Book5-Unit1 Great ssientists重点单词、词组整理

Book5-Unit1 Great ssientists重点单词、词组整理
Book5-Unit1 Great ssientists閲嶇偣鍗曡瘝銆佽瘝缁勬暣鐞?
1锛巇efeat /dI鈥瞗i藧t/ vt.n.澶辫触2锛巃ttend /蓹鈥瞭end/ vt.鐓ч【锛涙姢鐞嗭紱鍑哄腑锛涘弬鍔?3锛巈xpose /Ik鈥瞫p蓹蕣z/ vt.鏆撮湶锛涙彮闇诧紱浣挎洕鍏?4锛巆ure /kj蕣蓹/ n锛庢不鎰堬紱鐥婃剤锛泇t.娌绘剤锛涙不鐤?5锛巆hallenge /鈥瞭蕛忙lInd蕭/ n锛庢寫鎴橈紱vt.鍚戔€︹€︽寫鎴?6锛巃bsorb /蓹b鈥瞶蓴藧b/ vt.鍚告敹锛涘惛寮曪紱浣夸笓蹇?7锛巗uspect /s蓹鈥瞫pekt/ vt.璁や负锛涙€€鐤戯紱/鈥瞫蕦spekt/ n锛庡珜鐤戠姱8锛巄lame /bleIm/ vt.n.杩囧け锛涜矗澶?9锛巔ollute /p蓹鈥瞝u藧t/ vt.姹℃煋锛涘紕鑴?10锛巋andle /鈥瞙忙ndl/ n锛庢焺锛涙妸鎵嬶紱vt.澶勭悊锛涙搷绾?11锛巐ink /lI艐k/ vt.& n锛庤繛鎺ワ紱鑱旂郴12锛巔ositive /鈥瞤蓲z蓹tIv/ adj.?13锛巖eject /rI鈥瞕蕭ekt/ vt.鎷掔粷锛涗笉鎺ュ彈锛涙姏寮?14锛巗cientific /藢saI蓹n 鈥瞭IfIk/ n?15锛巆onclude /k蓹n鈥瞜lu藧d/ vt.& vi.onclusion n锛庣粨璁猴紱缁撴潫16锛巃nalyse /laIz/ vt.鍒嗘瀽鈫抋nalysis n锛庡垎鏋?17锛巃nnounce /蓹鈥瞡a蕣ns/ vt.瀹e竷锛涢€氬憡鈫抋nnouncement n锛庨€氬憡18锛巌nstruct /In 鈥瞫tr蕦kt/ vt.nstruction n
ず19锛巆ontribute /k蓹n鈥瞭rIbju藧t/ vt.& vi.
抍ontribution n锛庤础鐚?20锛巈nthusiastic /In藢胃ju藧zI tIk/ adj.
enthusiasm n锛庣儹鎯?鈪?1锛巔ut forward鎻愬嚭2锛巇raw a conclusion3锛巈浣挎樉闇诧紱鏆撮湶4锛巄e to blame for
︽壙鎷呰矗浠?5锛巐灏嗏€︹€﹀拰鈥︹€﹁繛鎺ユ垨鑱旂郴璧锋潵6锛巃part from7锛?be) 瀵光€︹€
︿弗鏍肩殑8锛巑ake sense璁插緱閫氾紱鏈夋剰涔?鈪?缁忓吀鍘熷彞榛樺啓涓庤儗璇?1锛嶯either its cause nor its cure was understood. 浜轰滑涓嶇煡瀹冪殑
鐥呮簮锛屼篃涓嶄簡瑙e畠鐨勬不鐤楁柟娉曘€?2锛嶴o many thousands of terrified people died ever
y time there was an outbreak. (闇嶄贡)鏃讹紝閮芥湁澶ф壒鎯婃亹鐨勭櫨濮撶梾姝汇€?3锛嶵o prevent this from happening again锛孞ohn Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined.
?4锛嶰nly if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.
?5锛嶩e placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going round it and only the moon still going round the earth. 浠栨妸鍥哄畾鐫€鐨勫お闃虫斁鍦
?Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists 1锛嶢stronomy is the scientific(science) study of the sun锛宮oon锛宻tars and other heaven bodies. 2锛嶻our information is inaccurate and your conclusion(conclude) is therefore wrong. 3锛嶹e agreed with his acute analysis(analyse) of the political situation. 4锛嶯othing is more
valuable(value) than time锛宐ut nothing is less valued. 5锛嶰ur cook鈥檚sudden announcement(announce) that she was leaving took us quite by surprise. 6锛嶩e became a construction(construct) worker after he left school. 7锛嶵he Chinese people have made a great contribution(contribute) to the whole world. 8锛嶪put forward a plan but he did not appear enthusiastic(enthusiasm) about it. 9锛嶵he leadership of the movement(move) are in agreement on this issue. 10锛嶵hat painful experience makes them cautious(caution) in the future. Book5-Unit1
<wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists 1 Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientistsconclude ?conclude
?to conclude鏈€鍚?arrive
at/reach/come to/draw a conclusion make a conclusion涓嬬粨璁?in conclusion鎬讳箣锛涙渶鍚?So what can we conclude from this debate? 閭d箞浠庤繖鍦鸿京璁轰腑鎴戜滑鑳藉緱鍑轰粈涔堢粨璁猴紵In conclusion锛宲eople around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage. 鎬讳箣锛
) Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists
Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists (1)鈶燞e concluded his speech with a famous saying. hat can we conclude from Stafford鈥檚research?
n conclusion锛孖would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today. (2)When the group discussion is nearing its end锛宮ake sure to conclude it with important points(?锛?2 Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great
<wbr>ssientistsattend school/class/church//鍋氱ぜ鎷?attend
糖蜜酒精on/upon浼哄€欐煇浜猴紱鐓ч【鏌愪汉attend to sb./sth.澶勭悊锛涘€惧惉锛涚収鏂欙紱涓撳績锛涙敞鎰?It (suddenly) occurred to him that he had an important conference to attend the next morning.
