
Module 1  Hobbies
Unit 1基础过关 
I. 1. collection  2. tidy up  3. all the time  4. programme    5. interview
6. violin    7. untidy    8. hobbies    9. collect      10. makes / made
11. least    12. untidy    13. sing    14. really    15. has collected
II. 16---20: ACABB    21---25: CCABA
III. 26---30: CADEB
IV. 31.free  32.like / love  33.sports / soccer  34.music  35.Internet  36.collect  37.hobbies
V. 41---45: ABCBA
VI. 46. My daughter has collected over / more than 50 dolls.
47. There will be a concert at Radio Beijing.
48. He will give an interview on Starsearch.
49. I’m tidying up the table(s) and chair(s).
50. Which hobby do you think takes up the least space?
Unit 2 基础过关 
I. 1. hobbies    2. vegetables    3. grow    4. camp    5. professional
6. teenagers  7. lazy    8. came out    9. volleyball  10. activities
11. teenagers  12. enjoyment    13. camping    14. skills  15. tidy…up
II. 16---20: AABCB    21---25: BACBC
III. 26. such as  27. as well as  28. as a result  29. Though  30. because
IV. 31---35: TFFTT
36. fun    37. everything    38. tent    39. lost    40. clothes / coats
41. important  42. sleeping    43. torch    44. fire    45. parent(s)
V. 46. Many students have hobbies, such as reading and drawing.
47. David wrote a book about teenager life.
48. Hobbies can help you relax.
49. His hobbies have already brought him enjoyment and success.
50. We wrote some experiences about camping.
Unit 3 基础过关 
I. 1. imagine    2. successful    3. untidy    4. mountain biking    5. professional
6. paintings    7. hobbies    8. making    9. most popular    10. caught
II. 11---15: BABCC    16---20: CAABC
III.  21---25: GDBCF  26.have  27.enjoy  28.Where  29.Who  30.How
IV. 31---35: CACCA    36---40: BACBC
V. 41---45: CACBA
VI. 46. Xiao Yue likes singing as well as dancing.
47. Xiao Hui worked hard and as a result he came out first in the English exam.
48. They not only enjoy (the) weekend(s) but also learn a lot about the past life / life in the past.
49. He finds / found dancing is / was a relaxing activity.
50. My uncle likes collecting train tickets.
I. 1. recording  2. develop  3. neighbourhood  4. composers  5. centuries
6. watching  7. to discover  8. think    9. playing    10. useful
II. 11---15: ABACB    16---20: CBACA    21---25: BBAAA
III. 26---30: FCEDB
31.What’s the matter / What happened
32. I missed the right bus.
33. Were you late for school
34. They went to the park / zoo / museum
35. Did you go there later
IV. 36.weather  37.protect  38.make sure  39.how long  40. outside
41.help    42.better  43.because  44.expensive  45.during
人体穴位模型V. 46---50: BCAAB  51---55: CBCAC    56---60: TTTFT
61. For more than 1,000 years.  62. No
, he didn’t.  63. 抓住
64. He made a large kite.  65. They try to break each other’s kite strings.
VI. 略
Module 2 
Unit 1 基础过关 
I. 1. Hold the line    2. take a message  3. right now / at the moment  4. a couple of / a few      5. In fact    6. personal    7. relations    8. foreigners    9. classmates    10. public
11. hasn’t eaten    12. recording    13. feel    14. has swum      15. was writing
