
Fast Planning with Iterative Macros
Adi Botea
National ICT Australia Australian National University
Martin M¨uller
Dept.of Computing Science
University of Alberta
Jonathan Schaeffer
Dept.of Computing Science
University of Alberta
Research on macro-operators has a long history
in planning and other search applications.There
has been a revival of interest in this topic,lead-
ing to systems that successfully combine macro-
operators with current state-of-the-art planning ap-
proaches based on heuristic search.However,re-
search is still necessary to make macros become a
standard,widely-used enhancement of search al-
gorithms.This article introduces sequences of
macro-actions,called iterative macros.Iterative
macros exhibit both the potential ,
travel fast towards goal)and the potential limi-
,utility problem)of classical macros,
only on a much larger scale.A family of tech-
niques are introduced to balance this trade-off in fa-
vor of faster planning.Experiments on a collection
of planning benchmarks show that,when compared
to low-level search and even to search with classi-
cal macro-operators,iterative macros can achieve
an impressive speed-up in search.
Research on macro-operators has a long history in planning and other search applications.Recent years have shown a re-vival of this topic,leading to systems that successfully com-bine macro-operators with current state-of-the-art planning approaches based on heuristic search.However,macros have significant capabilities yet to be exploited.There is a need to continue the previous efforts on this topic,aiming to reach a point where macros would be considered to be a standard performance ,such as hash tables for fast detection of duplicate nodes).
In this article,we introduce sequences of macro-actions called iterative macros.Figure1illustrates the differences between low-level search,search with classical macros,and search with iterative macros.First,consider low-level search versus search with classical macros.Macros add the abil-ity to travel towards a goal with big steps,with few inter-mediate nodes expanded or evaluated heuristically.
How-ever,macros increase the branching factor,and often also the processing cost per node.Inappropriate macros guide the search in a wrong direction,which increases the total
search Figure1:State expansion with atomic actions(left),atomic actions+macros(center),and atomic actions+iterative macros(right).Each short line is an atomic action.Each curved arrow is a macro-action.
time while solution quality decreases.Addressing this per-formance trade-off is the key to making macros work. Iterative macros are macros of macro-actions.They have similar potential benefits and
limitations as classical macros, only on a much larger scale.Iterative macros progress much faster down a branch of the search,with exponentially larger possible savings.On the downside,there can be exponen-tially more instantiations of iterative macros,with many of them leading to dead ends.An iterative macro is more expen-sive to compute,being the sum of instantiating each contained macro.Tuning the performance trade-off is more challenging than for classical macros.
The model discussed in this paper extends the approach in Botea et al.2005,which offers a framework for generating,filtering,and using macros at runtime.The contributions of this paper are:
1.Iterative macros,a runtime combination of macros to
enhance program performance,
2.New techniques to address the performance trade-offs
for iterative macros:algorithms for offlinefiltering,dy-namic ,instantiating an iterative macro at runtime),and dynamicfi,pruning instanti-ations of an iterative macro at runtime);and
3.Experiments using standard planning benchmarks that
show orders of magnitude speed up in several standard domains,when compared to low-level search and even to a search enhanced with classical macros.
Section2briefly reviews related work on macros.Section 3introduces the necessary definitions.Section4introduces iterative macros and the algorithms for offlinefiltering,dy-namic composition,and dynamicfiltering.Experimental re-sults are given in Section5.Section6contains conclusions and ideas for future work.
2Related Work
Related work on macros in planning dates back to the S TRIPS planner[Fikes and Nilsson,1971].Subsequent contributions include off-linefiltering of a set of macros[Minton,1985], partial ordering of a macro’s steps[Mooney,1988],and gen-erating macros able to escape local minima in a heuristic search space[Iba,1989].In a problem representation with multi-valued variables,McCluskey and Porteous[1997]use macros to change the assignment of a variable to a given value in one step.
Several recent contributions successfully integrate macros with state-of-the-art heuristic search planners such as FF [Hoffmann and Nebel,2001].Vidal[2004]composes macros at runtime by applyin
g steps of the relaxed plan in the orig-inal problem.Botea et al.[2005]prune instantiations of macros based on their similarity with a relaxed plan.Coles and Smith[2005]generate macros as plateau-escaping se-quences.Newton et al.[2005]use genetic algorithms to gen-erate macros.The contributions of Vidal[2004]and Botea et al.[2005]are the most closely related,since all three ap-proaches exploit the similarity between a macro and a relaxed plan.
