
护套轧纹 sheath crimping
护套偏心监控仪 sheath eccentricity monitor
护套涡流损耗系数 sheath eddy current loss factor
节能玻璃贴膜护套绝缘环 sheath insulating ring
护套损耗 sheath loss
护套损耗 sheath losses
护套结构 sheath make-up
护套加固箍 sheath reinforcing bandage
护套的接续 sheath splice
护套的接续 sheath splicing
护套加强元件、护套加强单元 sheath strength member
护套剥除机、剥护套机 sheath stripping machine
护套表面 sheath surface
护套厚度 sheath thickness
护套换位 sheath transposition
护套() sheath wall
冰棍机护套壁厚 sheath wallthickness
护套线、被覆线 sheath wire
护套电缆 sheathed cable
固定布线用护套电缆 sheathed cable for fixed wiring
有外护套层的卷边纵包金属护套布线电缆 sheathed metal-clad wiring cable
护套线、被覆线 sheathed wire
[]护套、护套 sheathing
护套混合物[] sheathing compound
护套挤包设备 sheathing equipment
护套挤制生产线 sheathing line
护套挤出机 sheathing machine
护套材料 sheathing material
护套试样 sheathing test-piece
护套线、被覆线 sheathing wire
护套颜 sheating color
护套工段 sheating department
单护套 single sheath
单芯电缆(有或无护套) single-core cable (with or without sheath)
内部配线用单芯无护套电缆、布线电缆 single-core non-sheath cable for internal wiring
有护套的单芯导线 single-core sheathed conductor
单护套电缆 single-jacketed cable
聚乙烯密封护套 sealpeth sheath
金属护套的无缝挤包、无缝护包金属护套 seamless extrusion of metal sheaths
自粘性外护套 self-bonding overcoat
半导体护套 semi-conducting jacket
护套剥离绳 rip cord
橡皮绝缘护套 rubber insulating blanket
橡皮护套、橡套 rubber sheath
加固型铅护套 reinforced lead sheath
增强型护套 reinforced sheathv
剥除(绝缘、护套)、拆卸 remove
铝护套电力电缆 power cable with aluminium sheath
抗压力护套 pressure-retaining sheath
护套 protective jacket
护套、护层 protective jackte
护套 protective sheath
[]滑护套 plain sheath
塑料护套 plastic sheath
塑料护套厚度检测装置 plastic thickness test unit
塑料[非金属]护套电缆 plastic-sheathed cable
塑料护套软线 plastic-sheathed flexible cord
氯丁橡胶护套电缆 polychloroprene sheathed cable
聚乙烯护套 polyethylene jacket
聚乙烯护套料 polyethylene jacking compound8
字形绕包聚乙烯护套 polyethylene sheath of figure-8 formation
聚乙烯护套料 polyethylene sheating compound
聚乙烯护套电缆 polyethylene-jacketed cable
-聚乙烯综合护套 polyethylene-protected lead sheath
聚乙烯铝膜粘接护套 polyethylene/aluminium bonded laminate sheath
聚乙烯护套电缆 polythene jacketed cable
聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电缆 polythene-insulated cable sheathed with PVC
聚氯乙烯绝缘及护套电缆 polyvinyl chloride insulated and sheathed cable
聚氯乙烯护套 polyvinyl chloride jacket

护套的透潮 permeation through jacket
普通塑料护套软线 ordinary plastic-sheathed flexible cord
普通聚氯乙烯护套软线 ordinary(PVC-)sheathed flexible cord
聚合物外护套 outer polymeric sheath
外护套 outer sheath
外护套 outer shell
外护套、外护层 overcoat
外护套、外护层 oversheath
耐臭氧乙丙橡胶护套 ozone-resisting ethylene propylene rubber jacket
包套、外护套 package sheathing(
油浸)纸绝缘铅护套电缆 paper-insulated lead-covered cable(
油浸)纸绝缘铅护套电缆 paper-insulated lead-sheathed cable