II. 16---20: ACBBA    21---25: BBCAC
III. 26---30: DBGCF
IV. 31---35: CBAAC      36---40: CAABB
V. (A)41---46: DBACFE 
(B)47. Happy  48. 幸福/快乐与金钱不一样,它是你内心的一种感受。
49. No, it can’t.  50. Yes, he can.
VI. 51. Do you know (that) Xiao Bai has passed the exam?
52. May I ask you a few personal questions?
53. By the way, you mustn’t / can’t bring your pets.
54. Good luck with your exam.
55. Could / Can you tell me which school you are from?
Unit 2基础过关 
红外线烤炉I. 1. gifts  2. far  3. bright  4. worry  5. believe  6. usually  7. worried  8. lonely        9. foreigners  10. personal  11. Day by day  12. worry about  13. as usual  14. make friends    15. afraid to speak
II. 16---20: ABABB    21---25: CABAC
III. 26---30: CEADB
IV. 31---35: BACAB    36---40: CABAC
V. 41---45: TTFFT  46---50: CEDAB
VI. 51. No one / Nobody knows / knew me. I’m / was lonely.
52. I don’t / didn’t want my parents to worry about me.
53. He didn’t remember giving me a book.
54. Day by day, I became closer to the classmates in the class.
55. The teacher’s smile changed my life.
Unit 3 基础过关 
I. 1. who took  2. why you are/were late  3. who will go / is going  4. school orchestra      5. changed her life  6. writing letters    7. join a club    8. youngest member
9. practise English  10. making friends
II. 11---15: CBBBA    16---20: ABACC     
III. 21---25: EADCB    26. same  27. goodbye  28. friends  29. enjoy  30. Internet
IV. 31---35: BBAAB    36---40: CACBA
V. 41---45: TFFFT
VI. 46. I know (that) foreigners find China very different from their own countries.
47. Do you know (that) the movie / film has started / been on?
48. I asked your secretary whether David could come along or not.
49. They don’t believe what I said just now.
50. She tells me (that) she will go / is going to Beijing tomorrow.
I. 1. what  2. if  3. what  4. why  5. whether
6. how  7. where  8. how long    9. when  10. why
II. 11---15: BACCB    16---20: BAABC    21---25: ACBAC
III. 26---30: DAEFC
IV. 31.if, was born  32.me why  33.what was, doing  34.has been dead 
35.What, to do
V. 36---40:ABACC    41---45: CAABB     
VI. (A)46---50: CABAB  (B)51. a taxi  52. to miss  53. flat tyre 
54. was over/finished  55. which tyre  56---60: FTTFT  61---65:CBACB
VII. 略
Module 3
Unit 1基础过关
I. 1. listening  2. won  3. agree  4. sunny/snowy  5. results  6. lat
est  7. talking  8. ask 
9. join  10. way
II. 11. taking  12. visitors  13. to have  14. latest  15. to speak  16. studying  17. to be 
18. watch  19. taking  20. newsreaders
III. 21. How be  22. What, doing  23. Shall we  24. may join  25. What, like
触摸电视IV. 26-30:BCCCB  31-35: CBBBA
V. 36. to bring  37. received  38. mountain  39. wrote  40. story  41. in  42. first 
43. northern  44. proud  45. story 46. agree  47. except  48. looking for  49. mean 
50. It’s a brain disorder.( If a person has got such an illness, he would not always have control of his movement and speech.  )
51. Everyone was excited to ask questions about the illness. 
52. He learned to be more open.( Also he learned that being a reporter is like having a passport and that you can ask questions, be curious and explore new worlds, and that radio is the perfect way to do all of this.)
Unit 2基础过关
I. 1. manager  2. always/already  3. listening  4. learnt  5. my  6. prepare  7. voices  8. appeared  9. stopped  10. order