Application-specific macros have been applied to domains such as the sliding tile puzzle[Korf,1985],Rubik’s Cube [Korf,1983;Hern´a dv¨o lgyi,2001],and Sokoban[Junghanns and Schaeffer,2001].While interesting,a detailed discussion and comparison of all these approaches is beyond the scope of this paper.
3Framework and Basic Definitions
The basic framework of this work is planning as forward heuristic search.To guide the search,a relaxed plan that ig-nores all delete effects of actions is computed for each eval-uated state[Hoffmann and Nebel,2001].Search is enhanced with iterative macros as illustrated in Figure1(right)and de-tailed in Section4.The strategy for using iterative macros consists of three steps:(1)extract macro-operators from so-lutions of training problems,(2)staticallyfilter the set of macr
o-operators,and(3)use the selected macro-operators to compose iterative macros at runtime.Steps1and2deal only with classical macro-operators.Only step3involves the new iterative macros.The model of Botea et al.2005serves as a starting point for implementing thefirst two steps.It pro-vides a framework for generating,filtering,and using clas-sical macro-operators at runtime in planning.However,ex-periments with iterative macros showed that more powerful filtering capabilities were needed.The new enhanced method forfiltering in step2is described in Section4.1.
The rest of this section contains definitions of concepts used in the following sections.For simplicity,totally or-dered macros are assumed(all definitions can be generalized to partial-order macros).The macro extraction phase builds macros with partial ordering of the steps.However,to save computation time,only one possible ordering is selected at runtime.
Let O be the set of all domain operators and A the set of all ground actions of a planning problem.A macro-operator(macro-schema)is a sequence of domain opera-tors ms[i]∈O together with a parameter bindingσ:ms= ((ms[1],ms[2],...,ms[l]),σ).
Partially instantiating a macro can be defined in two equiv-alent ways as either(1)replacing some variables with con-stant objects or(2)replacing some operators with ground actions.The second defini
tion is more appropriate for this work,since macros reuse actions from a relaxed plan and hence action-wise instantiation is needed.A partial instanti-ation of a macro is mi=((mi[1],mi[2],...,mi[l]),σ),where (∀i∈{1,...,l}):(mi[i]∈A∨mi[i]∈O).
A total macro-instantiation(shorter,macro-instantiation) has all steps instantiated(∀i:mi[i]∈A).Macro-operators and macro-instantiations are the extreme cases of partial macro-instantiations.When the distinction is clear from the context,the term“macro”can refer to any of these.
When instantiating one more step in a partial instantiation mi,it is important to ensure that the new action is consis-tent with all the constraints already existing in mi.More precisely,given a partial instantiation mi,a position i and a state s from which mi is being built,define the consistency set Cons(mi,i,s)as containing all actions a∈A such that:
(1)a corresponds to the operator on the i-th position of mi,
(2)a does not break the parameter bindings of mi,and(3)if either i=1or thefirst i−1steps are instantiated,then adding a on the i-th position makes this i-step sequence applicable to s.Only actions from Cons(mi,i,s)can be used to instantiate the i-th step of mi.Obviously,instantiating a new step can introduce additional binding constraints.Instantiating steps in a macro can be done in any or
der.When step i is instan-tiated,its bindings have to be consistent with all previously instantiated steps,including positions larger than i. Finally,letγ(a k)be the state obtained by apply-ing the action a k to state s.For the empty sequence ,γ(s, )=s.If∃i≤k such that a i cannot be applied toγ(a i−1),thenγ(a k)is undefined. 4Iterative Macros
This section describes a technique for speeding up planning using iterative macros.Section4.1presents a method for stat-icallyfiltering a set of macro-operators to identify candidates that can be composed to form iterative macros.Section4.2 focuses on integrating iterative macros into a search algo-rithm.Methods that effectively address the challenging tasks of instantiation and pruning are described.
4.1Static Filtering
The model introduced by Botea et al.[2005]was imple-mented and enhanced.Botea et al.analyze solutions to a set of test problem instances to extract a potentially useful set of macro-operators.The macros are then ranked by favoring those that1)appear frequently in solutions,and2)signifi-cantly reduce the search effort required for each application.
Two important limitations of this ranking model are that it ig-nores the interactions of macros when us
ed together,and that it provides no automatic way to decide the number of selected macros.
