
Topic Insights
Sustainable Resource Use in Enhancing Agricultural Development in
Jianbo Shen a,Fusuo Zhang a,Kadambot H.M.Siddique b
a National Academy of Agriculture Green Development,Center for Resources,Environment and Food Security,College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University,Beijing100193,China
b Hackett Professor and Director of the UWA Institute of Agriculture,The University of Western Australia,Perth,WA6001,Australia
China is entering an impressive era of grain production since its reform and opening up in1978.At pres
ent,China feeds22%of the world population with only9%of the world’s arable land[1].Thus, China has become a leader in the globalfight against hunger[2]. Grain production has increased dramatically,from about 3Â108t in1978to  6.21Â108t in2016,which is an annual increase rate of9%[3].The increase rate of grain production has surpassed the growth rate of the population,resulting in an evi-dent decrease in the proportion of malnourished people in China. However,the doubling of agricultural food production since1978 in China is partly attributed to a three-fold increase in nitrogen (N)fertilization,an11-fold increase in phosphorus(P)fertilization, and a1.5-fold increase in the amount of irrigated cropland[3,4]. Huge inputs of various agricultural resources(fertilizers,water, insecticides,etc.)for grain production have caused an enormous waste of resources[4],which is a great challenge for realizing the goal of green development in agriculture and sustainable grain production in the future.
2.Overuse of fertilizers
Excessive fertilization due to the mismanagement of chemical fertilizer has caused low nutrient-recovery efficiency and high environmental costs in grain production.N overuse has resulted in a series of environmental damages in China.For example,the overuse of ammonium(NHþ
)and urea-based N fertilizer caused soil pH to decrease by0.5in the2000s.Meanwhile,N overuse can lead to high greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions in grain produc-tion.Compared with optimal N management strategy in China’s wheat production,GHG emissions increased by50%due to a30% overuse of N[5].Subsequent environmental impacts such as N deposition,N leaching,and high nitrate concentration in ground-water are directly related to N overuse[6].Lack of awareness of nutrient management and inappropriate policy guidelines could explain the excessive fertilization that occurs in China’s major croplands.In the most rural areas of China,untrained workers con-duct farming without recognizing the importance of nutrient management,due to a lack of efficient channels to transfer tech-nologies to Chinese farms[7].In certain areas,some farmers do not know how much N fertilizer should be applied to attain a high yield.As a result,these farmers often apply more N than the crops demand,as they take an insurance-based approach that is based on the experience of their relatives and neighbors[8].
3.Technological and policy interventions
However,China’s government has made grain production and food security a top priority due to past experiences of famine and political instability.In the2000s,China produced enough food to feed its enormous population[1,7,9].Now,China has set a new target of green growth in future grain productio
n;this target includes high efficiency and low environmental risk while main-taining a relatively high grain yield on a regional scale.It is urgent for China to develop strong policy incentives for environmental protection and green growth in grain production.Going forward, Chinese agriculture will continue to put into practice the vision of innovative,coordinated,rural revitalization and green develop-ment.The science and technology backyard(STB)model,which was established by scientists from China Agricultural University, could provide an effective approach to realize the green develop-ment of agriculture,as it aims to close gaps in China by empower-ing smallholder farmers through integrating researchers,farmers, the government,and agro-enterprises[7,10].
The Chinese government has initiated a series of programs to promote the transformation of China’s grain production[11].One of the most influential plans focuses on zero growth of fertilizer consumption;according to this plan,the annual increase in total fertilizer use is projected to be less than1%from2015to2019 (with no further increases from2020)without yield penalty.We have proposed a novel model to address these challenges by improving the sustainability of nutrient use in intensive agricul-ture.Our model uses root-zone nutrient management to maximize
root/rhizosphere efficiency and thus reduce dependence on external chemical fertilizer input[12].This method is based on a precise soil nutrient supply to the root zone that does not exceed its capacity,optimal root responses and root-soil interactions, efficient genotypes,and appropriate soil management[13]. Undoubtedly,China’s success or experience in improving sustain-able resource use and increasing grain production will enhance food security while decreasing poverty and the environmental footprint,and thus contribute to the global goal of sustainable development.To meet new demands of Chinese agriculture in a new era,as well as for promoting further implementation of United Nations(UN)Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs),the National Academy of Agriculture Gre
en Development and the International School of Agriculture Green Development have been launched by China Agricultural University on22July,2018.Chinese agriculture green development(AGD),as a national strategy issued by central government,is likely to provide valuable experience and practices to global sustainable agricultural development as a dominant part of SDGs,particularly,other developing countries that are facing or will soon face similar challenges.