II. 11. looking  12. weekly  13. first  14. explain  15. sitting  16. do  17. father’s  18. did  19. writer  20. playing
III. 21. seemed to  22. To understand  23. When, was  24. How often  25. Who wrote
IV. 26-30: ABCAB  31-35: CCBBB
V. 36-40: ABBCA  41-45: CACBA
VI. 46. 22 Celsius.  47. The South China coast.  48. 360 kilometers.  49. Overcast. 
50. Shanghai, Tokyo, Bangkok, Toronto, San Francisco and London.
I. 1. own  2. visitors  3. result  4. weather  5. person  6. inventor  7. Electricity  8. lives 
9. anyone  10. introduce
II. 11. losing  12. talking  13. to talk  14. knows  15. won  16. sports  17. have 
18. to play/playing  19. walking  20. last
III.21. Does, need  22. What were  23. How many  24. How, be  25. No, haven’t
IV. 26-30: BAABB  31-35: ACCBC
V. 36. shy  37. moved  38. parties  39. just  40. to say  41. decided  42. bookshelves 
43. sitting  44. in  45. himself
VI. 46-48: ACC
I. 1. listeners  2. weekly  3. answer  4. join  5. where  6. turn  7. become  8. information  9. visitors  10. parts
II. 11. to lock  12. visiting  13. raining  14. studying  15. to speak  16. to be 
17. programme(s)  18. interested  19. rises  20. will come
III. 21-25: ACBCC  26-30: CAAAC
IV. 31. would like  32. At, age  33. How often  34. more interested  35. when would
V. 36-40:HFCIE  41-45: GADBJ  46-50:EADBC
VI. 51. as  52. soon  53. happening  54. time  55. few  56. once  57. reading  58. what
59. readers  60. that
VII. 61. 5,4  62. 22:50  63. 22:06  64. Problem---What Problem?  65. English Club 
66. World Business  67. The Culture Vulture and Talk Talk  68. tiring 
69. experiencing, teaching  70-72: BCC  73-75:BBB  76.treat  77. over and over 
78. button  79. texting  80. It can cause swelling in our thumbs and wrists and we may get RIS.  81. They should spend less time using computers, video games and mobile phones.
VIII. (略)
Module 4
Unit 1基础
I. 1. instructions  2. recording/recorder  3. musician  4. copying  5. waiting  6. lent  7. connects 
8. symbol  9. receive  10. for
II. 11. doesn’t come  12. to play  13. well  14. to record  15. lovely  16. to be  17. is playing  18. works  19. take  20. working
III. 21. lent, to  22. just, some  23. little boring  24. doesn’t work  25. Have, yet
IV. 26-30: BACAC
V. 31. touching  32. by  33. really  34. For  35. even  36. children  37. on  38. feel 
39. first  40. say
VI. 41. Yes, they do.  42. Four.  43. Start  44. First, press the number 2,3 and 0 (two minutes, thirty seconds). Then press Power. Next, press the number 7. At last, press Start to begin cooking.
45. How to use a microwave oven.
Unit 2基础过关
I. 1. surprising  2. kitchen  3. cool  4. ache  5. for  6. probably  7. hurt  8. throw  9. kind  10. smile
II. 11. earlier  12. hid  13. knew  14. him  15. instructions  16. to buy  17. lives 
18. bananas
III. 19. C  20. B  21. B  22. A  23. B  24. B  25. A  26. C 
IV. 27. picked a dish up  28. in order that  29. What, for  30. Why do
V. 31. until  32. because  33. inventing  34. film  35. to buy  36. owners  37. easier 
38. kinds  39. by  40. space
VI. 41-45:BCCCA
Unit 3基础过关
I. 1. ready  2. holiday  3. connected  4. traveling  5. around  6. Wherever  7. touch 
8. mobile  9. was  10. thought 
II. 1. save  2. buy  3. is  4. met  5. will buy  6. read  7. has learned  8. had  9. to use 
10. to speak
III. 21. If want  22. turning  23. Actually, broken  24. doesn’t have  25. Don’t follow
IV. 26-30: BABAC
V. 31. both  32. large  33. crowded  34. on  35. third  36. to put  37. arrive  38. brought  39. or  40. why
VI. 41-45: ACBAC
I. 1. alone  2. store  3. button  4. shows  5. near  6. memories  7. chose  8. turn  9. prices  10. received
II. 11. lovely  12. speaking  13. have finished  14. best  15. recorder  16. have thrown  17. yourself  18. take  19. find  20. was swimming
