家商店。eg
They keep a small hotel.他们经营一家小旅馆。keep sb from doing sth 阻止(某人)做某事keep in touch 保持联系offer v 给予(后面加双宾语)offer sb sth 给予某人某物They made no effort to hide th
eir amusement whenever I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket.make no effort to do sth 根本不作努力make an effort 努力eg
hide 1v 隐藏,藏eg
You are hiding some important facts. 你隐瞒了一些重要的事实。eg
Don`t hide your feelings; say what you think. 不要隐瞒你的感情,说出你的想法。2v 躲藏eg
I will hide behind the door.  我将藏身于门后。cover v 遮盖,隐蔽eg sweet n 糖果candy (美)糖果
pudding n 补丁(一种甜点心)
dessert n 餐后的甜点
my sweet= honey,baby 称呼心上人的用语
Aftet seven days of this I went to a party.Everybody around me was smokingand I felt aly uncomfortable 非常不自在
extremaly ad 极度地,极端地,非常地
He entered the room, his nise red with cold.他进入房间,鼻子冻得通红。  (主干是he entered the room, 独立结构是his nose red with cold)John being away, Henry had to do the work. John 走了, Henry 不得不做这份工作。 (后半句是个完整的句子,前半句是个独立的结构,John 是逻辑主语,being away 是逻辑谓语)He lay on his back, his hands crossed under his head. 他平躺着,头枕着双手。(句子主干是he lay on his back,他平躺着,那么怎样平躺着呢?双手交叉在头下;独立结构中,his hands 作为逻辑主语,crossed 作为逻辑谓语)someone giving up smoking 是个独立主格结构,做of 的宾语;其中someone 是逻辑主语,giving up smoking 是逻辑谓语。Under my essay, the teacher wrote: " Good work! Keep it up!"(keep sth up= continue making an effort 坚持做某事,继续努力)A big botice on the door said, 'keep out!'(keep put= do not come in  切勿入内)门上贴了个醒目的告示,切勿入内!The cat was kept in during the fireworks.= It was made to stay indoors.  放烟火时猫被关在屋子里(be keep in 关在某处)I had all the usual symptoms of someone giving up smoking: a bad temple and an enormous appetite.My friends kept on offering me cigarette and cigars.He needs more money to keep his wife and children.  他需要更多的钱去照顾妻子和孩子(keep= take care of 照顾,照料)The prisoner made an effort to easape, but he couldn`t climb the prison wall. 这个囚犯努力想逃跑,但是他没能爬过监狱的墙。The noise was so loud that she covered her ears with her hands.  噪音太大了,以至于他用手遮住耳朵。(so…
that 太…以至于…)
extremely hot 非常地热extremely angry 极度地生气extremely heavy 格外地沉extremely sorry 极度地抱歉When my old friend Brian urged me to accept a cigarette, it was more than I could bear.urge sb to do sth 劝说某人做某事it was more than I could bear.= I could not bear it any more. 我再也忍不住了。more than 万分,非常,无以名状eg We were more than happy to hear of your escape! 我们听到你逃了出来高兴的无以名状!more…than 与其说…不如说…eg He is more mad than stupid.  与其说他很笨,不如说他疯了。no more…than 与…一样,同样不(双重否定)eg He`s no more fit to be a minister than a schoolboy would be.一个学童固然不宜当部长,他同样不宜。guiltily adv 内疚地be delighted that (从句)被(某事)感到高兴return to 恢复,返回return to London 返回伦敦return from work 下班回来return sth 归还(某物)eg Don`t forget to return my keys. 别忘了还我钥匙。return n 回程return journey 回程the return of the books 归还的书the return of spring 春回大地once more= once again 又一次,再一次Anyway, as Brian pointed out, it is the easiest thing in the world to give up smoking.as 正像,正如anyway= anyhow 无论如何eg point out 指出,把注意力引向eg He pointed her out to me . 他把她的注意力引向我。eg point of view 观点pointed 1adj 尖的long pointed fingernails 长长的,尖尖的手指甲2adj 直截了当的, 不客气的eg give up doing 放弃做某事give up fishing 放弃钓鱼give up fighting 放弃斗争He himself has done it lots of times.he himself 他自己have done it= has given up smoking 关于keep 的短语1I think he kept away from  the meeting on purpose. 我想他是故意避开这个会议的。2Keep off  the floor. I have just finished scrubbing it. 我刚刚擦完地板,
所以请不要踩它。3He has just begun a diary. I wonder how long he will keep it up .他刚刚开始记日记,我怀疑他能坚持多久。4He kept on  making the same mistake.他不断的犯相同的错误。5We keep Tim out  of the room because Betty has measles. 我们不准Tim 进入房间因为Betty 患麻疹了。6Most people spend their lives trying to keep up with  their neighours. 大多数人花毕生的时间和邻居们攀比。7Three children were kept in  after school for being noisy in class. 放学后三个孩子被留下来因为上课的时候吵闹。Exercises 1Did he  light  a cigarette? 他点着香烟了吗? 这是个一般过去时疑问句,因为前面用助动词did 提问,其谓语动
I took one guiltily, lit it and smoked with satisfaction.My wife was delighted that thing had returned to normal once more.He may not like my visit, but I shall go and see him anyway/ anyhow. 他可能不喜欢我的到访,但无论如何,我还是会去看他的。May I point out that if we don`t leave now we shall miss the bus. 我想指出,假如我们现在不离开的话, 我们将错过公共汽车。She looked in a pointed manner at the clock and I understood that it was time to leave. 他不客气的看了看表,我明白该走了。
A lit light 的过去式和过去分词
B light
C lighted light 的过去式和过去分词
D lighting light 的现在分词2He had a bad temper. He was in a bad mood .A spirit n 精神,不应该说成in bad spirit, e 而应该是in low spirits(情绪低落)B mood n 情绪(in a bad mood 是惯用法,表示“情绪或心情不好”,相当于in a bad temper.)C feeling n 感觉不能和介词搭配D disposition n 性情,气质不能和介词搭配3They made no effort to hide their amusement. They didn`t try to .A didn`t try to 毫不努力,跟made no efforts 含义相同;B didn`t afford to 买不起C couldn`t afford to 买不起D didn`t have a trial 没有试验,没做审判4A attracted attracted one`s attention to sth 吸引或引起某人对某事的注意力B absorbed be absorbed in sth 专注,专心于C drawn draw one`s attention to sth 吸引或引起某人对某事的注意力D concentrated concentrate on sth 专注于某事
She was so absorbed  in her job that she didn`t hear anybody knocking at the door. 他如此专注于工作,以至于额米有听到有人在敲门。Did he  light  a cigarette? 他点着香烟了吗? 这是个一般过去时疑问句,因为前面用助动词did 提问,其谓语动词要用原型才符合语法要求。

本文发布于:2024-09-22 09:29:16,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:结构   点燃   表示   独立   房间   极度地   孩子   香烟
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