
★ 石油化工安全环保技术 ★
某石化公司裂解装置稀释蒸汽发生器E-3011/C 泄漏停工,检修检查时发现,稀释蒸汽发生器
1 腐蚀形貌
E-3011/C 管束腐蚀断裂泄漏部位及腐蚀形貌见图1。
图1 E-3011/C 管束腐蚀泄漏部位及腐蚀形貌
从图1可以看出,泄漏部位主要集中在换热器中下部,也是汽液两相的交汇处;腐蚀未穿孔部位蚀坑呈凿沟状,蚀坑深约1~2 mm ;腐蚀环境温度170 ℃;凿沟状腐蚀形貌符合API 571所描述的碱腐蚀形貌(1)。腐蚀失效部位局部减薄严重。换热器管束内壁及管板外观情况见图2。
2 腐蚀机理2.1 工艺流程
E-3011是利用265 ℃(最高305 ℃)左右的中压蒸汽,将170 ℃左右的工艺水由液相加热到
图2 E-3011/C 管束内壁及管板处腐蚀形貌
作者简介:黄新泉,男,1993年毕业于成都理工学院工业分析专业,工学学士,主要从事炼油化工腐蚀防护、监测和研究工作,高级工程师。电话:0992-*******,E-mail: yjy_hxq@petrochina
(中国石油天然气股份有限公司独山子石化分公司,新疆 独山子 833699)
摘 要:简要介绍了某石化公司裂解装置稀释蒸汽发生器管束腐蚀泄漏的腐蚀形貌、腐蚀机理、防范措施,从工艺流程,工艺参数,腐蚀形貌,腐蚀介质等方面,指出稀释蒸汽发生器腐蚀泄漏主要是由局部碱浓缩腐蚀引起。换热器工作环境尽管为汽液两相,但温度高达170 ℃以上,同时,pH 值为弱碱性,表明不存在湿硫化氢酸腐蚀环境。而腐蚀形貌为局部凿坑状,符合API 571关于碱腐蚀形貌的描述,能谱分析也表明失效部位存在Na 等碱金属离子。从腐蚀环境和腐蚀形貌两个方面表明,换热器失效部位存在碱腐蚀行为。另外,工艺条件要求此部位应液相远大于气相,汽液比应为1:7,以便于液相蒸汽及时带走换热时产生的沉积物。但由于换热器一直处于高负荷运行,汽液比远不能满足要求,导致碱浓缩腐蚀开裂。该分析方法可为类似腐蚀案例的判断提供借鉴。
关键词:裂解装置 稀释蒸汽 发生器 腐蚀机理
热源的E-3011/A~C计3台。主要的稀释蒸汽在E-3012A-L中,通过急冷油加热产生,剩余部分在稀释蒸汽发生器10-E-3011A-C 中,由中压蒸汽加热产生。
2.2 腐蚀机理说明
2.2.1 腐蚀介质
酸腐蚀,一般采取在工艺水汽提塔进口处注氨或注碱的措施。但如果长时间注碱过量,在某些特定部位,如换热器管板和管束的胀结焊缝处,因稀释蒸汽换热器温度高达260 ℃左右,很可能导致较严重的碱浓缩腐蚀;2011年前后,在E-3011/B换热器管板与管束胀接处曾经发生过严重的碱浓缩腐蚀,导致管板与管束焊缝多处腐蚀穿孔。
2.2.2 腐蚀环境
月以来,工艺图3 稀释蒸汽系统工艺原则流程
腐蚀的酸性环境,但存在碱浓缩腐蚀的碱性环境。图5 10-P-3071工艺水pH值变化趋势
2.2.3 能谱分析
3 结论及建议
1)E-3011/C管束的腐蚀断裂失效是局部碱浓缩后的高温(170 ℃)碱腐蚀。
[1]  美国石油学会.炼油厂固定设备的损伤机理:
API 571[S]. 2003.