纸绝缘金属护套电缆 paper-insulated metal-sheathed cable
非金属护套 non-metallic sheath
非金属护套电缆 non-metallic-sheathed cable
无护套电缆 non-sheathed cable
固定布线用无护套电缆 non-sheathed cable for fixed wiring
非金属护套 nonmetallic covering
尼龙护套电缆 nylon jacketed cable
尼龙护套光纤 nylon-jacketed optical fiber
纸绝缘金属护套充油电缆 oil-filled paper-insulated metal-sheathed cable
光缆护套挤出生产线 optical cable sheathing line
多层护套(北美采用) multilayered jacket
多层护套 multilayered sheath
多层护套、层式护套 multiple sheath
天然橡胶护套 natural rubber jacket
金属护套 metal sheath
卷边纵包金属护套布线电缆 metal-clad wiring cable
金属护套电缆 metal-sheathed cable
铜芯矿物绝缘铜护套电缆 mineral-insulated copper-sheathed cable with copper conductor
防潮护套 moisture barrier jacket
防潮护套 moisture barrier sheath
氧化镁绝缘金属护套电线 magnesia-insulated metal sheathed wire
聚乙烯-铅综合护套层、铅-聚乙烯综合护套 lepeth
-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 lepeth cable
-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 lepeth-sheath cable
轻型聚氯乙烯护套电缆 light PVC-sheathed cable
轻型塑料护套软线 light plastic-sheathed flexible cord
轻型聚氯乙烯护套软线 light(PVC) sheathed flexible cord
浅护套 light-colored jacket
-聚乙烯粘接护套 laminated aluminum-polyethylene sheath
金属护套 metal sheath
卷边纵包金属护套布线电缆 metal-clad wiring cable
金属护套电缆 metal-sheathed cable
铜芯矿物绝缘铜护套电缆 mineral-insulated copper-sheathed cable with copper conductor
防潮护套 moisture barrier jacket
防潮护套 moisture barrier sheath
氧化镁绝缘金属护套电线 magnesia-insulated metal sheathed wire
聚乙烯-铅综合护套层、铅-聚乙烯综合护套 lepeth
-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 lepeth cable
-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 lepeth-sheath cable
轻型聚氯乙烯护套电缆 light PVC-sheathed cable
轻型塑料护套软线 light plastic-sheathed flexible cord
轻型聚氯乙烯护套软线 light(PVC) sheathed flexible cord
浅护套 light-colored jacket
-聚乙烯粘接护套 laminated aluminum-polyethylene sheath
层式护套、多层护套、薄层粘接护套 laminated sheath(
层状)粘接[]带、金属-塑料综合护套用复合带 laminated tape
压铅机、电缆铅护套挤压机 lead cable-sheathing press
压铅机、铅护套挤压机 lead press
铅护套变形 lead sheath strain

直埋浅卡 dirdect burial
校直 straighten
辊式矫直机 straighteners
矫直 straighening
直径 diameter
成品电缆的标称直径 BASFOD
线材矫直器 wire straightener
线材矫直切割机 wire straightening and cutting machine
垂直安装[排列] vertical arrangement
立式垂直浇铸 vertical cast
立式垂直浇铸 vertical casting
耐垂直蠕变性 vertical creep resistance
垂直燃烧试验 vertical flame test
垂直敷设 vertical installation
Date:2007-08-28 17:49:30
有效纤芯直径 effective core diameter
直埋 direct burial
地下敷设、直埋 direct burial (in earth)
直埋电缆 direct burial cable
直埋电缆 direct buried cable
冷却水管、电缆的直接冷却举宫是什么意思 direct cooling of cable
直接牵引拉线机 direct pull drawing machine
远程直接数据处理、远程在线数据处理 direct remote data processing
直接蒸汽硫化 direct steam cure
直流电压 direct voltage
