
1. Steel 钢料
1.1 For the heat treatment steel(H13), pls show us a report of detecting for internal stress
to avoid  potential trouble in the future, toolmaker must  provide the official steel certification to VALEO.
1.2 Any of quality issue caused by steel (e.g., polishing issue) is  responsible of toolmaker who charge the checking of the steel quality
2. Press mounting & injection  模具机台安装适配性&工艺性
2.1 The locating ring and sprue bushing should be designed  for matching the request of VALEO.
2.2 The mold can easy to change to manufacture single, The sprue can rotate.模具需设计成易换为单边生产. 浇口部位可转换.
2.3 The molding must balance,the choice of the inject point is correct.the core and cavity lock themselves.
2.4 The cycle time of the mold should be ensured. 模具成型周期需保证
2.5 it's forbidden to use demolding agent 模具生产时不可使用脱模剂
2.6 Mold have to be equipped with eyebolt which can be balance of handling.
Reference number for each mold plate.which can be handling separateness.  Standing foot for half _mold banlance.
模具配有吊环,模具起吊平衡,每块模板有编号,能独立起吊,方便模具拆装.大模周边有启模口. 锁模块工作可靠,拆装方便, 模具有模脚便于安放.
2.7. The Counter should be assembled on the mold located at the operator side, the detail is "CVPL-200" of CounterView Brand,
2.8 There should not have any sharp,shrinkmark,deformation,flowmark,eject whiter,gasmark,etc defect
in the part.The position of the weldind line should be approved by valeo, and it should can be modify.
零件不可有飞边,流痕,缩痕,变形,拉伤,顶白,气痕等缺陷.  融接痕的位置与大小不显眼,并可调整,且强度足够.
3.  Guidance, ejector,stripping for undercut导向机构,顶出机构,抽芯等
3.1 The mold eject balance,ejection stroke is enough,eject return system is stable.
blade ejector, ejector pin and ejector sleeve should have a very good stability with a long life during working
ejection plates must be mounted with at least 4 ball bearing guide units (HASCO only can be used);
模具顶杆设置合理,顶出平衡,行程足够,顶板回程机构可靠, 使用HASCO滚珠导向系统.
3.2 For hydraulic cylinder, our supplier is TAIYO (except be approved by tooling eng'r in advance), the connecter of the oil are
MPX 06.1101/JV, MPX 06.7101/JV(Staubli), There should have two limited switch
镀铬添加剂and safety receptacle to control the hydraulic cylinder. The safety receptacle is
a set of HARTING 16-pin male connector receptacle ref: 09 20 016 2612(male);
The supplier of the limited switch is XCMD2102L1
对于油缸抽芯,我们选用太阳(TAIYO)的油缸, 油管接头是MPX 06.1101/JV, MPX 06.7101/JV(Staubli).
平衡木多宽行程开关的电线接头一套,选用HARTING的接头:09 20 016 2612(male),
3.3 for touch switchs of ejector plate, we define the brand is "Schneider Electric", if other brand used should be inform Valeo for approving,
the connector  of touch switch we use the HARTING brand as following:
09 30 010 0301, male connector receptacle: 0933  010 2601
推板的行程开关用施耐德的,选用HARTING的接头:  09 30 010 0301, 09 33 010 2601(公);09 33 010 2701(母).
3.4. The slide and lifter should work journey, AMPCO inserts must be used to regulate thin zones
for cooling(even for slide and lifter). lifter guidance device should be SANKYO or same equivelent unit;
3.5  The slide retainer,angle pin,brozne_wear plate,balance bar,side lock,inter lock, spring, screw,
prograss lock should work journey, 12.9 grade screw should be necessary.
模具的定距机构,拉钩,边锁,滑块固定器,扁担以及相配的青铜耐磨片,顶杆,弹簧,选用DME或类似配件. 螺丝符合12.9级.
3.6  For the three plate mold ,we should use balance bars,  p-locks,
brozne_wear plate, brozne_guide bushing .we must ensure them work trustiness.
