
一·常见按摩项目(common  massage  items)
1·按摩 massage                          7·足浴 foot massage         
阳光下可视液晶屏2·保健按摩 healthcare massage/            8·美容 facial care
            Keep-fit massage              9·减肥 weight reduction                           
3·医疗按摩therapeutic massage            10·药浴 medicated bath therapy
4·推拿 tuina                            11·推油 oil pushing                               
5·针灸 acupuncture                      12·踩背 back trampling
6·康复 healing  /rehabilitation              13·指压acupressure
14·双足同步按摩 simultaneous massage for both feet
15·桑拿药足浴sauna & foot-bathing
16·港台式足浴 feet massage in the Hongkong &  taiwan  style
17·古典式足浴 feet massage in the classical style
18·中式经络按摩Chinese meridian and collateral massage
19·药熨按摩 massage with medicated bag
20·防衰按摩 age-resistance massage
21·日式油压 Japanese acupressure with oil      27·小儿推拿 children tuina
22·椅式按摩 chair massage                    28·多功能牵引multi-function traction
23·中式按摩 traditional Chinese massage        29·盲人按摩 massage by the bind桑叶采摘器
24·泰式按摩 massage in the Thailand style        30·日式指压 shiatsu
25·韩式松骨按摩 massage in South Korean style  31·港式踩背
26·印度草药按摩 ayurvedic massage            back trampling in Hongkong style
32·淋巴排毒保健按摩 lymph drainage massage    37·药酒 medicated wine
33·热石疗法 hot stone therapy                  38·修脚 pedicure
34·整脊疗法 chiropractic massage              39·修手 manicure
35·反射疗法 reflexology                      40·采耳 ear clearing
36·香薰耳烛 aroma ear candles therapy          41·火罐 cupping /jar therapy
42·刮痧 scraping /guasha treatment
43·全身保健按摩 whole-body healthcare massage
44·足底保健按摩 thenar healthcare massage
45·彩疗法 colortherapy
46·音乐疗法 musictherapy
47·触觉疗法 tactiletherapy/touch therapy
48·芳香疗法 aromatherapy
蜂房哈夫尼菌二·常用按摩手法(common techniques of massage)
1·摩擦类(rubbing category)                             
无底鞋  推法 pushing              搓法 palm twisting/
  抹法 slipping/wipping            rubbing with two palms
  摩法 circular kneading      擦法 rubbing/linear-rubbing
2·挤压类(squeezing-pressing category)      3·摆动类 (swaying category)
  按 pressing                                揉法 kneading
  点 finger pressing                          滚法 rolling
  拨 plucking/pulling                          一指禅推法
  拿 grasping                                thumb waving pressing/
  捻 finger twisting/holding twisting              Dhyana-thumb-pushing
4·震动(vibrating category)
  抖法 shaking                            拍法 patting
  振法 vibrating                            叩法tapping
  叩击法 tapping knocking category            击法 beating/knocking
三·常见腧穴(frepuently used points)
  百会    内关    商阳    足三里
  涌泉    中府    手三里  神门
  风池    尺泽    曲池    京门
  印堂    列缺    天枢    委中
四·常见按摩介质·器具(common ,media and appliance)
  1·滑石粉 talcum powder                    7· massage sticks
  2·红花油 Chinese medicated oil for bone injury  8·按摩锤 massage knockers
  3·清凉油 Chinese refreshing ointment          9·按摩枕 massage pillows
  4·精油 essential oil                        10·按摩靠垫 massage cushions
  5·按摩膏 massage cream                    11·按摩椅 massage chairs
  6·按摩油 massage oil                      12·按摩床 massage tables
五·经络(channels and collaterals)
光电脉搏传感器1·手太阴肺经 the lung channel of hand-taiyin
2·手阳明大肠经 the large intestine channel of hand-yangming
3·足阳明大肠经 the stomach channel of foot-yangming
4·足太阴脾经 the spleen channel of foot-taiyin提拉下水
5·手少阴心经 the heart channel of hand-shaoyin
6·手太阳小肠经 the small intestine channel of taiyang
7·足太阳膀胱经 the urinary bladder channel of taiyang
8·足少阴肾经 the kidney channel of shaoyin
9·手厥阴心包经 the pericardium channel of hand-jueyin
10·手少阳三焦经 the sanjiao channel of hand-shaoyang
11·足少阳胆经 the gall bladder channel of foot-shaoyang
12·足厥阴肝经 the liver channel of foot-jueyin
六·常见症状(common symptoms)
1·头痛 headache                  9·半身不遂 hemiparalysis /hemiplegia
2·眩晕 blackout/vertigo            10·冻疮chibain
3·鼻塞 the snuffle                  11·牙痛 toothache
4·目胀 distension in eye              12·腹泻diarrhea /diarrhoea
5·胸闷 chest stuff                  13·便秘 constipation
6·食欲不振 inappetence              14·神经衰弱nerve-tire /neurasthenic
7·    精神疲劳 mental fatigue          15·中暑 heat stroke
8·失眠 insomnia                    16·耳鸣

本文发布于:2024-09-21 03:24:51,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:按摩   疗法   足浴   日式   太阴
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