CONSEquENCE ASSESSMENT ON LEAkAGE ACCIDENT OF LIquID CHLORINE CYLINDER AND SAFETY COuNTERMEASuRES [17] Xiang Yanyan.(Yunshan Economic Development Zone Branch of Yongxiu County Security Bureau, Jiujiang, Jiangxi, 330300)
Abstract: Liquid chlorine is very important chemical raw material which plays a pivotal role in national econ-omy. However, liquid chlorine is a dangerous chemical with strong oxidization and corrosivity. Its main risk is poisoning and suffocation. Taking a water supply com-pany as an example, liquid chlorine is mainly used in disinfection process. And now through simulating the poisoning accident caused by the leakage of liquid chlo-rine cylinder; the accident consequences are calculated by the r
isk index method and accident analysis method and safety countermeasures are proposed. Through con-sequence assessment on liquid chlorine leakage acci-dent, technical guidance is provided for safety manage-ment of liquid chlorine cylinder, preparation of special emergency rescue plan and risk assessment.
key words: liquid chlorine cylinder; leakage; acci-dent consequence assessment; countermeasures APPLICATION OF HAZOP AND LOPA ANAL-YSIS TECHNOLOGY TO ATMOSPHERIC AND V ACuuM DISTILLATION uNIT[20]
Zheng Haitao.(SINOPEC Jinan Refining and Chemi-cal Company, Jinan, Shandong, 250101) Abstract: This paper introduces the application of the widely used HAZOP analysis method to risk analysis of atmospheric and decompression unit combining with LOPA analysis technology. The unit is divided into nodes according to the process flow, and each devia-tion is analyzed by HAZOP to identify the risks in the process of device operation systematically and compre-hensively. Taking the analysis results as the input basis and combining with LOPA analysis, the paper proposes preventive measures for risk control, which reduces the risk level and increases the stability of operation control effectively. This paper makes detailed analysis on the low liquid level in the bottom of the primary distilla-tion tower and the low oxygen content in the reduced pressure furnace. Then it puts forward c
迎宾机器人omprehensive protective measures and implementation plan, which is helpful to improve the prevention and control capacity of the atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit and en-sure the safe operation of the unit.
key words: hazard and operability study/HAZOP; lay-er of protection analysis/LOPA; atmospheric and vacu-um distillation unit; risk analysis; preventive measures APPLICATION OF HAZOP IN THE RETRO-FITTING PROJECT OF FEED/DISCHARGE HEAT ExCHANGER FOR REFORMING REAC-TION[27]
Wang Baiya, Li Yang.(Hualu Engineering & Technolo-gy Co., LTD., Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710065)
Abstract:The analysis object of hazard and operabili-ty analysis (HAZOP) in China is mostly complete pro-cess flow. This paper adopts HAZOP analysis method to analyze the process safety and operability of a retro-fitting project of feed/discharge heat exchanger for re-forming reaction in detail. Combining with the actual revamping of the plant, this design change has identi-fied the risk and operability from such aspects as the original production process, equipment manufacturing, construction, and so forth and puts forward opinions and suggestions on the more dangerous analysis items. Since the project does not change the production method and technical route of the o
riginal reformer during the revamp, this HAZOP analysis has carried out certain exploration in node division and analysis ideas, which can provide reference for HAZOP analy-sis work of similar technological revamp projects. key words: hazard and operability study/HAZOP; re-forming reaction; heat exchanger modification; deviation CAuSE ANALYSIS ON PRODuCTION SAFETY ACCIDENTS IN CONSTRuCTION ENTER-PRISES AND PREVENTION AND CONTROL COuNTERMEASuRES[33]
Zhou Dehong, Chen Huifang, Li Zuo, Xu Yuan, Wu Meng.(Xingfa School of Mining Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, 430074) Abstract: As a high-risk industry, industrial accidents happen in construction industry now and then. In or-der to prevent and control the occurrence of production safety accidents in construction enterprises effectively, the accident statistics and analysis method is adopted to analyze the larger or more serious production safety acci-dents occurred in 2016. The results show that there were 312 larger or more serious production safety acci-dents throughout the country in 2016. Among these ac-cidents, 42 occurred in construction business which was next only to transportation industry; collapses, falling and electric shock accidents were the main accident types in construction business; the causes of the accidents were mainly divided into construction site reasons and man-agement reasons. Based on the above attx2基板
nalysis results, corresponding control measures are put forward according to the relevant requirements of work safety standardization and the actual situation of the enterprises, which provides technical support for the work safety of enterprises.
