
雷双友1,王志成1,龚玉叶1,李 云1
(1.湖南省第二测绘院,湖南 长沙 410002)
摘 要:从数据基础、 技术设计与实现、体制机制建设等方面,研究并阐述了科学合理地建立标准、权威、准确、及时更新的地名地址数据库,以及为各行业部门、社会公众提供地名地址信息服务的方法,供相关行业参考借鉴。关键词:标准地名;标准地址;成果应用
中图分类号:P283                                              文献标志码:B
1.1  地名数据基础
旅游等二十余个部门,收集整合各部门已有地名数据,细化调查范围。项目结合实际,特别是2015年以来全省乡镇区划大规模的调整(减少了1/4),将数据库进行了全面更新,并将更新时点改为2018-06-30。新增了村(居)民小组、垸、市场等12个小类,形成了198万条包含陆地水系、陆地地形、行政区域、众自治组织、非行政区域、居民点、纪念地与旅游景点、建筑物、单位等11大类独具特的湖南省地名数据库。1.2  地址数据基础
2.1  建立数据标准
名类别设计体现地方特。地名类别的规定主要依据《地名分类与类别代码编制规则》(GB/T 18521),考虑到地方对地名的使用需求,湖南省对地名类别进行扩充。比如“垸”,垸是指湖南、湖北两省的湖泊地带用挡水的堤圩所围住的地区,具有地方特。还新增了村(居)民小组、遗址、集贸市场、专业市场、工业旅游示范点、红旅游景区、乡村旅游示范点等12项地方特地名类别[3]。
2)地址数据标准设计。地址是到某人或某机关或与其通信的指定地点,从概念上可以理解为地址就是对指定位置的描述,或是针对某参照物按方位和距离的描述,或是以门(楼)址编号描述,地址描述的随意性大。因此,必须采用标准的、统一的、唯一的、公认的地址描述。建立地址标准就需要对地址描述结构化、层次化,并按照地域范围从大到小的顺序进行组合。当前,地址标准采用《数字城市地理信息公共平台地名/地址编码规则》(GB/T 23705-2009),2009年之后北京、吉林、福建、新疆等部分省市出台了地方标准。但是国内标准是针对城市地址设计,未兼顾农村。湖南省地址数据标准设计承上启下,遵循“标准衔接、城乡统一、遵从习惯、部门通用”原则,即:一要考虑与现有国家标准、行业标准和地方标准的衔接;二要考虑农村地址和城市地址的结合统一;三要考虑人们使用地址的习惯;四要考虑不同行业部门使用地址的通用性。①地址标准化设计应兼顾民政、公安、国土
2.2  建设地名地址数据库
2)建设行政区域数据库。随着经济社会快速发展,行政区划的变化已变为常态。近10 a来,湖南省每年出现县改区、县改市、乡改镇的区划调整,2015年以来,对乡镇和建制村的调整更是规模不小。伴
3.1  建立成果更新与应用机制
业、机构改革、单位搬迁、门牌加装等变化每天都在发生,同时,因灾毁、淹没、旧区拆迁、人为等因素造成地名的消失层出不穷。因此,建成的数据库需要不断更新才能保持地名和地址信息的现势性,这样的数据库才有价值和生命力,才能为民所用。地名和地址信息变化的收集,需要政府协调建立多部门地名地址变化申报机制。考虑地名地址信息标准化处理的专业性,建议将地名和地址按照不同类别列出清单,由不同行业管理部门负责报送,然后集中由一个专业部门负责标准化处理、入库和共享。3.2  建立地名地址公共服务平台[7]
建立地名地址公共服务平台的目的,是建立“互联网+地名地址”,实现全省各部门各行业共同使用同一来源的标准地名地址信息。一是积极采用大数据、云计算、GIS等技术,建立地名地址实时更新、在线管理、服务全面的网络管理与服务协同机制;二是对接具有地名地址命名权限的部门,建立畅通各级政务外网和地名地址公共服务平台的传输机制,通过API 接口实现地名地址更新数据有效聚合;三是将地名地址信息、行政区划信息、地图信息、正射遥感影像无缝集成,构建规范化、可视化的地名地址信息动态管理服务体系;四是提供二次开发web service接口或工具,实现部门业务系统对地名地址信息服务的调用,建立数据标准统一,符合大数据、大融合要求的资源共享体系。
4结 语
GB/T 18521-2001[S].