3.7 all the ejector pins must be well fixed for avoiding rolling, D type of head 所有顶针的止转是强制性的,用D型防转
4.  Regulation 冷确系统
4.1  Ejectors positions and cooling lines, section of slide and  insert  must be defined on
the mold pre study ;  it needs to provide 3D mold drawing in "STP" or "CATPART" format at prestudy;
4.2 Independant and symetrical cooling circuits for each core , cavity , slide, insert, lifter.
光栅玻璃the top temputre is 100, the top press of the cooling system is 10Kg. We can only use two
环模kind of "O" ring. there have LOGO for wate "IN","OUT" in the mold.
4.3 An independant cooling circuit is necessary around  the hot runner nozzle on the front plate;
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热嘴的冷却水路必须是独立的5. General points 注意事项
5.1 All sharp and thin steel area muse use the insert & the spare part should be prepared accordingly    所有的尖钢与细薄钢料区需考虑镶件方式.
5.2 Parting line must be defined in the way to be able to tune the external volume of the part      分型面的设置易于调整零件外形尺寸.
5.3 The MOLDFLOW analyse is necessary.  MOLDFLOW分析零件缺陷是必需的.  5.4  Inserts are needed to tune all the fixing brackets ,bulb hole,locating pin,screw hole,slide  water-proof wall area,and some area where is difficult to degas; The insert can be made by BE-CU.
零件的孔位,凸台,螺丝位,碰穿位,排气针,细小结构,滑块等等尽量使用镶件, 易于调整.必要时用铍铜加工加强冷却.  尽量有工艺螺丝孔方便拆装.
5.5  No visible parting line accepted on the front side of the part;零件正面不可有看得见的分模线.5.6  Mould conception's mistake cause mould function NG,toolmaker  have to correct this mistake for    fulfilling all general and specific demanding from valeo without any condition;
The toolmaker should forecast mistake of the mold and part, then take action to avoid it and inform VALEO immediately    模具慨念的错误导致模具功能不良应由模具供应商负责,  模具供应商需依照VALEO的要求无任何条件地修改.  模具供应商应能预见到产品和模具的问题并告知VALEO,同时应采取对策避免问题发生.
5.7  When toolmaker work together with VALEO first time,toomaker should go to VALEO factory to know the details with Valeo plastic Engineer.    the requestment of VALEO.  第一次与VALEO合作的模具供应商请务必到VALEO具体了解VALEO对模具的具体要求.
5.8  模具制造商必须完全按产品的2D&3D图上的定义来进行模具设计,如行位线,水口位置等,同时在正式加工之前需与Valeo再次确认 The mold design must follow the 2D&3D drawing definition, the double confirm must be done before the tooling start
5.9  The DFMEA tool should be used during the design phase and all the potential risk will be well handled and preventive action  must be reviewed before design validation
在设计阶段, 模厂设计者必须用"设计失效模式分析"的工具对所有潜在的问题做分析并拟定预防对策5.10. Any modification of the part should be approved by valeo.任何对产品的修改需得到VALEO认可
5.11  On mobile side gas vents are needed at constant position (erery around 40-60mmm) on the parting line;    Width for parting line surface for cavity side and cire side is around 30mm~40mm with 0.5mm~1mm step difference;    在动模分型面每隔40-60MM开排气槽,排气槽距离分型面30-40MM,带0.5mm-1mm台阶位.
5.12  OPTICAL SURFACES MUST BE MACHINED BY CNC .SPARK EROSION (EDM) IS FORBIDDEN    光学表面必需用CNC加工,禁止使用火花机加工.光学面产品公差为正负0.04MM。5.13  The texture and polishing of the mold should follow with the define of the part.    模具表面的抛光与纹理加工需满足产品的定义.
5.14 Only the offical approvel after the toolmaker can start to machine, the final design validation will done by Valeo  Team and toolmaker designers      只有正式设计批准的通知后模厂才可开始加工.设计的最终评审在valeo的评审小组与模厂的设计师全部确认OK后才可.
