
1.Advertisements are a good way to sell products or services, _________are also a good way to make people _________of the needs others and the dangers around us.
A. which; aware
B. they; aware
C. which; awareness
D. they; awareness
2.Below ______an article about advertisements __________by a student for her English project.
A. is; to be written
B. are; written
C. is; written
D. are; to be written
3.We are so used to advertisements that we often do not even realize ____we see and hear in a day.
A. what
B. how much
C. how many
D. which
4.An advertisement uses words and pictures to persuade people _______a product or service, or ____an idea.    A. to buying; believe    B. into buying; to believe
C. to buy; to believe in
D. into buying; believe in
5.A commercial advertisement is ______which someone has paid for _____ a product or service.
A. one; to advertise for
B. the one; to advertise
C. one; to advertise
D. the one; to advertise for
6.There are laws ______people from advertisements _________cheat people.
A. protect; which
B. to protect; that
C. that to protect;/
D. which protecting; /
7.However, we still must be aware of the skillful methods _____in ads ______and sell us things.
A. used; to try
B. using; trying
C. to be used; trying
D. that used; to try
8.PSAs ________us and help us lead better lives, _______commercial ads seek only profits.(P3)
A. aim to teach; while
B. are aimed to teach; but
C. are aimed at teaching; unless
D. aim at teaching; however
9.__________PSAs to use educate people for many years, our government understands how important they are playing a role in our daily life.
A. Having been using
B. Used
C. Using
D. Having used
10.You have probably seen or heard some of the PSAs yourself, __________, 'Yes to life, no to drugs' and 'Knowledge changes life'.
A. for example
B. such as
C. that is
D. namely
11.These ads _____widespread social concerns, encourage people to support public service projects.    A. involving in    B. dealing with    C. which involved in    D. which dealing with
12.There are even PSAs __________us __________to live healthy lives.
A. to teach; how
B. teach; what
C. teaching; whether
D. taught; however
13.All of these ads__________ benefit the public, and you can often learn a lot by following the advice they give.
A. are meant to
B. are intended to
C. are designed to
D. all of above
14.Thinking about why you should do the things the ad suggests __________the best policy.(P4)
A. am
B. is
C. are
D. being
15.When it ______advertisements, we must all use our intelligence and not be a slave to them.
A. refers to
B. appeal to
C. comes to
D. contributes to
16. “You’ve already got well, haven’t you?” she asked.(语法)
→She asked __________.
A. if I have already got well, hadn’t you
B. whether I had already got well
C. have I already got well
D. had I already got well.
17.He asked me __________ with me.(语法)
A. what the matter is
B. what the mater was
C. what’s the matter
D. what was the matter
18.Yesterday I came across an interesting new book, which I would like to__________ here.
A. comment
B. introduce
C. hire
D. recommend
19.One reader said that he ______the book twice ______week and that he ______ never forget the fantastic story.(语法)
A. read; last; will
B. had read; the last; would
C. has read; last; will
D. would read; the last; would
20.The book is easy to understand. __________, it is cheap. Therefore, I recommend that we
__________10 copies for the library.(P9)
A. Except; must purchase
B. Besides; should buy
C. apart from; would purchase
D. aside from; had better buy
21.As you know, sales of our Snowman ice cream have multiplied after we gave it a new package, _
_________we are considering __________a new package for our chocolate bar as well.(P13) A. that is why; to design    B. which is why; changing
C. why is that; to be designed
D. why is that; changing
22.We must update our packages in order to attract today's youth, __________we need to keep some design aspects of the old packages to make sure that the Chocolate Bar does not look completely different from our company's other products.(P13)
A. yet
B. still
C. otherwise
D. therefore
23.Have you ever regretted ___________recorded those important moments forever?
A. having
B. having not
C. to have not
D. not having
24.Our sandwiches are a __________at only ¥5 each; besides, when you buy one now, as a bonus(津贴、奖金) you get another one free.(P17)
A. target
B. slogan
C. medal
D. bargain
25.Are you __________with wearing the same blue jeans every day? Then why not get into our new jeans in __________red?(P17)
A. boring; deeply
B. bore; depth
C. bored; deep
D. bored; deepen
26.Unlike a single ad, an ad campaign is a __________programme of ads __________various kinds of ads __________a certain audience.
A. planned; using; to reach
B. planning; use; to reach out for
C. plan; used; look out for
D. planned; what use; to arrive at
27.__________, you must have a clear aim and an audience in mind.
A.A successful ad campaign is started
B.When you starting a successful ad campaign
C.When you start a successful ad campaign
D.A successful ad campaign starting
28.It is important to __________exactly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get them to do.
A.carry out
B.make out
C.turn out
D.figure out
29.In an ad campaign you may need to __________different kinds of media, __________posters, newspapers, magazines, radio and television.
A.introduce; containing
C.attempt; included
30.__________determined your audience, you will need to do a little research and analysis in advance.    A.So that    B.In order to    C.So as to    D.B & C
31.It is important to always try to _____the audience in order to get them to react in a certain way.