?The main thing is to attend to the injured. ?Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great
<wbr>ssientists Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists (1)鐢╝ttend鈶營always have so many things to attend to when I come back to the company after a trip abroad. staying home tonight to attend on my father. (2)缈昏瘧鍙ュ瓙鏁板崈浜哄弬鍔犱簡搴嗗吀
銆?Thousands of people attended the ceremony. 3 Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great
<wbr&浣挎樉闇诧紱鏆撮湶be exposed to鏆撮湶浜庯紱缁忓彈鈥︹€?璁╂煇浜烘帴瑙︽煇鐗╋紱浣挎煇浜烘毚闇蹭簬鈥︹€?They had not been exposed to most diseases common to urban populations. 鍩
units exposed children to many viewpoints of a given issue.
愪滑鎺ヨЕ?Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists 鍚屼箟鍙ユ敼鍐?The newspaper exposed his secret to the public. (1)The newspaper let out his secret to the public.(鐢╨et out鏀瑰啓鍙ュ瓙) (2)The newspaper gave away his secret to the public.(鐢╣ive aw
ay鏀瑰啓鍙ュ瓙) 4 Book5-Unit1
<wbr>Great <wbr>ssientistscure
汉鐨勨€︹€?a An operation finally cured his shin injury. ?We need to cure our environmental problems. 鎴戜滑闇€瑕佽В
銆?Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists (1)Who was it that cured the old professor of his cancer(鎶婃暀鎺堢殑鐧岀棁娌诲ソ浜?? (2)I hope the doctor can cure the pain in my shoulder(娌诲ソ鎴戣偐鑶€鐨勭柤鐥?锛宐ut they haven鈥檛found an effective cure. 5
Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientistsbeyond one鈥檚control瓒呰繃鏌愪汉鎺у埗鑼冨洿be under control澶勪簬鎺у埗涔嬩笅be in control (of sth.)鎺у埗鐫€in the control of鍙椻€︹€︾殑绠$悊out of control
鐞?lose control of鏃犳硶鎺у埗You must learn how to control yourself. 浣犲繀椤
?Who鈥檚in control of that house锛熻皝鎺
?Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists
Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists 鍚屼箟鍙ユ敼鍐?(1)He is in control of the club.(鐢╟lub瀛? The club is in the control of him. (2)He lost control of his motorbike.(鐢╩otorbike? His motorbike was out of control. Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists6 absorb v.鍚告敹(娑蹭綋銆佹皵浣撶瓑)(take in)锛涘惛寮曞叏閮ㄦ敞鎰忓姏(attract)
(interest sb.very much)锛涗娇骞跺叆锛屽悶骞?Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great
<wbr>ssientistsabsorb one鈥檚attention鍚稿紩鏌愪汉鐨勬敞鎰?
浠庘€︹€︿腑鍚告敹鈥︹€?be absorbed in?be absorbed
by/into?鍚稿紩) Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and moisture from the soil. 妞嶇墿浠庣┖姘斾腑鍚告敹浜屾哀鍖栫⒊骞朵粠鍦熷混合罐
e lost in锛宐e buried in锛宖ix/focus one鈥檚attention on锛宒锛宑oncentrate one鈥檚mind on锛宎pply onesel
f to锛宐e addicted to 绛夈€?Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists Book5-Unit1
<wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists (1)鐢╝bsorb鈶燱hen deeply absorbed in work锛寃hich he often was锛宧e would forget all about eating or sleeping.    e had an absorbed look on his face. (2)缈昏瘧鍙ュ瓙濂逛笓蹇冧簬杩欐湰涔︺€?She was absorbed in the book. 7 Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great
<wbr> be锛媙./adj.鎬€鐤戞煇浜衡€︹€?suspect sb.of (doing) sth.鎬€鐤戞煇浜?鍋氫簡)鏌愪簨be suspicious 瀵光€︹€︽€€鐤?The above complaints are锛孖suspect锛宩ust the tip of the iceberg.鎴戞
He resigned after being suspected of theft. 嗐€?Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists (1)鈥昗hat happened to him? 鈥旽e was suspected of stealing the ring(? at the party last night锛宎nd the police were looking into the matter. (2)鍚屼箟鍙ユ敼鍐?I suspect that he is the pickpocket.(鐢╯ be...鏀逛负绠€鍗曞彞) I suspect him to be the pickpocket. (3)缈昏瘧鍙ュ瓙鎴戝紑濮嬫€€鐤戜粬閭€璇锋垜鐨勫姩鏈恒€?I began to suspect his motives in inviting me. Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great <wbr>ssientists8 blame v.鎶娾€︹
(say or think sb. is responsible for)锛沶.杩囧け锛涜矗浠?responsibility)锛涜矗澶囷紝鎸囪矗Book5-Unit1 <wbr>Great
<wbr>ssientistsblame 鍥犫€︹€﹁€屾寚璐f煇浜猴紱鎶娾€︹€﹀綊鍜庝簬鏌愪汉 sb.鎶婃煇浜嬪綊鍜庝簬鏌愪汉be to blame (for sth.)

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