直接水冷却电缆 direct water-cooled cable
直接波 direct wave
直流耐压试验 direct-current withstand voltage test
直流式压铅机 direct-flow lead press
直接冷却式模架 directly cooled dieholder
双层直角挤出机头 double layer crosshead
不准直 decollimation
直径控制装置、线径控制器 diameter control device
直接耦合 direct coupling
直接串音 direct crosstalk
直流电() direct current
直流电缆 direct current cable
直流电力电缆 direct current power cable
直流电阻 direct current resistance
直接拉丝 direct drawing
直接传动 direct drive

电缆在屏蔽前的直径 diameter of the cable beneath the shield
直径比 diameter ratio
直径缩小、缩径 diameter reduction
直径公差 diameter tolerance
十字机头、直角机头 cross head
十字机头、直角机头 cross-head
十字头、直角机头 crosshead
直流增音机 lay repeater
直流电压 d.c.voltage
直流电压强度 d.c.voltage strength
(向、定、流)电流、等幅电流、直流 continuous current
直流电压 continuous voltage
铜带矫直装置 copper strip straightener unit
线芯直径、纤芯直径、(线盘)筒径 core diameter(
)()径偏差 core diameter deviation
电缆芯()径比 core ratio
瞬变[]直流电压 voltage
包层直径 cladding diameter
包层表面直径偏差 cladding surface diameter deviation
同轴式直角挤出机头 coaxial extrusion crosshead
圈线预矫直机 coil-end pre-straightenner
大截面[直径]电缆 cable with big cross-sectional areas
直埋电缆、地下电缆 buried cable
直埋光缆 buried service lightguide
水线电码直接打印机 cable code direct printer
电缆直径控制 cable diameter control(
线盘)轴孔直径、线盘轴孔直径 bore diameter
平均纤芯直径 average core diameter
筒体直径、线盘筒径 barrel diameter
线模直径 bearing diameter
直流电力电缆 D.C. Power cable
直流电阻不平衡 D.C. resistance unbalance
直流耐压试验 D.C. withstand test
直流电力电缆 D.C.power cable
直流火花试验器[机、仪] DC spark testerdiameter
直径 DIA
导线直径 DOA
缆芯包带层直径 DOCC
泡沫/实心皮绝缘的泡沫部分直径 DOFC
双层护套电缆的内护套直径 DOIJ
线对直径 DiameteroverpairsDOP
屏蔽直径 diameterovershieldDOS
钢屏蔽直径 DiameteroversteelshieldDOSTL
直接淬火线杆 ED rod
高压直流输电子工业 HVDC( transmission)
高压直流输电 HVDC(high-voltage direct current transmission)
长度与直径之比、长径比 L/D ratio
结构高度(对绝缘子串元件) spacing(for string insulator unit)
绝缘子串 insulator string
绝缘子串元件 string insulator unit
不平衡电流、串音电流 unbalanced current
不可懂串音、非线性串音 unintelligible cross-talk
串列式三机架线材压扁整边机 three-stand tandem wire flattening and edging mill
串列式三机架线材压扁机 three-stand tandem wire flattening mill
沙发 Date:2007-08-28 17:52:21
串连 tandem
串列式退火机、连续拉丝退火机 tandem annealer
串联、串列式布置[装置] tandem arrangement
串联、串列式布置 tandem connection
串列式挤出机 tandem extruder
串列式轧机、直线式轧机 tandem rolling mill
串列式线材轧机 tandem-type rod mill
实路对幻路的串音 side-to-phantom crosstalk
实路对幻路的远端串音 side-to-phantom far-end crosstalk
实路对实路的串音、实线间串音 side-to-side crosstalk
实路对实路的串音耦合、实线间串音耦合 side-to-side crosstalk coupling
实线间的远端串音 side-to-side far-end crosstalk
串联电路、串联 series circuit
串联、串联电路 series connection
串联干扰电压 series interference voltage
串联电阻 series resistance
反射近端串音 reflected near-end crosstalk
串音 overhearing
近端串音 near-end crosstalk
