
The Most Common Family Name 最常见的姓氏
Smith is the most common family name in the United Kingdom and the United States .More than 3 million p,eople in the United States share this name ,and more than half a million share it in the United Kingdom .史密斯是英国和美国最常见的姓氏。 美国有300多万人分享这个名字,英国有50多万人分享这个名字。
Smith is the name of a job .A smith ( orblacksmith )is a man who works with metal .It is one of the earllest jobs in all countries .As a result ,Smith becomes the most common of all family names .
史密斯是一份工作的名字。 铁匠(或铁匠)是一个用金属工作的人。 这是所有国家最早的工作之一。 因此,史密斯成为所有姓氏中最常见的。
The"Magic Word"“魔法词”
"Please" is the first and most useful " magic word ".It's the first  word taught in homes in the West .During a meal ,a kid may say ,"Mommy !Give me some milk !"The mother quickly responds,"What's the magic word ?"The kid never answers ," Abracadabra."He says,"Please".“请”是第一个也是最有用的“魔法词”。 这是西方家庭教的第一个词。 吃饭的时候,孩子可能会说:“妈妈! 给我一些牛奶!”母亲很快回答,“神奇的词是什么?”孩子从不回答,“Abracadabra(魔术师所说的咒语)。”他说,“请”。
" Please"is the easiest way to make an informal request smooth and kind .Nobody gets upset because the word " please " is used . But many people get angry because it is not used.“请”是使非正式请求顺利和友好的最简单的方法。没有人会因为使用“请”这个词而生气。 但许多人会生气,因为它没有被使用。“
Black Friday 黑星期五
Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving in the US .It is the beginning of the  traditional holiday shopping season .Black Friday used to mean heavy traffic ,but that day ,it means the early opening and late closing of shops .黑星期五是美国感恩节后的星期
五。 是传统节日购物季的开始。 黑星期五过去意味着繁忙的交通,但那天,它意味着商店的早开放和晚关闭。
On that day ,many people would take the day off to go shopping ,because many things are on sharp discount that day . In many cities ,people line up hours before stores open . Electric appliances,clothes and toys are often the most popular items .Many people buy Christmas gifts for their friends and families ,some others buy items at a very low price and resell them online .在那一天,许多人会请假去购物,因为那天很多东西都打折。 在许多城市,人们在商店开业前几个小时排队。 电器、衣服和玩具往往是最受欢迎的物品。 许多人为他们的朋友和家人购买圣诞礼物,有些人以很低的价格购买物品并在网上转售。
Meeting and Greeting 见面与问候
In some countries people greet each other by ssing and embracing.Avoid this in Britain .The way to greet a British person for the first time is to shake hands with him or her.There  should be no more than three shakes up and down .Don't pat him or her on the back-this is not British .在一些国家,人们通过唱歌和拥抱互相问候。 在英国不要这样。
第一次问候英国人的方法是与他或她握手。 上下摇动不应超过三次。 不要拍他或她的背-这不是英国人。
Kissing is not common except in the case of elderly ladies .They will incline  their heads ,and you should lean towards their left side and  kiss the air an inch or so above the cheek .Do not actually TOUCH the cheek with your lips .接吻是不常见的,除了老年妇女。 他们会把头倾斜,你应该靠在他们的左边,亲吻空气在脸颊上方一英寸左右。 实际上不要用你的嘴唇来舔脸颊。能量管理系统
制冰袋27.tvIn the 16th century ,a favorite toy for children of aⅡ ages was the hobbyhorse.A hobbyhorse could be as simple as a stick ,or it could have a wooden horse's head on it.Later ,the hobbyhorse became not very popular ,but the pleasure of doing  something outside the routine activites or daily life  brought a new word into the language .The word"nooby"is the shortened form of hobbyhorse .在16世纪,所有年龄段的孩子最喜欢的玩具是木马。 木马可以像棍子一样简单,也可以有一匹木头马的头。 后来,木马不太受欢
迎,但在日常活动或日常生活之外做一些乐趣的事情,给语言带来了一个新的词。 “noby”一词是业余爱好者的缩写形式。
Hobbies today include many activities .But it does not include spectator activities  like watching television .It also excludes schooling and work done to make a living .今天的爱好包括许多活动。 但它不包括观众活动,如看电视。 它还不包括学校教育和谋生工作。
An English nobleman,the Earl of Sandwich ( 1718-1792),liked gambling.When he gambled he had no time for a meal .But he was hungry for some food .Sok  always ordered a waiter to bring him roast-beef  between two slices of bread.With the bread ,he  wouldn't get his fingers greasy,and he could continue his gambling .Later people named that fast food product sandwich after the Earl.英国贵族,桑威奇伯爵(1718-1792)喜欢赌博。 他赌博时没有时间吃饭。 但他渴望一些食物。 索克总是命令一个侍者把烤牛肉夹在两片面包之间。 有了面包,他不会让手指油腻,他可以继续赌博。 后来人们以伯爵的名字命名了快餐食品三明治。
The Olympic motto is made up of three Latin words , " Citius,Altius ,Fortius ",which means " Swifter,Higher , Stronger ".These three words encourage the athletes  to do their best during the competition ,and to view this effort as a victory in itself .It can apply equally to athletes and to each one of us . 奥林匹克格言由三个拉丁词组成,即“Citius、Altius、Fortius”,意思是“更快、更高、更强”。 这三个词鼓励运动员在比赛中尽最大努力,并认为这一努力本身就是一场胜利。 它同样适用于运动员和我们每个人。 The three Latin words became the the date of the IOC's ( nternationalOlympic Committee)creation.To better understand the motto ,we can compare it with another well-known phrase-The most important thing is not to win but to take part .This idea was developed by Pierre de Coubertin during the Games of London in 1908.这三个拉丁词成为国际奥委会(国际奥委会)成立的日期。 为了更好地理解这句格言,我们可以将它与另一个著名的短语进行比较-最重要的不是胜利,而是参与。 这个想法是皮埃尔·德·顾拜旦在1908年伦敦奥运会上提出的。
People in different places give directions in different ways .In Japan ,peopIe use  landmarks in their directions instead of street names .In the United States,peopIe may use distances and time to give directions.People in Greece will lead you to the place in  person since most tourists have difficulty in  understanding the Greek language .Well ,the  most effective way to ask for and give directions  is through body language .This will help you  everywhere .不同地方的人以不同的方式给出方向。 在日本,人们使用地标给出方向,而不是街道名称。 在美国,人们可以用距离和时间来给出方向。 希腊的人会亲自带你去你要去的地方,因为大多数游客都不太懂希腊语言。嗯,最有效的询问和给出方向的方法是通过肢体语言。这将帮助你到任何地方。
British people are always famous for their conservative nature .Nevertheless ,they also have some interesting ways to enjoy themselves .Club life started with coffee drinking  which began around 1650s .Limited to fifty ,list of membership of this club includes members of the Commons and the Lords and other famous people .However ,one of the f
amous  clubs is a non-political club and was given  the name the Other Club because its aim was always to hear other men's point of view .英国人总是以保守的天性而闻名。 然而,他们也有一些有趣的方式来享受自己。 俱乐部生活始于1650年左右的咖啡饮用。 限于五十人,本俱乐部成员名单包括下议院议员和上议院议员及其他名人。 然而,其中一个著名的俱乐部是一个非政治性的俱乐部,并被命名为“其他俱乐部”,因为它的目的总是听取其他人的观点。

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