26-359_E_PCD1 and PCD2 Analoge modules_danfoss

Controls The analogue  input/output modules
The economic interfaces to the process
The wide range of analogue I/O modules offers optimum
s Economic: The modular structure means that it is only necessary to include
(and pay for) those functions that are actually required for a specific appli-
s Flexible: All modules of the I/O level can be plugged onto any preferred point
on the bus and are easy to exchange.
s Functional security: Guaranteed by their robust design and excellent reliability
(average field failure rate FFR >106 hours).
s Time saved in electrical wiring: Due to plug-in screw terminals, spring terminals
or ready-made cable.
Edition 26/359 E3
¹) Current draw from internal 5 V bus, loading capacity max. 750 mA for PCD1 and max. 1600 mA for PCD2²) Current draw from internal 24 V bus, loading capacity max. 100 mA for PCD1 and max. 200 mA for PCD2³) +4…+20 mA via user program
Retaining catch
Insertion of the I/O
m odules is simple and elegant: Push the
m odule into the side opening until it reaches the end stop, then lock the retaining catch in place – the module is fixed rigidly in position.
Bus connector
CPU and I/O bus Standard connection via plug-in screw  t erminals
Plug-in spring terminals as option for PCD2.M170/..M177
Mechanical refinement of I/O level concept
Overview of analogue input/output modules
O v e r v i e w
Analogue modules with 4 input channels, resolution 12 bit
Input channels 4 Resolution 12 bit (0…4095) Input filter 3 ms  Potential isolation no  Accuracy  ..W100 ±0.05 % unipolar  ±0.1 % bipolar  ..W105 ±0.2 % uni-/bipolar  Current draw  internally from 5 V bus 45 mA  Connection diagram
The minus connections of any input are not  c onnected to user ground.
Inputs 0 (3)
Signal range for all input channels jumper  selectable:
PCD2.W100    4 input channels 0…10 V, –10…0 V unipolar  or –10…+10 V bipolar
PCD2.W105    4 input channels 0…20 mA, –20…0 mA  unipolar or –20…+20 mA bipolar  (4…20 mA via user program)
Analogue modules with 4 input channels for
resistance thermometers, resolution 12 bit
Input channels 4, for Pt/Ni 100 or  1000 (2-wire) Resolution 12 bit (0…4095)  Linearization integrated  Input filter 1 ms  Potential isolation no  Line compensation    A precision potentio-  meter is provided for  each input channel  Accuracy  ..W110/112 better than 0.2 °C  ..W111/113/114 better than 0.4 °C  Current draw  internally from 5 V bus 45 mA  Connection diagram
The minus connections of any input are not  c onnected to user ground.
Inputs 0 (3)
Temperature range –50…+150 °C PCD2.W110 4 × Pt 100 each to 2 mA (IEC 751)PCD2.W111 4 × Ni 100 each to 2 mA (DIN 43 760)PCD2.W112 4 × Pt 1000 each to 0.2 mA (IEC 751)PCD2.W113 4 × Ni 1000 each to 0.2 mA (DIN 43 760) Temperature range 0…+350 °C PCD2.W114 4 × Pt 100 each to 0.2 mA (IEC 751)
Analogue modules with 8 input channels, resolution 10 bit
Input channels 8 Resolution 10 bit (0…1023) Input filter  5 ms for ..W200  1 ms for ..W210  10 ms for ..W220 Potential isolation no  Accuracy ±0.4 % Current draw  internally from 5 V bus 8 mA  Connection diagram
c onnection
All inputs have a common minus connection.
Inputs 0 (7)
Signal ranges:
PCD2.W200 8 input channels 0…10 V PCD2.W210 8 input channels 0…20 mA
PCD2.W220 ¹) 8 input channels for resistance thermometer  Pt/Ni 1000 (2-wire) for –50…+400 °C or  +200 °C respectively
¹) Special versions available on request for different sensing devices.
Analogue modules with 8 input channels, resolution 12 bit
Input channels 8 Resolution 12 bit (0…4095) Input filter:  ..W300 typ. 10.5 ms  ..W310 typ. 12.4 ms  ..W340 typ.  7.8 ms (V)  typ. 24.2 ms (mA/°C)  ..W350/360 typ. 16.9 ms  Potential isolation no  Accuracy  ..W300/310 ±0.5 %  ..W340/350/360 ±0.3 % Current draw  internally from 5 V bus 8 mA  Connection diagram
All inputs have a common minus connection.