近端串音衰减 near-end crosstalk attenuation
近端串音损耗 near-end crosstalk loss
近端串音 near-end talk
可懂串音、线性串音 intelligible (linear) cross-talk
间接串音 indirect crosstalk
高频串音特性 high-frequency crosstalk performance
光纤串扰 fiber cross-talk
远端串音 far-end crosstalk
远端串音衰减 far-end crosstalk attenuation
远端串音损耗 far-end crosstalk loss
远端串音防卫度 far-end crosstalk ratio
端串扰、端串音 end cross-talk
直接串音 direct crosstalk
串音、串话 cross talk
串音[串话]特性 cross talk characteristic
串音测量[] cross talk measuring method
抗串扰性 cross talk resistance
串音信号 cross-talk signal
串音、串话、串扰、串光、串 crosstalk
串音衰减 crosstalk attenuation
串音衰减当量 crosstalk attenuation unit
串音平衡 crosstalk balance
串音平衡 crosstalk balancing
(轴对)串四(线组) crosstalk between coaxial pair and quad
(线组)串四(线组) crosstalk between star quad
(线组)串同(轴对) crosstalk between star quad and coaxial pair
(轴对)串同(轴对) crosstalk between two coaxial pairs
串音电路、串音耦合 crosstalk circuit
串话补偿 crosstalk compensation
串音耦合、串话耦合 crosstalk coupling
串音耦合损耗 crosstalk coupling loss
串音电流 crosstalk current
防串话环 crosstalk damping ring
串音干扰 crosstalk disturbance
串音[串话]因数 crosstalk factor
串音[串话]干扰 crosstalk interference
串音水平 crosstalk level
串音损耗 crosstalk loss
串音测试装置 crosstalk measuring set
串音测试仪 crosstalk meter
串音噪声 crosstalk noise
串音路径 crosstalk path
串音原理 crosstalk principle
串音防卫度 crosstalk ratio
板凳 Date:2007-08-28 17:53:08
串音信号 crosstalk signal
串音理论 crosstalk theory
串音传输当量、串音衰减 crosstalk transmission equivalent
经由第三回路的串音 crosstalk via tertiary circuit
串话音量 crosstalk volume
无串音特性 crosstalk-free characteristics
串音频率特性 crosstalk-frequency characteristics
无串音的 crosstalk-proof
连续拉线-退火机组、串列式退火机 continuous wire drawing and annealing
路际串音 channel crosstalk
ntest级[]联、级联电路 cascade connection
[]联式冷却器 cascade cooler
电缆串音极限 cable crosstalk limit
电缆放线 wheel cable drum carriage
放线车 wire barrow
放线转台[转盘] wire pay-off turntable
放线车 wire-barrow
立式越端放线架 vertical flyer pay-off frame
垂直升降式收、放线装置 vertical lift pay-off and take-up
轨道滑动式放线装置 walk-through pay-off
放线、解绕、退绕 unreeling
退扭放线装置 untwisting pay-off system
退绕[放线]装置 unwinding device
移动式龙门收、放线架 travelling drum take-up and pay-off stand in port
移动式龙门收、放线架 travelling drum take-up and pay-off stand in portal execution
行走式放线装置 travelling pay-off
行走式放线架 travelling pay-off stand
双头立式放线架 twin headed swift
放线(装置) take-off
放线架[装置] take-off stand
收放线(装置) take-up and pay-off
张力控制放线装置 tension controlled pay-off
供方、承制厂、放线装置、交货方、制造厂 supplier
放线盘 supply bobbin
放线牵引轮 supply capstan
放线架 supply frame
放线盘 supply reel
放线架[装置] supply stand
收放线装置 spooler-unspooler
固定放线装置 stationary pay-off
固定式放线架 stationary pay-off stand
固定式收放线架 stationary take-up and pay-off stand
