
以下是computer vision:algorithm and application计算机视觉算法与应用这本书中附录里的关于计算机视觉的一些测试数据集和源码站点,我整理了下,加了点中文注解。
Computer Vision:
Algorithms and Applications
Richard Szeliski
C.1 数据集
(homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/CVonline ), VisionBib.Com (datasets.visionbib/ ), and Computer Vision online (computervisiononline/ ), 有更多最新的数据集和软件。
CUReT: Columbia-Utrecht 反射率和纹理数据库Reflectance and Texture Database, lumbia.edu/CAVE/software/curet/  (Dana, van Ginneken, Nayar et al. 1999).
Middlebury Color Datasets:不同摄像机拍摄的图像,注册后用于研究不同的摄像机怎么改变域和彩registered color images taken by different cameras to study how they transform gamuts and colors, vision.middlebury.edu/color/data/ Chakrabarti, Scharstein, and Zickler 2009).
Middlebury test datasets for evaluating MRF minimization/inference algorithms评估隐马尔科夫随机场最小化和推断算法,
vision.middlebury.edu/MRF/results/ (Szeliski, Zabih, Scharstein et al. 2008).
Affine Covariant Features database(反射协变的特征数据集) for evaluating feature detector and descriptor matching quality and repeatability(评估特征检测和描述匹配的质量和定位精度),  ac.uk/~vgg/research/affine/
(Miko-lajczyk and Schmid 2005; Mikolajczyk, Tuytelaars, Schmid et al. 2005).
Database of matched image patches for learning (图像斑块匹配学习数据库)and feature descriptor evaluation(特征描述评估数据库),
(Winder and Brown 2007; Hua,Brown, and Winder 2007).
Berkeley Segmentation Dataset(分割数据库) and Benchmark of 1000 images labeled by 30 humans,(30个人标记的1000副基准图像)along with an evaluation, s.berkeley.edu/Research/Projects/CS/vision/grouping/segbench/  (Martin, Fowlkes, Tal et al. 2001).
Weizmann segmentation evaluation database of 100 grayscale images with ground truth segmentations,
www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~vision/Seg Evaluation DB/index.html
(Alpert, Galun, Basri et al. 2007).
The Middlebury optic flow evaluation(光流评估) Web site, vision.middlebury.edu/flow/data/
(Baker, Scharstein, Lewis et al. 2009).
The Human-Assisted Motion Annotation database,(人类辅助运动数据库)
people.csail.mit.edu/celiu/motionAnnotation/  (Liu, Freeman, Adelson et al. 2008)
High Dynamic Range radiance(辐射)maps, /Research/HDR/
(De-bevec and Malik 1997).
Alpha matting evaluation Web site, alphamatting/ (Rhemann, Rother, Wang
et al. 2009).
第十一章:Stereo correspondence立体对应
Middlebury Stereo Datasets and Evaluation, vision.middlebury.edu/stereo/  (Scharstein
and Szeliski 2002).
Stereo Classification(立体分类) and Performance Evaluation(性能评估) of different aggregation(聚类) costs for stereo matching(立体匹配), www.vision.deis.unibo.it/spe/SPEHome.aspx  (Tombari, Mat-
toccia, Di Stefano et al. 2008).
Middlebury Multi-View Stereo Datasets,
vision.middlebury.edu/mview/data/  (Seitz,Curless, Diebel et al. 2006).
Multi-view and Oxford Colleges building reconstructions,
ac.uk/~vgg/data/data-mview.html .
Multi-View Stereo Datasets, cvlab.epfl.ch/data/strechamvs/  (Strecha, Fransens,
and Van Gool 2006).
Multi-View Evaluation,  cvlab.epfl.ch/~strecha/multiview/ (Strecha, von Hansen,
Van Gool et al. 2008).
HumanEva: synchronized video(同步视频) and motion capture (动作捕捉)dataset for evaluation of articulated human motion, vision.cs.brown.edu/humaneva/  Sigal, Balan, and Black 2010).
The (New) Stanford Light Field Archive, lightfield.stanford.edu/ 
(Wilburn, Joshi,Vaish et al. 2005).
Virtual Viewpoint Video: multi-viewpoint video with per-frame depth maps,
research.microsoft/en-us/um/redmond/groups/ivm/vvv/  (Zitnick, Kang, Uytten-
daele et al. 2004).
Buffy pose classes, ac.uk/~vgg/data/  buffy pose classes/ and Buffy
stickmen V2.1, ac.uk/~vgg/data/stickmen/index.html  (Ferrari,Marin-
pnp网络摄像机Jimenez, and Zisserman 2009; Eichner and Ferrari 2009).
H3D database of pose/joint annotated photographs of humans,
s.berkeley.edu/~lbourdev/h3d/  (Bourdev and Malik 2009).
Action Recognition Datasets, www.cs.berkeley.edu/projects/vision/action, has point-
ers to several datasets for action and activity recognition, as well as some papers.(有一些关于人活动和运动的数据库和论文) The human action database at www.nada.kt
h.se/cvap/actions/  包含更多的行动序列。

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