III. 21-25: CCAAC  26-30: ABCBA
IV. 31-35: BJECI  36-40: HAGDA
41-45: CEADB
V. 46-50: BCABC  51-55: AACCA
VI. 56-60: ABAAC
61. B  62. B  63. F  64. F  65. T
66. January 14th.  67. He has blonde hair and brown eyes.  68.  It’s Tough to Be a Baby 
69. His mother.  70. Yes, he is.
71. A  72. REC  73. STOP  74. 1.  75. 10.
VII. 76.(略)
Module 5
Unit 1基础过关
Ⅰ. 1.chance 2.able 3.Rather 4.shame 5.warn 6.final fused9.practice10.beat
Ⅱ. 11. accept 14.will be to eat 16.final 17.speaking 18.was beaten 19.studying20.stay
Ⅲ. 21-25BBCCC26-30ACDBD
Ⅳ. 31.does well in32.was able to k ,to watch TV35.so heavy, can’t
Ⅴ. 36.have a chance 37.becomes,will be proud 38.in fact ,to win 39.punish,send,different  40.spends ,with   
Ⅵ. 41.Who/Whom did you go with?42.How was it? 43.And they raised money. 44.It’s very kind of them. 45.Shall we do something for them?
Ⅶ. 46-50ABABA 51-55BCABB
(B) 60-6
Unit 2基础过关
Ⅰ. 1.prove 2.immediately 3.d 7. 9.offers 10.virus
Ⅱ. 11.not to her’ study 15.mistakes
Ⅲ. 16.after 17.at 18.about 19.around 20.with
Ⅳ. 21-25CBABB26-30DDCCC 
Ⅴ. 31.If don’t run 32.and you can 33.without to leave 35.Sally reading   
Ⅵ. 36.proud wrong 38.angry with, break 39.at least 40.offered ,help ,with
Ⅶ. 41. Have you taken your temperature?
42. How long have you been like this?
43. You’ve got a cold.
44. Is it serious?
45. How often do I have to take
Ⅷ. 46-50BCBBA 51-55DBDCC 
Ⅸ.56.He might go home and write in his diary.
58.People don’t always think carefully before they write .
Unit 3基础过关
Ⅰ. 1.instructions 2.scores 3.uble 5.7.py 10.Maybe
Ⅱ. 11.is strict with 12.After all 13.at least 14.at the end of 15.was angry with 16.are proud of 17.find out 18.instead of
Ⅲ. 19.mend 20.don’t study ,won’t pass 21.rains ,won’t go 22.will happen,miss23.buys
Ⅳ. 24-28CABBB29-33CDCAA
Ⅴ. 34.How many people 35.made mind 36.and pass 37.be finished38.takes  to read
Ⅵ. 41.asleep 42.lasting 43.cheap 44.broken45.for 46.homeless47.who 48.used
Ⅶ.(A)49.western 50.van 51.special 52. 54.colorful 55.are filled 56.choose 57.shops 58.kinds
Ⅰ. 1.truth 2.chance 3.alised6.practice 7.beats 8.pity 9.fused
Ⅱ. 11.dishonest12.studying uly15.becomes16.sleeping 17.driving 18.had seen19.seeing20.was drawing
Ⅲ. 21-25BBCAB26-30CBCAC31-35BCABB
Ⅳ. 36.If I see him,I will ask him to call you.
37.If I’m not busy tomorrow,I will help you with your English.
38.I’ll do it better if the teacher gives me another chance.
39.I’ll stay at home if it rains tomorrow.
40.You will be successful someday if you work hard.
Ⅴ. 41.Yes
42.Can’t they be mended
43.What size do you wear
44.What about tomorrow
45.All right
Ⅵ.46.reached 47.living  48.problem 49.During 50.useful 53.less54.especially55.poor
Ⅶ. 56-60CBAAB61-65ABBBB66-70CDCBA
Ⅷ. (A)71-75CCABB
(C)81.At the age of thirteen
82.Computer games
83.In her own car with a driver.