Our enhancementfirst selects the top K macros(where K is a parameter)returned by the original procedure and then tries tofilter this down to a subset that solves the training set most efficiently in terms of expanded nodes.Since enumer-ating all subsets of a set with K elements is exponentially hard,we use an approximation method whose complexity is only linear in K.For each i from1to K,the training set is solved with macro m i in use.Macros are reordered accord-ing to the search effort.More precisely,m i is better than m j if N i<N j,where N l is the total effort(expanded nodes) to solve the training set using macro m l.Ties are broken ac-cording to the original ranking.
Based on the new ordering,the training set is solved using the top i macros,1≤i≤K.Assume N is the total number of nodes expanded to solve the training set with no macros in use,N T i the total effort to solve the training set with the top i macros,and
b=arg min
N T i.
If N T
b <N,then the learning procedure returns the top b
macros.Otherwise,no macros are learned for that domain. In the experiments described in Section5,small training instances are used,to keep the learning time low.K is set to5,since the number of useful macros in those domains is typically less than5.For larger domains,where more macros could be beneficial,a larger value of K might produce better results at the price of longer training time.
4.2Iterative Macros in Search
Integrating iterative macros into a search algorithm raises two major challenges:instantiation and pruning.In the most gen-eral case,the total number of iterative macros applicable to a state is in the order of B D,where B is the number of clas-sical macro instantiations applicable to a state,and D is the number of macros contained in an iterative macro.Each in-stantiation can be expensive to compute,since its cost is the total cost of instantiating all the contained macros.
If instantiation and pruning were performed separately,a large effort could be spent on building eleme
nts that would be rejected later.Therefore a combined algorithm tries,for a given state,to build only one iterative macro which shows promise to take the search closer to a goal state.The guid-ance in building this iterative macro is given by the relaxed plan of the state being expanded.Building a macro instan-tiation is founded on two simple,yet powerful ideas.First, when deciding how to instantiate a given step,heuristics are used to select an action that will allow a large number of re-laxed steps to be subsequently inserted.Second,for the steps notfilled with relaxed plan actions,other actions are used that preserve the correctness and the variable bindings of the iter-ative macro.This completion is an important feature of the algorithm,since a relaxed plan often misses steps that have to be part of the unrelaxed solution.
Figure2shows the procedure for building an iterative macro in pseudo-code.It takes as input a global list of macro-
U←∅;itm←empty sequence;
for(each ms∈MS)
if(instantiating mi succeeded)
U←U∪[mi∩RP];//mark used steps
break;//restart outer loop
if(no iteration of last for loop instantiated a macro)
return itm;
Figure2:Composing an iterative macro at runtime.
for(each a∈Cons(ms,1,s))
fill remaining gaps in mi;
if(all steps of mi are instantiated)
return mi;
return failure;
Figure3:Instantiating one macro-action.
schemas(MS),a current search state(s),and the relaxed plan computed for that state(RP).Each iteration of the main loop tries to append one more macro to the iterative macro.The inner loop iterates through the global list of macro-schemas. As soon as instantiating such a macro-schema succeeds,the algorithm greedily commits to adding it to the iterative macro and a new iteration of the outer loop starts.This procedure automatically determines the length of an iterative macro(the number of contained macros).
In the code,U is the set of all relaxed plan steps already inserted in the iterative macro.During subse
quent iterations, the used relaxed steps will be ignored when the matching of a macro instantiation with a relaxed plan is computed.Intu-itively,the Matching procedure tries to maximize the number of relaxed steps used in a macro-instantiation.More formal details on matching are provided later.
Figure3presents the Instantiate procedure that instantiates one macro-action as part of an iterative macro.The input pa-rameters are a macro-schema(ms),a search state(s),and a set of relaxed ,the original relaxed plan minus the already used steps).The main loop iterates through all ac-tions that could be used as thefirst step of the macro , are applicable to s and are instantiations of thefirst macro’s operator).
For each action a∈Cons(ms,1,s),the method Matching(a,ms,s,RS)creates a partial instantiation of ms withfirst step a,followed by zero or more steps instantiated with elements from RS,and zero or more uninstantiated steps (see Figure4and a discussion later).If the number of relaxed steps is below a given threshold,the corresponding partial in-stantiation is abandoned.Otherwise,an attempt is made to fill the remaining gaps(uninstantiated steps)with any consis-tent actions.As soon as a complete instantiation is built,the method returns without considering any other possible out-
mi←ms;//create local partial instantiation
for(i=2to length(ms))
continue;//leave mi[i]uninstantiated
for(each rp∈Cons(mi,i,s)∩RS)
undo the instantiation of mi[i],if any;
count how many subsequent positions j
can befilled with elements from Cons(mi,j,s)∩RS;
select the element rp with the highest count value;
undo the instantiation of mi[i];
return mi;
Figure4:Matching a macro instantiation with a relaxed plan.
comes.For simplicity,the pseudo-code skips the details of how the threshold is computed.An effective heuristic is to set the threshold to the largest matching encountered when the ms macro-schema is used as a parameter,regardless of the values of the other parameters a,s and RS.