6. About hot runner system 关于热流道
6.1 hot runner system must be  checked by hot runner engineers, we must respect the suggestion of the supplier of Hot runner system.      热流道的安装需由热流道的工程师检查; 热流道供应商的意见必须尊重,在设计选型时时必须与专业的厂商讨论
6.2 The hot runner should use HARTING connect: (HARTING 16-pin male connector receptacle ref:    09 33 016 2601 (公) , HARTING  connector receptacle ref :09 30 016 0301 (盒子),    polarization via HARTING double flexible lead ref:09 30 000 9901  FOR POWER)    (HARTING 16-pin female connector receptacle ref.: 09 33 016 2701 (母),    HARTING connector receptacle ref. : 09 30 016 0301 (盒子),
polarization via HARTING double flexible lead ref. : 09 30 000 9901 (盒子) FOR THERMOCONPLE)    热流道需使用HARTING接头.具体型号如上面所示.
7. Spare part requirement 备件的要求
所有的备件都必须在模厂试过模;在不改变任何注塑工艺参数的情况下,保证产品质量和原始零件所能达到的效果一样好.7.4 For Hot Runner System , please prepare the spare parts refering the table below :
7.3 All the spare parts must be tested in the mold at toolmaker site;Make sure that the product quality is as good as original parts      done without changing any  parameters of injection.
、采购周期等等),并对这些零件做失效模式分析,  分析可能存在的风险和有效的预防措施。设计评审时,Valeo评审小组将作仔细检查。
7.1 Tool maker must guarantee that the mold can run smoothly during the mass-produce under the defined injection cycle time and total shot-life.      For components  which can be damaged easily or can't meet this requirement, they must provide enough sp
模厂必须确保模具在规定的注塑周期和生产寿命的前提下能够顺利生产。所有易损件或不能达到此要求的零件,模厂都必须免费提供足够的备件。      模厂在报价阶段就必须考虑到这些。
7.2 Before design review,toolmaker must prepare a detail check list of spare parts(standard part purchased outside, part made by toolmaker        themselves ,the part's  material,hardness,quantity,using life(how many shots) and lead time to get it ,etc),
8. Others
8.1 Toolmaker have to warrant there isn't any problem in normal injection condition in first  year after acceptance;模厂要保证在模具验收后的一年内模具在正常的工艺条件下不会出现任何功能性问题,否则模厂需无条件地解决. 8.2 The toolmaker has the responsibility of understanding Valeo basic technical definitions
and to fulfill completely all the Valeo requirements.(warranty period is at least 1 year without any condition)    模厂必须完全理解Valeo 的基本技术要求并执行,
8.3  Toolmaker should prepare the control jiggs to control injected parts  模厂要准备相应的检具以确检查制品尺寸是否正确8.4 The final  mold outside dimension can be decided after design validation 最终的模具外形尺寸以设计平审时为最终确认.8.5 考虑用司筒顶出(若用顶针,可能顶针处披锋影响产品外观)
It must be checked to avoid there are holes or thin plate in the corresponding position of sensors on the magnetic plate of press,
as for the thin steel sheet which to be sued to block the holes, the minimum thickness is 10mm,  the
material must be same as the clamping plate 8.7. It's forbidden to use the blade-ejector pin without approval of VALEO Tooling Eenineer 没有Valeo 模具工程师的同意,不允许用扁顶8.8. It's forbidden to weld on the cavity side  without approval of VALEO Tooling Eenineer 没有Valeo 模具工程师的同意,不允许在前模烧焊
8.10 A draft design with clear layout,mold structure,dimension,interface and so on, must be ready with quotion.
在提供报价时,模厂需要同时提供设计草图(图纸必须要明确表示设计方案及设及思路,如排位、风险评估、模具的尺寸、码模、接口等8.11 "end user manual" must be (with very detail maintance, operation procedure…)模具必须有非常详细的使用说明书
8.9 Please pay more attention to connection of mold with Valeo injection machine,including the lateral nozzle position,ejection bar position and length,every connectors position and detailed model…
8.6 若模具有电磁板码模,请注意电磁板上的传感器所对应的模具处不要避空. 用同样材质的钢板封闭孔时,厚度不能小于10mm.
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