This study was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFE0101100and 2017YFD0200200),and the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31330070and31772402).References
[1]Qin X,Li Y,Siddique KHM,Wang L,Liao Y.Cereal and soybean production and
food security in China:challenges and opportunities.World Agric2016:1619.
[2]China sets benchmark in globalfight against hunger:WFP head[Internet].
Beijing:People’s Daily Online;[updated2016Jun3;cited2018Jul12].
Available from:en.people/n3/2016/0603/c90785-9067929.html. [3]National Bureau of Statistics of China.China agriculture yearbook(1950–
2010).Beijing,Chinese:China Agriculture Press;2011.Chinese.
[4]Chai Q,Gan Y,Turner NC,Zhang RZ,Yang Y,Niu Y,et al.Water-saving
innovations in Chinese agriculture.Adv Agron2014;126:149–201.
[5]Ying H,Ye Y,Cui Z,Chen X.Managing nitrogen for sustainable wheat
production.J Clean Prod2017;162(10):1308–16.
[6]Liu X,Zhang Y,Han W,Tang A,Shen J,Cui Z,et al.Enhanced nitrogen
deposition over China.Nature2013;494(7438):459–62.
[7]Zhang WF,Cao GX,Li XL,Zhang HY,Wang C,Liu QQ,et al.Closing yield gaps in
China by empowering smallholder farmers.Nature2016;537:671–4.
[8]Cui Z,Chen X,Miao Y,Fei L,Zhang F,Li J,et al.On-farm evaluation of winter
wheat yield response to residual soil nitrate-N in North China Plain.Agron J 2008;100(6):1527–34.
[9]Fan M,Shen J,Yuan L,Jiang R,Chen X,Davies WJ,et al.Improving crop
productivity and resource use efficiency to ensure food security and environmental quality in China.J Exp Bot2012;63(1):13–24.
[10]Gan Y,Siddique KHM,Turner NC,Li XG,Niu JY,Yang C,et al.Ridge–furrow
mulching systems—an innovative technique for boosting crop productivity in semiarid rain-fed environments.Adv Agron2013;117:429–76.
[11]Shen J,Cui ZL,Miao YX,Mi GH,Zhang HY,Fan MS,et al.Transforming
agriculture in China:from solely high yield to both high yield and high resource use efficiency.Glob Food Secur2013;2(1):1–8.
[12]Shen J,Li C,Mi G,Li L,Yuan L,Jiang R,et al.Maximizing root/rhizosphere
efficiency to improve crop productivity and nutrient use efficiency in intensive agriculture of China.J Exp Bot2013;64(5):1181–92.
[13]Jiao X,Lyu Y,Wu X,Li H,Cheng L,Zhang C,et al.Grain production versus
resource and environmental costs:towards increasing sustainability of nutrient use in China.J Exp Bot2016;67(17):4935–49.