Inputs 0 (7)
Temperature range –50…+150 °C
PCD2.W300 8 input channels 0…10 V PCD2.W310 8 input channels 0…20 mA
PCD2.W340 8 input channels, jumper selectable: 0…10 V, 0…20 mA or for 2-wire resistance  thermometer Pt 1000 for –50…+400 °C or  Ni 1000 for –50…+200 °C
PCD2.W350 8 input channels for 2-wire resistance  thermometer Pt 100 for –50…+600 °C or  Ni 100 for –50…+250 °C
PCD2.W360 8 input channels for 2-wire resistance  thermometer Pt 1000 for –50…+150 °C,  resolution <0.1 °C
Analogue input modules
A n a l o g u e  i n p u t  m o d u l e s
Analogue modules with 4 output channels, resolution 8 bit
Output channels 4, short-circuit proof  Resolution 8 bit (0…255) D/A conversion time max. 5 µs  Potential isolation no  Accuracy ±1.5 % voltage  ±2.0 % current  Current draw  internally from 5 V bus 1 mA  Connection diagram
24 VDC
External supply of 24 VDC is necessary for
current outputs.
Outputs 0 (3)
Signal ranges (load impedance):jumper2
PCD2.W400 Simple module: 4 channels 0…10 V (≥3 k Ω)PCD2.W410 Universal module: 4 channels, jumper
selectable, 0…10 V (≥3 k Ω), 0…20 mA (≤500 Ω)  or 4…20 mA (≤500 Ω)
Analogue modules with 4 output channels, resolution 12 bit
Output channels 4, short-circuit proof  Resolution 12 bit (0…4095) D/A conversion time typ. 10 µs
Potential isolation no
Accuracy ±0.5 % voltage
±1.0 % current
Current draw
internally from 5 V bus ..W600: 4 mA
..W610: 110 mA  Connection diagram
24 VDC
External supply of 24 VDC is necessary for
current outputs.
Outputs 0 (3)
Signal ranges (load impedance):
PCD2.W600 Simple module: 4 channels 0…10 V (≥3 k Ω)PCD2.W610 Universal module: 4 channels, jumper  selectable, 0…10 V and –10…+10 V (≥3 k Ω),  0…20 mA (≤500 Ω), additional “mid/low ”  jumper to select closing sequence
Analogue modules with 2 input and 2 output
channels, resolution 12 bit
Input channels  2 Input signals jumper selectable:  ..W500 0…+10 V or  –10…+10 V  ..W510 ¹) 0…20 mA or  –20…+20 mA  Input filter 3 ms  Output channels  2, short-circuit proof  Output signals jumper selectable:  0…+10 V or  –10…+10 V  D/A conversion time max. 20 µs  Load impedance ≥3 k Ω Common data  Resolution 12 bit (0…4095) Potential isolation no  Accuracy ±0.5 % voltage  ±1.0 % current  Current draw  internally from 5 V bus 200 mA  Connection diagram
User ground
Outputs 0 (1)
Inputs 0 (1)
PCD2.W500    2 input and 2 output channels for
voltage signals
PCD2.W510 ¹) 2 input channels for current signals and
2 output channels for voltage signals
¹) Special version, delivery on request Analogue output modules
Analogue input/output module
A n a l o g u e  o u t p u t  m o d u l e s
All I/O modules have plug-in terminal connection blocks as standard. These allow modules to be exchanged without undoing the connections. Other types of connection are also available.
Electrical isolation can be achieved for the analogue mod-ules with the KFD1 isolating amplifiers. More information can be obtained from documentation 26/328.Standard connection via screw terminals
The majority of I/O modules have screw terminal blocks for connecting wires up to 1.5 mm ² or 2 × 0.5 mm ².Spring terminals as an option for PCD2.M170/..M177
A spring terminal block (item number: 4’405’4914’0), which can be attached in place of the screw terminal block, is available for all 10-pole I/O modules. The terminals take connecting wires of 1.5 m
m ² solid or 1mm ² fine-strand. On request, the relevant modules can also be supplied ready as-sembled (Indicate on order: “with spring terminal block ”).