地名地址数据规范CHZ 9010-2011[S].
book118/html/2017/11/19/140716540.shtm/2019/10/12 [4]中国国家标准化管理委员会.公路路线标识规则和国道编号
GB/T 917-2009[S].
名/地址编码规则GB/T 23705-2009[S].
址项目填写规范》的通知[EB/OL]. wenku.baidu/
view/a5c1c365804d2b160a4ec021.html./2019/8/12/2020/5/20 [7]王庆坤.青岛市地名地址信息标准化管理研究[D].青岛:中
CL在性方面是什么意思Index (Vol.19,No.6)
GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION ·VI ·3D Modeling of Urban Underground Space Based on 3D Laser Scanning Technology by ZHANG Zhaojie Abstract  Taking an underground parking lot for example, we applied 3D laser scanner into the 3D modeling of urban underground space. Then, we introduced
接种棒the method and process of point cloud data collection, registration, coloring, noise removal, and modeling in detail, and tested the measurement accuracy of the 3D model. Practice shows that the accuracy of the 3D model can meet the requirements of the relevant specifications for surveying and mapping of underground space buildings, and the production efficiency has been greatly improved. This study has reference significance for the 3D modeling of urban underground space, and is worthy of popularization and application.
Key words  3D laser scanning technology, urban underground space, 3D modeling  (Page:89)Emergency Monitoring of Tunnel Landslide Based on Spatial and Ground Laser Point Cloud by LI Junfeng Abstract  In this paper, we summarized the experience of specific engineering cases at first.  And then, according to the performance of data acquisition equipment, based on the field data acquisition and internal data processing, we analyzed the advantages of tunnel landslide emergency monitoring based on laser point cloud technology. Finally, we gave the long-term monitoring suggestions, which had certain reference significance.
Key words  emergency surveying and mapping, tunnel landslide, ground laser point cloud, airborne laser point cloud (Page:92)
Self-calibration Method Based on Straight Line Feature Constraint
by WANG Gang
Abstract  In this paper, we proposed a self-calibration method based on the
constraint of straight line features. We constrained the bundle adjustment by
automatically extracting straight line features, in order to reduce the ground
control points and improve the operation efficiency.
Key words  oblique photogrammetry, self-calibration, straight line constraint,
ground control point (Page:95)
Comparison and Analysis of the Calculating Precision of T ropospheric Mapping
Function to Regional CORS Network by ZHOU Kangying
Abstract  In this paper, we introduced three mapping function models of NMF ,
VMF1 and GMF . Then, based on the observation data of IGS and CORS stations,
we used GAMIT software to analyze the influence of tropospheric mapping function on the accuracy of regional CORS network. The experimental results show that NMF , VMF1 and GMF 3 can improve the positioning accuracy of regional CORS network. Considering the efficiency and global superiority of the mapping function model, it is recommended to use the GMF mapping function model in Shandong Province.Key words  atmospheric delay, mapping function, GAMIT , SDCORS (Page:98)Applic ation of Spatial Data Fusion Tec hnology in Digital Status Map Compilation by TANG Zhongcheng Abstract  The digital land use status map is an important basic data for the spatial planning compilation, and is also an important reference for assessment of urban development and planning implementation. In order to solve the rapid compilation of high-precision digital land use status maps and in-depth analysis of multi-source data, we studied the key technologies of multi-source spatial data fusion. Fusing the basic geographical data, land and planning approval data and survey data, we explored techniques and methods for rapid compilation of high-precision digital maps.Key words  land use status map, multi-source data, data fusion (Page:101)
Influence Analysis of Mining Subsidence on Highway under Unparallel Perspective by WANG Meng Abstract  Using the method of numerical simulation, through setting up several groups of experiment
s, we used FLAC3D numerical simulation software to analyze the movement and deformation characteristics of coal mining face and highway under unparallel perspective. The results show that with the increase of the angle between the working face and the direction along the road, the surface subsidence and horizontal deformation of the highway have changed. The maximum subsidence value decreases gradually with the increase of the angle, and the overall linear decrease trend is 1mm/°. The horizontal deformation data increases with the increase of the angle between the working face and the road. This data can provide a basis for the construction of the road above the working face.Key words  mining subsidence, highway, unparallel perspective, numerical simulation (Page:104)
小型排风扇Discussion on Teaching Design of Practical Course of Map Design and Compilation by LAN Qiuping Abstract  Based on the analysis of the teaching content of theoretical course of Map Design and Compilation, we discussed the practical teaching objectives and contents of the course, and designed four progressive teaching modules on the CorelDRAW platform and a new multiple examine model, which could provide reference for other practical course of GIS.Key words  map design and compilation, practical teaching, teaching content design, CorelDRAW (Page:106)Research on Spatial Evolution of Coordinated Development of Urbanization9547900
in Shanxi Province by WANG Juan Abstract  Taking Shanxi Province as the research object, we analyzed the spatio-temporal differences in the coordinated development of urbanization since the new century from the aspects of urbanization quality and urbanization level. The main conclusion include that ①the urbanization development rate of Shanxi Province is fast, and the urbanization level has increased from 26.53% in 2000 to 57.34% in 2017. The urbanization level and development speed between cities and towns are quite different. ②The quality of urbanization is on the rise, with economic and social urbanization as the main driving force, but the geographical differences are large. Taiyuan City ranks first in the long term. ③The coordination degree of urbanization development in Shanxi Province increased by 21.82%, but the overall coordination situation is relatively low. ④Taiyuan ’s urbanization development has the highest coordination degree, but the tricky effect is weak. Datong and Yuncheng are new potential cities, and the northeast regions are low-lying areas. ⑤The coordination degree of urbanization in Shanxi Province is slow, the actual level is low, and it is uneven.