A.appeal to
B.be meant to
C.hang on to
D.add to
32.There are lots of different ways to get your message _______when you are putting together an
ad campaign.    A.across    B.over    C.through    D.out
33.Every year millions of people around the world die _____smoking. Which of the following is Wrong?    A.because of    B.owing to    C.on account of    D.as to 34.Every packet of cigarettes __________poisonous chemicals that can __________lung cancer and heart disease.
B.includes; result from
D.include; contribute to
35.The reason __________we have chosen anti-smoking as the subject is __________the effect the cigarettes have on smokers costs countries a lot of money and causes great damage to the welfare of the people.
A.why; because
B.for which; what
C.that; as
D.why; that
36.Our interviews also indicate that young people are ____what is cool and what their friends like.
B.involved in
37.We will show how smoking is not cool __________attractive, because it makes people smell terrible, __________gives them bad teeth, skin and fingernails.
<; or
B.and; and
<; and
D.and; or
38.We will also__________an article in the school magazine informing students about the dangers of smoking, and we will organize an essay competition as well.
Ae out
De about
39.Many people think that smoking is cool and enjoyable, but they__________fully aware of the damage that it does __________health.
A.do not; on
B.are not; to
C.have not; on
D.can't; to
40.We want to __________people into realizing that many smokers die all too soon from illness and diseases __________to smoking.
A.discourage; related
B.persuade; relating
C.shock; related
D.urge; relating
41.Many people enjoy playing different sports __________others just enjoy watching them.
42.As a member of the International Olympic Committee, I am delighted __________to your school to talk to you about the history and significance of the Olympic Games.
< be invited
< invite
< have invited
< have been invited
43.The Olympics were held at Olympia in Greece __________, for almost 12 centuries, until AD 394. Which of the following is Wrong?
A.every 4th year
B.every 4 years
C.every other 3 years
D.every 4th years
44.At the ancient Olympics, _____the athletes were all men and they had to compete by wearing no clothes.    A.by accident    B.by chance    C.by tradition    D.by mistake 45.Single women were allowed to take part in their own competition, at __________separate festival in honor of Hera, __________wife of the Greek god Zeus.
A.a; the
B.the; the
C.the; a
D.a; a
46.It was a Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin, __________brought the Olympics back to life.
D.A & B
47.He dreamt that the Olympics would make __________possible for people of all countries
__________side by side in peace.
A.it; to live
B.that; living
C.which; living
D.it; to be living
48.Among those helping to realize the dream that people can live in harmony with one another
__________a most famous superstar Jordan.
49.He __________the gold medal for the USA, __________his birth name Cassius Clay.
A.won; under
B.defeated; in
C.beat; under
D.earned; in
50.I am sure the whole of China ___ proud when Xu Haifeng won the 1st gold medal for his country.    A.could have felt    B.must have felt    C.felt    D.were feeling
51.The Chinese __________the way at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, __________ 51 gold medals.
A.led; winning
B.showed; to win
C.had led; winning
D.leaded; and won
52.However, the athlete that some people remember __________most was Zhang Ning, ________ former badminton champion, who hung on to win the gold medal in the final match.
A.the; the
B./; a
C.the; a
D.a; the
53.These are some of the Olympic athletes who have brought joy to people across the world the world with their __________to push the boundaries of human achievement.
54.We are looking forward to __________more of them in future Olympic Games.
B.be seen
D.having seen
55.__________we __________know is __________ it began in England in the 1890s.
A.What; do; that
B.That; have; that
C.All; have; what
D.As; do; what
56.The game was popular____foreign visitors too, and soon it spread to _____of Europe and Asia.
A.with; more
B.among; much
C.with; few
D.among; little
57.A frequent technique __________ by many players is __________ at the people they are playing against __________ them feel uncomfortable.
A.used; to stare; to make
B.using; to stare; making
C.used; staring; making
D.using; staring; to make
58.__________bowling is no longer as popular as it once was, __________it is so easy to learn and play it is still enjoyed by people everywhere.
A.While; /
B.Despite; since
C.While; since
D.Although; because of
59.Entering __________sport into the Olympics can be ___________long progress.
A.a; a
B.the; the
C.a; the
D.the; a
60.There are many requirements _____must be met before a sport can be considered by the International Olympic Committee.    A./    B.that    C.what    D.those 61.In order for a new sport __________, another sport must be dropped, which helps the IOC keep the Olympics' budget under__________.
< add; consideration
< cancel;management
< be added; control
< be canceled;observation
62.Some sports__________the Olympics in the past have been removed, which __________ familiar sports, such as baseball, as well as more unusual sports, such as power boating.
A.that part of; includes
B.a part of; include
C.that were part of; include
D.part of; includes
63.The sports were judged to have become __________popular, and had to ________way for new sports which are more popular.