成捆或成筒放线装置 stempack or drumpack pay-off system
圈式放线装置、捆式放线装置 stempack pay-off
越端放线的刚性架绞线机 spin-off rigid-frame strander
无轴式恒定张力放线装置 shaft type constant tension pay-off
无轴式恒定张力放线装置 shaftless constant tension pay-off
无轴式放线设备 shaftless pay-off equipment
无轴式放线系统 shaftless pay-off system
单头立式放线架 single headed swift
单盘放线装置 single reel pay-off
转盘式放线装置 ring flyer
旋转放线装置 rotary pay-off
锥形旋转放线架 rotating cone
旋转放线装置 rotating pay-off
放线装置 re-reeler
门式放线架[装置] portal type pay-off
门式放线架 portal-type pay-off stand
放线、 v
放线、解[退]绕、 n
放线(装置) pay off
放线人工控制速度 pay off manual speed control
放线装置 pay-ins
放线储线器、放线储存器 pay-off accumulator
组合放线装置 pay-off and bank
收、放线装置 pay-off and take-up
4 Date:2007-08-28 17:53:37
收、放线设备 pay-off and take-up equipment
组合放线装置 pay-off bank
放线盘 pay-off drum
放线架、放线框 pay-off frame
放线导轮架 pay-off guid sheave stand
放线机 pay-off machine
放线平衡器 pay-off neutralizer
放线架 pay-off rack
放线盘 pay-off reel
放线速度 pay-off speed
放线盘 pay-off spool
放线架光耦电路[装置] pay-off stand
成圈铜杆放线架 pay-off stand for copper rods in coils
放线架 pay-off swift
放线装置 pay-off unit
放线速度 pay-off velocity
放线架 pay-off-rack
放线角 pay-out angle
放线架 pay-out stand
放线装置 pay-out unit
放线 payed off
放线盘 paying out drum
放线盘 paying out reel
放线自动控制微调 payoff automatic-control triment
放线盘架 payoff bobbin retainer
放线张力 payoff tension
越端放线(装置) over-end pay-off
越端放线装置 over-end pay-off unit
越端放线、轴向放线 over-flange pay-off
越端放线拉线 over-head take-off drawing
越端放线装置 overend dereeler
越端[轴向]放线装置 overhead pay-off
越端式放线架 overhead pay-off-rack
越端牵引、越端放线 overhead-pull-off
电动放线装置 motor-driven pay-off
机动放线架 motor-driven wire pay-off swift
主动放线装置、电动放线装置 motorised pay-off
多盘放线装置 multi-bobbin pay-off
无驱动放线 non-drive pay off
移动式放线装置 mobile pay-off
行走式放线架 mobile pay-off stand
手动螺杆升降式放线装置 manual screw lift pay-off
放线装置 let-off apparatus
放线篮架 input core drum carrier
放线盘、进线线盘、生产用线盘、机用线盘 input reel
重型无轴式放线装置 heavy duty shaftless pay-off
越端放线装置 flyer dereeler
浮转式放线装置 flyer pay-off
越端放线装置 flyer re-reeler
飞环[越端]式放线装置 flyoff hood arrangement
放线架[装置] feed stand
拉线鼓轮、(电缆敷设用)放线盘 drawing drum
被动式放线装置 driven supply arrangement
筒式放线装置 drumpack pay-off
双盘越端放线(装置) dual flyer pay-off
双盘越端放线(装置) dual flyer type pay-off
双盘放线装置 dual pay-off
双盘放线装置 dual pay-off unit
放线浮拉器 de-reeling flyer
越端放线架 de-reeling flyer frame
圈线绕机、圈线放线架 decoiler
放线装置 dereeler
放线 despooling
放线装置 despooling unit
退绕器、放线器 dewinder
绕线轴架、多轴放线架 creel
放线架 creel stand
毛刷式放线装置 curl flyer
恒定张力放线架 constant tension lef-off stand
中心放线盘 core pay-off reel

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标签:放线   装置   串音   直径   电缆   直流   绝缘
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