key words: construction industry; production safety accident; work safety standardization construction; control measures
Huang Xinquan.(PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company, Dushanzi, Xinjiang, 833699) Abstract: This paper briefly introduces the corrosion morphology and corrosion mechanism of tube bun-dle corrosion leakage in the dilution steam generator
of a cracking unit of a petrochemical company and preventive measures for such leakage. From analysis on process flow, process parameters, corrosion morphology and corrosion medium, it is pointed out that the corrosion leakage of dilution steam generator is mainly caused by local alkali condensate corrosion. Although the working environment of the heat exchanger is vapor-liquid two-phase, the temperature of the exchanger is above 170 °C. Meanwhile, the pH value is faintly alkaline,
which indicates that there is no corrosion environment of wet hydrogen sulfide acid. The corrosion morphology is par-tially chiseled, which conforms to the description of API 571 on alkali corrosion morphology. Energy spectrum analysis also shows that there are Na and other alkali metal ions in the failure part. The corrosion environment and corrosion morphology show that there is alkali corro-sion in the failure part of the heat exchanger. In addition, the process conditions require that liquid phase should be much larger than gas phase, and the vapor-liquid ratio should be 1:7 so that the liquid vapor can take away the sediments generated during heat transfer in time. How-ever, since the heat exchanger has been operating at high load, the vapor-liquid ratio cannot meet the requirements at all, resulting in alkali condensate corrosion cracking. This analysis method can provide reference for the judg-ment of similar corrosion cases.
key words: cracker; dilution steam; generator; cor-rosion mechanism
Wang Xin1, Lu Jiaqi2, Wang Zijian3, Han Xiaoming1, Zhang Huabing1 (1.PetroChina Pipeline Company, Langfang, Hebei, 065000; 2. PetroChina Southwest Pipeline Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610000; 3. PetroChina Pipeline Company, Shenyang, Liaoning, 110000)
Abstract: Quantitative risk assessment (QRA) can pro-vide important reference for the risk management of oil and gas co-construction station. By applying QRA at an oil and gas co-construction station, this paper calculates the failure consequences of different hazard scenarios. It analyzes the interaction between the leakage of crude oil process area and natural gas process area. Then the paper obtains the personal risk curve and social risk curve of the oil and gas co-construction station. It gives suggestions for the overall layout of the oil and gas pro-cess area of oil and gas co-construction station.
key words: quantitative risk analysis/QRA; oil and gas co-construction station; individual risk; social risk ExPLORATION ON THE kEY POINTS FOR RISk CONTROL OF REPAIR wELDING wITH PRESSuRE IN HYDROCARBON PIPELINE[44] Li Shaolin.(PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Com-pany, Dushanzi, Xinjiang, 833699)
Abstract: Leakage of hydrocarbon pipelines requires on-line welding operations when energy isolation and release are impossible and the risk is controlla-ble. On-line welding of hydrocarbon pipelines is of great risk, therefore, a series of risk control mea-sures need to be implemented. Whether the pipeline has the conditions for on-line welding is certainly the key to prevent uncontrollable events during the operation, especially in the calculation of on-line welding pipelines p
ressure-resistance under actual wall thickness.
key words: hydrocarbon pipeline; repair welding with pressure; on-line welding; risk control TECHNICAL DISPOSAL AND SAFETY CON-TROL MEASuRES OF NAPHTHA TANk BOT-TOM RESIDuE CLEANING[47]
Zhang Lixin, Zhang Lei, Wang Yong, Zhou Yongxin, Sun Kaipeng.(PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Compa-ny, Dushanzi, Xinjiang, 833699)
Abstract: The 20,000 m3 naphtha tank is not easy to be replaced. And the naphtha contains sulfur, resulting in safety problems such as self-combus-tion caused by ferrous sulfide in the tank. Aiming at the problems, the joint workshop of certain ethylene plant summarizes various professional opinions and improves the special program. Tak-ing advantage of the characteristics that naphtha and water are insoluble, combined measures are taken involving implementing water and recycling materials first, then maintaining the working envi-ronment with nitrogen blanket under micro posi-tive pressure and flushing with water. This helps to avoid the bottleneck problems of self-combustion of ferrous sulfide and thorough displacement of combustible hydrocarbon. Through solid process energy isolation and safety control measures, the identification plan and normal operation of naph-tha tank a
re completed on schedule, reaching the three goals of residual material recovery, safe and controllable operation and environmental friendli-ness.
key words: naphtha tank; residue cleaning; techni-cal disposal; safety control
Tan Jun, Zhang Qiang.(PetroChina Northeast Refining & Petrochemical Engineering Company Limited, Da-lian, Liaoning, 116023)
Abstract: In the process of production, processing, treatment, storage and transportation, petrochemi-cal plants are prone to produce explosive gases and dust. Most areas of the plant are in the dangerous environment of explosion. Once the explosive gas-es and dust meet with lightning or sparks, they will cause explosion, resulting in equipment damage,

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标签:腐蚀   工艺   蒸汽   管束
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