84.She usually gets A grades
85. In half an hour.
Ⅸ.One possible version:
Hi Lucy,
Nice to hear from you. Everyone has his favorite stars and there’s nothing wrong with that. I understand you. But I don’t think what you do is right since you are a student. You’d better read more interesting books and have more sports in your free time. Stop writing to him and watching his films. You may also  tell your problem to your parents and teachers. I’m sure they’ll help you. Running away to Hollywood is a wrong idea. Work hard on your lessons and get ready for the exams. Your future is in your hands.
Li Ling
Module 6
Unit 1基础过关
Ⅰ. 1.ding 3.clapped 4.ason 6.sleepy 7.llent 9.around 10.fantastic
Ⅱ. 11.not to copy 12.cheerful 13.finally 14.would watch 15.foreigners
Ⅲ. 16-20BBCCC 21-25CADAD
Ⅳ. 26.how works 27.If you,you won’,to 29.what to do 30.if ,had
Ⅴ. 31-35DFECA
Ⅵ. 36.beaches 37.place 38.why 39.surfers 40.there 41.islands 42.urists
Ⅶ. (A)46-50DCADC
(B)51.Because he hoped to have some good fishing there.
52.Because he didn’t want to steal fish from a private stream.
53.He thought it would be a miracle if he caught a fish in that stream.
54.Because there weren’t any fish in it.
Unit 2基础过关
Ⅰ.1.antic 3.fighting 4.ight7.fought 8.Although9.opinion10.character
Ⅱ. 11-15DDDBC 16-20CBCDC
Ⅲ. 21.so,that 22.How much ,does cost23.If you 24.be built 25.because of
Ⅳ. 26. The boy said that he was only eight years old .
27. She said that there were no lights in the room .
28. The boy said that he had seen the tracks of a lost camel .
29. The teacher said that Tom was a good student .
30.They said they would never give in .
Ⅴ. 31.Have you ever been to Australia ?
32.How many people are there in Australia?/What’s the population of Australia?
33.How long did you stay there?
34.Would you like to go there again?/ Do you want to go there again?
35.I’d love to ./I will .
Ⅵ.  36.kind 37.sports 38.l 40.s 42.but 43.children 44.easy 45.worse
Ⅵ. 46-50CDBDB 51-55CBACA
Ⅷ. (A)56-60BADAD
Unit 3基础过关
Ⅰ. 1.musician 2.audience 3.plenty 4petition 5.appear
Ⅱ. 6.successful 7. stop 9.pleased 10peted
Ⅲ. 11-15ADCDC 16-20BCCBB
Ⅳ. 21.Mr. Wang told the children that he would leave for Shanghai on business the next month.
22. Mary said that she hadn’t heard from her parents those days.
23. The geography teacher told us that the moon moves around the earth and the earth goes
round the sun.
24. Zhang Hong told me that Doctor Wang passed away in 1948.
25. The teacher told the boys and girls not to make so much noise in class.
Ⅴ. 26-30DFCAB
Ⅵ. 31.important  32.  happy    33.that  3 4 .presents  35 .kind-hearted  36 .fact  7 .early  38. what  39.say      40. enjoy
Ⅶ. 41-45BADAB 46-50ABCDC
Ⅷ. (A)51-55DCCBA
Ⅰ. 1.close 2.among 3.interviewed 4.believable 5.manager
Ⅱ. 6.s 8.wake 9.unhappy 10.actress.
Ⅲ. 11-15ADABC 16-20ADBAA21-25 DCBAB
Ⅳ. 26.takes, read 27.Neither ,ugh,ld ,to speak 30.What’s population of
Ⅴ. 31.In my opinion,listen to music 32.face to face with 33.plenty of 34.advised ,not to smoke 35.Although ,is proud of 
Ⅵ. 36-40CDAFB
Ⅶ. 41-45ABDCA 46-50CABBD

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