J.Shen et al./Engineering4(2018)588–589589
Engineering 2 (2016) xxx–xxx
Topic Insights
申建波a ,张福锁a ,Kadambot H.M. Siddique  b染酸
National Academy of Agriculture Green Development, Center for Resources, Environment and Food Security, College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China b真空注型机
Hackett Professor and Director of the UWA Institute of Agriculture, The University of Western Australia, Perth, WA 6001, Australia
自从1978年改革开放以来,中国进入一个令人印象深刻的粮食生产时代。当前,中国用世界9%的耕地养活了世界22%的人口[1]。因此,中国已经成为全球反饥饿斗争的领导者[2]。1978—2016年间,中国粮食产量增加显著,以平均每年9%的增长速率从3×108 t 增加到6.21×108 t [3]。粮食产量的增长速率远远超过人口增长,从而明显降低了中国营养不良人口的比例。然而,粮食生产总量的翻倍增长部分归因于氮肥施用量增加3倍、磷肥增加11倍,耕地灌溉增加了1.5倍[3,4]。为了维持粮食产量,农业资源(肥料、水、杀虫剂等)大量投入,造成了极大的资源浪费[4],这是实现农业绿发展和粮食可持续生产的目标所面临的巨大挑战。
化学肥料管理不善导致的过量施肥,造成粮食生产中的低养分回收效率和高环境代价。在中国,氮肥的过量施用已经造成了一系列的环境问题。例如,21世纪的前10年,过量施用铵态氮肥与尿素,导致土壤pH 值下降了0.5个单位。与此同时,过量施用氮肥还会导致较高的温室气体排放,在中国小麦生产中,与优化氮管理策略相比,施用氮肥过量30%可导致温室气体排放增加50% [5]。随后的环境影响,包括氮沉降、氮淋洗,
中国农业将继续践行创新、协调、乡村振兴和绿发展的理念。中国农业大学的科学家建立的“科技小院”(STB )模式可以为实现农业的绿发展提供一种有效的途径,其目的是通过整合研究人员、农民、政府和农业企业,推动基于小农户来缩小中国与发达国家在农业可持续发展方面的差距[7,10]
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
647 Author name et al. / Engineering 2(2016) xxx–xxx
4. 结论
[1] Qin X, Li Y, Siddique KHM, Wang L, Liao Y. Cereal and soybean production and
food security in China: challenges and opportunities. World Agric 2016:1619.
[2] China sets benchmark in global fight against hunger: WFP head [Internet].
Beijing: People’s Daily Online; [updated 2016 Jun 3; cited 2018 Jul 12].
Available from: en.people/n3/2016/0603/c90785-9067929.html.
[3] National Bureau of Statistics of China. China agriculture yearbook (1950–
2010). Beijing, Chinese: China Agriculture Press; 2011. Chinese.
[4] Chai Q, Gan Y, Turner NC, Zhang RZ, Yang Y, Niu Y, et al. Water-saving
innovations in Chinese agriculture. Adv Agron 2014;126:149–201.
[5] Ying H, Ye Y, Cui Z, Chen X. Managing nitrogen for sustainable wheat
production. J Clean Prod 2017;162(10):1308–16.
[6] Liu X, Zhang Y, Han W, Tang A, Shen J, Cui Z, et al. Enhanced nitrogen deposition
over China. Nature 2013;494(7438):459–62.
[7] Zhang WF, Cao GX, Li XL, Zhang HY, Wang C, Liu QQ, et al. Closing yield gaps in
China by empowering smallholder farmers. Nature 2016;537:671–4.
[8] Cui Z, Chen X, Miao Y, Fei L, Zhang F, L i J, et al. On-farm evaluation of winter
wheat yield response to residual soil nitrate-N in North China Plain. Agron J 2008;100(6):1527–34.
[9] Fan M, Shen J, Yuan L, Jiang R, Chen X, Davies WJ, et al. Improving crop
productivity and resource use efficiency to ensure food security and environmental quality in China. J Exp Bot 2012;63(1):13–24.
[10] Gan Y, Siddique KHM, Turner NC, L i XG, Niu JY, Yang C, et al. Ridge–furrow
mulching systems—an innovative technique for boosting crop productivity in semiarid rain-fed environments. Adv Agron 2013;117:429–76.
[11] Shen J, Cui ZL, Miao YX, Mi GH, Zhang HY, Fan MS, et al. Transforming
agriculture in China: from solely high yield to both high yield and high resource use efficiency. Glob Food Secur 2013;2(1):1–8.
[12] Shen J, L i C, Mi G, L i L, Yuan L, Jiang R, et al. Maximizing root/rhizosphere
水晶笔筒efficiency to improve crop productivity and nutrient use efficiency in intensive agriculture of China. J Exp Bot 2013;64(5):1181–92.
[13] Jiao X, Lyu Y, Wu X, L i H, Cheng L, Zhang C, et al. Grain production versus
resource and environmental costs: towards increasing

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