The matching attempts to use as many elements from RS as possible in a macro instantiation.An exact computation of the maximal value can be expensive,since it might require enumerating many possible instantiations of ms applicable to a state.Instead,the greedy procedure presented in Figure4 tries,at step i,2≤i≤length(ms),to commit to using a re-laxed step rp for instantiating mi[i].If no such step , RS∩Cons(mi,i,s)=∅),then mi[i]is left uninstantiated.Oth-erwise,an element from RS∩Cons(mi,i,s)is selected using a heuristic test(see the pseudo-code for details).In practice,the number of consistent actions quickly decreases as new steps are instantiated,since each new step can introduce additional binding constraints.
5Experimental Results
Classic and iterative macros were implemented on top of FF [Hoffmann and Nebel,2001].FF3.4handles both STRIPS and ADL domains,but not numeric variables,axioms,or tem-poral planning.
This research was tested on a large set of benchmarks from previous international planning competitions.Both STRIPS(Satellite,Blocksworld,Rovers,Depots,Zeno Travel,DriverLog,Freecell,Pipesworld No Tankage Non-temporal,Pipesworld Tankage Nontemporal)and ADL (Promela Dining Philosophers,Promela Optical Telegraph, Airport,Power Supply Restoration Middle Compiled—PSR) representations were used.
Experiments were run on a3.2GHz machine,with a CPU limit of5minutes and a memory limit of1GB for each prob-lem instance.Planning with iterative macros,planning with classical macros,and planning with no macros were com-pared.To plan with classical macros,the length of an iter-ative macro was limited to one macro instantiation.Results are shown for11of the13domains.In the two remaining domains,PSR and Pipes Tankage,no macros were learned, since their performance on the training set was worse than low-level search(see Section4.1for details).
Figure5shows the number of expanded nodes in each do-main on a logarithmic scale for each of no macros,classical macros and iterative macros.Note that some lines are miss-ing a data point—this represents a problem instance that was not solved by that planner.
When analyzing the expanded nodes performance,the tested application domains can roughly be split into two cat-egories.In thefirst category of eight benchmarks(all11,less DriverLog,Freecell and Pipesworld),planning with macros is much better than low-level search.Iterative macros are better than classical macros,with the notable exception of Philoso-phers,where both kinds of macros perform similarly.In this application domain,classical macros are enough to achieve impressive savings,and there is little room for further im-provement.In Zeno Travel,the savings in the search tree size come at the price of a relatively large increase in solution length.See Figure6and a discussion later.When compar-ing iterative macros vs classical macros,in domains Satellite, Blocksworld,Rovers,Depots,and Airport a reduction in the number of expanded nodes by at least an order of magnitude is seen for the hard problem instances.
In the second category,the benefits of macros are more limited.In DriverLog,macros are usually faster,but there are a few exceptions such as data point7on the horizon-tal axis,where classical macros fail and iterative macros are much slower than low-level search.In Freecell,classical macros
and iterative macros have similar performance in all instances.For many Freecell problems,planning with macros is similar to planning with no macros.When differences are encountered,the savings are more frequent and much larger as compared to cases where macros are slower than low-level search.Finally,in Pipesworld No Tankage the performance of macros compared to low-level search varies significantly in both directions.Iterative macros are faster than classical macros,but the latter solve one more problem.No clear con-clusion is drawn for this domain.Further analysis of these three domains is left as future work.
Macros often lead to solving more problems than low-level search.Given a domain,assume P im,P cm and P are the numbers of problems solved with iterative macros,classical macros,and no macros respectively.For our data sets and time constraints,the value of(P im−P,P cm−P)is(1,1)in Satellite,(3,2)in Blocksworld,(37,34)in Optical,(36,36) in Philosophers,(5,5)in Zeno Travel,(3,2)in DriverLog, and(1,1)in Freecell,and(0,1)in Pipesworld.