A.less; make
<; give
C.less; give
<; make
64.Some sports have been added, such as tae kwon do, ____was 1st included in the Olympics in 2000.    A.which    B.it    C.where    D.whose
65.Wushu __________to get into the Olympics, because the IOC has still not approved the sport
due to the concern about the balance of sports.
B.will apply
C.is applying
D.has applied
66.However, the IOC is considering __________the number and type of Olympic sports in the future, so wushu fans may finally get ________they are hoping for.
A.changing; what
< change; what
C.changing; that
< change; that
67.However, with the referees now __________a close watch on the Eagles, they struggled and lost their next match.
< keep
D.being kept
68.The Eagles went home__________because they did not win the tournament.
A.angrily and bitterly
B.angry and bitter
C.angrily and bitter
D.angry and bitterly
69.In the next tournament, the Kangaroos defeated the Eagles_________a score of 5_________1.
A.by; to
B.at; to
C.for; as
70.The match was __________with minutes __________.
A.equal; going
C.tied; to go
D.beaten; going
71.A teammate passed the ball to him, and __________it hit his hand.
A.by accident
B.in advance
D.in general
72.In defeat, the Kangaroos found something more _____than victory-they found friendship, honor and respect.    A.confident    B.delighted    C.frequent    D.precious
73.With the rapid __________of science and technology, some of our wildest dreams could come true in the future.    A.developed    B.developing    C.development    D.to develop
74.The RealCine experience will amaze you, and you will agree that this is an extraordinary technology that deserved __________further.
< be developed
D.A & B
75.Unlike a film, _____a passive audience watches and hears what is happening on a screen, RealC
ine puts you into the action and connects with your senses of sight, hearing, smell and touch in an active way.    A.which    B.where    C.as    D.it
76.Not only________every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma, but__________also experience the cold, smells, sights and sounds of the surrounding environment upon reaching the top.
A.he or she will feel; the user will
B.will he or she feel; the user will
C.he or she will; will the suer
D.will he or she feel; will the user
77.__________this, special VR headsets are designed to allow the users to see in 3-D and hear the sound all around them.
A.So that  achieve
B.In order that  achieve
D.To achieve
78.The movements of the headset indicate the direction __________the use wants to go.
A.from which
< which
C.of which
D.in which
79.To add to the virtual world of RealCine, the headsets even have small openings that ________ smells to _______the environment.
A.turn out; fit
B.give out; match
C.break out; suit
D.make out; equal
80.____, a teenager who was afraid of talking and playing with his schoolmates was treated with VR.    A.In no case    B.In any case    C.In case    D.In one case 81.An argument has been _____that some users will be disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real.    A.put up    B.put down    C.put forward    D.put off
82.For example, firefighters could use RealCine to train safely, without the risk of __________ in
a __________building.    A.getting lost; burned    B.getting hurt; burning
83.Finally, RealCine __________fantastic technology__________urban planning.
A.provides; for
B.provides; with
C.applies; to
D.supplies; with
84.This kind of urban planning in the long term cheaper and more practical, __________with the way most urban planning is done today.
< compare
B.being compared
85.I recommend the government ___this technology in the future planning for this city. Which of the following is Wrong?    A.use    B.using    C.to use    D.should use
86.As a presentation is __________ to those making decisions, it has to be clear and appealing.
A. to be given
< give
< be giving
87.We are not very confident __________whether an operator will be able to use RealCine easily.
A.so far
B.as to
C.as well
D.as usual
88.Please send us more information on the daily costs and on how much time a design usually takes _____RealCine.    A.used    B.to use    C.using    D.to be of use
89. If city noises__________from increasing,people _________shout to be heard even at dinner.
A . are not kept;will have to
B . are not kept;have
C . do not keep;will have to
D . do not keep;have to
90.The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, are ____and perfected now.
A .developed
B .have developed
C .being developed
D will have been developed
91.1. There are many good films played by Jackie Chan that are worth __________.
A. to be seen
B. being seen
C. seeing
D. to see
92. The food __________ easily and sells __________.
A. cooks ; well
B. is cooking; good
C. is cooked; well
D. cooked; good
93. The windows of the building can’t __________.
A. be closed
B. close
C. be closing
D. closed
94.In my opinion, it is about time we _____new computers, because the ones being used are old and slow.    A.have    B.must have    C.have to have    D.had
95.Science fiction is a type of writing __________fantasy.
A.basing on
B.based on
< be based on
< base
96.Among the most famous science fiction writers __________Jules V erne and H.G. Wells.
97.Immediately, he__________and went to Iceland, __________his nephew Axel to go with him.
< his things packed; forcing
B.had his things packed; forced
C.packed; and forcing
D.packing; forcing
98.On the shores of this ocean __________a forest and huge mushrooms.
D.was there
99.High above, the sky was filled gas __________light like the sun.
A.giving out
B.gave out
C.that given out
D.what gave out 100.The small boat was almost sunk by the dinosaurs __________they were able to get away. A.after    B.since    C.until    D.before

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