Plug-on system cable with connector at PCD end
The route to quick, convenient connection includes this pre-assembled cable. At the PCD end of the cable the con-nector is ready mounted, so connection is just a matter of plugging it in. Detailed information can be obtained from documentation 26/326.
PCD2.K271, length 1.5 m / PCD2.K273, length 3.0 m
For analogue I/O modules and ..H.. modules with 10-pole, plug-in screw terminal blocks (remove existing terminal block)
Sheathed, shielded, round cable with 10 strands of 0.25 mm ², shielding drawn out at both ends
10-pole, plug-in screw terminal block at PCD end, free ends on process side, unsheathed for 100 mm, with colour coded strands
Electrical connection of I/O modules
E l e c t r i c a l  c o n n e c t i o n
Ordering information
Type Description Weight
with 4 input channels, resolution 12 bit
Signal range for all input channels, jumper selectable:
PCD2.W100  4 input channels 0…10 V, –10…0 V or –10…+10 V 40 g
PCD2.W105  4 input channels 0…20 mA, –20…0 mA or –20…+20 mA (4…20 mA via
program) 40
with 4 input channels for resistance thermometer, resolution 12 bit
–50…+150 °C
PCD2.W110 4
×Pt 100 each to 2 mA (IEC 751) 50 g
×Ni 100 each to 2 mA (DIN 43 760) 50 g
PCD2.W111 4
×Pt 1000 each to 0.2 mA (IEC 751) 50 g
PCD2.W112 4
PCD2.W113 4
×Ni 1000 each to 0.2 mA (DIN 43 760) 50 g
Temperature range 0…+350 °C
×Pt 100 each to 0.2 mA (IEC 751) 50 g
PCD2.W114 4
with 8 input channels, resolution 10 bit
PCD2.W2008 input channels 0…10 V 35 g
PCD2.W2108 input channels 0…20 mA 35 g
PCD2.W220¹)8 input channels for resistance thermometer Pt/Ni 1000 (2-wire),
–50…+400 °C or +200 °C respectively 40 g
with 8 input channels, resolution 12 bit
–50…+150 °C
PCD2.W3008 input channels 0…10 V 40 g
PCD2.W3108 input channels 0…20 mA 40 g
PCD2.W340 8 input channels, jumper selectable:
0…10 V, 0…20 mA or for 2-wire resistance thermometer Pt 1000 for
–50…+400 °C or Ni 1000 for –50…+200 °C 40
PCD2.W3508 input channels for 2-wire resistance thermometer Pt 100 for
–50…+600 °C or Ni 100 for –50…+250 °C 40
PCD2.W3608 input channels for 2-wire resistance thermometer Pt 1000 for
–50…+150 °C, resolution <0.1 °C 40
with 4 output channels, resolution 8 bit
Signal ranges (load impedance):
PCD2.W400Simple module: 4 channels 0…10 V (≥3 kΩ) 35
PCD2.W410Universal module: 4 channels, jumper selectable, 0…10 V (≥3 kΩ),
0…20 mA (≤500 Ω) or 4…20 mA (≤500 Ω) 45
with 4 output channels, resolution 12 bit
Signal ranges (load impedance):
PCD2.W600Simple module: 4 channels 0…10 V (≥3 kΩ) 40
PCD2.W610Universal module: 4 channels, jumper selectable, 0…10 V and
–10…+10 V (≥3 kΩ), 0…20 mA (≤500 Ω), additional “mid/low” jumper for
closing sequence selection 45 g
Analogue modules with 2 input and 2 output channels, resolution 12 bit
PCD2.W500  2 input and 2 output channels for voltage signals 55 g
PCD2.W510¹)  2 input channels for current signals and 2 output channels for
signals 55
Spring terminal block as accessory
4’405’4914’0 with 10 terminals, only for use on PCD2.M170/..M177 base units,
can be inserted in place of standard screw terminal blocks ²) 12
Plug-in screw terminal blocks (replacement)
4’405’4847’0 with 10 terminals 17 g
¹) Special version, delivery on request
²) On request, the relevant modules can also be supplied ready assembled. Indicate on order: “with spring terminal block”.
Printed in Switzerland 26/359 E3 11. 2001 TA30 Subject to change without notice.

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