Figure6illustrates how macros affect the quality of so-lutions and the cost per node in search.Each chart has11 two-point clusters,one for each domain.First,consider the top chart.Given a problem instance,assume L im,L cm,and L are the lengths of solutions when iterative macros,classical macros,and no macros are used respectively,R im=L im/L and R cm=L cm/L.The leftmost data point
of a cluster shows the average,minimum,and maximum value of R im over the problem set of the corresponding domain.The right-most data point shows similar statistics for R cm.Macros slightly improve the average solution length in Freecell and leave it unchanged in Optical and Philosophers.In all do-mains but Zeno Travel,the average overhead is at most20%
1000 10000
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35Satellite
Iterative Macros Regular Macros
No Macros
1000 10000
100000 1e+06 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Iterative Macros Regular Macros
No Macros
20 25
Iterative Macros Regular Macros
No Macros
25 30
Promela Optical Telegraph
Iterative Macros Regular Macros
No Macros
10 100
1000 10000 100000
1e+06 1e+07 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50Promela Dining Philosophers
Iterative Macros Regular Macros
No Macros
10 100 1000
10000 100000 1e+06 0 5 10 15 20
Iterative Macros Regular Macros
No Macros
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Iterative Macros Regular Macros
No Macros
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40Zeno Travel
Iterative Macros Regular Macros
No Macros
10 100
1000 10000
100000 1e+06 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Iterative Macros Regular Macros
No Macros
1000 10000
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Iterative Macros Regular Macros
No Macros
1000 10000
100000 1e+06 0
Pipesworld Nontemporal No Tankage
Iterative Macros Regular Macros
No Macros
Figure 5:Search effort as expanded nodes.Problem sets are ordered so that the “No Macros”curve is monotonically increasing.for iterative macros and at most 12%for classical macros.The bottom chart in Figure 6presents similar statistics for
the cost per node C =search time expanded nodes
instead of solution length L .To include a problem instance into the statistics,it has to be solved by both the corresponding type of macros and the low-level search within a time larger than 0.05seconds.We included the time threshold for better accuracy of the statistics.There always is a small noise in the reported CPU time and,if the total time is in the same order as the noise,the cost per node measurement becomes unreliable.No statistics could be collected for Philosophers (both kinds of macros)
and for Blocksworld (iterative macros),where macros solve problems very fast.
Processing a node in low-level search includes computing a relaxed plan and checking whether that
node has been vis-ited before.Macros add the overhead of their instantiation.Even if much smaller than the expanded nodes savings shown in Figure 5,the overhead can be surprisingly high.Profiling tests have shown that the main bottleneck in the current im-plementation of macros is attempting to fill gaps in a partial instantiation (Figure 3,line 5).Fortunately,this step can be implemented much more efficiently.When looking for a con-sistent action to fill a gap,the corresponding operator schema
0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11
0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16  1  2 3
4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11
Figure 6:Effects of macros on solution quality (top)and cost per node in search (bottom).The two-point clusters corre-spond in order to (1)Satellite,(2)Optical,(3)Philosophers,(4)Rovers,(5)Depots,(6)Airport,(7)Blocksworld,(8)Zeno Travel,(9)DriverLog,(10)Freecell,and (11) known from the structure of the macro.Often,the values of all variables are already set by the previously instantiated steps.This would be enough to determine the corresponding instantiated action.However,to the best of our knowledge,no mapping from an operator together with a list of instanti-ated arguments to the resulting ground action is available in FF at search time.Instead,our current implementation gen-erates states along a macro instantiation and calls FF’s move generator when a gap has to be filled.If an applicable action exists that is consistent with the current partial instantiation,it is used to instantiate the given step in the macro.
This paper describes how macros of macro-actions,called it-erative macros,can be used to speed up domain independent planning.Techniques for static filtering,dynamic composi-tion and pruning of iterative macros have been introduced to turn the trade-off between the benefits and the limitations of iterative macros in favor of the former.Experiments in several standard benchmarks demonstrate impressive savings that it-erative macros can achieve as compared to low-level search
and even to a search enhanced with classical macros.Worst-case behavior and solution quality remain acceptable.
Future work includes faster processing per node when searching with macros.Another avenue of research is to in-vestigate how iterative macros and relaxed plans interact with each other,and how macros can be used to improve the ac-curacy of the heuristic state evaluation.Based on macros’success in classical planning,research should be done on us-ing macros in areas such as te
mporal planning and planning with uncertainty.
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