Key words  urbanization level, urbanization quality, coordinated development, Shanxi Province (Page:109)
Spatial Interaction Analysis of Urban Hotspot Areas from the Perspective of Complex Networks by Z
HOU Bo Abstract  Spatial interaction, as an important topic in the geography and urban planning, is one of the main directions for studying the dynamic changes and interaction characteristics of geographical phenomena or spatio-temporal events. In view of the theory of physical field, we identified the spatial distribution characteristics of urban hotspot areas, and further visually analyzed the spatial interaction between hotspot areas from the perspective of complex networks. The results show that the spatial distribution characteristics of hotspot areas on holidays and working days are significantly different, and the driving mechanism is mainly the difference in travel demand of residents at different times. The urban hotspot area exhibits a cluster phenomenon based on complementary regional functions in terms of spatial connection, and the spatial interaction network of hotspot areas satisfies the small-world effect and scale-free characteristics.
Key words  complex network, hotspot area, taxi track, spatial interaction, Shenzhen City (Page:115)Integration T echnology and Practice of Real Estate Registration Stock Data  by HUANG Jieyun Abstract  In this article, taking housing and land registration data of Zhuhai City for example, we analyzed the present situation of real estate registration stock data, explored the target and thinking of data integration, and proposed the technical path of data integration based on task assignment, data collection and online quality inspection. Then, we carried out a practice in Zhuhai City, which aimed to provide reference for data integration work in other provinces and cities.
Key words  real estate registration, stock data, data integration, Zhuhai City
(Page:120)Course Reform and Practice of Cadastral and Real Estate Survey Guided by “Golden Course” by MEN Junzhen Abstract  In this paper, we introduced that the construction of “Golden Course” in applied universities should embody at least two transformations, such as the transformation of teaching paradigm and the transformation of teaching concept. Combining with the teaching process, we elaborated the course reform and practice of Cadastral and Real Estate Survey guided by “Golden Course” from
seven aspects, such as the analysis of students' learning conditions, the adjustment of course content, the formulation of teaching objectives, the reform of teaching mode, the reform of teaching evaluation, the construction of course supporting
resources and the reflection of teachers.Key words  “Golden Course”, course reform, classroom (Page:124)Research on Rapid Monitoring Mode of Urban Illegal Land Use Based on “Sample Dictionary” by LI Qi Abstract  Based on multi-source low altitude remote sensing data acquisition, knowledge sample base, deep learning change perception, multi-source data fusion analysis, we proposed a rapid monitoring service technology system which taking the special “Sample Dictionary”
and self-attention mechanism change perception as the core, so as to meet the requirements of efficient, accurate and fine management and control of illegal land use supervision in important national strategic development areas, and effectively protect the efficiency and accuracy of land use law enforcement.Key words  low altitude remote sensing, “Sample Dictionary”, self-attention mechanism model, deep learning, intelligent perception (Page:128)Construction and Application of Standard T oponymic Address Database
by LEI Shuangyou Abstract  Taking the construction of the Hunan toponymic address database for example, from the aspects of data foundation, technical design and realization, and institutional mechanism construction, we studied and expounded how to establish the standard, authoritative, accurate and timely updated toponymic address database scientifically and reasonably, and a method which could provide toponymic address information service for various industry departments and the public.Key words standard geographical name, standard address, application of result  (Page:132)

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